Sunday Discussion Thread

Kirby and Kelly both cash!! Good job getting me back on Kelly boys! I appreciate it! Assist from the book for raising cease up to 8.5 so I needed a replacement so Kelly was that obvious pick since he was in 1st draft! You guys made me turn him into one my bigger plays w Kirby tho!!!
how bout that nats Ff tt under? Can’t get no better than that! Pallante hit his k’s also so I was winning that either way! Lol. I really wanted to play his k’s but he gets so many ground balls I decided he could go 5 good innings holding nats under 2.5 but not fan many.
I think walker is a dud. Pitching fine but no k’s, well 1 yay!, he not kind of guy that gonna turn the k’s on and strike out side in one the next few innings he pitches.
Cmon reds. Just score 1 run! It gonna piss me off pushing Ff when my pitcher shut balty out and freakin reds facing Voth!! Seriously can’t score 1 off this guy?!?!
In what goofy bizarro world am I on 2 teams being shut out by Voth and oderizzi? What the odds of that shit!?!??!
Kirby w 7k’s thru 4 innings! I’m little baffled enough under money came in on him at 4.5 to push it down!! I understand being cautious w him cause the innings but I was still gonna take little bit of ov 4.5 at plus. 3.5 was pound town!! Stros hadn’t seen him yet either? No brainer! Be nice if seattle would get him a little run support!!
Wow. Seattle pulls him after 4 today, I thought they let him go 5 anytime he pitching well. Guess not.
My FF side curse continues this week, Cincy gets me nothing for 5 then what a shock, take lead in fucjing 6th!! All week w that junk! Lol
Freakin walker had some minor league kid down 1-2 for last k I needed and gives up a bomb and gets pulled from game. Fuck. Was working on a monster day had he got to 5,
It bad enough seattle sat the kid and France today but don’t ya think just maybe one of them should be getting a chance to hit in extra damn innings???
Bundy throwing a gem. Just hope they leave him in long enough to get that last strikeout.