Spurs baby


Paster of Muppets
:smiley_acbe: :smiley_acbe:



look at these facial expressions, all three of them :D priceless :D


I have to do this I'm sorry Suns fans :D I just have to. :D

Thanks for competing
Basketball really is a game of inches. Let's assume this is the end of the Nash-era Phoenix teams.

In 2006, they lose Amare for the season and lose to Dallas in the playoffs.

In 2007, they lose Amare to a suspension in Game 5 and lose to the Spurs in the playoffs.

In 2008, down three with time expiring, Tim Duncan makes his first three-pointer in two years and they lose to the Spurs again.

The picture that almost all will draw from this era of Phoenix teams is that they were a great regular season team, but their offensive style wasn't suited for the playoffs, and the Spurs just had their number. That's what history will remember. But had things gone even a tiny bit differently, the entire story could have changed. A freak injury, a freak suspension, and a freak shot. Three years down the drain.
In case Throwback was referring to the Spurs:







Killa summed it up nicely. Everything could have been different. This is 4-1 right here but this is far from some blowout win. Inches and it could have been different. But FOUR times the Suns had them in the playoffs recently, lost all four.


So one whole era of basketball players and teams and Spurs won all four. We can discuss last year's suspensions, I didn't like them either, but apart from that, don't give me any ref bullshit, I have seen all those games with my own eyes and I am the first to criticize refs when they fuck up regardless of which side I am rooting for.

Tonight, for example, an out of bounds bullshit call was made, it came off Duncan but the ref said it was Spurs ball as it allegedly came off O'Neal. Parker made one dive, so did Bell. Both teams were physical tonight.

Btw, before this recent domination, Spurs also ousted them in 1998. and 1996.

Suns won the series in 1992, 1993. and 2000.

2nd round baby. Let's go.
Gonna be a tough 7 games series... I bet people go back to forgetting the Hornets are good and saying the Mavs just tanked it, in other words saying the Spurs take us in 5 or something.

Can't wait until the game!
Spurs definitely won't take you in 5 games. Neither will you guys, this isn't going to be short. :D

Anything else I can see happening.
Lakers win the championship and Im gonna put the garuntee stamp on it. Lock the door, melt down the key, and make a Lakers Championship ring.
I will definitely try and get some pics/videos for you for the Hornets/Spurs this time around. I still don't have a camera so hopefully I can borrow someone elses.

I can't wait! this makes writing this paper so hard right now though... I still can't focus.
Been saying it for months! Hell I made athread about it a month ago

people have also been saying for months that we'd be a 6-8 seed. then they said we'd give up the #1 seed and drop to the lower seeds... granted we did give it up but shit, people act like we weren't close to the #1 seed. I've said for months we've been overlooked, made a thread about it. :tiphat:

why do you even like the Lakers being across the country?
I am in love with Kobe. Love as in, as close as I can get it without it being Yag. I never underestimated the Hornets dont worry, I said that they would beat the Mav's before Game 1, and that -5 was a great win for me in Game 1. They will beat the Spurs I think also, and lose to the Lake show in the finals
gotcha, guess its a love/hate thing haha. I respect his play for sure and what he's done this year buying into his team finally. Probably one of the deepest teams in the league, it's scary.

But in reality it's going to be tough to tell who wins what games I think. I just feel like the Nuggets/Mavs had nothing in the playoffs so this 2nd round could be interesting for both of us. Wouldn't be surprised if either Lakers/Hornets lose in the 2nd round (Lakers only if the Jazz don't choke).

And Peja is unbelievable. Before today's game I think he was shooting 62.5% from 3 pt range in the series. how ridiculous is that? But Bowen is going to be all over him, dirty player... I can't stand him and dirk.
I bet it might be cheaper to fly in to watch Hornets games and buy an upper bowl ticket than it is to watch a game in LA, I'd recommend anyone who wants to watch a playoff game do it!
want something really funny? here ya go.:18_1_204:
"This is playoffs man, we win by defense, ya kno' what I'm sayin'. Defense is they key to championships. We have to play defense like we never played defense our entire life, ya kno' what I'm sayin'. Defense may be tiring, but defense will help us win the series, man. We must practice defense and play defense, ya got me homie. If we don't play defense then we won't win rings. We should play defense."

-- at a local park in Denver
Allen Iverson Interview
yeah I mean there were series Manu flopped, but I haven't seen him doing it in this one.

There were no bullshit calls in favor of SA (I think in only ONE GAME out of 5 the Spurs actually were called for less fouls than PHX, no bullshit calls with games on the line either), no mega flopping one side more than the other, no "Bowen is sooo dirty and Bell isn't", no suspensions, no nothing.

They beat them 4-1 because they're the better team. Is that so hard to acknowledge?
I just thought it was funny you pointed out one specific series is all.

I haven't watched much of this series so I can't comment on any of this. But I'm pretty sure we will be seeing some flopping and dirtier play if there wasn't any this previous round. Can't avoid it with these two teams coming up and the way they want to play.

However I do think the Suns did not play as badly as 4-1 indicates. Sure the Spurs are the better team but if Duncan doesn't make his first three of the year then where would we be right now?
Yeah I mean I never said this was a blowout, on the contrary. It could have been much closer than it was. Even in game 5 now they had a great shot at winning the game which would take them home to Arizona to tie the series after being 3:0 down, that's something.

It all changes in a second. I just can't see why the props aren't given where they are due, sans a few people here. Spurs didn't play dirty this series, they didn't do anything except make the right calls and the right shots in the last few minutes of each game basically, sans one.

And I think it means something.
There were no bullshit calls in favor of SA

you can't be serious. NBA refs are complete jackasses, so its not the spurs fault, but please don't claim something that you should know to be completely false if you watched the game.

there were about 4 or 5 calls in the 4th quarter last night that were unreal. Like when duncan tripped over his own feet and shaq got called for his 5th foul. Or when parker drove the lane and threw himself to the ground as Amare just stood there, which turned into Amare's 5th foul.

or how about the play that lost the suns the game. Down 2, with the ball, Bowen GRABS and HOLDS Nash as soon as the play starts. Obvious foul, the refs let it go cuz its bowen and they let everything Bowen does go........then Bowen knocks it out of bounds and the ref claims it went off Nash's knee which it did not come close to doing and that was that. Spurs advance.
I meant there were no MORE bullshit calls in favor of SA than against

there were a lot of stupid calls, but I got the impression it was quite even. For comparison, last year I was bitter to see Amare and Diaw suspended, I didn't like it, also there were some horrid calls in favor of SA twice as the games were finishing.
ok, thats different. I'm not sure I agree, but like I said, NBA refs are the wooooorst so its entirely possible the suns got their share of phantom calls. Just seems like the calls down the stretch were skewed towards the spurs.

the final call was the real kicker for me cuz it ruined what should have been a great finish. I couldn't believe that ahole made such an awful call but I guess I need to stop being surprised by the ineptitude of NBA refs :hang:
I just can't see why the props aren't given where they are due, sans a few people here.

Im gonna try and answer this one...

The reason they arent 'given props when they are due' is because theyre a boring team that always seems to get the calls in their favor and has the incredulity to vociferously complain on the off chance that they don't get the calls.

A few reasons why no one likes the Spurs:

1. Theyre seen as a bunch of foreign (Ginobli, Parker) crybaby (Duncan) dirty (Bowen, Horry) floppers (all the above) who complain incessantly (Popovich, Duncan, Ginobli, Parker) over every call and non-call that doesnt go their way despite the fact theyve gotten more than their fair share of calls over the years
2. They play a boring style of basketball to watch
3. Their arena sucks as a place to watch a game on TV (the music playing for the ENTIRE play on key possessions reeks of bush league amateurism that (rightly or wrongly) suggests the fans dont know when to cheer and get loud...and dont even get me started on those rattles from last night - whoever thought of that one should be shot)
4. The Hack-A-Shaq technique they used in this past series was also bushleague. Regardless of whether or not its legal, it reeks of desperation and is a low rent strategy that completely disrupts the flow of the game, annoys everyone outside of San Antonio and should be outlawed. They have the talent and are good enough to win the game 'the right way' so why resort to questionable tactics that are not in any way in the spirit of the game?

And while Duncan is the greatest PF of all time in my opinion, and they have to win the games to win the titles which they did and no one can take away from them, their titles dont come accross as dominating virtuoso performances. The 1999 one was in a lockout year where half the league was out of shape and they beat an 8 seed. The 2003 series and 2005 series against the Nets and Pistons set offensive basketball back 20 years and were 2 of the worst (read: least entertaining to the fan without a rooting interest) in NBA history. The 2007 title was tainted in the eyes of most non Spurs fans by David Stern screwing the Suns out of a fair shot at it due to Horry being a dirty cheating bastard.
I just can't see why the props aren't given where they are due, sans a few people here.

Im gonna try and answer this one...

The reason they arent 'given props when they are due' is because theyre a boring team that always seems to get the calls in their favor and has the incredulity to vociferously complain on the off chance that they don't get the calls.

A few reasons why no one likes the Spurs:

1. Theyre seen as a bunch of foreign (Ginobli, Parker) crybaby (Duncan) dirty (Bowen, Horry) floppers (all the above) who complain incessantly (Popovich, Duncan, Ginobli, Parker) over every call and non-call that doesnt go their way despite the fact theyve gotten more than their fair share of calls over the years
2. They play a boring style of basketball to watch
3. Their arena sucks as a place to watch a game on TV (the music playing for the ENTIRE play on key possessions reeks of bush league amateurism that (rightly or wrongly) suggests the fans dont know when to cheer and get loud...and dont even get me started on those rattles from last night - whoever thought of that one should be shot)
4. The Hack-A-Shaq technique they used in this past series was also bushleague. Regardless of whether or not its legal, it reeks of desperation and is a low rent strategy that completely disrupts the flow of the game, annoys everyone outside of San Antonio and should be outlawed. They have the talent and are good enough to win the game 'the right way' so why resort to questionable tactics that are not in any way in the spirit of the game?

And while Duncan is the greatest PF of all time in my opinion, and they have to win the games to win the titles which they did and no one can take away from them, their titles dont come accross as dominating virtuoso performances. The 1999 one was in a lockout year where half the league was out of shape and they beat an 8 seed. The 2003 series and 2005 series against the Nets and Pistons set offensive basketball back 20 years and were 2 of the worst (read: least entertaining to the fan without a rooting interest) in NBA history. The 2007 title was tainted in the eyes of most non Spurs fans by David Stern screwing the Suns out of a fair shot at it due to Horry being a dirty cheating bastard.

Nail meets head. They're a great team but they are very dislikable mainly for reason no.1. The Spurs themselves seem tothink they've never committed a foul but will go to extreme levels to sell calls to the officials. As a guy who played basketball at the high school level and played down low and took elbows to the face ALL the time and never once bitched, it pisses me off to watch the Spurs turn the game of basketball into soccer.

Sorry Satyr and other Spur fans, but that just rubs me the wrong way. You have to be kidding about not flopping this series, LMAO all SAS does is flop and embellish contact to get whistles.

It works for them, can't blame them for doing it until it stops working but it's bush league.
Parker is the first person I've ever seen try to draw a flagrant foul.

last night hes runnin with Bell one on one. Bell puts his shoulder into parker to cut him off and not give up the layup. Parker went soft and collapsed like he had just been been run over by a truck. I was honestly surprised the refs didn't fall for it.
I just can't see why the props aren't given where they are due, sans a few people here.

Im gonna try and answer this one...

The reason they arent 'given props when they are due' is because theyre a boring team that always seems to get the calls in their favor and has the incredulity to vociferously complain on the off chance that they don't get the calls.

A few reasons why no one likes the Spurs:

1. Theyre seen as a bunch of foreign (Ginobli, Parker) crybaby (Duncan) dirty (Bowen, Horry) floppers (all the above) who complain incessantly (Popovich, Duncan, Ginobli, Parker) over every call and non-call that doesnt go their way despite the fact theyve gotten more than their fair share of calls over the years
2. They play a boring style of basketball to watch
3. Their arena sucks as a place to watch a game on TV (the music playing for the ENTIRE play on key possessions reeks of bush league amateurism that (rightly or wrongly) suggests the fans dont know when to cheer and get loud...and dont even get me started on those rattles from last night - whoever thought of that one should be shot)
4. The Hack-A-Shaq technique they used in this past series was also bushleague. Regardless of whether or not its legal, it reeks of desperation and is a low rent strategy that completely disrupts the flow of the game, annoys everyone outside of San Antonio and should be outlawed. They have the talent and are good enough to win the game 'the right way' so why resort to questionable tactics that are not in any way in the spirit of the game?

And while Duncan is the greatest PF of all time in my opinion, and they have to win the games to win the titles which they did and no one can take away from them, their titles dont come accross as dominating virtuoso performances. The 1999 one was in a lockout year where half the league was out of shape and they beat an 8 seed. The 2003 series and 2005 series against the Nets and Pistons set offensive basketball back 20 years and were 2 of the worst (read: least entertaining to the fan without a rooting interest) in NBA history. The 2007 title was tainted in the eyes of most non Spurs fans by David Stern screwing the Suns out of a fair shot at it due to Horry being a dirty cheating bastard.

I think you can write such a post for every NBA team out there. You know that "where amazing happens" videos on youtube? You have the "nonamazing" videos for all teams, as well as the positive ones. That's the point really.

You said the Spurs are a bunch of whiners. I can think of half the league making "ME?!" faces when a foul is called. Very rarely does a player only continue playing, like a robot. Let me also say I am against ALL SORTS of gimmicks, and against all complaining to the refs.

But while we're at it, Mike D'Antoni complains as much as anyone out there.

The 'fun basketball' card you have to reconsider, really. I mean there were some mega talented dynasties out there, teams like Jordan's Bulls, Magic's Lakers, but apart from them there were mostly defensive teams, especially in the modern era of basketball where individual talent is overshadowed by a SYSTEM.

How are the Detroit Pistons different?

You said the Spurs 'only had to beat the Nets and the Cavs' and whatever. But they had to GET there, reach the finals. It's not only the final series.

I've been a Spurs fan since I was a 10 year old (1994.) collecting Upper deck stickers. Everyone LOOOOOOVEED the Bulls so much and I didn't. I liked San Antonio and I don't have a clue why, but I did.

So I am definitely biased, since I feel I have lived with the Spurs through good and the bad (20-62 season), even though I don't live in the US I had to stay up during the night to see the games, follow the scores, etc...

Today I'm a sports writer here in Croatia, I cover hoops (NBA, European basketball, regional tournaments, etc). The Spurs are my team like forever.

But I love PURE sports. I love defense, in ANY sport, because it is so underrated and because all knee-jerk bandwagon fans love run and gun and 260 point games.

I don't. I love defensive schemes, love it clean (so I've been against some of what Bowen does at times, don't think I wasn't) but I also think in order to do what Spurs did, namely Duncan, you have to be a championship team. You have to be BIG.

They won't play fast flowing basketball but they will outhustle and outwork their opponents, and whether you like it or not this is what pro sports are today.

THAT is why I said give credit where credit is due. I don't buy fast flowing football (Barcelona, Arsenal), I don't buy run and gun Suns, I love a grind it kind of teams who are NOT DIRTY but are tough to play against and are CLUTCH.

They step up when it matters. Duncan is doing everything for a decade now, and when they need him to, he will even nail a 3 pointer. I mean who does that? And all because he is that ugly ass slow kind of guy he gets slated and Michael Jordan gets hyped up because he was oh so athletic and became a huge brand over time.

Tim Duncan is a champion, and Tony Parker and Manu are getting there as well. Not as big as him naturally, but big.
Parker is the first person I've ever seen try to draw a flagrant foul.

last night hes runnin with Bell one on one. Bell puts his shoulder into parker to cut him off and not give up the layup. Parker went soft and collapsed like he had just been been run over by a truck. I was honestly surprised the refs didn't fall for it.

sorry, forgot about that. was disgusted to see it. If I ever meet Parker I would tell him he doesn't need that crap. Really I would. :D :36_11_6:
Nail meets head. They're a great team but they are very dislikable mainly for reason no.1. The Spurs themselves seem tothink they've never committed a foul but will go to extreme levels to sell calls to the officials. As a guy who played basketball at the high school level and played down low and took elbows to the face ALL the time and never once bitched, it pisses me off to watch the Spurs turn the game of basketball into soccer.

Sorry Satyr and other Spur fans, but that just rubs me the wrong way. You have to be kidding about not flopping this series, LMAO all SAS does is flop and embellish contact to get whistles.

It works for them, can't blame them for doing it until it stops working but it's bush league.

preach :shake:
Parker is the first person I've ever seen try to draw a flagrant foul.

last night hes runnin with Bell one on one. Bell puts his shoulder into parker to cut him off and not give up the layup. Parker went soft and collapsed like he had just been been run over by a truck. I was honestly surprised the refs didn't fall for it.

preach :shake:
Spurs just flat out own the Suns in the playoffs. Frankly, it's quite simple. The Spurs have key matchup advantages the Suns just can't overcome.
Spurs/NO will be a great series.
People said all season the spurs were done and overrated. This is their time of year, plain and simple.
And the refs handing Spurs the calls is cray talk. The NBA doesn't want the Spurs in the finals or playoffs for that matter. The Spurs play well rounded hoops and Sterny wants up tempo, scoring, LA vs. Bos. Don't think they will get what they wish
Spurs just flat out own the Suns in the playoffs. Frankly, it's quite simple. The Spurs have key matchup advantages the Suns just can't overcome.
Spurs/NO will be a great series.
People said all season the spurs were done and overrated. This is their time of year, plain and simple.
And the refs handing Spurs the calls is cray talk. The NBA doesn't want the Spurs in the finals or playoffs for that matter. The Spurs play well rounded hoops and Sterny wants up tempo, scoring, LA vs. Bos. Don't think they will get what they wish

The bottom line is that Phoenix doesn't have a guy who wants to step up and make the big shot. The Spurs do.
I meant there were no MORE bullshit calls in favor of SA than against

there were a lot of stupid calls, but I got the impression it was quite even. For comparison, last year I was bitter to see Amare and Diaw suspended, I didn't like it, also there were some horrid calls in favor of SA twice as the games were finishing.

Don't worry, 3 to 1 in stupid calls. I really don't like this dirty and ugly team and never had (at least since the Admiral retired, before they had really awsome team with Elliott and Avery Johnson) but I never let my opinion on the team affect what my eyes saw and I can tell you that after watching all the games in this series, Spurs won the second game, only thanks to the judges. The first game was just great and even though there were wrong calls, they were even more or less (still in favor of the Spurs btw), but in game two? I swear that the referees had Spurs uniforms under their clothes! Every call that was close, to the Spurs, every call that was probably in favor of the Suns, went to the Spurs. Every clear call in favor of the Suns, went to the Spurs. The only way that Suns would get a call in their favor in game two, was if the Spurs asked referee nicely to give one their way!
From Bill Simmons:

Maybe the Suns didn't win a championship, but we'll remember them 100 times more fondly than the brutally efficient and hopelessly bland Spurs, who taught everyone over the years that the regular season doesn't matter, transformed the NBA Playoffs into a flopathon, revived the vile and fan-unfriendly Hack-A-Shaq strategy and did everything short of sending Bruce Bowen out on the court with a chainsaw and a taser. If the Spurs were the Team of the Decade, then no wonder ratings dwindled until the league's big comeback this season. The real shame is that all the mugging, acting, eye-rolling, flopping, rule-bending and hysterical shrugging obscured what should have been remembered as a throwback sports team, a shrewdly assembled roster of well-coached guys who played beautifully together, didn't care about credit and revolved around the best power forward who ever played. Instead, we'll remember them as the team that turned the NBA Playoffs into the World Cup. Congratulations, fellas.
Don't worry, 3 to 1 in stupid calls.

No way.

I really don't like this dirty and ugly team and never had (at least since the Admiral retired, before they had really awsome team with Elliott and Avery Johnson) but I never let my opinion on the team affect what my eyes saw and I can tell you that after watching all the games in this series, Spurs won the second game, only thanks to the judges. The first game was just great and even though there were wrong calls, they were even more or less (still in favor of the Spurs btw), but in game two? I swear that the referees had Spurs uniforms under their clothes! Every call that was close, to the Spurs, every call that was probably in favor of the Suns, went to the Spurs. Every clear call in favor of the Suns, went to the Spurs. The only way that Suns would get a call in their favor in game two, was if the Spurs asked referee nicely to give one their way!

Total exaggeration. But you do tend to exaggerate too much so I'm not even going there

Too much drama. The world isn't black and white, and there is no way the Spurs got a 3 to 1 advantage as far as ref calls are concerned.

Also, if you're so righteous here, why not remembering some of LAL/PHX series who was quite one sided as far as calls went as well as some of SA/PHX series last season?

I bet you didn't see anything wrong there?

Btw, tell me what does Stern (and the NBA) get by favoring a defensive team? Stern has said several times he loves the way the Suns and the Warriors play. No doubts about that.

So what does he GAIN by favoring SA or Detroit?

This is just to show you that you are extremely biased, a lot more than I have EVER been as a Spurs fan, and you've basically decided what will happen even before it actually happens.

I bet you could have written this post even before Game 2. I have SEEN those games. This series (2008.) was clean. There were a lot of bullshit calls but they were made against both teams equally, especially in the last few minutes of Game 2 and 3.
From Bill Simmons:

Maybe the Suns didn't win a championship, but we'll remember them 100 times more fondly than the brutally efficient and hopelessly bland Spurs, who taught everyone over the years that the regular season doesn't matter, transformed the NBA Playoffs into a flopathon, revived the vile and fan-unfriendly Hack-A-Shaq strategy and did everything short of sending Bruce Bowen out on the court with a chainsaw and a taser. If the Spurs were the Team of the Decade, then no wonder ratings dwindled until the league's big comeback this season. The real shame is that all the mugging, acting, eye-rolling, flopping, rule-bending and hysterical shrugging obscured what should have been remembered as a throwback sports team, a shrewdly assembled roster of well-coached guys who played beautifully together, didn't care about credit and revolved around the best power forward who ever played. Instead, we'll remember them as the team that turned the NBA Playoffs into the World Cup. Congratulations, fellas.

Yeah Suns played beautiful basketball. That's all that matters right?

God forbid Suns organization and their fans have been known for whining and '30 year curses'.

The Spurs will be remembered as a throwback sports team. But what's this crap about "didn't care about credit"?

So they care about credit and that's a bad thing? Ask Karl Malone if he would have taken an NBA title (as one of the main players, not some scrub) over anything else he has accomplished in his career? You guys see Duncan making "ME?!" faces, but how about Mike D'Antoni's complaining? This guy is constantly waving his hands in disbelief, and not just against SA.

Rule bending and hysterical shrugging, not this is making drama out of nothing. But I don't care really, you know how it goes: you win, you get the hate.

I just can't believe that the hate will come from Lakers fans. If the Lakers haven't been NBA darlings for I don't know how long now then no one ever was. Show some consistency there will ya?

If the Spurs get calls, so do the Lakers, as seen in the last 10 years. It is really THAT easy in this case. A couple of 42-40 seasons does not change that. So if you want to make needless drama out of this then remember how many calls Jordan got during his career. How many LBJ or Kobe get.

But I guess they're "fun to watch" so it doesn't matter. Duncan is fun to watch too, this guy has been killing it with his talent and his game for 10 years now. That's fun as much as anything else.

Run and gun teams with no defense will never win a championship and that's final. Tell D'Antoni to quit watching Westphal's tapes and start playing some D, maybe you'll get to the finals then.
From Bill Simmons:

Maybe the Suns didn't win a championship, but we'll remember them 100 times more fondly than the brutally efficient and hopelessly bland Spurs, who taught everyone over the years that the regular season doesn't matter, transformed the NBA Playoffs into a flopathon, revived the vile and fan-unfriendly Hack-A-Shaq strategy and did everything short of sending Bruce Bowen out on the court with a chainsaw and a taser. If the Spurs were the Team of the Decade, then no wonder ratings dwindled until the league's big comeback this season. The real shame is that all the mugging, acting, eye-rolling, flopping, rule-bending and hysterical shrugging obscured what should have been remembered as a throwback sports team, a shrewdly assembled roster of well-coached guys who played beautifully together, didn't care about credit and revolved around the best power forward who ever played. Instead, we'll remember them as the team that turned the NBA Playoffs into the World Cup. Congratulations, fellas.

That's beautiful and 100% true.
No way.

Total exaggeration. But you do tend to exaggerate too much so I'm not even going there

Too much drama. The world isn't black and white, and there is no way the Spurs got a 3 to 1 advantage as far as ref calls are concerned.

Also, if you're so righteous here, why not remembering some of LAL/PHX series who was quite one sided as far as calls went as well as some of SA/PHX series last season?

I bet you didn't see anything wrong there?

Btw, tell me what does Stern (and the NBA) get by favoring a defensive team? Stern has said several times he loves the way the Suns and the Warriors play. No doubts about that.

So what does he GAIN by favoring SA or Detroit?

This is just to show you that you are extremely biased, a lot more than I have EVER been as a Spurs fan, and you've basically decided what will happen even before it actually happens.

I bet you could have written this post even before Game 2. I have SEEN those games. This series (2008.) was clean. There were a lot of bullshit calls but they were made against both teams equally, especially in the last few minutes of Game 2 and 3.

Exaggeration helps to underline things, so I do use it, but that doesn't change the one sided whistles. About Lakers, I dissagree with you. Look at Jordan and Wade. No way is Kobe getting the calls that they getting. Shaq? Lakers, Heat, Suns, he never got all the fouls players made on him. So no matter if you talk about the recent ptime or 8 years back, I don't agree with you about the refs.
Why Stern wants Spurs to win? I don't know. Maybe he decided every second year to show fans how ugly game of basketball can be? Maybe he gambles and bets on them? Maybe he just bored?
I have no problems with teams playing a good D. I perfer teams with good D, over teams that play on one half of the court only. But there is Detroit and there is San Antonio. I never saw Pistons player trying to end another player's career. I never seen Pistons player (never I mean the recent "Bad Boys", not the original) with all the chip shots that Spurs use. Champions suppose to have some sort of class, not to be a team that says, I got no chance beating others in fair game, so I will try to do that in a dirty way. Let me ask you something else, why do you like the Spurs? I agree that they are the smartest team in the league with great D, but still, they are plain ugly to watch and when you add all the chip shots, I can't imagine being their fan and rooting for that.
Exaggeration helps to underline things, so I do use it

Thanks for admitting that. It would be hard to discuss serious sports with someone who claims that there are no NBA players in the Cleveland Cavaliers team sans LeBron James.

You are a good capper though.

About Lakers, I dissagree with you.

Well why I am not surprised? You like the Lakers, so you wouldn't admit that they were getting calls earlier in this millennium.

Why Stern wants Spurs to win? I don't know. Maybe he decided every second year to show fans how ugly game of basketball can be? Maybe he gambles and bets on them? Maybe he just bored?
I was being serious. You run the league, you're the main guy there. Why would you want to make a defensive team a dynasty? Doesn't make sense, does it?

I have no problems with teams playing a good D. I perfer teams with good D, over teams that play on one half of the court only. But there is Detroit and there is San Antonio. I never saw Pistons player trying to end another player's career. I never seen Pistons player (never I mean the recent "Bad Boys", not the original) with all the chip shots that Spurs use. Champions suppose to have some sort of class, not to be a team that says, I got no chance beating others in fair game, so I will try to do that in a dirty way. Let me ask you something else, why do you like the Spurs? I agree that they are the smartest team in the league with great D, but still, they are plain ugly to watch and when you add all the chip shots, I can't imagine being their fan and rooting for that.
Again with the exaggerations. They have no chance of beating others in a fair game? The Spurs are champions, and even though some of them did use cheap shots, it has been overhyped and exaggerated. The whole league is like that, unfortunately.

Ugly to watch? No, they're not ugly to watch. Sports teams don't care about providing substantial amount of "fun", they want to win. I already said I didn't like what Bowen did at times, so I am against cheap shots of any kind, but if you think sports nowadays is about "providing fun for the fans" you've got another thing coming.

You not agreeing that the Lakers got the calls during their most recent championship seasons with both Shaq and Kobe on the team is just a tad too much. I DID SEE those calls, same as I saw some pro-SA calls in recent years. I ADMIT THEM BOTH. But you know what? Both teams got there because they deserve it. Those calls weren't that systematic and that frequent to influence the game in 3 or 4 postseasons.

One game, maybe even one series. We can discuss that. But you are talking about a whole era, a 10 year period, the Spurs cheated their way?

While you know as well as I do that if the Spurs got the calls, so did the Lakers. You have seen those games, you're a smart fellow. You even admitted that O'Neal gets the calls. Well, O'Neal used to play in a yellow jersey.

Why do I like the Spurs? I've explained it several pages ago. I love hustle, love defense, love how they make it happen even when they're down by 3 and they need Duncan to hit a 3 pointer to tie it up (something he hasn't done in 2 years), I love Parker's energy and skill, love how Manu is underrated and how he fights for every ball out there...

As far as the roots of my support for the team are concerned, it was 1994. I just couldn't stand the Jordan mania and I kinda didn't like anyone else, just started following SA.

And no, they didn't cheat their way to 4 NBA titles, they won them. There were shady things which I didn't approve of, but in general they won it fair and square.

People, however, tend to dislike them, because they're no "fun to watch". Fun isn't pro sports main priority. Never was, and never will be.

If you're talking recreational sports, that's another story.
One more thing: stop complaining about hack-a-Shaq. This wasn't invented now, it just worked now. So now that it works it sucks, but it was all good before when Shaq was in LA?

I didn't see anyone raise their voice against it before, and I see a lot of it now. If you have no clue about how frequent and old this 'strategy' is, take a peek here:


As far as the rule goes, you can't call it dirty or cheating. Dallas beat SA 2 years ago by employing a similar tactic on Bruce Bowen. It worked, no one whined, I surely didn't. We moved on.

Do the same now. Unless you're not willing to accept that teams tend to foul on purpose, for several reasons.

It's Shaq's fault he can't hit those free throws, not teams' fault for doing it.

Flip Saunders
Mike Dunleavy
Larry Bird
Byron Scott
Rick Adelman
Don Nelson
Gregg Popovich
I would add:
Avery Johnson in the finals when he started losing strings

All coaches trying the 'hack a Shaq' method. So please. :shake: