Ten Minnesota football players suspended

Northwestern, now Minny

sooooooooooo BiG

Well NW's situation was nowhere near the same thing at all. The NW players were essentially trying to help all college athletes, the MINN players are simply doing this for their own team, and their own team only.
Here is the full report from the university. The incident is described in pages 4-14. It ain't pretty.

http://kstp.com/kstpImages/repository/cs/files/U of M EOAA redacted4.pdf

I'm just not sure that what she told them jibes with what was seen on the video (according to the statements from the police, etc). Doesn't it seem a bit odd that people saw the video and concluded that it was consensual, and she's described something completely different? AND then said she didn't want them punished in court?
If (big if) it was indeed consensual, based on the number of people involved and those that saw what happened, she might be pretty embarrassed about what happened.

Either way, I don't think the university can sit by and do nothing in the wake of Baylor-type situations. We've seen how that shook out.

I don't really see a compromise here. That report is pretty damning in may ways.
If (big if) it was indeed consensual, based on the number of people involved and those that saw what happened, she might be pretty embarrassed about what happened.

Either way, I don't think the university can sit by and do nothing in the wake of Baylor-type situations. We've seen how that shook out.

I don't really see a compromise here. That report is pretty damning in may ways.

Yeah, the report is damning IF accurate and true. If it's not accurate, there's no reason to even pay attention to it, you might as well have students write some outlandish stories for extra credit and pick the best one and go with that.
The player boycott is just going to bring this more attention. The university can't back down.

NIU should pack their bags and head out west.
I'm just not sure that what she told them jibes with what was seen on the video (according to the statements from the police, etc). Doesn't it seem a bit odd that people saw the video and concluded that it was consensual, and she's described something completely different? AND then said she didn't want them punished in court?

Just about everything concerning this story is odd.
How(I guess you can?! Maybe) can she get trained and say "yea I only wanted 2 of em, not 6!!
JoeChristensen@JoeCStrib <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);"> 30m30 minutes ago</small>
#Gophers on verge of cancelling bowl appearance; decision by Saturday noon; late-night summit brings no accord:

<iframe id="xdm_default6694_provider" height="362" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="100%" src="https://twitter.com/i/cards/tfw/v1/809995658396631041?cardname=summary_large_image&autoplay_disabled=true&forward=true&earned=true&lang=en&card_height=344&scribe_context=%7B%22client%22%3A%22web%22%2C%22page%22%3A%22profile%22%2C%22section%22%3A%22profile%22%2C%22component%22%3A%22tweet%22%7D#xdm_e=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com&xdm_c=default6694&xdm_p=1" allowfullscreen="" style="border-width: 0px; display: block; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;"></iframe>
Gang bang is where youhave to make your moral stand on inefficiencies in administration justice? Ok.
In 9 months ...

Maury: And you are not the father! And neither are you. Nope, notyou either, breath easier kid it isn't you, sorry leidner not you either ......
#Gophers announced this morning in statement "that we immediately end our boycott" and will begin preparing to play in the Holiday Bowl.

Everyone with an early wazzu ticket breathes a sigh of relief!
After meeting #Gophers AD Coyle and U President Kaler last night players were told suspensions would not be lifted.
#Gophers in their statement talked about not condoning sexual harassment or violence against women on campus. It was made very clear.
#Gophers announced this morning in statement "that we immediately end our boycott" and will begin preparing to play in the Holiday Bowl.

Everyone with an early wazzu ticket breathes a sigh of relief!

How has the "I'm here for the gangbang" gif from Old School not yet made an appearance in this thread?
Here you go Tip.

Did anyone really think Minnesota would turn down a week in San Diego in December? This was one of the worst attempts at strong arming I can think of.
That's the one.

What was the point of the players' threatened boycott anyway, lol? Seems like it brings more attention to a pretty unflattering situation. It's like they're saying, "my teammates are not criminals ... scummy perverts, maybe, but not rapists ..."
and didn't MN have another sex assault thing go down when jerry kill was there? maybe that's why they're coming down so hard here.

it sounds like some of the dudes suspended didn't even have any contact with the girl, but were there at the apartment.

hennepin county didn't press charges because there is video of her with the first guy that looked consensual. no video on the the other dudes, so who really knows, but she told the cops it probably wasn't consensual. i dunno, but this shit looks weird as hell.

pretty sure Nate Mason and somebody else got suspended for tweeting a video of them double-teaming a co-ed last year. Must be something in the twin cities water
pretty sure Nate Mason and somebody else got suspended for tweeting a video of them double-teaming a co-ed last year. Must be something in the twin cities water
ya, that was the hoops team. I guess that's how they roll....
They gonna pay the boat rower?

I saw Wyoming HC and former North Dakota ST HC Craig Bohl's name mentioned by few guys but IIRC Bohl and his dad had lifelong dream to buy cattle ranch in Wyoming and they are in a pretty good spot to do that in Laramie. The AD hired Harsin at Arky ST and Babers at Cuse at his previous two stops so he may look to go offense here again. I liked this as a potential landing spot for Fleck and was disappointed he didn't get a look initially.
Administration was in Chicago today. Fleck's agent (and the Boise coach's agent - different agent I believe) are based there. People here want Fleck. No interest in Boise coach whatsoever. Bohl is too old.

wonder if they have the balls to reach out to Chip Kelly. Nobody else is sniffing around him. 0.0000000000001% chance it happens though lol.
Chip can't coach the white boys u get. No speed to run that offense lol
Then why didn't he get a better job already? A smart coach would strike while the iron is hot.

Not saying he comes here, but seems odd with all the jobs that opened up that he didn't interview for any of them.
Then why didn't he get a better job already? A smart coach would strike while the iron is hot.

Not saying he comes here, but seems odd with all the jobs that opened up that he didn't interview for any of them.

Lots of reasons why he didn't get a better job yet. Doesn't change that he can do better than Minnesota.

He's also insisted that he isn't leaving. As recent as 2 days ago.
Be honest p unit
Minnesota is.a shit show
U canned mason the only guy who was decent and was happy to be there lol
Yes, this place is a shit show (administration), but there is talent on this roster. Yes, there are better jobs. But money talks. who knows. I hope we get him but I'm realistic.

fwiw, this is from a radio guy in Michigan

HUGE@Hugeshow <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);"> 2h2 hours ago</small>
I'm hearing PJ Fleck was offered the Minnesota job today. He has until tomorrow to decide. Gophers back up plan... http://fb.me/1JaaMsxpq
Fleck would be a great hire for Minnesota, there's no doubt about that. I just don't see how it helps him much at all in the grand scheme of things.
Be honest p unit
Minnesota is.a shit show
U canned mason the only guy who was decent and was happy to be there lol
and no, Mason wasn't "happy" to be here. He angled for new jobs (tOSU, MSU) and others while he was here to leverage for new contracts. Fucker wore out his welcome quick. The main reason people like him is because Brewster was so fucking awful. Worst head coach in CFB history.
Lots of reasons why he didn't get a better job yet. Doesn't change that he can do better than Minnesota.

He's also insisted that he isn't leaving. As recent as 2 days ago.
I think we all know this means absolutely nothing. Sort of like Rex Ryan saying he heard nothing about being fired 2 weeks ago.

What's he supposed to say? Every coach says that.
Yes, this place is a shit show (administration), but there is talent on this roster. Yes, there are better jobs. But money talks. who knows. I hope we get him but I'm realistic.

fwiw, this is from a radio guy in Michigan

I'm hearing PJ Fleck was offered the Minnesota job today. He has until tomorrow to decide. Gophers back up plan... http://fb.me/1JaaMsxpq

I certainly know coaches lie all the time, or at least hold everything close to the vest and deny, deny, deny until they leave...but here's the actual "candidate" for the job.

“I’m going to Kalamazoo,” Western Michigan’s coach quipped following a 24-16 loss to Wisconsin in the Cotton Bowl. “I don’t know where you’re going or where everybody else is going. I’m on the bus unless they don’t want me. Kathy (Beauregard, athletic director)? If 13-1 gets you fired around here ...”

“I love where I’m at, period,” Fleck said. “It’s as simple as that."

Fleck, though, has made it clear to his players that he plans to stay for 2017 and possibly beyond, and Fleck and Western Michigan are close on a contract extension, as first reported by The News last month. The extension could double his salary — currently $800,000 before bonuses — and add years on to his current deal, which runs through 2020.

Fleck is only interested in Power Five jobs, and ones that are the right fit. There wasn’t a fit with Purdue (his call) or Oregon (Oregon’s call).
I think we all know this means absolutely nothing. Sort of like Rex Ryan saying he heard nothing about being fired 2 weeks ago.

What's he supposed to say? Every coach says that.

Right, and I just said as much in my post after you posted this.

Maybe he's different, maybe he's not (there are SOME guys out there who aren't "cookie cutter" as we've come to expect). I'd just rather listen to the actual person, than some media dude on Twitter until the opposite happens...but that's just me. It certainly wouldn't surprise me if he left for Minnesota, I just think he can do better. In all reality, does he have a shot at a national title at Minnesota? Maybe he'll only leave WMU when he feels he has an actual, legitimate shot at a title.
no doubt. It's all speculation. Timing isn't great with most jobs already filed and recruiting around the corner. Maybe they were waiting for him to finish his season. MN AD clearly wanted his own guy, but Claeys only got he job in the first place due to Kill's medical issues. He never would have gotten the gig if he weren't already here.

I have zero faith in the administration to pull this off. fucking clown show all the way to the top. hope they can pull something out of their ass, but they are going to have to pay for it.
no doubt. It's all speculation. Timing isn't great with most jobs already filed and recruiting around the corner. Maybe they were waiting for him to finish his season. MN AD clearly wanted his own guy, but Claeys only got he job in the first place due to Kill's medical issues. He never would have gotten the gig if he weren't already here.

I have zero faith in the administration to pull this off. fucking clown show all the way to the top. hope they can pull something out of their ass, but they are going to have to pay for it.


And it very well may be that the fact it's a "fucking clown show" is the reason he wouldn't want the job. I realize that he wants a Power 5 job, but that doesn't mean he'll just take any Power 5 job simply because it is a Power 5 job. If there were any school, in this moment, that doesn't seem very desirable...it's Minnesota.
and no, Mason wasn't "happy" to be here. He angled for new jobs (tOSU, MSU) and others while he was here to leverage for new contracts. Fucker wore out his welcome quick. The main reason people like him is because Brewster was so fucking awful. Worst head coach in CFB history.

Oh well mason won games
Its not always better on the other side.. Programs need to learn this. Minnesota ain't ever competeibg for titles. Be happy with the blue bonnet and poulen weedeater bowl early
Then why didn't he get a better job already? A smart coach would strike while the iron is hot.

Not saying he comes here, but seems odd with all the jobs that opened up that he didn't interview for any of them.

I heard he has young kids he doesn't want to be too far from
was just reading a week ago about frank solich almost getting that minny job. he was the top choice with one candidate left to interview which was mason.