Sunday Discussion Thread

Just missed a 2-0 lead. Just a tad foul. That ok. At least they gave wheeler a chance to win Ff!! He just gonna have to make that one run hold up for 3 more outs!!!
Cash Philly 1st 5 boys!! Wasn’t exactly like I expected, i thought waino was gonna have to really battle to get thru 6 tonight and thought he give up 3-4 runs., Wheeler held up his end tho, I’ll take it! Now let’s get the full game!!
Shoot, this might be wheeler last inning. 3 innings of Phillies pen holding a 1 run lead not exactly what I had in mind laying -150ish! Lol
Here we go Phillies, here we go!! Tack on 1-2 more so the pen has runs to work with!! Plus we would like to be right on waino line for the night!! Lol
Boom baby! And just like that waino gives up the 4 runs thru 5-6 innings I predicted!! Just took awhile!!!
Ok just went va k up and added:

Gore ov 4.5 k’s
Oak/sea Ff u3.5
Stl/Philly Ff u4
Philly Ff -.5 and game ml

Looks like 4-1 long as Phillies pen can hold the 4 run lead!! That would be 12-2 on the day after I don’t remember yesterday, something like 8-2!!
I sure didn’t think waino was gonna struggle to get thru 6 innings in the 4th!! Pegged it tho, 5.2 innings 4 runs allowed!!!
Great start by wheeler and good for manager letting him pitch the 7th despite being up over 100 pitches! He was still throwing smoke,, he was clearly good to keep going, no danger of going over the magic number where some managers think a pitcher arm will all a sudden fall off!! Lol
why this asshole reliever walking guys with a 4-0 lead? Just throw it down middle before walking guys!!