St Louis Cardinals Season Thread

I don’t think he has seen many twins enough to have much a sample size but plenty of cards do rake Bailey!!

I’ll take Carlos +136 all day vs homer bailey and twins suspect pen. True Carlos hasn’t started in some time but there was competition for this spot, he proved he did the work to be ready this spring and word is stayed in shape thru the time off. I know he can be nasty and bailey a bum. Yes please. 2marro be the day to back twins they will prob crush mikolas and hill curve wil make cards bats look stupid,
Carlos pitched 4 innings last wed and threw a pen session over weekend so think it reasonable to expect he can go 5 maybe 6 even tho it has been 2 years since he started. I think this the 1st year he ever took the offseason seriously and put in work. He was clearly not happy with a pen role and wanted his starting job back. The only concern I have tonight is he to jacked up but I really expect his stuff to be electric!! Doesn’t mean twins won’t score a few, their lineup is stacked but I’m also confident cards offense will hit bailey and twins pen. +136 a great price to back cards here imo. As mentioned I think Carlos only concern is to ramped up and overthrowing, you cant walk guys and turn the solo shots into 2-3 run jacks.
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Current twins only have 24 plate appearances combined against him so nothing really to take from that.

On the other hand cards have a collective 190 plate appearances with a 1,059 ops vs Bailey!!

It stands to reason they would clobber bailey as he doesn’t feature any elite off speed stuff. Majority his pitches fastball/sinker/split finger. It’s the curve, change, slider cards seem to really struggle with.

Assuming rich hill is his normal self 2marro he will be a nightmare for us! Even worse news is im not real confident Mikolas has the stuff or anywhere close to his top form to deal with this twins lineup. Pretty sure I’ll be on twins laying the half run Ff and 1.5 for full game on wed. For today i love the +136 on cards.
Apparently I know cards players better than they do. Mikolas now been scratched and put on 10 day IL! Lol. I don’t understand why they keep pushing him back (this been happening since spring, really before!) and saying he needs rest? They keep calling it a forearm deal which we all know means code for his elbow fucked and he needs TJ! They seem to be in denial bout this but it actually a blessing in disguise imo. Now KK should move back into a starter role which he clearly not suited to close! Giovanni is now back so either him or Heisley should slide into closer spot for which they far more equipped to do than KK!!! From what i saw from Kim in spring (Not the garbage we saw with him trying to pitch on 2 days rest out pen!) he could turn out to be a better starter than Mikolas who in reality a high end innings eater which not all that important this year!
The only real bummer is it took away a golden opportunity to fade Mikolas 2marro like I been freaking planning for days!!!! Bright side is now for tonight’s bet we shouldn’t have to worry about seeing KK in 9th if we have lead!!
Well I think it fair to say the book out on our garbage lineup. Bailey don’t even feature off speed pitches and looks like he learned one yesterday and killing us with it. Starting every at bat with it, half them hangers and we stare at them like retards. So pathetic.
Even goldy flailing away at them. Was he this pathetic before he came here or is it just something bout putting on those birds on the jersey that makes off speed unhittable? I think bailey has thrown bout 3 fastballs for strikes, lol. These dipshits better get used to this, if bailey throwing off speed at them wtf they think everyone else gonna throw? It’s like once you throw them a coupe breaking pitches the at bat is over. Jesus rich hill gonna really make them look stupid.
Jim Edmonds saying how impressive bailey looks, he must have worked on his game. Yea, he learned to throw a below average change up. That all it takes to baffle these scrubs.
Cardinal Twitter seems to be very mad at Bader. His hitting as usual, but also his defense.

He isn’t a starting outfielder in a good lineup. Mfer can’t hit, and yea he shoulda gunned down Sanu fat ass but threw it way off line. Our defense been lot worse than normal this game but the real problem the same one it been for years, we can’t hit a breaking ball!! Now it seems like freaking everyone knows it, this prob more change ups than bailey has ever thrown, lol.
I officially have no clue wtf Shildt thinking lately. No idea why Ponce starting tonight? I assume it just a spot start cause he is not our best option to replace Mikolas long term. I’m afraid KK is still the closer which is stupid imo (not 100% on this just feels like it with this decision), he the most qualified to take the starting spot (along with Gomber) and the least qualified to close! He hasn’t pitched since opening day so seems he be in great spot to slide in tonight, I’m very confused.

I’m not at mike matheny level of aggravation but I’m not thrilled w Shildt either. Me and my brother were texting at end of game last night and we were both baffled at why in the hell he let Bader bat against Romo? The whole world knew exactly what pitch he was gonna see and anyone paying attention the last 2 years knew he wasn’t gonna hit it!! Typical Bader at bat, stared at a hanging excuse me slider for strike 1, then proceeded to start chasing further and further out the zone. This was a far cry from Mariano Rivera throwing his cutter and everyone knew it was coming but couldn’t hit it! This was a past his prime Sergio Romo throwing a decent slider we all knew was coming and Bader wasn’t close to hitting it! You can’t be a big league starting outfielder on a good team and not able to do anything with that pitch!! Astros won the WS off strength of knowing what was coming! Bader still strikes out!!

Danny Mac who pretty linked in to the team said on radio today he not real sure they plan on calling Carlson up and playing him after the 6/7 games to keep the extra year! He said cards are “intent on seeing what they have in O’Neal, lane thomas, and Bader”!! What more do they need to see from Bader? The rest of us know what we have!! A great athlete who plays a gold glove caliber center field (although he made a terrible throw with a great chance to throw Sano out last night!), who couldn’t hit a beach ball!! We should be giving Lane Thomas a chance in center right now (he does intrigue me), I’ve long since thought we should give thomas a chance to play every day but for whatever reason he never gets the opportunity despite showing flashes in limited chances! If they went that route I suppose I could live with Carlson waiting, but not real long. The kid hit everything this spring and our offense in desperate need of someone who takes good at bats! Not as if he being blocked cause our outfield is raking!

If I had it my way the outfield would be O’Neal, Thomas, Carlson, with Fowler being the 4th and Bader being a defensive sub and/or pitch runner. Kk would get 1st crack at taking over for Mikolas and either Heisley or gallagos would be the closer. That all seems incredibly obvious to me but for some unknown reason cards don’t appear interested in fielding the best team they can!?!??!?!!??! Suppose we just have to hope at some point this all works itself out where they have no choice but to start playing the best players at the right spots!!! Until that happens cubs are gonna continue to distance themselves at top the central!!!

Far as tonight goes I already talked about how terrible I expect Hill’s curve ball will make us look at the plate!! We lost the chance to fade Mikolas which a bummer cause I assume we would have gotten a more favorable line with him starting and knowing he wasn’t right I was incredibly confident twins were gonna mash him! Not sure I expect Ponce to fare much better? He a decent back the rotation guy but he throws over 80% 4 seamers/cutters! He has no breaking pitch to negate these twins lefties so I’m just not real sure this gonna go well? Another reason KK should have this start! Twins way more dangerous vs right handed pitchers and Kim slider woulda been a good weapon vs these lefties! But what do i know? Give me twinks ff -.5 -110 and -1.5 +115 fg,
You knew (well ya should have I told you for days!) we wouldn’t touch rich hill! It’s sadly very apparent that if you throw us off speed pitches we will struggle. It also obvious our 5-9 holes are straight up garbage. Lineup not deep even when they are hitting which won’t be often with the whole league knowing how easy it is to pitch us!!
As expected, we have some more positive test and tonight’s game cancelled. Pretty much figured it was coming, they just all traveled together and I’m assuming they not very careful around each other.

I heard buster on ESPN say “we can’t expect them to live like monks”, are you freaking serious guy? Most of us not doing much outside of work and essential places these days, is it really asking them that much to chill on going out during this one season? Lol.
As expected, we have some more positive test and tonight’s game cancelled. Pretty much figured it was coming, they just all traveled together and I’m assuming they not very careful around each other.

I heard buster on ESPN say “we can’t expect them to live like monks”, are you freaking serious guy? Most of us not doing much outside of work and essential places these days, is it really asking them that much to chill on going out during this one season? Lol.

Nah, not when they only make like 50 cents per game.
So we screwed. Dejung and yadi 2 the players with the Rona. We can’t afford to lose dejung out the middle our lineup. Also Sosa who would be dejung backup has it. Then bunch of relief pitchers. Why couldn’t it have been Fowler and Bader? Fuck
Flaherty finally throwing another pitch. He's only made one start so far lol. I hope his bullpen sessions keep him from being too rusty....he does have a poor ERA with 6+ days. He has a solid history vs Cub batters and he is definitely better during the daytime.
Who knows. I wouldn’t worry bout him so much as all the trash Shildt keeps marching out the pen. Figure he won’t pitch more than 4 or 5 at the very most. Maybe today we can use our pen guys I’ve actually heard of but I have no idea?
Can’t even look at FF cause from what I’m hearing flaherty night not throw more than 40-50 pitches, they saying it basically like his 1st spring training start all over again. Obviously they gonna be more careful with him than say waino who old as fuck! As we have seen last several games there no telling who the hell shildt will throw out there after Jack?!?!!?

I heard something like we have set the record for mlb debuts in our 1st 11 games! Lol. I don’t recall the parameters but let’s just say there been a lot of faces nobody knows!! Mfers wearing name tags in locker room!! Lol.

How the fuxk can we cap or bet some shit like that???? It’s clear Shildt is far more worried bout health of our primary guys than winning games right now,, that was painfully obvious when he left Webb out there to get creamed in a game we were winning late!! I understand the fact we kinda forced into this situation but not going to someone else after Webb walked his lefty/lefty matchup w heyword was ridiculous! Clearly we have plenty of available arms, all of which better be at least as promising as Tyler freaking webb against a righty after getting in a jam not getting guys he should have!!