Sunday Discussion Thread

Hope to get a reasonably low number on Baz k prop and pretty sure I like rays also. Stripling beats me a lot but tampa has hit him and I’d think this a pretty bad ump for him as he prob won’t get a favorable zone. Don’t think that matters a ton for Baz k’s, just another filthy kid in rays stable of good young pitching.

Montgomery out total over anything 17.5 or less, they might get this one right and come w 18.5 tho, we shall see. Same as Cortes, cle ops vs lhp lowest in league.

Lopez is awful cheap vs nats.
We see where the put Morton k prop, he been a strikeout machine the last month. They only made strider 6.5, if Morton is there think it almost has to be a play. Should be bunch of strikeouts from both sides in this one, if they make Castillo 5.5 might play him too.,,
Ray has really got things turned around last 4 starts, even before that he had a 10k game vs oak, 16k’s in 12 innings vs them this year. We see where they come w his number but not much reason to stop picking on A’s.
I don’t believe waino is gonna be very good in this bandbox against a pretty good Philly lineup, not saying he be awful but I suspect he gives up 3-4 runs, heisly won’t be available either which hurts even more while Cabrera still on the IL. I think that be more than enough for wheeler. Phi -127 is cheap imo and I’ll be looking at Ff -.5 also,
A month ago I woulda said this is a really cheap price to back Skubal but my dude has fallen apart, I don’t think I can trust him. I almost want to say I like kc w the plus money. Not sure I want to fade Skubal but everything kinda lines up for singer who has a great history vs tigers and got a extra day which he been really good on 6+, not to mention tigers offense is just anemic. Kc actually has a team ops of .700 vs lhp which ain’t terrible, it a hell a lot better than tigers league worst .587 vs rhp! with Skubal struggles I think wrong team favored here.
Gallen has been really good his last few times pitching at coors yet they come w 15.5 total outs at ev money? He been basically untouchable in day starts this year also and averages 6 innings per. His k number only 4.5 and +105 to over also!! Dealers choice, I think they both cash but I prefer the Total outs as his swinging strike way down. I’d say get them early cause I can’t freaking imagine those weak ass numbers/prices hold, then again I been wrong on which way a few have moved lately, I just can’t see it here tho. The only downside I see is he generally is better on 5 days and he pitching on 4 here but I think the good outweighs the bad. I think they giving coors too much respect, Sure guys might give up few more runs but managers are also far more likely to keep pitchers in knowing their pen won’t fare any better and generally does worse!! Snakes let kuechal go 5 innings and he was pretty terrible!! It could lose but it feels like a slam dunk to me that Gallen pitches at least into the 6th even if he doesn’t finish it, he only needs to go 5.1!!
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Why the frowny face on the kc/det post @Ryno14 ? You like tigers? I could def get talked off kc but no way would I flip and lay juice with tigers. I think if you do trust Skubal which gotta be tough at this point, maybe some kind of under would be better?
Wow. They are off on a bunch more pitcher props today! I seriously don’t get it, last few weeks it been only couple a day I thought worth playing then all a sudden yesterday and now today I think there a good number to be had on at least one pitcher in damn near every game!
I seriously hit 6 of 7 pitcher props yesterday and the one miss was cause gausman got hurt, granted I think I got a tad lucky on 1-2 but point being I havnt even thought bout playing that many in over a month. Now today I have at least 8 wrote down and im still waiting on a few!! It blows my mind how they had been setting numbers I thought were so much closer to correct for better part a month and all a sudden this weekend it like whoever in charge out of town and they left a crackhead running things!!
All I can say is I’m either a sucker or gonna get paid cause I’m working on putting together parlays in groups of 2 thru 7 at least!!
Let's be real here. You have two days left of being single, it's a virtual bachelor party!

none of my real life friends even know im getting married, not like i can do anything if i wanted to. only reason my family knows is cause moms the preacher, lol.
none of my real life friends even know im getting married, not like i can do anything if i wanted to. only reason my family knows is cause moms the preacher, lol.
Make sure you have your beneficiaries in order and that she isn't taking out some life insurance policy

Mom doing the gig is cool, I assumed you were going to city hall
Well unless they come at me for a DNA test I can live comfy

i know they be lying, all the drugs i was doing when gettin laid by randoms im confident the sperm count was too low or the kid be retarded!
Make sure you have your beneficiaries in order and that she isn't taking out some life insurance policy

Mom doing the gig is cool, I assumed you were going to city hall

almost nothing in my name anyways, id benefit more from knocking her off than her me, lol. plus i rather she get whatever there is, none my family needs it.

id rather do city hall but told mom she had to keep it short, im not really in the mood but didnt wanna upset either of them. not like im a believer.
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almost nothing in my name anyways, id benefit more from knocking her off than her me, lol. plus i rather she get whatever there is, none my family needs it.

id rather do city hall but told mom she had to keep it short, im not really in the mood but didnt wanna upset either of them. not like im a believer.
Well after a long weekend city hall might actually take longer than what you're doing. Buddy had to wait 45 minutes in line a few years ago lol

You doing the tux thing or are we talking shorts and flip flops? Assume the honeymoon is a trip to Red Lobster?
Well after a long weekend city hall might actually take longer than what you're doing. Buddy had to wait 45 minutes in line a few years ago lol

You doing the tux thing or are we talking shorts and flip flops? Assume the honeymoon is a trip to Red Lobster?

flip flops!! i have a fucking patch over my eye! we really cant do anything till after my eye fixed. ill do something nice for her when this all over but at moment it to keep from having to get another mortgage on house or whatever i would have to do to pay for this shit without insurance!
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Man Wimbledon and F1 in London, can't believe it's only 7am

Bases is gonna have to get me through the day later on
Why the frowny face on the kc/det post @Ryno14 ? You like tigers? I could def get talked off kc but no way would I flip and lay juice with tigers. I think if you do trust Skubal which gotta be tough at this point, maybe some kind of under would be better?
Hahah only frown because I’ve always liked Skubal but think he fell apart in those 3 weeks I took off
Hahah only frown because I’ve always liked Skubal but think he fell apart in those 3 weeks I took off

you preaching to the choir my dude, i been riding his nuts forever but he been bad, then i go back when he was doing good and i could make the case there a lot of clev in there and they cant hit lhp for shit. i think it tough to argue him fav over singer right now and imo singer has the easier matchup.
i think i like singer over 15.5 outs even more than playing kc tho, im not sure there any reason for me to play a side today cause there so many pitcher numbers i think they off on. or it would be kc ff, i dont follow them enough to know much bout pen but i know their manager doesnt know how to manage a pen for shit!
i think i like singer over 15.5 outs even more than playing kc tho, im not sure there any reason for me to play a side today cause there so many pitcher numbers i think they off on. or it would be kc ff, i dont follow them enough to know much bout pen but i know their manager doesnt know how to manage a pen for shit!
Please consolidate your plays in a post today

Trying to keep up on the tennis and the F1 it's likely the brain will be shot before first pitch so just gonna tail on bases for the most part
Here what I played round 1, I reserve the right to add cause I’m a degen and can’t have any other fun this weekend!

Singer ov 15.5 outs
Gallen ov 15.5 outs
Gore ov 14.5 outs
Gray ov 16.5 outs

Baz ov 4.5 k’s
Lopez ov 4.5 k’s
Saurez ov 3.5 k’s
Gray ov 4.5 k’s
Morton ov 6.5 k’s
Damn! Big card. Any sides?

I know man. All a sudden these last 2 days I’ve had way different numbers than they came with. Played 7 yesterday and now this. Crazy., I like kc but just went with singer outs instead. As Of now pretty sure only side I’m gonna play is phi Ff and game tonight
I like wacha over 14.5 outs. I was close on Thompson but Sox hit lefties really well. There others I like better but that best number I have for that game.
Since when is Wacha starting? I saw Seabold. Also, Keegan Thompson is a RHP man
I know man. All a sudden these last 2 days I’ve had way different numbers than they came with. Played 7 yesterday and now this. Crazy., I like kc but just went with singer outs instead. As Of now pretty sure only side I’m gonna play is phi Ff and game tonight
I ended up on the U7 +105 in the early Tigers game
Copied from a friend

Im not gonna lie I was kinda lazy with umpires today but that often the case when I don’t have a decent excuse. I skimmed them and made sure I didn’t have anyone with what I thought he a ump detrimental to them, there were couple not great but not damning to the play I didn’t think, don’t love singer ump but tigers inability to hit rhp overrides that imo: I think there a case did either pitcher in that game also I just had to cut it off at some point as my RR’s were getting Fuckinh expensive! lol. I still might go back and make a play in that game! Who knows, lol.
I ended up on the U7 +105 in the early Tigers game

I was gonna say if you liked tigers I think under might be better but honestly I leaned over but not enough to play it. Don’t like ump for a under I don’t think.,
Since when is Wacha starting? I saw Seabold. Also, Keegan Thompson is a RHP man

Lmao. Whoops. Let’s blame the one eye on Thompson! Truth b told I’ve always had couple guys I swear the oppo handed, lol. I just started noticing Thompson, hope I don’t keep doing that

My score app shows seabold also but draftkings has a line for wacha so I assumed they right.
Here what I played round 1, I reserve the right to add cause I’m a degen and can’t have any other fun this weekend!

Singer ov 15.5 outs
Gallen ov 15.5 outs
Gore ov 14.5 outs
Gray ov 16.5 outs

Baz ov 4.5 k’s
Lopez ov 4.5 k’s
Saurez ov 3.5 k’s
Gray ov 4.5 k’s
Morton ov 6.5 k’s
Could be worse, apparently the lines to get snipped are long and that sounds like a misery wait
I’ll be damned. Keegan Thompson is a righty!! Coulda swore I saw lhp by his name last night, lol. My one good eye ain’t all that good, I’ve never seen as well with glasses instead of contacts, and now this patch has glasses further away from eye so even worse!!
Damn. Singer k prop was better than outs., was close to playing both but was trying to cut card down a tad:, the amount of plays I made was crazy enough and I left off several more!!
Im really gonna kick myself if Singer doesn’t go past 5.1 and I left kc Ff off my card. Hopefully some ppl went w kc cause Skubal getting roughed up yet again!
Man. Fuckers always post a number I was waiting on after I get back home. Love Montgomery over 16.5 outs.
Think a great case can be made for Woodruff only at 15.5 outs also but just not sure if he be fully stretched and allowed to go deep in his 2nd game back off IL? He looked fantastic last start but they pulled him after 75 pitches. I’d think he be allowed to go longer this time but I had more than enough already.,