Thanksgiving Week 12 NFL Discussion

Three games I felt comfortable enough to play. Aside from what I see in this thread. Giants -3 earlier in week. Added at -2. Overs in Tennessee and Jacksonville. Counting on shootouts for the overs.
That was one of the most "unkosher" NFL games I've ever seen. The job the refs did to dictate the momentum
and lay out the story was superb. Goodell reminded us of the days of David Stern
I thought Brady and co were a tad bit smarter than the average NFL team. Horrible clock management last minutes of the game to give Denver the ball back, by throwing incomplete passes...just horrible.
Tough one for Titans backers (including me), as today the NFL admits the "phantom" defensive holding penalty on TENN that was called on the other side of the field and had no bearing on the play at the end of the game, was actually called in error. It should have been a turnover on downs, and the Titans should have won the game.
Tough one for Titans backers (including me), as today the NFL admits the "phantom" defensive holding penalty on TENN that was called on the other side of the field and had no bearing on the play at the end of the game, was actually called in error. It should have been a turnover on downs, and the Titans should have won the game.

That one hurt badly!! I had titans in my westgate super contest and ended up going 3-2 instead of the 4-1.

I cursed at it for a good 5 minutes.
That one hurt badly!! I had titans in my westgate super contest and ended up going 3-2 instead of the 4-1.

I cursed at it for a good 5 minutes.

I don't remember a year where there were more bad calls, which the NFL admitted to. 2 options for the league to consider:

i. Full time officials, involving more film study and seminars
ii. Having the ability to review/challenge penalties

Bad/weak penalties are ruining the product, so the NFL really needs to clean that up.
Full time officials is never happening. There aren't games throughout the year for the refs to work and the refs don't want to give up the careers they have right now.

The nfl needs to figure out a way to simplify the rule book. Not sure how but as technology gets better and better the mistakes get more and more magnified and the officials have more and more pressure on them. It's a snowball effect
Full time officials is never happening. There aren't games throughout the year for the refs to work and the refs don't want to give up the careers they have right now.

The nfl needs to figure out a way to simplify the rule book. Not sure how but as technology gets better and better the mistakes get more and more magnified and the officials have more and more pressure on them. It's a snowball effect

Should be an easy them enough money to where they don't have to have their second career, the NFL can certainly afford to pay them well. Doesn't even have to be 'break the bank' money, just enough for them to not have to worry about their other careers. Paying officials year round, and making it worth their while, would certainly see guys that weren't good enough to make the NFL looking to pursue a career as an official, as well as guys who just left the NFL playing only a couple/few years. What better pool of people to pick from than guys who are younger, should be able to keep up with the speed of the game much easier, and just left the game themselves as a player so they're still very 'in tune' the game and may related to the situations a bit better than what's out there now?

As for not enough games...there doesn't need to be. They can be in the classroom watching videos, they can attend the mini camps, possibly even spring practices of college teams. There are enough 'camps' that these teams have now where they're running plays. Of course it won't be the same plays they'll see in live action, but it's still something and they can still hone their crafts...and watching video would be just as helpful, so they can do plenty of that when there isn't somewhere else for them to be. They can attend training camps after that. They may already, but I doubt they're at training camps for the entire time due to their actual careers.

Simplifying the rule book is a great idea. I've wondered for years if they can't put an RFID chip (or something similar) into the ball, and use actual lasers on the field for the first down marker, as well as the goal lines. I know it's sounds really silly, but it would seem that it could be effective if the technology is there. Let's get some CTG guys together and design the
Does something like $500k/year sound outrageous? Even if they employed 100 officials, the NFL would be spending $50 million on officials per year. They make $9 billion/yr, and pay the commissioner close to $40 million/yr alone. $500k sounds like it would be more than enough money to persuade the guys doing it now to give up their other career, and would certainly incentivize a guy just out of the game (college, pro) to take up officiating as a career, (or anyone else, for that matter).

The NFL could easily just put together an officiating school, or something like that, where they train guys and see if they are good enough to do the job in the first place. Getting actual NFL game experience would be the one thing they couldn't do, but it's nothing different than hiring a new official. Guys that make the cut move up to doing preseason games, or some other games to get some game experience and see how they fare. Most of the guys would already have experience as an official at a lower level of some sort to begin with.

Who knows, maybe this idea is completely ludicrous and makes no sense. To me though, I'd imagine the NFL would want to have the best officials money could buy, and would want to pay guys who can do the job as well as training them year round on what they want from an official.