Sunday Discussion Thread

Coulda held up and had bases juiced, yes w 2 outs but there a decent chance pepiot woulda walked a run in!!!
shoulda listened to @VirginiaCavs about Alcantara pitching at Chavez Ravine, he was awful, fish got the couple runs I figured they could off Pepiot, actually blew a chance to get 1-2 more but Sandy was awful. Snakes walked down the 3-0 lead they spotted cards and cashed Ff. If balty wins tonight will be pretty nice cash hitting 3 of the 6 2 teamers!! With them being plus money should triple the bet, gotta get o’s tho, I see they off to a great start!!!
Hindsight and all after I got back home and talked w @CPA-hole wish I woulda swapped Stros w fish but it was too late, what can ya do? Unfortunately can’t win them all! Lol
I can’t lay that many points in a preseason game. Couldn’t find a mlb fav to parlay w ravens ml so I just left it alone, feels like I’m giving away free money but whatever.