So who wants to play this year in a CTG league?


Sign up for CTG Fantasy Football

Anybody want to play for say $100 a pop? I hate playing for fun and money has to be involved.
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I sent a PM to Fondy with some suggestions. I think 3 leagues (a higher priced, middle priced, and free one) is a good idea. That will attract ALL dimensions of CTG members. 3 10 team leagues should be doable. We got about a month to get 30 members together. I have run leagues in the past, so I can offer up suggestions about the specifics of the leagues.

Maybe we can use this thread to gauge interest. If you are interested, post here, and state how much you are willing to put up.

Personally, I will put up no more than $100 because I don't like sending money through a wire.
Okay so do we want to do three leagues, 12 teams, head-to-head each? I also think those that want in have to pay before the draft. I guess if it gets to 10 will have alternates for those that don't end up paying.

Believe811 how do you think we should do the winner payout/breakdown?



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Definately gotta pay before the draft. One no-pay could ruin the whole thing. In all the leagues I've played in, we did winner take all with the possibility of cutting a deal if the last 2 teams wanted to. In this case, I'd probably like to see top 2 get paid. Maybe like 75/25.

The only problem I see is that transactions will be free. I hate free transactions, but it will be way too difficult to get the money for each transaction, so o well. Definately gotta do a waiver system and have votes on trades.
Yeah will have to go with the waiver system, votes on trades, and free transactions.

believe811 if you don't mind go ahead and be the commish of these leagues and set them up once we get them filled.
I can get everything together prior to the season's start, but I do not have enough time to run a league with my new job.
I'd potentially be interested...

Money would definitely have to be collected beforehand-its the only way I'll feel confident that I'll get paid (speaking of which, anyone know where Yanks has been? I owe him baseball cash for my sucktitude). I'll play $100.

We're talking Head to Head, I assume? And also, I think 12 teams makes for a much better league than 10...10 team leagues have a talent pool that ends up being too large,IMO...
interested at either the 100 or the 50. both are enough for me to have fun and yet not care at the same time. so i am flexible and can be put into the league with the least interest.
The current leader of CTG fantasy baseball checking in... Defending champ of his NFL fantasy league..I want in!
The hundy for me 1st.

And if the fifty doesnt get filled I would be down for that too. Let me know.
12-team league is fine with me. There's goods and bads of each kind.




$100 league is already half filled. Everythingthatsgreen needs to specify which league he wants to be in.
Look, I'm absolutely TERRIBLE at fantasy football, I'll get in the free league if it gets enuff members......
I could POSSIBLY be down for the 100 dollar league

I have to see if I'll have enough money by then though (when would we have to pay)
I am definately in...I would rather play in a 10-12 person league but whatever is good...The more money the better....
Cool guys. Sign up in the thread in the sticky for your price preference. We are gonna try to get enough for 12 team leagues. The first league filled will definitely be 12 teams.
I am in for both, the 100 and 50.....

This will be done on Yahoo i suppose?

Yes, we are using Yahoo. The league will be created as soon as the $100 league gets filled. (hopefully by this week). Then we will have all the details of the league like how scoring works and the payout structure. And then we can start setting the best times for drafts. Each draft will be held on a different night in a week in the late teens or twenties of August. Drafts will be online through Yahoo.