Superbowl thoughts thread

3rd & Long

Tom Brady is a douchebag
Nowhere near making a pick here, just thinking out loud.

Pittsburgh defense is the real deal, one of the best in the last decade. They played one of the toughest schedules in the NFL, and gave up 31 at Tennessee in a bad spot, 24 twice (SD & Indy) and less than that every other time they took the field. They'll be facing a hot offense against the Cardinals, and a QB that excels against the blitz. Forget running against Pittsburgh, it's not going to happen. But can you pass against Pittsburgh? Who gets the advantage in the coaching matchup, they know each other (Wisenhunt) How many can Zona score here? in the 20's, possibly.

I do think the other side of things is a bit lopsided, Steelers offense against the Zona defense. Teams have had little problem moving the ball against them, and doing it quickly at times. Ben has the talent and the personnel to take advantage of this mismatch. Receivers that can make plays after the catch seem to be a problem for Zona, and Heath Miller, Hines Ward (he'll play) and most of all Santonio Holmes can do just that. Ben is good at buying time and finding open receivers, and then he delivers. How many can the Steelers score? Will Tomlin grind it out or go for the kill?

Early lean to Pittsburgh, lots of time to make a decision.
I think zona keeps it close and rallies. I dont think the run game for pitts has been great all year except a few game. Warner is a much better then berger and has better WR's. If zona can run the ball just a little bit, it will open the game up for the pass. If pitts keeps blitzing warner, they might pay for it, leaving their big ass WRs one on one. Like you said, the coaching staff of zona is familiar with how the steelers play of D and what type of game they look for. I think that will play a bigger role than most ppl think and zona should have a good advantage there. Steelers D is no doubt the best. Their D has whats kept them in games. Like last night, pitts has 2 fg's and a ball that was supposed to be thrown away caught and ran for a TD. after the half, they put up another fg, and their D made the TD. If zona can not turnover the ball, I think they have a great chance of winning this game. We got 2 weeks to discuss this. good start.
3rd and long- I like Pitts, this line is a soft line for us. Fans will be in PItts corner and they have the experience bigtime---

Pitts receivers will dominate, Houston Holmes is money.
I've never been so torn on one game either way. Of course I dont have to bet it, but that really isnt an option. This is the fricken Superbowl baby.
Over/Under of the number of wings I eat: over 36.5 (-130)

steep vig, but you only pay juice when you lose
Gun to my head right now I agree with you.

This has the same feel to me as the Colts / Bears Super Bowl, everyone lining up to take what looks like a nice TD cushion. Back then it was "the Bears defense will keep it close" and this time it's "Arizona's offense will keep it close" Back then I took the Colts with the best offense in the league, and now I'm going to back the Steelers with the best defense in the league. Both of these games have the same spread and total too, very interesting.

The winner of the game historically gets the cover.

I'll have a lot more as the game gets closer, but I'll be on the Steelers for sure.
Just posted this somewhere else, but wanted to put it here to spark some more discussion:

A big difference between these two teams is the way in which they lost games this season. Pittsburgh's losses were all close games against good teams (Indy, Phil, NYG, Ten) - the final score of the Ten game was misleading as this game was close until late in the 3Q. Also, Pgh was arguably better on the road this season than at home. This is the make of a championship season - competing every week regardless of who you play and where. Arizona's losses, on the other hand, were pretty bad and their road record was less than stellar.

Another point: Pgh will not shut down Larry Fitz, no team can completely shut him down. But they will shut down the run and Arizona's offense will be much less effective if they are forced to play one dimensional football. Arz has been fortunate to be able to run the ball so far in the post season - I wonder how effective their offense will be after they abandon the run??

I also think the 2 weeks off will hurt Arz more than the Steelers b/c Pgh has bascially been great all season long whereas Arz has been streaky. Everyone is talking about Arz being the hot team going into the SB, but which team has looked better in the playoffs? Arz has had a nice run in the playoffs, but really they could have lost 2 of the 3 games. They played a young, inexperienced Atlanta team that had been bad against the pass all season long, yet Atlanta was winning in Arz in the 3Q. The Carolina game was a joke with all the turnovers, but they showed up and won convincingly. They blew a big lead in the Philly game and needed a 4th Q comeback to win. Pgh blew out a hot SD team and dominated a solid Balt team - the Balt game was close in the 4th Q, but Pgh could have easily been up 23-0 in that game. The fact is they dominated a tough division rival in bad weather conditions who they were playing them for the 3rd time this season and still beat them soundly.

Pgh has had the more impressive regular season and post season , they played a much tougher schedule, and they have more playoff experience. I already made a large wager on Pgh ML -250 and am considering adding -7 before gametime.
Some thought on Pitts OC from another site

The red eft, a small newt found in coastal areas of SE USA, is chock full of tetrodotoxin and is generally considered to be the most vomit-inducing animal on the planet. That is, of course, with the exception of Bruce Arians, who produces more vomit, nausea, and diarrhea than if 10 red efts were ingested in a single meal. Arians did restively what we feared he’d do, rolling out a bland, vanilla, Neanderthal gameplan that would have made the cavemen from the Geico commercials beaming with joy.

Parker has never, ever had a good day against the PoeBird defense, with his career high somewhere around a whopping 71 yards. In 2 prior meetings this year, Parker has been completely shut down, but intent on pounding the aquare peg into the round hole, Arians insisted on constantly plunging Parker into the teeth of the Raven defense. Only once was Parker permitted to run wide. It gained 6 yards -- his longest run of the day -- and then was never tried again.

<O:pNot counting the final 2 possessions that merely were garbage time, the Stillers embarked on 12 drives. 9 of those drives began with a mind-numbing gut-plunge by Parker. It got so absurd that, in the 2H, I shouted to nearby fans in my section, “20 bucks it’s a line plunge….who wants to bet against me…?” No one dared the bet, and in the 2H every single possession began with a futile plunge into the teeth of the Raven defense. Arians astutely went deep on the 1st play of a possession late in the 2Q, and had Limas Peed for the TD that was dropped. This play worked so well that Arians, the stupidass that he is, refused to do anything similar in the 2H

Starting CB Samari Rolle was out, and his replacement, <ST1:pwas nicked up. Corey Ivy was also pancaked by Sweed and missed some PT. Yet despite all this, Arians was far more interested in attacking a STRENGHT with his weakness, than attacking a glaring WEAKNESS with his STRENGTH. That is a major modus operandi of Bruce Arians -- reinforce failure with continual plunging of Parker against a stout run defense, and refuse to exploit a weakness, with the Raven secondary suffering 1 injury after another.

<O:pBen was rolled out, with a moving pocket, at 3:00 1Q, and hit Nate for an 8 yard gain on 1st down. It worked so well that it was the only rollout run the entire game.

<O:pThe offense faced two (2) 3rd & shorts. On the 1st series, they had a 3rd & 3. Arians, the stupid bastard that he is, goes SG 1B, and an out to Miller was incomplete. In the 4Q, facing a 3rd & 1, Arians, the stupid bastard that he is, goes EB 5W, and Ben’s pass to Nate is inc. It once again points to the total lack of identity of a “power running team” going AWAY from a POWER RUNNING FORMATION on 3rd & short, and at least trying to pass off the play-action.

The playclock once again constantly ran down to 0:01, thanks to the glacially slow pace that Arians prefers.

<O:pThe offense ran 1 screen the entire game. It took about 9 seconds to develop, of course, and Parker was crushed as soon as he caught the ball. One reverse was run, which netted 2 yards.

<O:pHeath Miller had a huge day, grabbing 3 big passes for 62 yards (a modest 20 yards per catch). With Ward injured, you’d have though Miller would be needed even more in the passing game, yet he spent a good chunk of the game as a sidecar pass blocker.

<O:pWith the defensive dominance in the 1H, this should have been a 27-3 ballgame, yet Arians stumbled, frittered, and farted around the entire half and produced all of 13 points, 3 of which were off a Flacco INT that gave the offense the ball on the Balt 35. Granted, Limas Peed dropped a sure TD pass late in the 2Q, but that aside, Arian’s stale, overly predictable and entirely Cro Magnon offense was a wretched pile of shit for most of the evening.

Arians loves the 2TE set, yet never uses the 2nd TE unless as a valve dumpoff option. If yer never, ever gonna involved the 2nd TE in the passing game, why not simply acknowledge that fact and insert a backup OT, as the Ravens do with Adam Terry, which is a much better blocking option than a backup TE ? This is another classic example of Arians’ claiming fervent theoretical supporter of a certain scheme, yet eschewing it at all costs when the rubber meets the roads.

<O:pI’ll state again -- the biggest hurdle to the Sup Bowl title, by far, remains Bruce Arians. D-

This has the same feel to me as the Colts / Bears Super Bowl, everyone lining up to take what looks like a nice TD cushion. Back then it was "the Bears defense will keep it close" and this time it's "Arizona's offense will keep it close" Back then I took the Colts with the best offense in the league, and now I'm going to back the Steelers with the best defense in the league. Both of these games have the same spread and total too, very interesting.

The winner of the game historically gets the cover.

I'll have a lot more as the game gets closer, but I'll be on the Steelers for sure.

I think this years Cards resemble more Indy when they won the superbowl . Indy had the worst run defense in the league when the Colts won the Superbowl. Every team that Indy beat had a better defense that year, than the Colts. So, the quote
" Defense wins championships " was thrown out the window for that year.

How bad the Cards looked in some of their road losses has no bearing on this game. It,s more which team is on a roll.
I think this years Cards resemble more Indy when they won the superbowl . Indy had the worst run defense in the league when the Colts won the Superbowl. Every team that Indy beat had a better defense that year, than the Colts. So, the quote
" Defense wins championships " was thrown out the window for that year.

How bad the Cards looked in some of their road losses has no bearing on this game. It,s more which team is on a roll.

And the Steelers aren't on a roll?

I'm loving Pittsburgh more by the minute.
As far as the Steelers offense goes, I don't think playcalling will be a problem.
We may have wanted then to do more against Baltimore as gamblers, but what incentive did they have to play fast & loose on offense? Was Baltimore really a threat in that game? They still took their shots downfield, and they were minus Hines Ward for most of the game. I thought the playcalling was prudent against an anemic offense and a defense that thrives on turnovers. You can bet your ass that they will be looking to put points on the board against Arizona.
This has the same feel to me as the Colts / Bears Super Bowl, everyone lining up to take what looks like a nice TD cushion. Back then it was "the Bears defense will keep it close" and this time it's "Arizona's offense will keep it close" Back then I took the Colts with the best offense in the league, and now I'm going to back the Steelers with the best defense in the league. Both of these games have the same spread and total too, very interesting.

Biggest difference is the Cardinals do not have Rex Grossman playing quarterback for them.
I love the way last weeks games set up the Super Bowl - here are the fallacies.

1- You watched Arizona have their way against the Eagles defense, and you say the Eagles & Pittsburgh defenses are equal. They aren't, Pittsburgh is a much better defense. Philly decided that since they got away with not blitzing Warner in the first matchup that they could get away with it one more time. They were dead wrong, and now they are packing up their lockers. I've also felt all along that you could run against the Eagles, you CANNOT run against the Steelers.

2- You watched Pittsburgh "struggle" on offense against the Ravens. Did they really? They dominated that game on the field. They did struggle to run at times, and they did some stupid shit that kept points off the board. Please do not for a second mistake the Arizona defense for the Ravens.

3- You watched Warner lead a game winning drive, and you watched Pittsburgh need to get an INT for a TD to cover, so the reaction is to take the points.

I've got a lot more, I want to gather my thoughts so they are more coherent. I am convinced that Pittsburgh is the correct side here.
This has the same feel to me as the Colts / Bears Super Bowl, everyone lining up to take what looks like a nice TD cushion. Back then it was "the Bears defense will keep it close" and this time it's "Arizona's offense will keep it close" Back then I took the Colts with the best offense in the league, and now I'm going to back the Steelers with the best defense in the league. Both of these games have the same spread and total too, very interesting.

Biggest difference is the Cardinals do not have Rex Grossman playing quarterback for them.

Arizona Offense = Bears Defense (strength of those teams)
Bears Offense = Arizona Defense (weakness of those teams)
Indy Offense = Pittsburgh Defense (strenghth of those teams)

Indy Defense = Pittsburgh Offense -- this is where the game was won.

Indy defense had a matchup edge in that game, I think the Pitt offense has the matchup edge here.

Hope that makes sense, that's the parallel I'm trying to draw here.
Arizona generated ZERO pass rush against the Eagles front. And that was against an Eagles team that abandoned the running game. How do you beat Pittsburgh? Get to Ben, everyone knows that. I'm betting my money that they can't do it.
I think this game will come down to what most games come down to who wins the turnover battle. All postseason long Arizona has been able to do this, can they get turnovers against Pitt? Pitt has done the same thing in their games and they are now in the Superbowl. Warner and Ben will both need to be counted on to manage the game and not turnover the ball.
How do you beat Pittsburgh? Get to Ben

If you cannot get to Ben though your next best option is to contain him in the pocket. He is one that loves to move around and keep plays alive with his scrambling ability (evident in the Balti game). If the Cards can keep him contained and force him to stay in the pocket they could have a good chance at slowing down the Pitt offense.

I am still torn on this game.
How do you beat Pittsburgh? Get to Ben

If you cannot get to Ben though your next best option is to contain him in the pocket. He is one that loves to move around and keep plays alive with his scrambling ability (evident in the Balti game). If the Cards can keep him contained and force him to stay in the pocket they could have a good chance at slowing down the Pitt offense.

I am still torn on this game.

San Diego tried that, and Ben looked very comfy throwing from a pure pocket. They also had the run game going, it helped the pass game a lot. I think Pitt can and will run on Arizona. Even Buckhalter had success against Zona, Eagles were just too far behind and too stupid to stick with it.
Last week, almost nobody believed in Arizona, now you all expect them to win outright against the Steelers?

Arizona is THE sucker bet of the year.
Last week, almost nobody believed in Arizona, now you all expect them to win outright against the Steelers?

Arizona is THE sucker bet of the year.

this is a very good point...

seems everybody had pretty much written off ARI beating PHI, and look who won the game... as a matter of act, just look at the Super Bowl Pick contest on here - out of 143 entries NOBODY picked ARI to win...
Another point I think worth mentioning is that everybody has the Balt game fresh on their minds in which Pgh did play a pretty conservative game. I think they did so b/c for the most part they dominated the game from start to finish. They led wire to wire in that game and the only real offense Balt could muster were on pass interference plays. A lot of this has to do with the matchup - playing a divional opponent with a strong defense and a weak offense who thrives off turnovers, etc. They still put up 23 points in this game, and really should have put up 10 more!! But think back to the SD game where we saw a much different style of playcalling and approach to the game. Pgh was much more agressive (they even tried a fake punt for god's sake) and utilized a running attack led by a full back - a formation they had used only sparingly the entire season (and even sparingly in the win over Balt this week). This may not seem agressive to some, but it is when you consider it was completely out of the ordinary from what Pgh had done all season long, and it worked. If you think Tomlin is going to come into the SB and play a conservative game and hope to win with defense alone, you are wrong. I think he and the entire Steelers organization realize some of the mistakes Cowher made in Pgh during the playoffs over the years when he just refused to make adjustments. Does anybody remember 3 years ago when the Steelers won the SB? They ran the ball all season long until the playoffs and then won with Ben slinging it all over the field. The funny thing is that even if Pgh does play conservatively like they did last week, it was still good enough to put up 23 points on the Balt defense, which to me translates to at least 30 pts in good weather against Arz's defense.
Last week, almost nobody believed in Arizona, now you all expect them to win outright against the Steelers?

Arizona is THE sucker bet of the year.

A lot of folks I had spoken to had thought Arizona could win last week, I do not believe Phil had any business being favored in that game on the road. Hindsight is 20/20 of course.

As for Pitt putting up 23 on Baltimore I believe that true number is 16, without the giftwrapped pick 6 by rookie qb Flacco it was a 2 pt game late in the 4th. I will say Balti defense has been much better then Ari all year but the Ariz offense is night & day better then Balt was at any point this season.
3rd and Long,

I agree with most of your analysis in here; I am on the Steelers as well.

good luck.
A lot of folks I had spoken to had thought Arizona could win last week, I do not believe Phil had any business being favored in that game on the road. Hindsight is 20/20 of course.

As for Pitt putting up 23 on Baltimore I believe that true number is 16, without the giftwrapped pick 6 by rookie qb Flacco it was a 2 pt game late in the 4th. I will say Balti defense has been much better then Ari all year but the Ariz offense is night & day better then Balt was at any point this season.

This is not to be smart, but the true number is what it is. . . 23-14 was the final score, so Pittsburgh put up 23 points. If you want to analyze scores that way, then Arizona only put up like 7 points against Carolina the week before. I think they also had a gift wrap defensive TD against Atlanta the week before. Pittsburgh left some points on the field against Balt as well, so it could have been higher just as easily.
AZ's pass rush and 2ndary defense generally looked horrible. 1 bad throwing half by McNabb alone cost them a game they should, in hindsight, have won comfortably.
AZ's pass rush and 2ndary defense generally looked horrible. 1 bad throwing half by McNabb alone cost them a game they should, in hindsight, have won comfortably.

I had Zona last week, and I agree with that.

What's the halftime margin in that game if McNabb had done anything at all on offense?
San Diego tried that, and Ben looked very comfy throwing from a pure pocket. They also had the run game going, it helped the pass game a lot. I think Pitt can and will run on Arizona. Even Buckhalter had success against Zona, Eagles were just too far behind and too stupid to stick with it.

This is true with the run game, they need the run game to be going for 5 yard a carry and Parker to break 125 yards.

Ben is not comfortable throwing from the pocket, if you think he was vs Sandiego I will tell you why. Sandiego has one of the poorest pass rushers in teh NFL. Coupled that with in that game Sandiego pass rushers QUIT, they clearly wanted nothing to do with that game.

Big Ben had time to take the snap and PAT the ball, I have never seen A QB with more time to throw in that game. He had all day long in that game, but that was due to the fact that Sandieog had no leaders on their team.

Zona D is an oportunistic Defense, they can make sacks, and I can tell you look again if you think BIG BEN can throw from the pocket. He is one of the worst QBs in the pocket in the NFL- He is and his numbers in the 4 games vs playoff teams with good defenses prove it.

4 games- 17 sacks- 10 interceptions- threw a few td's-

3rd, if you think Zona D is not good, I dont know what to tell you, they are better than you think. Vs Philly they did great IMO, Philly O line is the best pass protectors in teh NFL, they pancacked both Viking and Giants, they didnt get to mcnabb at all, some plays he had over 4 seconds to throw vs those teams also.

Any smart coordinator can shut down BIG BEN, his football accumen or IQ is very very low. This is why he gets out of the pocket because then its a scramble drill and you just find the open guy, and dont have to think like you do in the pocket.

The key as you pointed out my friend may be Willy Parker. I think Cards shut him down, as he is very very soft runner, he can be taken out of a game with physical play and trash talking and also tacklers trying to strip him, he then runs scared and holds the ball and doesent want to fumble.

I would be interested to hear your thoughts about Tomlin and ARIANS and how the hell they are going to come up with a gameplan in this game?

That play calling was a red alert for me vs Balty last game- if they cant protect BEN, they definitely will rely on the D to win it for them. They dont take any chances.

Maybe I am wrong but is their a worse offensive play caller than ARIANS and does TOMLIN do anyting other than prob giving a motivational speech? He looks lost and the fact they were 0-4 vs playoff teams would never have happened with COWHER coaching and Whisenhunt calling the plays.
It is what it is, I have no trust in TOMLIN, he looks like he does not know what is going on during games, and almost looks like he doesent belong as the coach of teh team. LEBEAU is the real coach of this team, he is the head coach, TOMLIN is just a puppet, he brings nothing to this team.
Yes, I don't think Arizona has a good defense. 3 playoff games -

Atlanta played them even, in their house. They got a TD for a turnover on a short filed against a rookie QB, that decided the game. I had Zona there. Atlanta did not run the ball enough. Why make the rookie win the game when you have talent in the backfield? Rookie coaching mistake. Atlanta defense was a joke. Arizona did enough to win.

The game at Carolina was a Panther disaster. Carolina went through them like butter on the opening drive, then Jake happened, and John Fox happened. Panther D is not that good to begin with, they had no chance defending short fields or spending the majority of the game on the field. Why they abandoned the run I'll never understand. Your QB sucked out loud, why not use one of the two top RB's in the NFC to take some pressure off him. I had Carolina, I should have taken the points.

Eagles - I've said all year that this team was a fraud, and that their offense sucked on the road. Westbrook was hurt, and he still ran on them when given the chance. Buckhalter was able to run. Good defenses do not give up 3 unanswered TD's in their house against mediocre offenses, ever. If Warner was passing it against the vs Zona defense Sunday they might have scored 50. McNabb blows, he missed so many open receivers.

Good defenses do not give up 56 & 47 points during the regular season.

You mentioned scrambling QB's that throw on the run, Favre fits the description, they scored the 56.

Pitt has had one team crack 30 on them, all the rest were 24 (twice) or less. Teams scored over 30 against the Eagles 4 times, against Arizona 5 times.

Road games for Zona, they've given up

SF - 13
Wash -24
NYJ - 56
Car - 27
Stl - 13
Sea - 20
Phi - 48
NE -47
Car -13

There is nothing good about that.

Lastly, I don't see a problem with the play calling against Baltimore. They weren't beating the Steelers with that offense, the Steelers would have needed to give that game away. They still dominated the game.
And two of Arizona's playoff wins were rematches in which they lost the first game, they haven't seen Pittsburgh yet.
If I play any side here, it'll be on AZ small

I've said this all playoffs, and I hit a huge play with AZ vs Atl and the AZ ML last week) - the Cardinals are just a different team at home, more so than most teams out there. I like this team, but not that much when they travel.

Liking the Over (posted this somewhere else)...Although AZ has done a good job vs the run in the postseason, Parker should more resemble his output in the SD game than the Balty game. He just could not run against the Ravens all season. It will be like night and day for Big Ben when he's passing. The AZ d-line was not getting much of a push, and Ben should have plenty of time. Hines Ward is huge though, I know he says he will play, but I need to hear a % or something, he needs to not only be out there, but be effective. All in all, I'm not too worried about Pitt getting their share of the points here.

As for AZ on Offense, I have more concern, obviously, b/c of the D they are facing. AZ is clicking, they have that on their side. Who stops Fitzgerald? Nobody does. If they overplay that, then Boldin, Breaston, will be there. They picked up blitzes well w/ releases and dump-offs against Jimmy J's Defense. As I recall, I saw Flacco several times have all day to pass as he just looked and looked - unfortunately, the Ravens have one decent WR. Warner has that time more often than not - they will be ok. I'm not sure either how much of a running game they will be able to get here, that's a concern.
Your same Eagles team that was a fraud hammered the Steelers, and not only did they do that, they basically pushed around PItts offense and receivers. they were making comments after the game that they were way too physical for the pitts receivers to get open on them.

I think 3rd and long you are discounting Wisenhunt knowing Pittsburgh, I cant see PItts coming up with anything special at all here. If Ward does not play, Pitts will get handled quite easily and this is how.

They will stop WILLY parker and that is easy- he is washed up anyway and can take the odd carry to the house but other than that is weak mentally and pretty much not an NFL running back. He can run on Cincy and Houston and thats it.

Zona may commit to stopping Parker or even just rely on some good containment.

Then Rodgers Cromartie will blanket HOLMES and shut him down, Rodgers Cromartie shut down Steve smith, he can cover Holmes. Then all they have to worry about is Nate Washington, put ROd HOOD on him and have ROLLE watch him deep the odd time.

Sweed is a complete fool and sucks, MILLER is good at tight end, but Zona will be ready for him--

WIthout Ward being in the game or healthy, this offense is a JOKE, Zona has an ELITE corner and when you have that, you can double other guys and take them right out of the game-

Steelers have no playmakers except for HOLMES and Washington deep passes. Ward moves the chains and is clutch, but if he is out they are really easy to defend. Ward IMO is the most important player in this game except for maybe Fitxgerald missing the game.

Tomlin and ARIANS making a game plan? I would love to see this game plan and how good it is?

And about willy parker he is so easy to tackle, and so not fast anymore, he is a HOME RUN HITTER, who cant hit home runs anymore. He is very easy to tackle and also fumbles the ball, he is a joke, he had his good year a few ago and is done now--

ALso the sandiego win IMO has no weight because GATES and Tolminson needeed crutches to play, they were hurt like hell, so they never faced a healthy sandiego team.

ZOna did play 3 healthy playoff teams this year in the playoffs, and say what you want about the eagles, they beat the giants who beat PItts, and eagles beat pitts. Eagles are not a fraud, there is no way you can say that, they hammered dallas and won in MINNY, they are good.
Then Rodgers Cromartie will blanket HOLMES and shut him down, Rodgers Cromartie shut down Steve smith, he can cover Holmes. Then all they have to worry about is Nate Washington, put ROd HOOD on him and have ROLLE watch him deep the odd time.
Zona has an ELITE corner and when you have that, you can double other guys and take them right out of the game-

I think Delhomme did a lot to shut down Steve Smith, and since when did Rogers-Cromarte becoma an elite corner?

Good health Sammy, I'm going to go do something more productive than hang around the boards for the next week.
And two of Arizona's playoff wins were rematches in which they lost the first game, they haven't seen Pittsburgh yet.

Actually, Pittsburgh has the revenge angle having lost at Arizona last year. I can remember Arizona celebrating a little more than usual after that win and I am sure that loss did not sit well with Tomlin or the players.
Looks like I won't bet on this game.

I hardly ever lay big chalk, and I hardly ever bet public dogs. Besides, the line is spot on IMO.
Arizona has thrived on momentum throughout the postseason, it has been THE deciding factor in all three games. They seized it to start the 2nd half vs Atlanta, they had it in the 1st half against both Carolina & Philly. I don't believe they will be able to do this against Pittsburgh, they are far too talented on both sides of the ball to let a game get out of hand.

Let's face it, with the exception of one game against Carolina, the Cards have been a bad team away from home. And with the exception of one bad half at Tennessee, Pittsburgh has done very well away from Heinz field.
3rd, you gonna play this at -7, or you think you can get a better number?

I see 60% on Zona with no movement in the line...has me thinking a public dog is NOT the way to go.
I emptied the last of my matchbook account on the Steelers at -6.5, about 7 units worth. People keep betting Zona and yet the line keeps climbing. This will close at Pitt -7.5 or 8. Don't wait for a better number if you are betting Pitt, you won't get it.

And I plan on adding another 10 units on the Steelers with my local, anything under -9.5 is good here. I won't be surprised to see all those Arizona teasers get blown up too. Currently leaning to the over, 35-17 Steelers.

Like the steelers too, 3rd. This whole smoke-and-mirrors/trick play crap zona has been incorporating into their offense wont work when you have no run game going up against the #1 run defense in the NFL. Steelers can drop back into coverage and have at least one if not both safeties over the top for help. Which also will help limit fitz's effectiveness.

Not sure about making it a possible 17 unit play (which i know is a SHITLOAD for you since you usually do 1-1.5 unit ones)

But will have a couple on them too.

Youre that confident on em though? (not doubting, just wondering)
And about willy parker he is so easy to tackle, and so not fast anymore, he is a HOME RUN HITTER, who cant hit home runs anymore. He is very easy to tackle and also fumbles the ball, he is a joke, he had his good year a few ago and is done now--

Sammy once again provides great FADE material.... pit is the play, az teasers get blown up