Sunday NFL

I don't know why Carolina just decided to abandon running the ball either, fuck okay whatever. They threw it about every play. Crappy game plan.
Fuck wow, this game is over looks like. 3-3 down some juice on the day. Well it happens, can't win every day. Still will be ahead 1400 bucks or so for the week with this loss so okay. As long as I'm making 1 k or more a week I'm fine.
Oh the fuck well I made some money this week and my Huskers won, so I will take it. That Husker game was fucking great, and then we had Miami fans in front of us, and one of em started jawing at me haha. He was dead wrong about what he said. That roughing the qb call that changed an INT by the Huskers to Miami's ball, I was like fucking bullshit are you kidding me he barely touched him, I know he didn't. He may have grazed his leg. Then the guy said yeah well he went after his legs that's why. And I said dude that is an NFL rule and the qb has to be in the pocket idiot. Cuz the Miami qb was outside the pocket.

Yeah this game is officially over now. Steelers are a winner, get em tomorrow I guess.
Yeah Miami had to come up to Lincoln baby, about damn time, they got their whoopin. That would always piss me off my Huskers win the Big 8 then have to play Miami on their home field in the Orange Bowl in their bowl game, what a fucked up arrangement.
Man I am pretty sure there is no college rule on hitting the qb below the knees, or am I wrong? Regardless I know in the NFL the qb has to be in the pocket for that to be a roughing call, haha, that guy what a dumb ass, well Miami football fans of course they don't know shit cuz they don't football lol.
Don't know football I mean, in that last post.

Shit like anybody cares about my Husker game, I'm sure no. Was a good time, had about the most fun I've had a Husker game in a while, besides having to make sure my brother was okay, he could barely walk. I told him I said you shouldn't be shooting with me you dumb ass, your gonna be shit faced and not be okay at the game, oh no, he kept going ha.
May be better if Pittsburgh gets a TD here rather than a FG. Guess it is over anyway, but a FG makes it 13 which means Carolina if they comeback win by 1.
Like it matters, no, this was a bad pick. I shouldn't get off the MLB really, shit I am making money on that lately, it is sort of like early in the year. Gonna look at the MLB tomorrow, got to keep doing that, I ignored em on Saturday and Sunday. I shouldn't do that with how those are clicking for me.
We got a full slate of MLB tomorrow bang bang, shit I'm gonna look those over. Can find something there I bet that is worth a damn. Looks like 11 games in bases tomorrow yes!!! Sure I can find a couple good ones at least. Hell got all night and all day tomorrow, no plans, fuck I love that, nothing to do but whack off occasionally ha. Will have to walk to the store to get more vodka though, that is the big project of the day.
There is the below the knees hit that the Miami fan was talking about. In the pocket retard, and I don't think they call that in college, I'm pretty sure they don't.
Fuck this game it is over gonna watch the Miami at Nebraska game again on DVR, I haven't yet, I gotta see that play that almost started a fight in the north end zone with me and that Miami fan haha. Well I wasn't gonna do shit, not with all those cops there, doubt he would have either. Man he was full of shit, I haven't seen the replay yet, but I'm sure he was wrong on that. I don't remember what quarter that was 2nd or 3rd, that was the worst call ever ha, maybe not ever, but it was bad. The Huskers picked it off, and then roughing the qb, that wasn't roughing, fuck not even close, then Miami got a TD after that. Shit Miami could have really got rolled if it wasn't for that dumb call.
Fucking comparing Abdullah to Duke Johnson, get the fuck outta here with that crap ha, shit he is no where near Abdullah.
Man that was crazy when the benches cleared there was a big fight, well it didn't escalate too much, but the Huskers all ran out there, and the Miami guys came out, but then it got defused. I thought we were getting ready to see a Miami at Colorado from back in the day, where guys were swinging helmets, and it was just a huge brawl. Didn't come to that in the Miami at Husker game, but shit it was intense.
Miami they are just straight gangsta, Miami it is never a surprise if there is a huge fight with them, they haven't had any big episode in a while. I was watching Saturday, and was like uh oh, Miami is thugging and it ain't no secret, our guys were all running out there though, Miami would have been outnumbered in a helmet swinging war ha.
It is kinda funny that we play that black skinhead song by Kanye, but we just play the music without the lyrics. Shit if they played the lyrics at the Husker game fucking everybody would freak the fuck out, I would be like hell yeah ****** haha. I kinda like that song, don't like a lot of Kanye, but I like that.
Fuck if I needed some muscle now, and somebody to help me out with something fuck my bro he is a mess ha. I would employ my 2 brother in laws, my bro's wife her 2 black brothers. Fuck those guys shit well they both look more like their dad, who was a Husker DT, but they did only play FCS ball, guess not quite good enough, fuck they look like beasts to me. I mean I think they could if they tried hard enough working out and shit maybe some Arena ball ha, guess maybe not. I remember one of em got stabbed in the leg downtown after the bars closed in Lincoln, this guy just stabbed him with a pocket knife in the leg, and then he just beat his ass haha. My bro used to always fight both of em at the same time just wrestling when they were younger like 14 or so, and throw em around, fuck he couldn't now, ummm no. Drunk rambling Tuck, it is what it is.
Oh think it is about time for that play that I almost got into a fight in the Husker game, like anybody cares or is reading this ha, no I'm sure not, but I like talking to myself.
That play must have been the 3rd quarter, I can't remember. Shit I wanna see that roughing the qb, I think that was total bullshit.
Yeah and ummm, call me crazy I don't give a fuck bitch haha, yeah defaz or whoever fuck u, I can do what I want bitch.
It is just harmless drunk talking to myself, and yeah I look like a dumb as I'm sure but I don't care, do it all the time, hell it has been good luck been winning over 1 k each week I will take that.
Maybe defaz can send me another picture of himself with his shirt off haha, yeah you fucking bitch, who cares, and I don't wanna see it, fuck I could care less about somebody threatening me on the internet ha, even if you were here I don't care. I would kick your ass anyways, maybe not, but it ain't about who's in shape and cut up, it's about who lands a bomb first, which would be me, ha yep. Just got pissed when somebody calls me out for nothing besides posting to myself bothering nobody. Well and talk on the internet I mean that is cheap as shit, you can talk all you want until you get punched in the face ha.
Think I better send defaz a picture of me with my shirt off gut hanging with the man boobs ha, and be like yeah you better bow down when you come to my town, bow down when your Lincoln bound. It is all retarded anyway internet fights ha, you gotta be a real bitch to do that.
Fuck I'm sure I will hear about this tomorrow from that bitch ass, ha, I don't really care it just pissed me off when he jumped into me and yg's argument for no reason whatsoever, aside from being a punk ass bitch. Only chicks do that jump into a conversation that doesn't even involve you and throw barbs ha.
Yeah I'm getting a little drunk and surly ha. I better get off here. Not that anything I said I fucking give a fuck, who cares about what any d bag says on the internet to me I could care less. Yep, don't care, anybody can say what they want, yeah say I'm a big bitch. Well this big bitch has won over 2600 the last 2 weeks, so bang, boom, in yo face *****! Not that others haven't won more, but it is good nonetheless, so step off and fuck off haters.
Fucking Huskers baby, shit, get the fuck out the way from anybody in Lincoln, we on a mission. No that Husker win was okay, but not great I mean Miami is not a very good team. But there are no good teams in the Big 10 so hey, opportunity for my boyz.
Shit defaz shaves his fucking chest hair too, that is a bitch move I'm not doing that, maybe I'm old school, but I will not go there. I will shave down low, but I don't shave that. Suppose I can't criticize that cuz if a chick wanted me to I would.
And yeah I'm crazy mothafucka hell yeah, fuck if you were at the game you would know. I'm gonna be a crazy mothafucka nailing MLB games and that MNF tomorrow though bitch, fuckin don't think I won't baby, fade and bow down to the L town baby.
Ha I do need to send defaz and yg a picture of me just some intimidation haha, yeah they would be scared shitless. Like it matters anyway with internet crap who the fuck cares. If they came here then it would be different. Fuck they could find a right hook, shit who knows, I don't claim to be a bad ass, I'm not, but I am not gonna worry about what somebody says about me on the internet. Can't worry about what another ***** think that's liberation and I'm on it.
Defaz what a joke, he can suck my balls. Sending me a picture of him, shit like that matters bitch, where are you? Yeah no where close, come to Lincoln fucking call me and we can go baby, I mean you won't go with me, but with my boyz Vince and Gabe my brother in laws shit I will pay em haha, they will destroy your ass. Fuck Gabe is getting huge now, shit he is a trainer at some gym, but shit I saw him the other day and was like shit *****, you are ripped bitch.
Well from what defaz sent me, uh oh, if he met Gabe, that would be a disaster for him. Fuck I could pay him 1 k to beat your ass he would do it he's a broke ass *****.
Ha my brother in law Gabe he beats women though haha, it is not good, but he is a bit crazy so you would not want to fuck with him if I paid him to kick your ass he would, oh yeah, without a doubt. Fuck give that guy a chance to kick ass for money, oh he would be down.
No cut up fucking guy scares me at all, but really anything on the internet I don't care. But wait I will say this defaz if you wanna put up 5 k to fight my brother in law Gabe, winner take all, I will take that, cuz I could pay him as his agent and make quite a bit. Shit you would get your ass rolled. Maybe I can put a picture up here to send you. Fuck he is a trainer at Gold's Gym I think. Ha you would be in real trouble cuz he isn't all there either. Fuck that would be great could make some money and watch you get shit canned. Am drunk and rambling on about nothing better go to bed soon.
I get drunk, and then dumb internet shit gets me all fired up, lol. Who cares somebody can send me a picture that isn't them really, and then I can say whatever back who cares. Fucking defaz he can bring it here to me and I'll take care of his bitch ass. Ha, this is stupid internet talk again, cuz who cares it doesn't matter, any shit talking between anybody is not real. This is all just a big fucking joke, I don't give a fuck about anything I said, I just did, so fuck off, turn down for what?
Yeah and I don't wanna hear about shit, you fucking do your own thing defaz and yg, leave me alone, I mean unless you wanna come to Lincoln and make a date where I can break yo face then fuck off, and I mean that shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not fucking around if you wanna dance then fucking send me a pm and we can go.
I do need to send defaz a picture of my gut and man boobs for intimidation ha. I don't know it's all bullshit, who cares, I don't give a fuck about what I say on here. Fuck anybody can do whatever and say whatever I don't give a damn. Put up or shut up bitch ass ******, put yo set up or shut bitch ass ******. I'm putting my set up, let's see what you got here on sports defaz or yg, guess you could just tail somebody or tail me haha. Best do that baby, best tail T-money, I will pull yo bitch asses along lol.

Fuck I'm out.
Ya know what? I haven't seen a damn pick or thread from fucking defaz or yg in a fucking month, so put or shut up, bitch ass ******, put yo set or shut up, bitch ass ******. Fuck I will tell you what I will be on here tomorrow with some fucking plays *****, something to make some damn money. Shit it is all a joke anyway, they could say they came up with something and just tail somebody anyway lol, I don't tail a fucking thing but shit ha I don't know, but I don't care either they can start posting tailing winners doesn't bother me none.
Haha calling people out, this is great this is as bad as what they did to me pretty much. Well ya know fucking I had a 3-3 day so I'm pissed ha, fucking ready to punch a mothafucka. This is the best I can do calling out defaz and yg. Thing is they will say something tomorrow and I won't care, fuckin talk to somebody who cares baby. When I wake up tomorrow I'm breaking down games and making money. I will not ever respond to em, if they want a response now is the time cuz when I wake up, fuck it is business time baby, right now I'm all drunk so okay let's internet fight ha, which is Yag as hell anyway.
Yeah you wanna internet rumble bitches, come on? I'm here baby, float like a butterfly sting like a bee. Let's go what ya got? Tomorrow no, you say shit, I'm ignoring I'm busy then.
Fucking defaz what a d bag send me a picture of his pecs and middle section, like I give a fuck you d bag. Who cares, what are ya gonna do kick my ass haha. Even if you were here I give you a 50% chance at best. I am not just spouting that it is just cuz I know, cut up big bitch, you can get the fucking right left right left your toothless then you say goddamn tucks ruthless.
Tuck is never seen like a shadow in the dark except when he unloads, ak 47 is the tool don't make me act a mothafuckin fool.
Defaz he seems to be the kind of guy that will say shit tomorrow and I won't care haha, fuck tomorrow it's business baby, I am drinking and listening to NWA now, so hey if he wants to rumble lets go.
Since I was a youth I smoked weed out, now I'm the mothafucka that you read about, takin a life or two that's what the hell I do, if you don't like how I'm livin then fuck you, haha, yes, fuck NWA you can't beat it.
Ha I need to send some pics of my gut and man boobs to defaz and yg, it will be intimidation, ha, man that would not be at all, but I'm crazy as shit cut up dudes fuck they can suck my balls and get lit up with a 1 punch ko baby.
Cuz I'm the tuck I don't slang or bang I just smoke mothafuckas like it ain't no thang. Yeaaaaah bitches, ha, fucking make your face like a target and close your eyes when I hit it.
Yeah fuck em, ha cut em fucking dudes, well ya know what you can't fight, so fuck you, dropped baby, another mothafucka on the pile.
Shit I'm about out of vodka fuck what am I gonna do, shit there are plenty of cut up dudes that can't throw a lick baby.
Tell em where your from straight outta Lincoln, another crazy ass wigga, fucking punks I smoke my rep gets bigga.