Super Bowl Props Thread

Pats have started slow of late and havent scored in the 1Q in any of their 7 Super Bowls....what's your thoughts here?

It's more of an action/gut play for me. I have nothing to back it up (which is why I've probably lost my ass all season). I mainly wanted to post the line discrepancies of the 1Q over and the prop of will a team score a TD 1Q.
Only prop I am on this year is a time of possession one.

Eagles to have more time of possession -120.

If the Eagles want a chance to win they are going to have to keep Tom Brady off the field and try to shorten the game. They will do this by running the ball and grinding down the clock. When Brady is on the field the Patriots will run their offence at a higher pace to keep the Eagles from getting their defensive substitutions in.

In the end, I have no f***ing clue what I am talking about but this the one prop I am betting.

Good luck and enjoy the game!

Hmmm.... Wonder if they'll get more dressed up. Based on what the kids are wearing, I assume they'll be wearing something similar in the actual song today. I could see both performers getting more dressed up, but it looks like they're going earth tone/low key/love/unity look...

$60 Alexandria Wailes' Attire During National Anthem Pants/Shorts/Leggins -115 (as opposed to dress/skirt)
$60 Leslie Odom Jr does NOT wear a tie for America the Beautiful -165
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