Sunday 04/07/13 NBA discussion thread

Mokey shows up in the midst of the Knicks win streak. Go figure.

Where were you at when dey was scufflin', Moke ?

I must admit though, Heat v Knicks will be an epic series.


Utah +5.5 for a pair...

look at it this way. At least we don't have to hear about how great Amare is anymore....
Nice to win the first quarter but major screw up by GS. Not impressed by Clipper win. Lakers minus Nash and World Peace but looking at box scores which lean me to Lakers first quarter vs Hornets. Not a bet yet but definite lean.
Will say my last 2 first quarter bets fit the qualifer that the first quarter has to be better than the game.
Not sure what to say. Utah is 2-16 su on the road against winning teams on the road this year an they are getting 5 points. GS is coming off an ATS loss partially because they have been waiting for this game. I agree the line is odd. Would have made it more. Utah in Great shape. their next game is at home against OKC coming off a a home loss to Knicks. Last 2 on the road Utah is 5-15 su. Their wins
Cover ATS
They have received covers in a lot of spots recently.
Do not see any gifts here.

It had nothing to do with season lack of success, it has to do with a team making a push for playoffs. Your points are well taken if you are looking at the whole season, I was concentrating more on the present success of a team coming together. Two teams...making push for final spot.

Lakers +4.5 at Clips
--Clips already beat them 3-0 and basically dominated every game (won 2 of 3 by DD and the other was when Lakers still had J Hill and won 4q 31-20 to close to a 5pt loss), why on earth do we think a better Clips team going to lay down that is going for the division and Lakers without Nash and MWP? Didn't happen, Clips smacked Lakers.

Utah +5 at GS
--GS barely hanging on to 6th spot, Clips are battling for 4th spot, 6 games ahead of GS before SUN. Utah and GS split on Utah's home court, both winning by DD, so not so far fetched that Utah was going to give GS a game, especially knowing Lakers lost. Yes, GS playing pretty well at home, but this is Utah battling for last spot...I thought it was a good spot to back them ML close to 2 to 1.

Neither line made much sense, Lakers should have been receiving more points, not that it would of mattered. Utah I thought should have been closer to +3.