State of the NFL


Pretty much a regular
Did we need to see anymore tonight to know this league is at an all time low? I'll go as far to say that I look forward to nothing in this league. Outside of Tom Brady, we have no stars to watch. This sport has reached the level of MLS soccer. Who cares and why waste time watching the same garbage? Coaches, players, officiating are abominable.
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I agree. I'm over players kneeling, I'm over the celebration penalties and I'm over the bad officiating.

I completely understand why viewership is down and I don't watch nearly as much as I used to.
The NBA will be number 1 by 2025 if not earlier. Football is a dying sport. There are many reasons why.
CTE is right up there

CTE is the main reason the talent level is going to continue to get worse every year. I would be very curious to know if/how the amount of kids playing football has been affected in the last 5-10 years.

Kids have so many more choices for sports now from an earlier age. The CTE thing just makes it quite simple for someone looking to decide between a TE or a basketball star. In the south, you'll always be able to have a solid pool of linemen. Don't think that'll change much.
My son, 6, has just gotten into football. First Giants game he watched all the way through was the ODB game when he went off for 220 yards. He's been watching any game he can with me...finally this week he turned to me with genuine frustration and asked why the refs have to throw the yellow flags on every play. He said it gets so boring when they do that.

They need to let some of the touch fouls go, WR's need to play to a little contact. The rules in general are all over the place with no clear definition. They need to simplify them, continue to penalize leading with the helmet and all that, but if the receiver gets bumped, let it go.

As far as young kids choosing to play, my son started flag football this year and will do that until 3rd grade. Friends and other parents when they hear that he loves football, almost all ask the same thing, "Your'e going to let him play?!?!"...he loves it and I'm not going to tell him he can't play something he loves. Right now its just flag football, he has many years before they start hitting hard. POint is, most of the parents I talk to are not letting their kids play and are shocked that I am.
You also make the least money in the NFL of all the major sports with no guaranteed contracts. No thanks
You also make the least mony in the NFL of all the major sports with no guaranteed contracts. No thanks

With the shortest career life and the highest chances of having life altering health problems

it's pretty amazing it's been at the top for so long.

Mostly all because of.....

fantasy football.

That's where the NFL popularity comes back to.
To be fair the election does have A LOT to do with the NFL numbers being down.

We wont know until next season.

The nfl needs to get rid of one of the prime time games

the one that makes most sense is SNF. TNF isn't going anywhere.

The product has reached its saturation point. They have spread themselves way too much. There are some afternoons where there are only two 4 pm games... not good.

I dont really know how married men get away with being able to watch football from 9:30 in the morning to midnight. The NFL doesn't really care much if you're watching on redzone or the regular broadcast or on your phone.
To be fair the election does have A LOT to do with the NFL numbers being down.

We wont know until next season.

The nfl needs to get rid of one of the prime time games

the one that makes most sense is SNF. TNF isn't going anywhere.

The product has reached its saturation point. They have spread themselves way too much. There are some afternoons where there are only two 4 pm games... not good.

I dont really know how married men get away with being able to watch football from 9:30 in the morning to midnight. The NFL doesn't really care much if you're watching on redzone or the regular broadcast or on your phone.


i am not in the dome, or Saints aren't on........RZ it is
And expanding the league is absolutely ridiculous. Where the fuck is the talent coming from?

If anything retraction will be necessary soon.
I was about to hit the rack, so pardon my ignorance----------why was there not a roughing call on Sherman before the half?
And after the guy almost had his knee bent the oppo of it's intent, he has to kick it twice more from distance?

My Bills +7 covered tho.
Louis Riddick articulates what the main issue is aside from CTE / talent pool quite well imo, specifically as it pertains to quality of play.

Paraphrasing, this is the cycle:

- In middle school / high school, big guys who aren't athletic enough to play dline become olinemen
- These olinemen go to college and learn systems that continue to differ significantly from most NFL concepts nowadays
- These olinemen get drafted and have to essentially relearn how to play football, and with the new CBA practice time is minimal. Oline is technique reliant, and now these guys have to go up against much more athletic defenses that are simply ahead of the olines since lack of practice time impacts the oline more than any other position group
- Since defenses are generally ahead of offenses, teams start calling more dink and dunk to protect QB's from their own olines, and more general ugliness ensues.

All of that is a massive simplification / generalization, but I think it's directionally accurate. That combined with the head stuff is a bad equation long term. Oversaturation has also cost them imo.
Fully agree with that. I've said it and before and got ridiculed but players in high school and college aren't being taught the fundamentals like they used to. Mainly on the lines. It's not really an NFL problem. It's a football problem. I have no idea how much outreach the NFL actually has with high schools and colleges.

Football is a very complicated sport compared to others and all those bad habits trickle down.
I know. But the chances the NFL gets rid of it are very slim.
True I just hate the thought of losing SNF compared to them getting rid of TNF. The TNF match ups have been bad so far this year, and the good ones the games are awful compared to what they would be had they been played Sunday at 1:00PM
Totally agree with what NBA said above. I could totally do without the Sunday night game. Prime time games fucking blow for east coasters. I get up anytime between 4-5 am for work. It's especially tough when your team has five fucking prime time games. How is that a reward? The rest of the country hates the Pats & it's too late for the majority of the fans.

Come Sunday night I'm wiped & as NBA said most women are fed up with it by then.

This past Sunday I had some action on every early game. I opted to take a nap. Had zero interest.
officials are deciding games, not the players

the game hasn't evolved in the last decade, and its getting stale

just a long line of shit QB's in the game, which make may offenses hard to watch, and therefore the game
Agree. If I dont have money or some sort of investment in the game, I could care less.

Or it could just mean I'm getting older
We've had this thread on here for at least a few years running...many of us called these issues years ago and have harped on them for that time, yet ALL of them still exist and a few more have even popped up. I'd say something like "amazing," but it's really not if you pay attention. The NFL is successful in spite of itself, not because of it (on almost every possible lever).
We've had this thread on here for at least a few years running...many of us called these issues years ago and have harped on them for that time, yet ALL of them still exist and a few more have even popped up. I'd say something like "amazing," but it's really not if you pay attention. The NFL is successful in spite of itself, not because of it (on almost every possible lever).

Fantasy football. That is all.
That's one of the keys for sure. There are a bunch more reasons too.

Of why people continue to watch football?

There is nothing remotely close to fantasy sports/gambling.

Forget about a fans home team... not talking about that. Just genuine interest in the love of the sport. The NFL is by far the biggest beneficiary of fantasy/gambling

Don't get me wrong, the NBA gets a big boost with it as well but Imo the NFL is the one sport that would be DRASTICALLY impacted if fantasy sports was outlawed tomorrow.

I cannot sit through an NFL game unless I have some financial interest in it. NBA, MLB, college sports not the same case
Of why people continue to watch football?

There is nothing remotely close to fantasy sports/gambling.

Forget about a fans home team... not talking about that. Just genuine interest in the love of the sport. The NFL is by far the biggest beneficiary of fantasy/gambling

Don't get me wrong, the NBA gets a big boost with it as well but Imo the NFL is the one sport that would be DRASTICALLY impacted if fantasy sports was outlawed tomorrow.

I cannot sit through an NFL game unless I have some financial interest in it. NBA, MLB, college sports not the same case

I think maybe I misunderstood your response to my post. Of course it's a reason, it's just not the only one.
I think maybe I misunderstood your response to my post. Of course it's a reason, it's just not the only one.

My point is that the NFL has stayed on top because of fantasy.... not team pride and unity (fanhood... whatever you want to call it) and definitely not because the league has good public relations (hah)

People care more about their fantasy teams than actually rooting for their home/favorite team to win. Fantasy has lowered the team loyalty imo. That is why I stopped fantasy. It pisses me off that that is the case when im watching a game with my friends or family.
officials are deciding games, not the players

the game hasn't evolved in the last decade, and its getting stale

just a long line of shit QB's in the game, which make may offenses hard to watch, and therefore the game

The league has had to react/overreact to all the bad publicity of player safety. Unfortunately this is a result of that.
Oak/Den game was perfect example. 3 PI calls in a row basically giving Oak a TD late in the 4Q. Just ruins the game.
Fantasy football popularity at current level is a rather recent phenomenon. I do thinkbit has played an important role in destroying game balance
officials are deciding games, not the players

the game hasn't evolved in the last decade, and its getting stale

just a long line of shit QB's in the game, which make may offenses hard to watch, and therefore the game
Totally agree. The PI calls are ridiculous. They don't let defenders defend anymore. Any slight contact is a penalty.
I don't see NBA taking over in popularity anytime soon. I think what is more likely is sports viewership in general will decline. Just a trillion other options out there now, and the patience or time to watch events that take 2.5 hours plus isn't there.
I like college football, but jesus some of these games take 4 hours. I do give the NFL credit for keeping on a pretty tight schedule
Fantasy football popularity at current level is a rather recent phenomenon. I do thinkbit has played an important role in destroying game balance

I almost feel like, not only myself, but several people have cut back from having a bunch of fantasy teams to only one (like me) or a couple at most. And one is plenty for me. I do realize that Daily Fantasy plays in (although think it's still illegal in AZ) but man so many injuries/multi-back systems have at least put my interest down.

But at the end of the day, it's the flags. Every play it seems. And stats likely won't do it justice because they only display the accepted penalties, but the flags themselves just disrupt any sense of flow to the game, so even a declined penalty slows it down. Man these games have gotten drawn out...throw in the TD/ad/KO/ad/1st down and those are about 8 minutes of pure magic
viewership also reported to be down 20% for the EPL in Britain, so this isn't just a NFL issue

be interesting to see what happens now with the election over , though I think Trump winning doesn't help. He gets people to the TV for sure
As if it could get worse. The Rams are about to punt and the network cuts to a commercial. During the commercial we apparently have a punt and a block in the back. About a minute later we come back from the commercials to see the official tell us there was a block in the back and a penalty which we never see. Guess what happens after this? Yes, 3 minutes of commercials.
NFL fans are getting spit in the face with commercials and the NFL could give a rats ass
That game in Mexico though.

More reasons to ignore this league.

Sport needs an overhaul and a new commish pronto.
I have stated it before. I won't watch an individual game until playoffs, even my home team. I am RedZone only. A regular game has to many commercial breaks, too many replays and as many have said the officiating is horrid.

It was said earlier too, the QB play has gone soooo downhill. I have been saying this for a long-time. The biggest part there is how HS and College really adapted to new offenses the first 10 years+ of this century. You simply do not get many pro-style QB's coming into the league anymore.

Honestly, start training these refs better. Once that is accomplished, ELIMINATE replay. The game was just fine when I was growing up without it. Yes, there will be missed calls etc but that adds intrigue. Let these games get some flow!
Need to find a way to shorten the games to accommodate our shortened attention spans. Especially college...move the clock along. But NFL as well.

3 hour games in any sport are just not overly acceptable anymore. At least baseball is trying with the 2 minute clock between innings...CFB needs to quit stopping the clock after first downs (last couple minutes, maybe). And jfc the penalties in the NFL, along with the commercial breaks...wonder what the comparison is of actual time the ball is in play compared to commercial time. That ratio has to be brutal.
I don't see NBA taking over in popularity anytime soon. I think what is more likely is sports viewership in general will decline. Just a trillion other options out there now, and the patience or time to watch events that take 2.5 hours plus isn't there.

thought this was very interesting.... i knew the nba was gaining ground and being number one amongst teens is not surprising... but the first part of avid sports fans caught me by surprise
Need to find a way to shorten the games to accommodate our shortened attention spans. Especially college...move the clock along. But NFL as well.

3 hour games in any sport are just not overly acceptable anymore. At least baseball is trying with the 2 minute clock between innings...CFB needs to quit stopping the clock after first downs (last couple minutes, maybe). And jfc the penalties in the NFL, along with the commercial breaks...wonder what the comparison is of actual time the ball is in play compared to commercial time. That ratio has to be brutal.

CFB already put steps in place over the last 10 years to shorten games. Twenty years ago, an average noon start ended around 3:30. That is still where we are at. The difference? Replay and looking at stuff like targeting.
Be curious to see more current stats

Went to the bar to watch Champions League today, naturally it would seem soccer isn't all that popular, but only other live event on was Maui (and usually there is nothing opposite CL). Pretty surprised that several tables were there watching matches, mostly Real fans, couple tables were Spurs, but you get the drift...and of course a couple people complaining that soccer was on, like they'd rather watch Skip Bayless or some bullshit.

Thing with soccer, we know that it starts at 12:45, and is over at 2:35 pretty much. That's refreshing to know you can beat rush hour traffic home. Of course you can get shit matches, but most are entertaining, and you legitimately know it's less than 2 hours of your life. Kinda surprised at the popularity pickup around here but that has to play into it.
I have stated it before. I won't watch an individual game until playoffs, even my home team. I am RedZone only. A regular game has to many commercial breaks, too many replays and as many have said the officiating is horrid.

It was said earlier too, the QB play has gone soooo downhill. I have been saying this for a long-time. The biggest part there is how HS and College really adapted to new offenses the first 10 years+ of this century. You simply do not get many pro-style QB's coming into the league anymore.

Honestly, start training these refs better. Once that is accomplished, ELIMINATE replay. The game was just fine when I was growing up without it. Yes, there will be missed calls etc but that adds intrigue. Let these games get some flow!

I'm Red Zone as well. I only watch a full game when I have to, mostly TNF and MNF.

The QB situation is bad. The NFL coaches have not moved with the times. There is a supply line of quality QB's in college but they are either too ignorant or incapable of coaching these guys. Look at the names on NFL rosters - Brandon Weedon (HOU), Scott Tolzien (IND), Christian Ponder (SF), Sean Mannion (LA), Chad Henne (JAX), Brett Hundley (GB), Tyler Bray (KC). Then look at the starters - Osweiler, Siemain, Kessler. Did you look at these guys in college and think "yep, that guy will start on Sundays"

The young guys that have shown something - namely Prescott and Wentz - are products of coaching to date. Eagles - HC and OC both former QB's in the NFL, Dallas - HC former NFL QB. They have coached up these guys becuase they have experience in this position. Same with Siemian to a lesser extent. But it just means they will reach their ceiling quicker.

It's only going to get worse. How many years do Brady and Brees have left? Roethlisberger and Rodgers are hitting 35 soon.
It's not an NFL problem. It's a football problem. QBs are not being groomed for success in the NFL like they used to be.
I have stated it before. I won't watch an individual game until playoffs, even my home team. I am RedZone only. A regular game has to many commercial breaks, too many replays and as many have said the officiating is horrid.

It was said earlier too, the QB play has gone soooo downhill. I have been saying this for a long-time. The biggest part there is how HS and College really adapted to new offenses the first 10 years+ of this century. You simply do not get many pro-style QB's coming into the league anymore.

Honestly, start training these refs better. Once that is accomplished, ELIMINATE replay. The game was just fine when I was growing up without it. Yes, there will be missed calls etc but that adds intrigue. Let these games get some flow!

Finally the NFL is listening to me (haha, obviously not really me...but maybe they have a guy on CTG) and hiring full time officials. This is a decent article on why/how it would benefit, and exactly why the officiating is in the state it's in based on Mike Pereira's take on full time officials. That thinking is probably what has been pervasive in the NFL forever...and I've literally laid out exactly how it could work to their benefit (being full time) for years. It certainly couldn't hurt (outside of the NFL paying more for the officiating, but they have more money than they know what to do with anyway), so anyone saying it's a bad idea is simply short-sided and moronic.

To further the point...Sean Payton and Bill Belichick are 2 guys on record saying they think that full time officials would help and are certainly worth a shot, while Ed Hochuli is on record saying he sees no point to it. The next step should be for them to hire ex-college and even pro players (recently ex-players, so in their 20s and 30s) to be officials, as they'll be younger, in better shape, have better eyes/judgment, more "ingrained" in the game, etc, etc, etc.

It literally makes zero sense that the league that makes upwards of $10 BILLION a year doesn't have full time officials on their payroll. If you sit back and think about it, it's literally one of the more ridiculous things currently going in pro sports.
