Sugar Bowl.......


Big Kahuna
Obviously this thread is directed at covers and no one at CTG, will post at covers much later.......

I may add plays or amounts later on......


5th season of Bowls here on covers, every year at this time, newbies come out of the woodwork with Nov and Dec join dates and act like girls with twisted panties, hilarious….

Some thoughts that really have no bearing on capping this game, don’t read them if you don’t like them. If any of my words hurt your feelings, move on and a get a life….

Being on the sidelines with the team in the Washington game was nuts, being in the endzone when Hawaii scored the go ahead TD was awesome, rushing the field at the end was a once in a lifetime experience….thanks big bro.

Tailgated with the Brennan’s and have a ticket to the Sugar Bowl with the same group as the Brennan’s….thanks brother lance…

Mentioned a month ago I was headed to Georgia and Florida. Cool coincidence that I just went to Georgia last month and have friends and family there….

Here’s where it gets a little harsh…..Some final thoughts….

- Hawaii posters, stfu with “Hawaii will win and cover! Jones is great! Brennan is great!”. You have been saying this every game this year, so that makes you 4-6 ATS, great, you lost money, thanks. Bring something to the table like stats, matchups or news. There are very good Hawaii and message boards for rah, rah, rah messages where you can pat each other on the ass. This is a handicapping forum… need to hear your hype….

- Brennan bashers, funny how most opposing coaches and players that have played Hawaii from Alabama, to Boise State, to Arizona State, to Oregon State have noted Brennan is the best QB in College Football….

And on this forum we have girls with zero cred bashing Colt Brennan….Which opinion would you take? College Coaches and players who have played Hawaii, or girls with panties tied in knots??

So he had the greatest single year last year where the TD record AND Efficiency record were broken together (both may be broken one day, but NEVER together by one QB). So he led his team to a 12-0 record. So he will be third in the Heisman voting. Keep bashing away, because it only makes you look like a foolio…….LINK

- Georgia backers, stfu with, “We are gonna cream this pretender 12-0 Hawaii team!”. Read your own Newspapers and dawgpound message boards (I do). Georgia is in a complete lose / lose game. I will tell you exactly what will happen if / when Georgia beats Hawaii. The headline will read, “Georgia Beats Hawaii in Sugar Bowl”.

Nobody in the world will care because a traditional SEC powerhouse with a $40 Million budget sure as hell better beat a little team in the Pacific and in the WAC with a $5 Million budget. Been reading the dawgpound message boards for a long time, I know exactly what the next thread will be the day after the Sugar Bowl: “Hey did we sign that 5 Star LB from Atlanta?”. Georgia fans, you know it and the whole world knows it, no one will care if you beat Hawaii……but if you lose…..40,000,000 TV viewers are going to be laughing at you….

- Florida fans, yeah our Coach Jones made some lame comments about your super stud, Tim Tebow. Florida Fans, Tebow played at Nease High School. Tebow was QB coached by retired Nease Assistant Coach Ken Taylor. Where does Tebow’s high school coach’s son play? That’s right, Hawaii. Jones apologized, everything he said was taken out of context. Hawaii loves Tebow, and Jones loves Tebow. Jones was just backing up Brennan, and he is the shittiest public speaking coach. …. This is a moot point, revel in the satisfaction that you guys are gonna beat our asses into the Swamp next year anyway…. TEBOW WILL WIN THE HEISMAN HANDS DOWN....

BTW, Tebow’s high school coach is a huge Hawaii fan and travels to all the road games. He contributes a ton, read one of his many articles here LINK. You can also find a very nice article about Tim Tebow there….

- Strength of Schedule bashers, I agree completely and said it from my first post this year, no way Hawaii should be considered for the BCS if they run the table with the 119th rated schedule. Am I happy because we are in? Fu$% yeah.

However, Hawaii and Boise getting in the BCS with weak schedules sets up a terrible precedent. EVERY team in the WAC and non BCS conferences should schedule D-IAA teams and weak teams and hope to go undefeated in the future. Fair to BCS teams? Hell no, but this is what is wrong with the BCS. To Hawaii’s credit, Hawaii’s opponents are always the ones to wuss out, and look at the past and the future. Hawaii is a team that has NEVER backed out of playing the USC’s, Alabama’s, Michigan’s, Wisconsin’s, Florida’s (2008), and Oklahoma’s (2009).

- Hawaii has won 22 out of 25 games. In the 3 losses, Hawaii had the ball on the last possession to win or tie. Only one team, Oregon State, I feel actually handled Hawaii (and they won by only 3). If anyone remembers the Alabama and Boise State losses and saw the games, Hawaii’s punter Milne single handedly destroyed Hawaii with 5 fumbles / muffs combined.

- Hawaii has out gained in yardage their opponent the last 22 games.

My Pick and Reasons Why:

UNDER 69 1/2

- Only two games all year for Georgia have gone over 68 points.

- In Hawaii’s final 5 games, where they played “actual” teams of some quality. NO game has gone over 68 points.

This is a bad match up for Hawaii. Remember these names: Steinhoff and Ahsoon. The tackles for Hawaii. They are terrible. (Hawaii fans, please check Hawaii message boards, I am not singling them out, all Hawaii fans have pointed them out as getting run over).

Losing 3 linemen and our blocking back to the NFL from last year has weakened Hawaii’s blocking. In Hawaii’s first 8 games, no team Hawaii played had ANY quality to expose this.

However, look at Hawaii’s last 4 games where they played teams of some quality: about 4 sacks per game and 40+ QB hurries (total) where Brennan left the pocket (including Steinhoff getting burned and causing Brennan to leave the pocket and getting nailed by Fresno State).

Now Hawaii faces the #1 team in the SEC in sacks? And Georgia has been doing this with primarily a 4 man, and occasionally 5 man rush? Georgia is averaging 5 sacks per game over their last 6 game winning streak. Florida couldn’t block Georgia (6 sacks), Kentucky couldn’t block Georgia (5 sacks)….

Like Georgia, Oregon State was #1 in the PAC-10 in sacks last year and they sacked Brennan 7 times…. And that was against 4 blockers now in the NFL. Imagine Georgia and their pass rush against Hawaii’s tackles which have been exposed the last 4 games….

I guarantee this: Georgia will get pressure on Brennan just rushing 4 and dropping 7 in coverage. Hawaii will counter with draws, shovel passes, and short pass plays. I also will not be surprised if Brennan is sacked 5+ times and forced to leave the pocket another 10 times.

Georgia Coach Richt has noted as a voter, he has stayed up late at night and watched Hawaii many times. If that is the case, then he knows the only teams to beat Hawaii kept the ball from Hawaii. Thomas Brown and Knoshon Moreno combined for 2,000 yards and will get the ball a ton…..

On the flip side, Hawaii’s run defense is fierce. The best thing that could have happened to Hawaii is losing Glanville and getting McMackin. Glanville led us to two straight crap 90th + rankings in defense. I said in my week one post that Hawaii would jump to 60ish, I was wrong; they are in the 30’s. Sure it is against weaker competition, but you guys saw them on ESPN the last 4 games, this is a solid and very deep group.

Washington was #1 in the PAC-10 in rushing against the #1 SOS…..after their initial surge, Hawaii adjusted and completely shut them out.

IMO, this total is too high. Georgia is going to try to run all game long. Hawaii is going to be kept to short passes and running plays to counter the SEC’s #1 pass rush…… watch this clock keep moving…..some drives are going to end in fgs and turnovers….

Georgia should win with vastly superior talent……but to bet on a team disappointed to be here against the #1 offensive team in the nation with a chip on their shoulder is crazy….

I think this game is going to be way closer and low scoring than anyone could imagine. Hawaii hasn’t seen this kind of speed on defense, and Georgia is gonna be surprised Hawaii ACTUALLY plays defense…..:36_11_6:

Who knows, watch this game go into triple OT and end up with over a 100+…..

Hawaii UNDER 69 ½ 1100 to win 1000….

Cap for yourself, good luck in whatever you play….

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Ummm, you're absolutely wrong about Jones' comments. I listened to the entire interview and Jones took it upon himself to bring up Tim Tebow and single out Tim Tebow. The interviewer was talking about "systems" and Jones specifically mentioned Tebow and proceeded to disparage him.

There was nothing "taken out of context" because June Jones created the context by comparing his guy with the Florida quarterback. It was bush league and par for the course. Jones says this type of classless shit all the time. Look at what he said after the manna from heaven win vs. San Jose State, when a 1 in a million fumble, caused by the weather, put Hawaii back in the game. Jones then claimed, on national TV, that they could have won by 50 if it wasn't for, ironically, the weather. Dude's a prick with ears and will wear out his welcome real quick if he goes to a school with any kind of tradition.

Good luck to you and your program vs. Georgia. I'd be rooting real hard for a win by the Warriors and a loss by tOSU which could conceivably give you an AP National Title, but honestly I hope Hawaii gets fuckstomped because its coach deserves it.
Ummm, you're absolutely wrong about Jones' comments. I listened to the entire interview and Jones took it upon himself to bring up Tim Tebow and single out Tim Tebow. The interviewer was talking about "systems" and Jones specifically mentioned Tebow and proceeded to disparage him.

There was nothing "taken out of context" because June Jones created the context by comparing his guy with the Florida quarterback. It was bush league and par for the course. Jones says this type of classless shit all the time. Look at what he said after the manna from heaven win vs. San Jose State, when a 1 in a million fumble, caused by the weather, put Hawaii back in the game. Jones then claimed, on national TV, that they could have won by 50 if it wasn't for, ironically, the weather. Dude's a prick with ears and will wear out his welcome real quick if he goes to a school with any kind of tradition.

Good luck to you and your program vs. Georgia. I'd be rooting real hard for a win by the Warriors and a loss by tOSU which could conceivably give you an AP National Title, but honestly I hope Hawaii gets fuckstomped because its coach deserves it.

if your panties get knotted up please skip my post and move on

make your own post and discuss what you like there.
Thanks for the write-up. Under is in play. I actually like the JJ comments. He did come out and say Tebow was a great qb, and they would have that posted in the boards for next years game. He was making a statement for his qb. They guy missed what??? 2 1/2 games? Now, did Tebow rack up some stats vs. some sorry competition??? Check the schedule...they had a preseason at the start of the year. They played Ole Miss...FAU. I think Colt will be a better NFL QB. Time will tell.
Hey, look Tanto, if you posted that the sky was full of fiery meteors plummeting towards the earth, and I look out my window and see clear blue Texas sky, you're probably going to get pushback. The fact of the matter is, you posted abject bullshit about what June Jones said and I called you out on it. The "don't get your panties in a wad if you disagree" schtick is high comedy. If your purpose was to post something that couldn't possibly be received with a dissenting opinion, then why post at all.

The facts are, June Jones is an asshat who does this sort of thing all the time. He was a classless prick in the NFL and he's been a classless prick at Hawaii. There's a reason he was run out of the NFL and forced to take shelter in a conference full of lesser-lights. This isn't rocket science, partner.

Good look against the Dawgs, you'll need it.
Hey, look Tanto, if you posted that the sky was full of fiery meteors plummeting towards the earth, and I look out my window and see clear blue Texas sky, you're probably going to get pushback. The fact of the matter is, you posted abject bullshit about what June Jones said and I called you out on it. The "don't get your panties in a wad if you disagree" schtick is high comedy. If your purpose was to post something that couldn't possibly be received with a dissenting opinion, then why post at all.

The facts are, June Jones is an asshat who does this sort of thing all the time. He was a classless prick in the NFL and he's been a classless prick at Hawaii. There's a reason he was run out of the NFL and forced to take shelter in a conference full of lesser-lights. This isn't rocket science, partner.

Good look against the Dawgs, you'll need it.

lol kid, did you watch the apology as well? even JimmyHoffa is pointing out what i said, June Jones apologized.....guess not....

"There's a reason he was run out of the NFL and forced to take shelter in a conference full of lesser-lights."

Check your facts, June Jones and the owner of the San Diego Chargers are good friends. June Jones was offered a 3 year $5 Million Dollar Contract to HC the Chargers.....this is common knowledge. In fact, the NFL was stunned he declined to get paid peanuts by UH. June Jones later alluded to the QB SD drafted as the reason he left...a certain Ryan Leaf.

Declining $5 Million.....doesn't sound like he got run out to me.

I expected the newbies to get riled up on Covers, and made the disclaimer up top....I guess the newbies are coming here.....

btw, Georgia better win.....Hawaii has got nothing to fact they already won by doubling their revenue with the $5 Million payout...

The high schtick comedy is that a guy read's someone else's post on the internet and gets upset.....:36_11_6:

Who cares bud? CTG is here to cap.... I just put in my opinions and warned people not to read and move on...
lol kid, did you watch the apology as well? even JimmyHoffa is pointing out what i said, June Jones apologized.....guess not....

"There's a reason he was run out of the NFL and forced to take shelter in a conference full of lesser-lights."

Check your facts, June Jones and the owner of the San Diego Chargers are good friends. June Jones was offered a 3 year $5 Million Dollar Contract to HC the Chargers.....this is common knowledge. In fact, the NFL was stunned he declined to get paid peanuts by UH. June Jones later alluded to the QB SD drafted as the reason he left...a certain Ryan Leaf.

Declining $5 Million.....doesn't sound like he got run out to me.

I expected the newbies to get riled up on Covers, and made the disclaimer up top....I guess the newbies are coming here.....

btw, Georgia better win.....Hawaii has got nothing to fact they already won by doubling their revenue with the $5 Million payout...

The high schtick comedy is that a guy read's someone else's post on the internet and gets upset.....:36_11_6:

Who cares bud? CTG is here to cap.... I just put in my opinions and warned people not to read and move on...

First of all, June Jones would drive off a cliff to land a QB like Tim Tebow.

Second of all, if June Jones turned down a coaching job in the NFL to coach at a school like Hawaii then he's even dumber than I thought. By the way Ryan Leaf is a better QB than Timmy Chang. If what you say is true, then Jones is tacitly admitting he's a shitty coach.

Third of all, I'm not a newbie. I've forgotten more about college football than you've eaten slow-roasted pig. I've got Earl Campbell, Vince Young, Tommy Nobis, and Tom Landry. You have, Timmy Chang and Don Ho.

Congrats on a great season.
First of all, June Jones would drive off a cliff to land a QB like Tim Tebow.

Second of all, if June Jones turned down a coaching job in the NFL to coach at a school like Hawaii then he's even dumber than I thought. By the way Ryan Leaf is a better QB than Timmy Chang. If what you say is true, then Jones is tacitly admitting he's a shitty coach.

Third of all, I'm not a newbie. I've forgotten more about college football than you've eaten slow-roasted pig. I've got Earl Campbell, Vince Young, Tommy Nobis, and Tom Landry. You have, Timmy Chang and Don Ho.

Congrats on a great season.

It's Tammy Chang! Get it right. No one ragged that pussy more than me for 5 years on covers.

wtf does Earl Cambell , VY and shit have to do with your knowledge? If you have to resort to alumni, you truly are a tool.....

you really are a newbie......this is capping forum, who gives a shit about alumni, lmao....:36_11_6:

bring knowledge to capping a game.....besides, "being run out of the NFL ..... with a $5 MIllion contract"
HG...I agree with what you say about UGA being more concerned about recruiting if they win. However I kind of feel the same way about it if they were to lose as well. Last year no one outside of Texas really ragged Oklahoma for losing to Boise State. If UGA loses to Hawaii then they will hear it from Ga Tech and South Carolina fans but everyone else will probably chalk it up to lack of motivation, give Hawaii some credit at the water coolers the next day and then move on. This game is obviously huge to Hawaii. Jones seems to be on his way to UCLA and it will be interesting to see what effect that has on the Warriors. I agree with your play but the only two concerns I have are Mark Richt and Hawaii's nothing to lose attitude. If Jones is gone then I expect him to do some crazy things in this game, such as fake punts/field goals and other trick plays that will be huge plays for either his boys or the Bulldogs. Also Mark Richt has gone incredibly aggressive offensively in the last few games, almost to the point of not giving a shit what happens regarding his defense. I guess the Ga Tech game was an aberration but he was going against arguably the best DC in the nation in Tenuda. I trust your track record regarding the Warriors so I'll play the under if anything but I just wanted to see what you thought about my concerns. Have a good one
Guys keep things about the game and don't take shots at each other. You know that behavior is not tolerated here.

HG - Good luck with the game sir.
dwight - hoping all this JJ stuff is unfounded, but with so many news sources reporting it, there must be some reason behind it......

if he is leaving....perhaps make the under better? (demoralized Hawaii team) dunno, we shall see...

btw, for the longest time i had no idea who was Dwight Schrute, they played an episode on the flight home from Atlanta, i was laughing so hard... I got home and netflixed the whole series..... the funniest fricking show i have seen in ages...:36_11_6:
Absolutely HG...its the best fucking show of the 21st century in my opinion. It should be interesting to see how this whole JJ thing unfolds but I think you guys will come out alright in the end regardless. Honestly, you'll be able to attract a quality coach to the island even if JJ leaves. Best of luck bud
HG, this is kind of an off topic question but what do you think would of been the over/under on a bowl matchup like texas tech/hawaii?

I think it would be interesting to watch to say the least.

I really like your analysis of this game and i agree 100%.
frankie - dunno if you know this, but Texas Tech was one of the teams offered the $500,000 payout to come down to Hawaii to play, along with NC State, and about 3 other teams....

ESPN really wanted TTech I hear because they know it would be a ratings killer on a Thursday or Friday game....too bad it didn't happen.....

I think every college football fan would want to see Hawaii vs Texas Tech...O/U with both teams slinging the ball 50-60 times? geezus...100?

yessir, thanks, you too bud
good info HG, didn't know that. That would be a great game to watch, i am sure it would get great viewership.

too bad it never happened would of been great for tv to say the least.
There would be no upside to playing Hawaii, smart decision by our athletic department.

Matches up just like your assesment of the UH/UGA game...
"If Tech won, who cares, they're supposed to. If Tech lost, how could a Big 12 team lose to a WAC team etc?

Any updates on JJ to UCLA Hawaiiguy?
Bumping this back up from page 5.

No matter what happens in the 2nd half this was a great call, HG...

Now let's keep this guy away from the campfire:moose:
Bumping this back up from page 5.

No matter what happens in the 2nd half this was a great call, HG...

Now let's keep this guy away from the campfire:moose:

Pretty easy under guys........


I should have shut the f**k up and listened to you on the total and never dealt with the side.

Great call, as usual.

Steinhoff got murdered. Game went exactly as you called it, except the part that Hawaii would hang around. I thought they would too. Put some chump change on the ML for shits and giggles.

Im not afraid to say we got completly dominated.:whip:
i enjoyed talking to some of the hawaii fans i ran into around downtown yesterday night downtown, great fans HG. really respect yall
great to hear......sounds like from talking with friends everyone had a blast......EXCEPT FOR THE GAME PART...:36_11_6:

lol, yea that wasn't pretty... atleast you hit the under though haha.

liked seeing the fans stick around for the game
What boggles my mind is that coaches who run 3 and 4 WR's sets never make in-game adjustments to help the poor QB getting murdered - never keep in a back or TE (let me guess, Hawaii doesnt have any)....Im not picking on just June Jones - I can recite chapter and verse of this same situation happening in years gone by with these same type of offenses.........