So, what have we learned? - NFL Week 8

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
Don't hate me, I was out of town and didn't see much football today. I did see KK < 79s. That was fun, and by 'fun' what I mean is, if you like having a fist shoved up your ... well, you get the idea.

Here's what I know.

The Eagles suck. What a disaster that team is. At this point, I fully concede to Emkee: Let's go all Barkley, all the time. Any team with a halfway decent offense is going to move the ball on this defense. So you're going to lose more than you win, you might as well see if Barkley is the guy.

Also, I totally may have fucked up my contest selection, which is bad because I don't like to be that guy. And because I need to catch Gambole. We all do.

So help, tell me why Miami didn't cover like they should have, why KC played a classic Andy Reid style let a shit team cover when you should have blown them out game (although, in fairness, of what I saw there I'm liking Cleveland's defensive smarts more and more. Their talent is substandard, but their scheming seems to be solid).

Why didn't we all load up on SF? Or Cincy (full disclosure, I had them in a tease—thank you, Gambling Gods).

Now if you can just talk to the goddamn Poker Gods. Fucking KK. Twice in like two weeks, stacked off. And I laid down pocket AA today on a solid read.

Joe needs money, people, he's got illegitimate children to feed. All right, that's not true, but he does have bills to pay. Those goddamn credit cards don't pay themselves off. I know, I've tried to make that argument. Then fucking "Steve" whose real name is totally fucking Sanje, calls me and tells me he's going to come garnish my wages.

Which isn't a euphemism, people. It's just fucking not.
The over, is never over.

Jags actually might lose all 16 games, damn.

Vikings and Redskins play no defense whatsoever..

Eagles are as dysfunctional as can be.

KC has a horseshoe up their ass

Jets look good one week and terrible the next..

Falcons season is officially done

Zona is no joke at home
The over, is never over.

Funny thing, last week I said I was probably going to bet the Lions/Boys over and didn't. For a long time in that game (and the Donks game) that looked really smart. And then ...

Jags actually might lose all 16 games, damn.

They're honestly not competitive. Now raise your hand if you haven't made money betting against them yet. *raises hand*

Falcons season is officially done

Saw a part of this game as I had the total teased (fucking Atlanta almost didn't get there). The Dirty Birds' confidence is shot. You can just see it. They don't believe in their offense.
I've learned K.C. is pretty good, but never take them laying more then a touchdown.

The Jags are on the clock for the first pick, TB and Minny get ready because you guys are #2 and 3.

And Dez aka T.O. Jr, take notes on what Calvin did. STFU, play ball and stay humble. Let your play on the field do your talking.
Yep. Birds done. Chip Kelly is 'Spurrier 2.0', fuck off to Texas already. Eagles were pretty much shutout by shitty defenses 2 weeks running. Football in Philly has reached new lows.

Giants were just gifted 2 wins in a row, this team still sucks. They probably beat the Raiders next week and then most likely go 1-6 or 0-7 in their final 7 games. Can guarantee Mokey will not be posting during that time.

If the Cowboys and Lions played 10 times, each team goes 5-5 with every game similar to the one played today. Both high flying offenses with bi-polar QB's and defense is optional. Mega > Dez.

Skins are a slightly better version of the Birds, meaning they can at least put some points up. Other than that they suck.

Basically the NFC East has become a joke.
Yep. Birds done. Chip Kelly is 'Spurrier 2.0', fuck off to Texas already. Eagles were pretty much shutout by shitty defenses 2 weeks running. Football in Philly has reached new lows.

Giants were just gifted 2 wins in a row, this team still sucks. They probably beat the Raiders next week and then most likely go 1-6 or 0-7 in their final 7 games. Can guarantee Mokey will not be posting during that time.

If the Cowboys and Lions played 10 times, each team goes 5-5 with every game similar to the one played today. Both high flying offenses with bi-polar QB's and defense is optional. Mega > Dez.

Skins are a slightly better version of the Birds, meaning they can at least put some points up. Other than that they suck.

Basically the NFC East has become a joke.

But mokey has been posting the whole time even when they started 0-6. So why would mokey stop now? I'll be in the NBA forum as well... Go sixers
I learned:

Washington sucks (and I'm a fan)
Chip Kelly is looking for real estate in Austin
People give Mokey a hard time, though some is earned. But he's actually a really good dude.
Even though I hate to admit it the Cowboys may make the Super Bowl
The Giants are the same 8-8 team they were that won 2 Super Bowls without the luck

And Jesus is really the retelling of the Sun God Horus

I learned:

Washington sucks (and I'm a fan)
Chip Kelly is looking for real estate in Austin
People give Mokey a hard time, though some is earned. But he's actually a really good dude.
Even though I hate to admit it the Cowboys may make the Super Bowl
The Giants are the same 8-8 team they were that won 2 Super Bowls without the luck

And Jesus is really the retelling of the Sun God Horus


Thanks silky

I learned that Alex and Twinkie are my bros and P unit and fobdy are my cousins.
Giants will still get killed vs good teams and probably the raiders

Jets can't beat teams with good defenses...might brat saints tho

Patriots should kill the steelers

Sorry gurv
Joe, I did, I ML'd the Brown's. They had a real good shot on the last drive to either tie the game up or win it outright but that f'ing Bess dropped an easy 1st down catch on 4th down ! Damn it, I was besides myself. I hope they all shit inside their socks and gave Bess a sock party inside that locker room. Good grief.
Robison for the Vikes was interviewed on local radio this morning. He didn't outright say it, but the DC is not doing a good job putting people in position to be competitive and they have pretty much resigned to playing for pride at this point.

Well, giving up 30 ppg isn't exactly pride, but whatever. This team is on the fade train the rest of the season.
Robison for the Vikes was interviewed on local radio this morning. He didn't outright say it, but the DC is not doing a good job putting people in position to be competitive and they have pretty much resigned to playing for pride at this point.

Well, giving up 30 ppg isn't exactly pride, but whatever. This team is on the fade train the rest of the season.
has there been any more buzz in Minny about AP possibly being shopped for a crap ton of picks to start building again?!
also think the niners are back to their normal identity..more ground and pound versus throwing..

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[TD="width: 64, bgcolor: transparent"]Week[/TD]

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[TD="width: 64, bgcolor: transparent"]Result[/TD]



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has there been any more buzz in Minny about AP possibly being shopped for a crap ton of picks to start building again?!

not a peep, but the Jared Allen steam has begun. Wilf said he didn't want to trade him but I think you have to pull the trigger.
not a peep, but the Jared Allen steam has begun. Wilf said he didn't want to trade him but I think you have to pull the trigger.

thoughts of trading AP? I mean if t Rich is getting you 1 first round pick and you're franchise is in shambles as it is now

trading allen makes sense, but isn't he dealing with an injury? or is he all healthy from that now?
ADP wont get more than 1 pick...or maybe a 1st and a 7th or soemthing and even then its only if the gm is desperate and stupid. running backs just arent valuable. as great as adp is, he is past his prime (i know a lot of ppl will argue. dont get me wrong, a past his prime adp is still a great player, but hes definitely not the same) and you have to wonder how many years he has left as an elite player. the guys been a horse for the better part of a decade
how many teams who are in the playoff race (realistically) are a running back away from being a SB contender and would offer picks? I could see Dallas pulling something like that, but who else?
ADP wont get more than 1 pick...or maybe a 1st and a 7th or soemthing and even then its only if the gm is desperate and stupid. running backs just arent valuable. as great as adp is, he is past his prime (i know a lot of ppl will argue. dont get me wrong, a past his prime adp is still a great player, but hes definitely not the same) and you have to wonder how many years he has left as an elite player. the guys been a horse for the better part of a decade

lynch is only a year younger, is he past his prime as well? just picking your brain..understand the age/durability angle for RB's...
lynch is only a year younger, is he past his prime as well? just picking your brain..understand the age/durability angle for RB's...

in all fairness, i thought lynch was d-o-n-e in buffalo and thought seattle was dumb to get him. so shows you how much i know.
and while i dont think Lynch is past his prime now, i think seattle lets him walk after the year and goes with Christian Michael. Lynch is a differnt kind of rb too, hes not AP fast or anything, hes just a beast and runs over people. but running backs who have that kind of style tend to lose it overnight. one year you are an All Pro and the next year you are averaging 2.5 yards per carry.
I've learned a lot this week.

The NFL is filled with really shitty teams. Teams losing just plain right suck it's not like the opponents are any better it's just they suck.

Jags and Crystal Palace have a few things in common….they both suck shit and they both will or are playing in London.

Vikings…what a fucking joke of a team there are CFL QBs who are better than the nut jobs they have right now. Adrian Peterson is a joke, he can fuck off.

Cowboys…it's quite apparent that tru has been blowing Romo, the only problem is that try won't let Romo cum in his mouth meaning he can't finish the deed.

KC Chiefs…man oh man this team just looks beatable right now I mean their oppositions have just been brutal this year, can't wait till they get pasted by the Broncos in two weeks.

Buccaneers…apparently the state of Florida sucks balls, I think FSU could beat these fuckers.

Speaking of Florida….Miami what the fuck were you doing leading 17-0 and losing the game AND the fucking spread. Unbelieveable

Jets…can we please just get rid of Rex Ryan every year there is drama with this team the media just loves throwing some shit out there in order to get coverage, there is nothing special about this team other than it's made up of a bunch of wing nuts.

Steelers…how is Big Ben not dead, he has the weirdest runs and god almighty I just cringe every time he gets hit.

The only positives I found this week…Megatron…hell fucking yes, fuck the doubters who talked shit early, that should shut them up. Don't piss off Peyton even on two fucked up ankles. Umm how bad would the Packers be without Rodgers?

Anyways that's my rant, I left out some teams cause I could give a rats ass, the Bills are just always a fun joke, Saints win in the Dome la dee dah, Browns are meh, Giants…haha i shouldn't say anything else.
I've learned a lot this week.

The NFL is filled with really shitty teams. Teams losing just plain right suck it's not like the opponents are any better it's just they suck.

Jags and Crystal Palace have a few things in common….they both suck shit and they both will or are playing in London.

Vikings…what a fucking joke of a team there are CFL QBs who are better than the nut jobs they have right now. Adrian Peterson is a joke, he can fuck off.

Cowboys…it's quite apparent that tru has been blowing Romo, the only problem is that try won't let Romo cum in his mouth meaning he can't finish the deed.

KC Chiefs…man oh man this team just looks beatable right now I mean their oppositions have just been brutal this year, can't wait till they get pasted by the Broncos in two weeks.

Buccaneers…apparently the state of Florida sucks balls, I think FSU could beat these fuckers.

Speaking of Florida….Miami what the fuck were you doing leading 17-0 and losing the game AND the fucking spread. Unbelieveable

Jets…can we please just get rid of Rex Ryan every year there is drama with this team the media just loves throwing some shit out there in order to get coverage, there is nothing special about this team other than it's made up of a bunch of wing nuts.

Steelers…how is Big Ben not dead, he has the weirdest runs and god almighty I just cringe every time he gets hit.

The only positives I found this week…Megatron…hell fucking yes, fuck the doubters who talked shit early, that should shut them up. Don't piss off Peyton even on two fucked up ankles. Umm how bad would the Packers be without Rodgers?

Anyways that's my rant, I left out some teams cause I could give a rats ass, the Bills are just always a fun joke, Saints win in the Dome la dee dah, Browns are meh, Giants…haha i shouldn't say anything else.

Good stuff TM. But you're just being facetious with the sentence I bolded I hope. This conversation seems to come up every year, there isn't a chance in hell that any college team is beating any NFL team...not even the Jags, or the Bucs. This just came up a few weeks ago, and every oddsmaker that talked about the topic said that even the Jags would be a 17 pt or so favorite against Alabama.
Elite and the giants have 3 straight home Games and a chance to get right back in it. They are more ball control now, since the ol is crap abd they don't have time for deep routes.
Elite and the giants have 3 straight home Games and a chance to get right back in it. They are more ball control now, since the ol is crap abd they don't have time for deep routes.

It would be something if the Giants, after an 0-6 start, could somehow make the playoffs. It's not out of the realm of possibility, only because they are in the NFC East and can somehow still win the division.
Reggie Bush is a difference maker.

Pryor is not an nfl qb.

pryor does special things. you gotta wonder if he can learn how to play qb because he has the talent. it would suck if he cant get on the field in teh future because hes a weapon
Good stuff TM. But you're just being facetious with the sentence I bolded I hope. This conversation seems to come up every year, there isn't a chance in hell that any college team is beating any NFL team...not even the Jags, or the Bucs. This just came up a few weeks ago, and every oddsmaker that talked about the topic said that even the Jags would be a 17 pt or so favorite against Alabama.

only 17? I'd make the spread 40 at least.
It would be something if the Giants, after an 0-6 start, could somehow make the playoffs. It's not out of the realm of possibility, only because they are in the NFC East and can somehow still win the division.

yea it is.. Team still sucks and I bet them yesterday.
yea it is.. Team still sucks and I bet them yesterday.

Well it sure looks like they aren't making the playoffs, but it's still mathematically possible. They are 2-6 and have 5 division games left.

Congrats on the bet yesterday.
'Public' won big in Week 8. Panthers, Saints, Packers, Giants, 49ers, Cowboys, Bengals and Broncos all covered.
I learned that these "older" Q.B's like Brady,P.Manning and even 9 year veteran Rodgers are still dangerous all stars. Like good wines they age gracefully. They also know how to come from behind with their know how and experience.Besides all that there is money to be made on these guys when you pick the right spot. This Sunday was a good spot.
KC Chiefs…man oh man this team just looks beatable right now I mean their oppositions have just been brutal this year, can't wait till they get pasted by the Broncos in two weeks.


Buffalo will be a tough road game as Carolina, Cincy and NE saw as well. But to look beatable and to actually be beaten are proving to be two different things. 8 games nobody scoring over 17 yet. Chiefs will score on Broncos D and will be physical the way the Colts were with Enver. (on purpose). I believe the Broncos are the better team, but to dismiss this team when week after week they find a different way to win is silly.
will they score on Denver?

Reid either doesn't trust Smith, or Smith doesn't trust himself, or his receivers etc.

I think any team that puts 24+ on them wins going away, they aren't built to come from behind or air it out
Good stuff TM. But you're just being facetious with the sentence I bolded I hope. This conversation seems to come up every year, there isn't a chance in hell that any college team is beating any NFL team...not even the Jags, or the Bucs. This just came up a few weeks ago, and every oddsmaker that talked about the topic said that even the Jags would be a 17 pt or so favorite against Alabama.

you seriously think this is a real statement? Come on man I'm not stupid but the way the Bucs and Jags play it's an embarrassment to the NFL.

Buffalo will be a tough road game as Carolina, Cincy and NE saw as well. But to look beatable and to actually be beaten are proving to be two different things. 8 games nobody scoring over 17 yet. Chiefs will score on Broncos D and will be physical the way the Colts were with Enver. (on purpose). I believe the Broncos are the better team, but to dismiss this team when week after week they find a different way to win is silly.

right of course this is coming from a bias KC fan right? Of course you'd have to protect your team but lets take a look at who they have played and see what the combined winning percentage is?
right of course this is coming from a bias KC fan right? Of course you'd have to protect your team but lets take a look at who they have played and see what the combined winning percentage is?

Obviously you don't read what I write often. As JP and others can attest I am hardly a homer. In fact if I can get 3.5 I will be on Buffalo this week. Not sure if you are good with math, but the three teams with the best records have three of the softest SOS. And that's because every time you win, your opponent gets a loss. I hardly see anyone punishing Denver and Seattle for the same.

The correct answer to "who has KC beaten" is: Everyone. 8 NFL teams. Sorry the schedule doesn't have them at Seattle every week.
Seahawks Road games:

@Carolina 12-7 W (last play)
@Houston 23-20 W (Schaub gifted pick 6 late)
@Indi 28-34 L
@Arizona 34-22 W
@St.Louis 19-14 W (defensive stand on last play of game)

So, you can view their 4-1 road record positively or negatively. Label me extremely unimpressed.