Texas Tech @ Oklahoma

Both Sooner starting DE's (English & Davis) are out for the game. A young Sooner D just got younger. It was gonna be tough to get to Harrell even if the starting DE's played, now it will be nearly impossible to get to him and bring some pain. Thankfully, the Sooner defensive coaches have 2 weeks to prep the young guys and devise a game plan. I think they'll throw all kinds of different defensive looks at Harrell. He's too good to just let him see just a handful of defensive alignments in this game.

Sooners by 9

And yes, YNN, I'll be back to give my props if your boys win. Not sure if you will do the same because all I can do is compare you to the avg since I don't know you. The avg fan bitches and complains about how the refs screwed their team over. I don't make excuses. If Tech pulls this off, even a 1 pt victory, props to them and props to you.
Not even a contest thankfully. Would have been an embarrassment to college football to see a team that played 2 TWO 1AA opponents in the BCS game. At least USC schedules 2 teams that have won National Championships OOC No one else can make that claim!

USC / Florida in the BCS title game
Not even a contest thankfully. Would have been an embarrassment to college football to see a team that played 2 TWO 1AA opponents in the BCS game. At least USC schedules 2 teams that have won National Championships OOC No one else can make that claim!

USC / Florida in the BCS title game

USC won't jump Texas or OU and won't go especially after Oregon St beats Oregon next week.
Not Texas they lost to this FRAUD TT team and should have lost to Okie if the interception and the 2 BOGUS personal foul calls We'll see how the bowls shake out.

And who did Texas play OOC again? And who did they lose to? Maybe if the Big 12 scheduled anybody OOC they wouldn't have been undefeated and ranked ridiculously high. Okie looks to be the best team by far.

Hopefully Oregon State wins the Pac 10 and frees USC up to play Okie or Texas. Would really like to see Okie lose next week giving TT the Big 12 crown That would eliminate Texas and Okie from the Championship game. Can't play in the Championship game if you can't win your conference.

And if USC gets a chance to play Texas would you care to make a straight up wager?
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I apologize if I came on a little too strong. Just fed up with all the Big 12 love this year. Would have liked to see them MAN up and play an Ohio State / LSU / USC

Not Chattanooga, Washington Cinncy TCU or Fla Atlantic, Arkansas, UTEP or Rice or Eastern Washington, Nevada, UMass or SMU

It's no wonder why they were undefeated until they played each other.

Arkansas has sucked donkey balls for the last 6 years

Imagine if Ohio State had scheduled UMass instead of USC they'd have one loss also and would have been right there again
Granted USC stepped up and played Ohio State (just like Texas did in 2005-06), but the rest of the PAC 10 got whipped by the Mountain West. Even taking Utah into account that is not very impressive.
And both Texas and OU would beat USC.

I'll take Petey and his boys in a BOWL GAME over any team in the country this year aside from Florida. Give him 4 weeks prep and his teams always come out ready. Texas only wins that game if they let VY come back and play.
<TABLE cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=center><TD> </TD><TD align=left>National Championship Game
January 8, 2009
Miami, Florida
I know who will be in the Title Game.

The only teams who match the BCS emblem

Texas vs. Florida

--------Overlooked in the TT-OU game was history. Stoops said it afterward that TT has never scored alot on them, save last year, which IMO night games on ABC primetime fall into Thursday night category the home team plays like superman. Look at the Big XII in that spot especially, it's amazing the home team.

So if you look at the histroy Stoops has had Leach's number. Stoops and Carrol are the two best IMO at the screen and short stuff, at being aggressive and stopping that crap.

OU is vulnerable deep in the middle, and have been since Reynolds injury. Texas TEch RELIES on that short stuff though, screens, draws, short passes, and OU and STOOPS tha'ts their defensive MO. So if you stop that TT is DONE. DONE. that is essentially stopping their run. YOu make TExas Tech throw down the field----they can't.

And TExas is still > than Oklahoma. It's all about matchups. Stoops defensive schemes and philosophy matched up perfectly with TT. Perfectly. But it doesn't match up as well against a team that actually is conventional and doesn't rely on all those small passes and screens and shit.

TT is somewhat of a gimmick offense. YOu just never see teams like that make it all the way.

Carrol and Stoops are THE BEST at defending that stuff.
Congrats Majent on your sooners, you were spot on bro.

Thanks Hunt. I just hope they ignore all the pats on their collective back they will get all week long on campus and in the media. The game in Stoolwater is a very tough one. Those Cowboys had the bye at just the right time, and I know they'll be waiting and would love nothing more than to ruin this great run the Sooners are on.
Holy shit that was a beatdown if I have ever seen one. OU fans made it loud! OU bitchslapped Tech all night and in all 3 areas of the game. The OU DL made Harrell have happy feet, Tech OLine was blown off the ball..was very impressive. This is the 1st year I wish there was a playoff, but that's life..Last night's game was an example of men vs. boys
Holy shit that was a beatdown if I have ever seen one. OU fans made it loud! OU bitchslapped Tech all night and in all 3 areas of the game. The OU DL made Harrell have happy feet, Tech OLine was blown off the ball..was very impressive. This is the 1st year I wish there was a playoff, but that's life..Last night's game was an example of men vs. boys

Sorry bro, but you guys walked into a hornet's nest last night.

I apologize if I came on a little too strong. Just fed up with all the Big 12 love this year. Would have liked to see them MAN up and play an Ohio State / LSU / USC

Not Chattanooga, Washington Cinncy TCU or Fla Atlantic, Arkansas, UTEP or Rice or Eastern Washington, Nevada, UMass or SMU

It's no wonder why they were undefeated until they played each other.

Arkansas has sucked donkey balls for the last 6 years

Imagine if Ohio State had scheduled UMass instead of USC they'd have one loss also and would have been right there again

You make absolutley no sense. Schedule LSU or Ohio St.? LSU sucks ass this year has one of the worst QBs I've ever seen for a ranked team and just got blown out at home by Ole Miss and almost loss to Troy last week.

USC got Ohio St. at home without its current starting QB and RB right now. So USC schedules Ohio St. and it all of a sudden makes there SOS better then Texas?

Their are 12 games on the schedule and only 3 of them are OOC. USC scheduled Virginia, Ohio St., and Notre Dame. How intimidating. Let's put USC in the title game because they beat Ohio St. Let's just forget the PAC 10 is getting owned by the MWC this year.

USC needs to quit choking against the shit teams in the PAC 10 year in and year out (Cal, then Oregon St., then UCLA, then Stanford, then Oregon St. again) if it wants to play in the title game.

Also the three teams that you mentioned that Texas needs to man up and play Ohio St., LSU, and USC have all been beaten by Texas in the last 5 seasons (two of which were in that teams home state).
Obviously the teams mentioned are struggling this year with the exception of USC. But these schedules are made well in advance. Had any Big 12 school scheduled LSU this year there would be no complaining from anyone outside the Big 12 because LSU was down. Down years occur. When USC scheduled Ohio State 5 years ago, they were near the top of the rankings and considered a quality team. They chose to play well regarded teams OOC . Notre Dame has been awful for the last 12 years but they still have the ability to recruit atheletes that could potentially match up.

No one in the Big 12 chose to play an historically strong OOC opponent this year. When Texas played Ohio State a few years ago there was tremendous buzz about the game and afterward you could rightfully say that Texas should be in the BCS Championship game. This year, eh not so much.

Should Texas play Florida or USC this year in a bowl game, we can discuss the outcome.

Texas had 4 OOC games and chose to schedule Rice, Florida Atlantic, UTEP and Arkansas.

All I ask for is some great intersectional rivalries. And make no mistake, most SEC and Big 10 schools do the same as far as scheduling weak opponents.

Now if TT plays Gardner Webb in the Poulan Weed Eater Classic and whips their ass, please don't come on and boast that it is a quality win. However if TT were to play Alabama and beats them that's a GREAT win and will help validate your case.

I have no rooting interest in the major conferences so it matters not who wins. I just look for competitive games where talent levels are relatively equal and find it amusing to read claims that one conference is vastly superior to any other conference when they have played NO ONE OOC to compare.

I was complaining long and hard a few years ago when OSU and Michigan were undefeated and ranked 1 and 2 as well. They were undefeated because their schedules were soft and we saw the results in the bowl games. I look forward to the results in the bowl games if the top teams are paired up against quality opposition. Only wish there was a playoff. I wouldn't mind seeing another Okie - Texas game on a nuetral field after those teams had advanced through a bracket system to PROVE their worth. The Texas State Fair is HARDLY a nuetral site.
The Texas State Fair is HARDLY a nuetral site.

Really? Who does it favor? It's closer to Norman than Austin and the seating is split 50/50.

About as neutral as you can get.
Neutral field would have been located in Florida or California. The Cotton Bowl is located in the STATE of Texas is it not? Although the campus of Texas may be in Austin and it's a WONDERFUL place to visit and party, I'm sure a great many Texans consider Texas to be "their" school even if they live in WACO or Brownsville.
Neutral field would have been located in Florida or California. The Cotton Bowl is located in the STATE of Texas is it not? Although the campus of Texas may be in Austin and it's a WONDERFUL place to visit and party, I'm sure a great many Texans consider Texas to be "their" school even if they live in WACO or Brownsville.

NeutrAal field is any field where there is no hfa. With 50/50 seating and equidistant, there is no advantage. No neutral field matchup travels across country.
BCS Realpolitik: The computers are starting to go a little crazy, but it's not their fault

from Dr. Saturday - NCAAF - Yahoo! Sports by Matt Hinton
In a perfect world, the Doc would be given carte blanche to publicly torch the Bowl Championship Series in effigy and institute the elaborate, double-elimination battle royale of his dreams. But we live in the world we live in, so each Sunday the Doc looks instead at what the new BCS numbers mean for the rest of the season. Rooting interest: chaos. Always chaos.
First of all, what's up with the computers? Utah and Texas Tech remain ahead of Florida and Southern Cal? Only one of the machines has Florida in its top four, and five of six have the Trojans ranked seventh or lower. Meanwhile, five of six still have Texas Tech in the top five, and Jeff Sagarin's "ELO-CHESS" rating -- the one he's forced to submit to fit BCS rules, rather than the "real" rating he honed for years -- still ranks Texas Tech ahead of Oklahoma, as does Peter Wolfe. This is the kind of absurdity that results when you withhold information: If the computers were allowed to take into account margin of victory instead treating every win as exactly the same, those algorithms would make infinitely more sense (the poll Sagarin would submit if he could has Oklahoma No. 2 and Tech fourth).
Secondly, Oklahoma's emphatic expulsion of the Raiders from the ranks of the unbeaten guarantees this, at least: Somebody is getting screwed. Probably several somebodies. In the Big 12 South, either Oklahoma or Texas -- along with their presumptive co-champion, suddenly left for dead -- will get jobbed as early as next week, when, barring a huge upset, often inscrutable pollsters and even more inscrutable algorithms will pluck one to make its final argument in the Big 12 Championship while leaving the others for no good reason at all. USC, Utah and Penn State won't even get that opportunity.
We shouldn't be having any of these circular, dead end arguments, because there's not enough difference among any members of that group based on their accomplishments to logically justify excluding any of them. But among the half-dozen teams that will still have a legitimate championship claim after Dec. 6, only two will go on to the so-called championship game. If your team's not among that pair, yes, y'all got screwed. If your team is among that pair, you're lucky the screwjob worked in your favor. There's no way to be right or wrong about it. So either way, whatever happens over the last two weeks, accept your fate like a man. Somebody's getting screwed, and it might as well be you.
Sitting pretty. Florida and Alabama remain on a collision course for the biggest conference championship game in history, and they're the only two teams on the board who are definitely locked into one of the top two spots if they win out.
After that, we got us a fine bit of Big 12 South chaos, which is still wild enough, technically, to open the door to any of the teams currently ranked in spots 2 through 7 (yes, even Texas Tech; see below). I think the scenario can get complicated enough there to make voters throw up their hands and run screaming into the big, rippling arms of USC, but if I was a betting man, I'd stick with the story I've been peddling for the last two weeks: Oklahoma will beat Oklahoma State next week, hop Texas and go on to the Big 12 Championship. OU remains behind Texas this week because of the computers -- obviously, the humans were impressed enough by Saturday's obliteration to dismiss UT's win in the Cotton Bowl in October, and I have no problem with that -- but the strength of schedule boost in beating the Cowboys, while Texas plays Texas A&M, should push the Sooners up to No. 2 next Sunday.
So in my mind, Oklahoma controls its own destiny. If Oklahoma State manages to beat OU, though, that's when it gets really interesting.
A little help? For a team now known best for getting its head handed to it on national television in late November, I actually think Texas Tech is still alive with the Cowboy upset on Saturday: Assuming Tech beats Baylor, a second Sooner loss in-conference would put the Raiders back in a two-way tie for the South title with Texas, which Tech would win as a result of the head-to-head win over the Horns earlier this month. If they can get to the Big 12 Championship and beat Missouri, voters will have an awfully difficult time justifying passing up the 12-1, conference champion Raiders for a runner-up, 11-1 Texas outfit that they defeated in the regular season. Or so Tech hopes.
I maintain, then, that Texas is on the outside looking in. If Oklahoma wins again in even remotely convincing fashion, the computers are going to have to spit out one hell of an equation that keeps the Horns at No. 2.
For chaos' sake. The specter of ridiculous upsets always looms -- imagine the potential ripple effects of Auburn over Alabama, Florida State over Florida, Texas A&M over Texas or UCLA/Notre Dame over USC -- but the most realistic chance at complete meltdown is a Missouri win in the Big 12 Championship. Combined with Oregon State's pending Pac-10 championship, a Tiger win in K.C. would basically guarantee the second member of the mythical championship game across from the SEC champion will be an at-large selection, either Texas, Oklahoma, USC or, in an extreme case, Utah. There is no way to make this process "right," but Mizzou is in the best position to guarantee that it goes really wrong.
Recapping Texas Tech vs. Oklahoma

from Double-T Nation by Seth C
Before we get to the game I wanted to share a couple of cool events that happened before the game.
Cool Moment #1: I had the pleasure of hanging out with some DTN readers and they were gracious enough to provide a place to congregate before kick-off. Much thanks.
Cool Moment #2: I was lucky enough to have tremendous seats in Norman (shout-out Kris). I was essentially on the 12 yard line, south endzone, row . . . 2. That's right, I was on the freaking 2nd row (which is ground level) and I had the most amazing vantage point. I've never sat that far down in a stadium. If anything it makes you appreciate what these players do as it is absolute chaos on the field. I can't imagine processing a play as quickly as they do.
As far as the game production is concerned, there are cameras and people everywhere. Lisa Salters checks her phone . . . a lot. Also, her assistant (i.e. girl that follows her around with a clipboard) is pretty good looking (shout-out to my wife), and looked a lot like Erin Andrews. I wouldn't be surprised to see this girl in a year doing sideline reporting. Sorry, no picture and yes, that makes me very uncool.
Cool Moment #3: About half an hour before the game I watching every one warm up, taking it all in, and right before me walks Austin Murphy. So, like a school girl yelling for Miley Cyrus, I think I said, "Austin!" (Austin looks my way.) "It's me Double-T Nation." (I pause because I just realized what I had just said and I wanted to make sure and correct myself). " It's Seth from Double-T Nation." Those may not be direct quotes, but that's pretty close to how it went down. Austin and exchanged thoughts about the game, all of my were wrong, and it was a nice conversation and a pretty cool moment for me personally, I just hope I didn't embarrass myself completely (totally recognize that I was somewhat embarrassing).
The Game
The Trenches: No report card really needed for this one. I've DVR'ed the game, but I really don't see any need to watch it. That game was won and lost in the trenches. I never saw it coming, it was like a Mack truck coming straight at me behind my back. I think we could talk about scheme and play calls and other things, but the bottom line is that OU whipped Texas Tech up front and any game plan disintegrated from there. It stinks, but it's true.
Going For It: Going for it on 4th downs caused me consternation during the game, but thinking about it in retrospect, I think Leach probably felt like he knew what was about to happen and if he didn't at least give his team the opportunity, it would have been a mistake. Converting those could have been the difference in a close game. Again, Leach is going to gamble and it's not always going to be pretty, but I think Leach instills a sense of confidence in his team by saying that he believes that they can do it. Some days chickens, some days feathers.
I Wish I Had Been Wrong: When I think of my 5 Reasons Why Texas Tech Will Win/Lose I never expect to actually be right. Well, I was entirely too right this past week.
Recovering Quickly: I'm really interested to see how this team recovers against Baylor. I'm not sleeping on Baylor and Robert Griffin is an amazing talent that can change the game. After watching the Sooners shred Texas Tech's defense this past week, I'm not looking forward to seeing what he can do with his legs and with his arm, which is better thank you think. Everyone needs to pick themselves up and remember that 10-1 is not good enough this year and the Red Raiders need to do it's part to complete the season.
Going Forward
Where I Stand: I gave this lots of thought Sunday morning. It was actually pretty strange, I arrived where I was going to lay my head and didn't turn on ESPN for any sort of highlights. I wanted no part of sports for the night. In fact, I ended up watching this (not trying to be religious, it's just what I watched) until I simply passed out.
I woke up this morning, trying to figure out what I was going to say about the game.
My first thought was if we are in a better place, as far as a program is concerned than we were 1 year ago today. This time last year, Texas Tech just knocked off #4 Oklahoma and was waiting as to where Texas Tech was going to play in a bowl game. Texas Tech also had an 8-4 record and had losses to Oklahoma State, Missouri, Colorado and Texas.
And I'm not asking you if this year's team is better than last year's team, that's too easy, but the big question that I want to pose is whether or not you feel the program, as a whole, is in a better place that it was 12 months ago? For me, there is no question that the answer is a definitive yes, for some of the reasons listed below.
Any time I talk about Texas Tech with friends or family, I always mention that I think Captain Leach has taken baby steps with this program, but changing history is not something that can be done overnight. It takes time.
Re-Sign Captain Leach: I know that I promised that I wouldn't talk about this any more, but hopefully you'll grant me this one exception. I think it gets done, but more than that, I want it to get done.
Lessons Learned: I think both Leach and McNeill are smart guys, but I think that on Saturday they were out-coached. That still doesn't change my opinion of them because I think they're both pretty good at what they do. There's been improvement on both sides of the ball this year. I'm still very much comfortable with both of these guys going forward. Although neither Leach or McNeill showed much propensity to stop their opponent against Oklahoma, I think they've done a pretty good job thus far and I can't help but think about the advances the defense has made from one year ago.
<table align="left" border="1"> <tbody> <tr> <td>Year</td> <td>Rivals Avg *'s</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2009</td> <td>3.10</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2008</td> <td>3.00</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2007</td> <td>2.73</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2006</td> <td>2.88</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2005</td> <td>2.67</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2004</td> <td>2.69</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2003</td> <td>2.60</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2002</td> <td>2.42</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Talent: There shouldn't be any doubt though that the team will play better as the talent improves. As mentioned above, we're talking baby-steps here, but as more talented players show up on campus, then competing on a year-to-year basis is that much easier. And the truth of the matter is that as much as we talk about scheme and particular plays on the field, perhaps the biggest difference maker is the talent on the field.
I think its disingenuous to think that things have remained completely static or that there's absolutely no opportunity for things to change, although you're certainly entitled to your opinion. Keep in mind the recruiting numbers to the left.
I know that recruiting rankings aren't 100% accurate in predicting a player, but I have no doubt that there is some truth there, that the overall level of talent is trending upward. As an aside, the strange thing to me is that the 2007 class is actually a pretty good class, with some guys already making significant contributions, including Colby Whitlock, Detron Lewis, Bront Bird, etc.
Concluding It All: At the end of the day, Texas Tech isn't quite ready for the big time. In year's past, Texas Tech has always struggled on the road and sometimes struggled at home. This year, the Red Raiders overcame some of those stereotypes by winning on the road, sans one major exception, and winning at home.
And I think a lot of this depends on your personality and level of patience. Personally, I'm a glass half-ful sort of guy and I absolutely believe that Leach is working on a master plan.
And I understand you guys who have been cheering this team for 35 years or longer and think that this was Texas Tech's only shot at this type of future success. I can't and I won't believe that. I'm not saying that Texas Tech is going to be able to run the gauntlet next year without any hiccups, but Leach has left us in capable hands next year. Attrition is a part of the college game and the biggest part of being a coach is making sure that there are guys on the team that are capable of filling those roles.
In any event, there's plenty of time to do that after the season has concluded.
I've got Baylor firmly in my sights for the rest of the week.
Whatever, if Texas plays USC or Florida we'll see all we'll need to see.

I feel Texas and TT are overrated and will be exposed against one of the above mentioned teams.
Thanks for posting those links interesting reading

Again, I am squawking at the Big 12 this year. Next year, it may be the Big 10 or Pac 10. This is not an axe to grind with Texas or TT or OKIE I am stating an outsiders opinion and enjoy the discussion.

Good Health
When Texas scheduled Arkansas they were better then Alabama at the time and actually a pretty good football team. They were also a much better team then Virginia and ND at the time.

The Big 12 will be down next year because of the heavy losses at the QB position but this year they get the nod as the best conference and the bowl games will show it for anyone that doesn't play Florida (I think Florida is clearly the best team).