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Some really sad and unfortunate news....

Sweet i'm still a moron!! And you are? Can you read?

So his own team said that if he were in FL for a second opinion it was news to them. So then what the fuck was he doing in Florida?

If someone says it's news to them, it doesn't mean that Taylor WAS there for a second opinion. And I think in this thread there was an email from a columnist detailing what Taylor was doing in Florida. It looks as if he was there because there had been recent break-in attempts in his neighborhood. Now I know you can go and read that right?
Here ya go Dizzle....

According to an earlier Miami Herald report, neighbors of Taylor say there have been multiple robbery attempts on his property recently, and, just guessing here, that could have had something to do with why Sean was down in Florida.

Sooooo, he was probably there to make sure his house was in order and possibly even making sure his girlfriend was safe. So again, yes I think you're an idiot.
If someone says it's news to them, it doesn't mean that Taylor WAS there for a second opinion. And I think in this thread there was an email from a columnist detailing what Taylor was doing in Florida. It looks as if he was there because there had been recent break-in attempts in his neighborhood. Now I know you can go and read that right?

No shit Sherlock, do you think i'm retarded? Go back and read the thread and you'll see where i'm coming from.
Hey shithead i'm from the DC area and I can get more redskin news than you, so shut up and go crawl back into you little hole you troll.
I really hope he pulls through man wanting this kid as a raider when we got Gallery followed him ever since. Thats why I always root for the skins cuz of him. Please god let him make it.
I really hope he pulls through man wanting this kid as a raider when we got Gallery followed him ever since. Thats why I always root for the skins cuz of him. Please god let him make it.

same here man. He's my favorite defensive player in the league, and I've turned into a redskin fan pretty much only cuz of him.

it fucking sucks he'll probably never play football again.
same here man. He's my favorite defensive player in the league, and I've turned into a redskin fan pretty much only cuz of him.

it fucking sucks he'll probably never play football again.

football is out of the question for him if he makes it out ok???

I thought he could make it back?
here's some info from cnn...

Redskins' Taylor shot in his home

Pro Bowl safety in critical condition in Florida hospital

Posted: Monday November 26, 2007 10:26AM; Updated: Monday November 26, 2007 5:48PM

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Redskins safety Sean Taylor is in critical condition after he was shot at his Florida home late Sunday night.
Matt Stroshane/Getty Images

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</TD><TD class=cnnStoryCLpad><SCRIPT type=text/javascript>adsonar_placementId=1292993;adsonar_pid=769768;adsonar_ps=-1;adsonar_zw=300;adsonar_zh=175;</SCRIPT><SCRIPT>cnnad_createSL();</SCRIPT><SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="http://js.adsonar.com/js/tw_cnn_adsonar.js"></SCRIPT><FORM id=qas_frm name=qas_frm action="" method=get target="" P_onsubmit="null"><INPUT type=hidden name=ie52_mac_only></FORM><IFRAME id=adsonar_serve912363 name=adsonar_serve912363 marginWidth=0 marginHeight=0 src="http://ads.tw.adsonar.com/adserving/getAds.jsp?previousPlacementIds=&placementId=1292993&pid=769768&ps=-1&zw=300&zh=175&url=http%3A//sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/football/nfl/11/26/bc.fbn.redskins.taylors.ap/index.html&v=5" frameBorder=0 width=300 scrolling=no height=175></IFRAME></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>ASHBURN, Va. (AP) -- Washington Redskins star safety Sean Taylor was in critical condition Monday after he was shot during what police are investigating as a possible armed robbery at his home.
The 24-year-old player was in the intensive care unit following several hours of surgery at Jackson Memorial Hospital, said family friend Richard Sharpstein, his former lawyer. He remained unconscious early Monday evening.
Taylor lost a "significant" amount of blood because the bullet damaged his femoral artery, and doctors are worried about blood flow to the brain, added Sharpstein, who was at the hospital with the player's family and friends.
Taylor has had several problems on and off the field, including an incident two years ago in which he was accused of brandishing a gun.
The shooting came eight days after another invasion was reported at his home. According to police records, someone pried open a front window, rifled through his drawers and left a kitchen knife on a bed.
Officers were sent to Taylor's home at about 1:45 a.m. Monday after his girlfriend called 911 and said he was shot in his lower body, Miami-Dade Police Lt. Nancy Perez said. Taylor had missed the last two games because of a knee injury and was at home recuperating. He was airlifted to the hospital.
Investigators were still interviewing the girlfriend and other relatives in the home, Perez said. No arrests have been made.
"It could have been a possible burglary; it could have been a possible robbery," Perez said. "It has not been confirmed as yet."
Sharpstein said Taylor's girlfriend told him the couple was awakened by loud noises, and Taylor grabbed a machete he keeps in the bedroom for protection. Someone then broke through the bedroom door and fired two shots, one missing and one hitting Taylor, the lawyer said.
"It was clearly a burglary, an armed burglary," Sharpstein said, adding nothing appeared to have been stolen.
The shooting happened at the pale yellow house Taylor bought two years ago in the Miami suburb of Palmetto Bay. Taylor is in his fourth season with the Redskins after playing at the University of Miami, where he was an All-American in 2003. Despite his injury, he is tied for the NFC lead with five interceptions.
Redskins owner Dan Snyder arrived in Miami on his private plane with running back Clinton Portis, vice president of football operations Vinny Cerrato and trainer Bubba Tyer.
Taylor called Coach Joe Gibbs on Nov. 19 to let the coach know he'd miss that morning's regular team meeting because he was in Florida dealing with the first break-in, which happened Nov. 17.
"He said, 'Coach, somebody broke into my home yesterday and I came down here to straighten everything out."' Gibbs recounted. "I said, 'I understand that.' I said, 'Take care of your house and everything you have to there."'
Taylor was at the team's headquarters this Saturday to get his knee treated, Gibbs said, adding that he wasn't aware the player then returned to Florida.
A group of Taylor's fans planned a two-hour vigil Monday evening outside the front gate at Redskins Park. Meanwhile, Redskins safety Pierson Prioleau fought to keep his composure.
"This is not just a member of the Washington Redskins," said Prioleau, one of a few players made available to reporters. "But we're talking about a dad, a brother, a friend of ours, and that's where we're at with this right now."
Gibbs was joined by the team chaplain at the Redskins' usual Monday meeting. A small group of players held a separate prayer gathering.
The Redskins (5-6) lost 19-13 at Tampa on Sunday. Taylor did not travel with the team to the game because of his injury. Taylor sprained a ligament in his right knee in the second half of the Nov. 11 loss to Philadelphia. He was expected to miss at least two games.
Known as one of the NFL's hardest hitters, Taylor played in his first Pro Bowl last season, where he drew attention by leveling the other team's punter in what is usually a well-mannered exhibition game. Even though he has missed two games, his five interceptions remained tied for most in the NFC.
Taylor has been in trouble numerous times since he was drafted as the No. 5 overall pick in 2004. He has been fined at least seven times during his professional career for late hits and other infractions, including a $17,000 penalty for spitting in the face of Tampa Bay running back Michael Pittman during a playoff game in January 2006. He also was fined $25,000 for skipping a mandatory rookie symposium shortly after he was drafted.
Redskins coaches and players have defended Taylor, saying he was smart and misunderstood. Taylor has been slow to let anyone in his inner circle. He has rarely spoken to reporters, saying he does not trust them. Teammates said he became more mature over the last year after he became a father for the first time.
In 2005, Taylor was accused of brandishing a gun at a man and repeatedly hitting him during a fight that broke out after Taylor and some friends went looking for the people who had allegedly stolen his all-terrain vehicles.
Taylor reached a deal with prosecutors last year after they agreed to drop felony charges against him. He pleaded no contest to two misdemeanors in the assault case and was sentenced to 18 months probation. The pleas prompted another fine from the NFL but kept his football career intact.
He also was ordered to talk about the importance of education at 10 Miami schools and had to contribute $1,000 for scholarships to each of those schools.
The man Taylor allegedly hit, Ryan Hill, sued, seeking at least $15,000 in damages. Hill sustained bruises to his body, incurred medical expenses and lost wages because of the fight, the lawsuit said.
Taylor grabbed a machete he keeps in the bedroom for protection

Umm, yeah, that sounds normal.

"It was clearly a burglary, an armed burglary," Sharpstein said, adding nothing appeared to have been stolen.

Yep, again, perfectly reasonable.

Obviously nothing to see here, I'll just move along.
And Dizzle, I was being quite facetious in calling you an idiot. All I was saying is that if the Redskins say "it's news to us if he was getting his knee checked out", it doesn't mean that he was. It means that IF he was they didn't know about it. All indications are that he was there to check on his house with the recent break-in attempts. Quite a case of irony that he got shot during an attemtped break-in. Very unfortunate and I hope he makes a quick recovery.
this was from about 10 mins ago...doesn't sound that good to me?

Taylor in critical condition, but responsive, following surgery

Associated Press

PALMETTO BAY, Fla. -- Washington Redskins star safety Sean Taylor was critically injured Monday in a shooting at his home that family members feared could cause permanent brain damage.
Miami-Dade Police were still investigating who was responsible for the attack, which came just eight days after an intruder was reported at Taylor's home.
Sean Taylor, S
Washington Redskins

2007 Statistics:
G/GS: 9/9
INT: 5

The 24-year-old player was in the intensive care unit following surgery at Jackson Memorial Hospital, said family friend Richard Sharpstein, his former lawyer. The bullet hit Taylor in his upper leg and damaged his femoral artery, causing significant blood loss and prompting concerns about blood flow to the brain.
Taylor remained unconscious Monday evening. The Redskins released a statement from vice president of football operations Vinny Cerrato late Monday, stating Taylor remains in critical condition in the ICU and had undergone about seven hours of surgery.
At one point earlier on Monday, Taylor was clinging to life, according to NFL Network's Adam Schefter.
"The doctors are being very guarded about their prognosis," said Sharpstein, who was at the hospital with the player's family and friends. "They're being a little bit skeptical about either whether he might make it or whether it might cause some permanent brain injury."
Still, Vinny Cerrato, the Redskins' vice president of football operations, said he was encouraged by some news from the hospital.
"He was responsive to the doctor's request to squeeze his hand and show facial expression, and so the doctors were very happy about that," Cerrato said. "They told us to hope for a miracle, and I think the positive news we got was extremely good news."

Keep it cool in this thread. No need to nitpick with each other.

Kid has had a troubled past so people will obviously make links.

Everyone just hope he recovers and such.

Agreed, but what's the bad news?

I'm kidding, I'm KIDDING!!! Sounds like there is some positive signs. Hope the kid is alright...
It was definitely a deliberate attack according to the Skins VP:
After Monday's shooting, Taylor's girlfriend tried to call police from the house line, only to discover the line had been cut. She had to use her mobile phone to call 911, which delayed response time, said Redskins Vice President Vinny Cerrato.
''This was a deliberate attack,'' Cerrato said.
I'm glad I was wrong about hearing that he was in a coma

Hopefully ST can get through this, I wonder if him being in good physical condition will really make a difference
ya im pretty sure now after hearing that part about the phones being cut that somebody wanted mr taylor dead and wanted him to die a real slow and bad way.

pretty sick.

still would like to know how somebody just waltzes on in your million dollar home in the middle of the night. faulty security?
If he makes it he wont play football ?

just based on the reports, it sounds like he's closer to death / brain damage then he is to ever playing football.

hopefully he does get to play football again, but i guess at this point staying alive is the main goal.
yea that it was poor decison making to go to miami during the season instead of staying in DC.

DC is more dangerous than Baghdad...much less Miami.

Dude should have had a gun - FL has some more than tolerable laws. In any event, I can't think of ANYTHING this guy could have done EVER that would warrant some fuck breaking into his house and then shooting him.

and let's be clear. If you break into a man's house, and he starts hacking at you with a machete...and then you shoot him in the balls........you are not defending yourself. You are the bad guy.

As for leads for the cops to chase down, it's unlikely there are any. What they'll probably do is the excellent bit of police work that is to ask the victim, "who blew your nuts off?"

Don't believe everything you see on CSI... Especially about the supreme competence of police investigators.
I don't know what it was about Red's post but it got me thinking about the actual situation Taylor went through. A guy cut his phone lines, broke into his house with a gun, seemingly trying to kill him. Taylor grabbed a machete and tried to defend himself and his family. The guy trying to kill him could only shoot him in the groin and ran away. I actually can't think of a scary situation than being chased by Sean Taylor with a machete.
MIAMI -- Washington Redskins star safety and ex-UM player Sean Taylor has died after being hospitalized following shooting at his Palmetto Bay home yesterday.
tragic... RIP

MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- Washington Redskins safety Sean Taylor has died a day after he was shot and wounded in his Miami home, Taylor's former attorney Richard Sharpstein said Tuesday.
<!--startclickprintexclude--><!-- PURGE: /2007/US/11/27/obit.taylor/art.taylor.02.ap.jpg --><!-- KEEP --><!----><!--===========IMAGE============-->
<!--===========/IMAGE===========--> <!--===========CAPTION==========-->Sean Taylor never regained consciousness after being taken to a hospital, says his ex-attorney.<!--===========/CAPTION=========-->


<!-- /PURGE: /2007/US/11/27/obit.taylor/art.taylor.02.ap.jpg --><!--endclickprintexclude-->Sharpstein told CNN that the football player was shot Monday during an attempted robbery and died later at a hospital.
"The blood loss was too much. He didn't make it," Sharpstein told CNN. "He did supposedly squeeze a nurse's hand. I wasn't there," said Sharpstein. "But obviously that was either some kind of response or muscle reaction and not any sign for the better."
He never regained consciousness after the shooting, Sharpstein said. "It's a senseless, tragic death that was so unnecessary, another example of the incessant violence in -- not only our community -- but our country now."
An absolute tragic situation...........RIP Sean! You hate to hear anything like this happening & to think why this even had to happen in the first place.

Some people in this world are just sick selfish bastards and hopefully one day they pay for their crimes.
It was definitely a deliberate attack according to the Skins VP:

I don't know if you can say that it was a deliberate attack on Sean Taylor. A burglar who knows what he is doing will cut the phone lines to cut the alarm system. No phone lines means the alarm system can't call the police.
I don't know if you can say that it was a deliberate attack on Sean Taylor. A burglar who knows what he is doing will cut the phone lines to cut the alarm system. No phone lines means the alarm system can't call the police.

That said, this is really tragic news.

RIP Sean.
I think it was a deliberate killing. In the weeks before when his house was burglarized, there saying a knife was left on his bed. You can't tell me this wasn't a warning. I hope they catch this dumb mother fucker who did this, criminals are usually pretty stupid and like to brag so I think they will be able to solve this.
That is extremely sad. Whether or not the guy was a jackass or not, there's very little you can do to warrant being dead at 24.

Rest in peace, Sean.
Whats sad is that his daughter will grow up without her father. 1 years old. SHe won't even remember him. And from what I read, she was his everything.
And from what I read, she was his everything.

Yeah, well, not to be cold, but that's what people say and write at times like this. Frankly if she was his everything he would have done a better job disassociating himself from that life.

I mean, when just a week before someone breaks into the guy's house and leaves a knife on the bed it doesn't take a genius to see that's a message being sent. Again, I think it's sad this guy died, sadder that a little girl will grow up with no father, but it seems pretty clear this guy was playing with fire to at least a small extent.
Thanks for saying what needed to be said, JoeP.

Truly tragic that yet another African American child will grow up w/o a father; happens all the time in our society and THAT is what i'm heartbroken about...so excuse me if I don't shed a tear just because it was an all pro safety this time around...i'd make a full cfb wager this was gang bang all the way.
If she was his everything then why would his stupid ass bring his family that he loves into this situation in the first place? Think about it people, dont believe everything you read.

There have been reports that this house was burglarized a week prior and a knife left on the bed. So Sean goes down there to investigate with his family? Is he really that stupid? Why would be want to expose his baby girl whom he loved so much to a potentially dangerous situation?
Yeah, well, not to be cold, but that's what people say and write at times like this. Frankly if she was his everything he would have done a better job disassociating himself from that life.

There are reports that he might have been killed BECAUSE he was disassociating himself with that life. Pro Football Talk said it's believed that the killed was a former friend, that he was killed because he was no longer willing to allow those bad influences in his life, and he paid the price for trying to seperate himself from it. This is why people should not speculate on what happened because it might be the exact opposite of what everyone is assuming. If this is true, and it was an old friend, then people like Michael Wilbon owe his family a huge apology. :
If, as Vick once explained it, there was a promise of some sort made among boyhood friends that if one of them "makes it" they'll all "make it" and if one or more of said friends has exhibited some antisocial tendencies, an abrupt decision to cut the friends off could, in theory, put the one who "makes it" in grave danger.