Did you buy any fifw points
Gonna get enough for some packs today i think, help build tesm up a bit
nah I never buy fifa points
Did you buy any fifw points
Gonna get enough for some packs today i think, help build tesm up a bit
Do you like the new shooting and trick stuff
so what's your guys opinion on the Ronaldo story?
really not looking good with the reports coming out yesterday, glad she decided to go public
Haven’t heard, what happened?
Dortmund with a crazy comeback
rough translation/ summary from Ronaldo himself when questioned:
- There are 2 questionnaires
- In one (from December 2009) Ronaldo answers that he did have consensual sex with her
- In the second one (from September 2009) which was send from a lawyer of Osório de Castro's chancellery to Osório and his colleagues, Ronaldo answers the question if she did scream or got loud during sex as followed: "She said stop or no several times. She said that she doesn't want to, but she has made herself available. Afterwards I apologized. But she never screamed."
Any thoughta on Man U game going over today?
Which is more important imoOn the bright side psv is beating inter