Stoops is Pissed!



Sunday, September 17, 2006
Stoops 'incredibly disappointed' with officials' calls
Associated Press

OKLAHOMA CITY -- Oklahoma coach Bob Stoops said Sunday he was "incredibly disappointed" after reviewing videotapes of a disputed onside kick and pass-interference penalty from the Sooners' last-minute loss to Oregon.
Stoops said he believes an Oregon player interfered with Oklahoma's chance to recover an onside kick by touching the ball before it traveled 10 yards. The play gave Oregon possession and set up the Ducks' winning drive.
He also said an Oklahoma defender tipped a pass by Oregon's Dennis Dixon, and Sooners safety Darien Williams should not have been flagged for pass interference on a play that set up the Ducks' winning score.
"The instant replay was brought up to eliminate issues like this. And here, there are a number of issues that are clearly -- looking at video -- wrong," Stoops said Sunday.
On the onside kick, Oregon's Brian Paysinger jumped in front of Oklahoma's Malcolm Kelly and appeared to knock the ball forward to a group of players from both teams. Officials ruled that an Oregon player recovered the ball and was down before the ball squirted out to Oklahoma's Allen Patrick, who picked it up.
"I see my guy stepping up inside of 10 yards to go up and gain reception, gain possession of the football, I see their guy go in front of him and hit the football before my guy is allowed to at 10 yards and I see him collide with my guy inside of 10 yards as well," Stoops said.
"That's illegal touching and interfering with the reception. And then I see my guy get up with the football that's laying on the ground."
Two plays later, defensive end C.J. Ah You tipped Dixon's pass to Paysinger that resulted in a pass-interference call against Williams, Stoops said. Immediately after the penalty, Dixon found Paysinger wide open in the end zone on a 23-yard pass to give Oregon the lead with 46 seconds left.
As time expired, Oregon blocked Garrett Hartley's 44-yard field goal try that would have given Oklahoma the win even after all the controversy.
Stoops said he hopes the sequence does not lead to the downfall of instant replay.
"I would hope not," Stoops said. "Even though they acted as they did, at least the whole country and everybody sees what was ... and what really happened."
Pacific 10 commissioner Tom Hansen said the conference will review the onside kick and pass interference plays and announce Tuesday whether they were called correctly.
"I imagine they'll have some kind of reply to the what the issues are and that'll be it," Stoops said.
Athletic director Joe Castiglione said Oklahoma was requesting a "comprehensive review of specific officiating decisions and use of instant replay" in the game.
"There should be no mistaking our very serious concerns about the events that transpired and the energy we will exert in voicing those concerns," Castiglione said in a statement.
However, Castiglione noted the game's outcome was irreversible and Oklahoma would be moving on in preparation of its next game against Middle Tennessee.
"In the end, it isn't going to change anything," Stoops said. "In the end, I've got to look at a bunch of kids who fought hard and have a loss right now."
It's the second time in a span of six games that an Oklahoma loss has been clouded by controversy. In Oklahoma's last previous loss, three of the 12 plays on Texas Tech's game-winning drive last November were reviewed using instant replay -- including a 2-yard touchdown run by Taurean Henderson that gave the Red Raiders the lead.
Video replays on whether Henderson extended the ball across the goal line were also deemed inconclusive.

Let me add that I am glad Stoops and Castiglione have the balls to stand up and bring into question the calls after the fact. So often this kind of bullshit is washed out in a "well, we can't do anything about it anyway" type of attitude. The referees decisions and video review people's decisions need to be answered for whenever it was so obvious what the conclusion was. I thought it was interesting that even Dan Fouts, an ex-Oregon grad, was even questioning all the calls vehemently. I doubt that the NCAA will do shit about it though.
Let me also add this, sometimes it's games like this that cause teams to lose focus. Some teams never fully recover from such emotional and dramatic losses. I'm fading Oklahoma this week. I think the line is too high on them anyway. Middle Tenn St is catching almost +30 points here in a big letdown spot.
didnt read all the thread, but its not necessary, it was a HUGE discussion around the party i was at last night...fucking unbelievable calls (btw, i had ducks -4.5 so oh well)....this is not helping the big XII either, we went what, 1-6 yesterday!?!?
SoonerBS said:
Let me also add this, sometimes it's games like this that cause teams to lose focus. Some teams never fully recover from such emotional and dramatic losses. I'm fading Oklahoma this week. I think the line is too high on them anyway. Middle Tenn St is catching almost +30 points here in a big letdown spot.

i will disagree w/ your point here...if you're going to talk about the psychological aspects of this game, i would have to take ou as a def consideration for a play NO MAtter the spread! these guys will be more fired up and than ever!!! there is no way stoops and his players aren't going to play better than they look on paper (which is where the spread comes from);....if the spread is 30, expect a 50 pt win...imo; anger and increased concentration as to fuck anything is the key to this ass romping they will give!!
The big 12 is junk and has been junk for a few years. I mean Colorado played in the big 12 championship last year. UGA will embarass a proud university next week. Nebraska was supposed to be an up and coming team and they got schlocked around. Texas Tech got beat by an average TCU team.. Army and A&M should have never been close.
The big 12 and the big east are comparable ;)

Anyways Sooner not sure if u read my thread or not but i had actually mentioned how i felt bad for sooners fans that was some bs
i'd like to be the first to admit that the ACC is panther piss this year to. then again, when 1 in 5 players are drafted from your conference to the NFL, and furthermore put more players in the NFL in the last 5 years......conference is going to have a letdown. but man, what a letdown it is. ACC is horrible this year.........very embarassing.
I guess you guys are even after UAB should've been ruled that fumble on the punt return vs you guys.

I'm kidding sooner. Seriously you guys got hosed real bad here. Worst job I've seen in years.
College football is down overall this year. I feel that quality of play in the Big 10 is at a low in the last 10 years or so.
SHSUHorn said:
I guess you guys are even after UAB should've been ruled that fumble on the punt return vs you guys.

I'm kidding sooner. Seriously you guys got hosed real bad here. Worst job I've seen in years.

I was sure hoping for an Oklahoma win to get a good line on Texas in the RRR. I figure Texas will be favored by a TD or two now.
Yeah I was shocked as well at the end of that they didn't find sufficient evidence to overrule possession on that onside kick is beyond me. Tough break after OU played so well to deserve that win on the road.....I'd be pissed as well, and I'm sure Stoops is using that in the best way to prepare them.
I know they struggled early against Chattanooga and aren't supposed to be that good this year.

MT 1st M13 11:55 Punt M20 09:54 Punt 3-7 2:01
MT 1st M11 07:35 Punt T07 04:05 *FIELD GOAL 8-82 3:30#
MT 1st M29 01:23 Punt M43 14:03 Punt 5-14 2:20
MT 2nd T46 12:20 Punt T49 11:07 Punt 3--3 1:13
MT 2nd T42 08:37 Punt T41 07:32 Punt 3-1 1:05
MT 2nd T49 06:17 Interception T49 03:37 Punt 3-0 2:40
MT 2nd M38 02:16 Punt M35 00:43 Punt 3--3 1:33

That's their 1H drives to take a 3-0 lead at the half.
3 teams I wouldn't want to play against this week...Nebraska, LSU and Oklahoma...these boys will be pissed...
pags11 said:
3 teams I wouldn't want to play against this week...Nebraska, LSU and Oklahoma...these boys will be pissed...

Or, hungover from last game. All three of these are getting big lines that should be getting bigger.
abcs--thelegend said:
The big 12 is junk and has been junk for a few years. I mean Colorado played in the big 12 championship last year. UGA will embarass a proud university next week. Nebraska was supposed to be an up and coming team and they got schlocked around. Texas Tech got beat by an average TCU team.. Army and A&M should have never been close.
The big 12 and the big east are comparable ;)

Anyways Sooner not sure if u read my thread or not but i had actually mentioned how i felt bad for sooners fans that was some bs

Pretty funny you would say that since last year the Big East Champ beat the SEC champ and the Big 12 had the best team in the nation. SEC guys like to stick with their conferences while most Big 12 schools cheer for each other to lose because they only care about their own team winning. I could care less how Aggie does and cheer for them to lose every weekend.
I'm not playing OU this week, but you know mtsu's trenchfighters will be the focus of OU's frustration.

I'd hate to be in that fierce rumble...keeping my money away, too.
SHSUHorn said:
Pretty funny you would say that since last year the Big East Champ beat the SEC champ and the Big 12 had the best team in the nation. SEC guys like to stick with their conferences while most Big 12 schools cheer for each other to lose because they only care about their own team winning. I could care less how Aggie does and cheer for them to lose every weekend.

Im a dog fan but i thought the sec has been overrated the past few years. I mean the years my dogs have won uf and tenn have been down. But this year the big 12 is garbage. Im not an sec homer.
BTW you named one team from last years conference. Check the top 25 this week and compare the sec and big 12 :shake:
Auburn 2
Florida 5
Georgia 9
LSU 10
Tenn 15
Alabama 26

Texas 7
Oklamoa 17
Nebraska 23
SoonerBS said:
Or, hungover from last game. All three of these are getting big lines that should be getting bigger.

I smell a hangover for aggie, actually. Tough hardfought win against army they barely hung on for.....? 3tds+ is an awful lot for this team to cover especially after last week.
Updated: Sep. 18, 2006, 6:48 PM ET
OU president wants game voided, officials suspended

Associated Press

NORMAN, Okla. -- University of Oklahoma president David Boren sent a letter to Big 12 Commissioner Kevin Weiberg on Monday, asking him to push for the Sooners' game against Oregon to be eliminated from the record books and have the Pac-10 officials involved in the game suspended for the remainder of the season.
Two plays were reviewed on Oregon's game-winning drive -- an onside kick that gave the Ducks possession and a pass interference call one play before the touchdown that gave them a 34-33 victory.
"To describe the lapses in accurate officiating at the Oklahoma-Oregon football game last Saturday as constituting an outrageous injustice is an understatement," Boren wrote in the letter dated Monday.
Later on Monday, the Pac-10 suspended the officiating crew for one game.
"I appreciate the apology issued by the Pac-10 Commissioner and his action in penalizing the game officials," Boren said in a statement. "I hope this will lead to further national review of the responsibilities of replay officials and the way in which they interact with game officials on the field. I also hope this situation will lead the Pac-10 to change their policy of requiring that only officials of the Pac-10 officiate the home games of Pac-10 universities when they are hosting a non-conference opponent."
Oklahoma coach Bob Stoops has said he believes an Oregon player interfered with Oklahoma's ability to recover the onside kick by illegally touching the ball and a Sooners player before the kick traveled 10 yards. He also believes the Sooners recovered the kick, as tailback Allen Patrick had possession at the end of the play.
Stoops has also said he believes Oklahoma defensive end C.J. Ah You tipped a pass by Dennis Dixon that resulted in a pass interference call. If the ball was indeed tipped, the pass interference call would have been negated.
Both plays were reviewed using instant replay Saturday.
Boren's letter also asks the Big 12 to place on the agendas of NCAA meetings and conference commissioners' meetings a discussion of how the review process should be implemented.
"It is truly sad and deeply disappointing that members of our football team should be deprived of the outcome of the game that they deserved because of an inexcusable breakdown in officiating," Boren wrote.
Oklahoma athletic director Joe Castiglione said Sunday that the university would request a "comprehensive review of specific officiating decisions and use of instant replay" in the game.
Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press

While I admire Boren to have the balls to demand something be done about this incident, I think it is a chickenshit punishment to only suspend the officiating crew for one game. That's like a slap on the hand for a situation like this!
Monday, September 18, 2006
Pac-10 suspends officials for errors that cost Oklahoma news services

NORMAN, Okla. -- The Pacific-10 Conference suspended for one game the officiating crew and the instant replay officials that worked Saturday's Oklahoma-Oregon football game after finding mistakes were made in calls near the end of the contest.

Pac-10 Commissioner Tom Hansen said Monday that a review by conference officials of video of the game revealed that both the instant replay officials and the game officials assigned by the conference made errors in the final minute and 12 seconds of the game.
[FONT=verdana, arial, geneva]Oklahoma coach Bob Stoops argues with a referee following Oregon's onside kick in the fourth quarter on Saturday.[/FONT]
Oklahoma lost the game 34-33 after Oregon scored two touchdowns near the end of the game.
An onside kick by Oregon after its first late touchdown was touched by a Ducks player before it traveled the required 10 yards, and the Pac-10 ruled that the ball should have been awarded to Oklahoma. The league also said that video revealed that an Oklahoma player actually recovered the ball.
Officials on the field gave the ball to Oregon, and replay officials did not overturn that decision.
During a subsequent play, pass interference was called on Oklahoma, setting up the winning score. The Sooners argued that the ball had been tipped at the line of scrimmage, thereby nullifying the pass interference call.
Replay officials did not see indisputable evidence to overturn the penalty.
"The fact that the errors on the onside kick altered the outcome of the game is most unfortunate and unsettling," Hansen said in a statement. "We had a solid veteran crew assigned, and the instant replay official had a fine career as a referee in the Pac-10. We believe in the ability and integrity of each individual involved. It should be noted that not all of the seven officials were directly involved in the play in question, but the entire crew bears responsibility for every play. Game officials and replay officials have positions of great responsibility and must be accountable for their actions.
"Errors clearly were made and not corrected, and for that we apologize to the University of Oklahoma, coach Bob Stoops and his players. They played an outstanding college football game, as did Oregon, and it is regrettable that the outcome of the contest was affected by the officiating."
University of Oklahoma president David Boren had sent a letter to the Big 12 on Monday asking that the league pursue having the result of the game voided and suspending the officials involved for the rest of the season.
"I appreciate the apology issued by the Pac-10 Commissioner and his action in penalizing the game officials," Boren said in a statement after the ruling. "I hope this will lead to further national review of the responsibilities of replay officials and the way in which they interact with game officials on the field. I also hope this situation will lead the Pac-10 to change their policy of requiring that only officials of the Pac-10 officiate the home games of Pac-10 universities when they are hosting a non-conference opponent."
Hansen said that the officials will be closely monitored in the future, but he acknowledged that they don't have an easy job.
"Officiating on the field is much more difficult than it appears from the stands, and certainly when watching repeated replays," Hansen said. "Plays occur at a high rate of speed. Decisions on the field must be made instantaneously. The training and experience of officials at this level enable them to work at a high degree of accuracy. Unfortunately, at the critical moment of this game errors were made."
Hansen said that officials are limited to the available television shots of the action, but "on the kickoff play ample views were available." Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.
abcs, SEC will always be tough and the best no question because its loaded top to bottom. Big 12 is down because the top 4 teams are breaking in new QBs who have started pretty much no games in their careers. If you look at all the conferences they are pretty much down except the SEC and even they have tons of questions marks.

Strange year in college football.
The more I read and analyze this, the more I think the officials took some money on this game. I'm never a one to holler that a game is fixed. I just don't think a lot of that crap goes on. But, for officials to so blatantly overlook the obvious, and everyone come out, including their own conference, and admit to wrongdoing, leads me to believe this WAS fixed somehow.
the debate never ends. big 12 is shitty overall besides nebraska and texas and ou. the rest are solid but sec has the best top to bottom no argument about it. however the argument will continue with big12s top 3 v. secs top3 wowo that would be a great tournement. i owuld pay 1000 dollars to see a weekend of football titled"conference challenge week" wow can you imagine the possibiities of games you could see. texas v. lsu.....tenn v. tt....i'd like to see auburn v. oklahoma.
very shitty calls in oregon. i guess thats why autzen is such a tough place to play

did you know that when non-conf teams come to the Pac 10 to play, only Pac 10 officials can ref those games?

either that gets fixed or no more BCS visitors
I said it in the ingame right after....that was the most blatantly obvious fix I've ever seen....those two calls had no other explanations....and the fact that it was TWO, sealed the deal for me...
The whole situation was horrid. Feel real bad for Oklahoma kids who played their tail off.

As far a s a fix...wouldn't count it out. It wasn't a Pointspread fix like some of these kids like to do in smaller conferences but more or less a whole conference(PAC10) fix. Keeping a club undfeated. Thats a lot of money the CONF loses down line this year of Ducks woulda lost that game.

I hope no more teams go to Autzen till they get a whole different set of officals in there for OOC action.