Sunday NBA


My man, Novak Djokovic!
Alright. Started hot on Sat but cooled off late... on to Sunday.

I know there's alot going on with teams playing hard without their superstar. This is very true but think about the teams without their stars... 1.) AI , this guy wears the ball out.. of course his departure is going to inspire a tough effort... everyone will get a chance to touch the ball now. More motion in the offense, effort being put out on the court, etc. etc. 2.) Ray Allen, same scenario... if he's not getting plays called for him it puts a bigger load on Rashard Lewis... but everyone else steps up their game in all facets... Now on to Randolph with the Blazers... not too sure this is the same scenario. Randolph gives this team an interior presence.. they only give him the ball when they want score in the post... he doesn't wear the ball out and making his teammates passive, if anything... he gives them 2nd chance opportunities and creates open looks with his double-teaming presence...

All that being said you have to figure this Portland team will struggle... to shoot the ball without an outside-in presence, and really has no one to match Bosh. The rookie Aldridge aint ready to carry a team in the post, and Magliore is returning home... probably more concerned with seeing friends and family then having the game of his career when he's seeing 20 minutes of action a night max.

Raptors have been playing well... and have a solid record mainly winning the games they should be winning and dropping the ones they should lose. Mitchell has slowed down the pace to accomodate the talent on the team and I think it's working. Plus, I like this team a bit more without the rookie jacking up 3's at 30%. They get Bosh tons of touches and have the fire power to open this one up at home.

The Play:

Raptors -2.5 1Q 10 Units
Raptors -4.5 1H 5 Units
Raptors -8.0 5 Units

I just can't see Portland hanging tough in Canada in this one. Long trip to Indiana, and now up to Canada.. without their leading rebounder and scorer is tougher to replace than a guard who shoots 40% and wears the ball out. Should be a bounceback night after nearly knocking off Chicago.
BTW, last season the Jailblazers showed up to Toronto and got a 33 point beating. This team aint exactly the type of team to avenge losses from last season on the road either. I'll risk a guy like Dixon having a career night, because that's what it will take.
This line is way off. I think my line doctor Sportsnut would agree...

Seattle -2.5 vs. Warriors?

Laying only 2.5 @ home vs. this Warriors. The same Warriors who are on a B2B, and have a 1-4 SU record on the road? Ray Allen being out is a knock, but not as big as one as you would think. Wilkins can play some defense, and the Warriors are thin without J Rich. Baron Davis has been seeing limited action at times and off a B2B I expect him to see some. Should be a letdown situation slightly for the Warriors who just beat Chris Paul's Hornets, Davis' former team, and Nelson having won some award for win totals or something (not sure exactly wasn't paying attention).

10 Units
Thanks X, let's cash the early play.

Another thing, good luck Portland waking up at and playing when it's 10 AM where your from.
I have a lean on the Bobcats, strong one. Want to see what some other people think about this one... 7 is alot for a team not named the Spurs to lay on the road... I don't care who you are. I see Felton wanting to be up for this one, and it seems like Morrison is due for a big game any day now. Okafor should give Stit Stat some problems. Just don't see the Cats rolling over in this one and could fight out a cover.
yeah i think the bobcats game is fishy. Im seeing some smart money going to the bobcats. About your seattle play. I was actually thinking of rolling with the warriors in that one as tehy just have more talent in they roster with j rich and ray allen being gone and cancelling each other out.
but the first game that really stood out to me is the raptors. They are really good at home in early games.
x, well my book on the SEA one has -2.5, I see others at 3 and 3.5... if I feel like I have to get out of it I will hopefully have a good middle...

I agree but I don't see SEA laying down at home anymore.. talent wise they are down a bit.. but I just don't like them on the road.
fair enough. With you laying 10units on the sonics, i might have to roll with you or make it a no play. Im pretty decided about making the raptors and the bobcats a play though.
I think the hawks/kings game could go either way and i may not touch it unless i see something to convince me of it.
golden state 1-5 on the road.
sonics 5-6 at home. (all SU)

could be a little revenge game for the sonics.
with anthony roberson against wilcox, I think wilcox will get a field day. Might be a battle of the front court in this one. Still thinkning about this play though.
<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">There are a couple of Books that are now showing the Kings at -8.</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">
i was initially leaning on the hawks in that one. But artest saying that his back is feeling better about 80% now. and the hawks not really playing that well as of late... I dont know. The kings haven't really been the terror at arco arena recently either.
Hmm... no lean on that Kings game. Haven't seen them play well since Artest back flared up or whatever.

I added 5 Units to that TOR 1Q. They blew Indiana out of the water in a similar situation on a early Sunday game. TOR is born for these games, other teams aren't. I expect them to roll early here.
<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">I'm wondering if the Kings can win this game by 9 or not, thoughts?</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">
Kings in ARCO vs. inferior opponents can always come away with a blowout. If Artest is feeling good, I'd lean that way. He seems like he could absolutely do some work on Johnson if they choose to match those two up. Seems like it's a good bounceback spot for the Kings. That stated, -8 is alot to put down when you haven't been rolling and are struggling offensively. Hawks though, might just be the cure. Play is late enough I can think about it some more before locking anything in. I don't see this one going higher than 9.
<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">I think if it hits 10, I'm going with the Hawks. I agree with your reasoning. If it hits 10, it might drift back down to 8-8.5. I just think it would be a tall ordr for the Kings to win by 11. </TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">
well fuck my local book dont carry the raptors game. shit! well i have to make do with what i have.