So, what have we learned? - NFL Week 8


The Truth Is Out There
Throwing this back up. Discussion and reflection is always a good thing going forward.

Shout out to Joe P.

Confirmed that the Pats love to send a message to teams that think they belong -

If you come into Foxboro swinging your dick, the Pats will knock you the fuck out and steal your girl.

Learned that the Jets coaching staff has a lot to learn and confirmed that Geno is of limited intelligence.

Learned that I still stubbornly play situations knowing full well the books have virtually eliminated them.

Confirmed that a Aaron Rodgers still can't beat a good defense on the road.

Confirmed that defense > offense.

Learned that the 'Blankets' fade is still a credible wagering tool.

Learned that the Black Hole is back in Oakland -

O-Town peeps are allowed to get excited for the first time since Rich 'Loose' Gannon lit shit up. Carr getting better by the week.

Learned that Matty Ice is getting worse by the week.

Learned that the Rams are the 2nd best team in the NFC West.

Learned that Zona is still soft but showed some balls yesterday.

Learned that Minny are a sleeper and their style of play is built for the playoffs.

Confirmed that the Giants and Saints have mud secondaries.

Learned that the Bungles have some serious moxie but will solely be judged on how they perform this postseason -

Better for them that no matter how they perform week to week, they will be undervalued.

Confirmed that the Bolts need to fire their coach asap.

Confirmed that the Hags are slowly building, especially the defense.

Missed a few teams but doubt too many care.

Seattle, New Orleans, Oakland, KC - all teams improving (despite NO's secondary) and starting to get W's

Atlanta Is definitely a team I will look to fade. Think they finish with 8 wins and miss the playoffs.
Again, this sums up Detroit. No words needed...

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Caldwell sucks
Raiders need some upgrades in the secondary to contend
Den def is really good
NO and brees are clicking...Rob Ryan SUCKS as a DC
Cle battles and covers
Min is coming
Bengals have grown balls
Don't screw with the Rams at home
Seattle is very lucky their season is not over.

Bears aren't as bad as people had them to be.

Brady 20 TDs 1 INT, the guy is one of the best to ever throw the ball.
Eagles might as well just trade for Kaep before the deadline to give him an extra few months to learn Chips offense

him or Rg3 is starting opening day for the iggles
Vikes are still a big fade going forward for me

Any reason in particular? Thought they were a pretty nice sleeper team coming into the season and they haven't done much to dispel that notion. They can run the ball, play defense, and have gotten competent QB play. Like Em said, they seem to be built for the playoffs. Just wondering if you have something you've seen that you'd want to fade them.
Any reason in particular? Thought they were a pretty nice sleeper team coming into the season and they haven't done much to dispel that notion. They can run the ball, play defense, and have gotten competent QB play. Like Em said, they seem to be built for the playoffs. Just wondering if you have something you've seen that you'd want to fade them.

a lot of it from football outsiders, from before this weekend

No, the surprisingly low team is really Minnesota, which is just 28th in DVOA despite a 4-2 record. Here are a few reasons why the DVOA system isn't impressed by Minnesota's play so far:
Every week, the Vikings' Week 1 loss looks worse as the 49ers play like garbage and the opponent adjustments gradually get stronger. As of now, the single-game DVOA for that loss is -84.3%. We've never seen any evidence that DVOA works better if we throw out each team's worst game or anything like that. That game counts.
The Vikings beat Kansas City in Week 6 despite gaining just 4.7 yards per play with a 33 percent success rate. We covered the kooky numbers from this win last week.
Those are just two of the bad teams Minnesota has played this year. The Vikings have played the easiest schedule in the league so far, thanks to two games against Detroit. Even the loss to Denver doesn't look any better to DVOA because, as detailed above, Denver doesn't have the rating you would expect from an undefeated 6-0 team.
The Vikings have also gotten the bounces. They've recovered 5 of 8 fumbles on offense and all 4 of the fumbles they've caused on defense.

their 3-0 in the division, but haven't played GB

2-2 outside (Chargers/Chiefs W's, 49ers/Broncos L's)

Their 2 non division wins have combined for 5 wins, against the Browns, Lions x2, Texans, and Landry Jones led Steelers

Even with a soft schedule, their yards per play for/against is negative, and 20th in the league, around teams like the titans/jags/saints
Learned there is no test available to determine a player's football IQ, which is why Matt Cassel still finds work in the league.
a lot of it from football outsiders, from before this weekend

their 3-0 in the division, but haven't played GB

2-2 outside (Chargers/Chiefs W's, 49ers/Broncos L's)

Their 2 non division wins have combined for 5 wins, against the Browns, Lions x2, Texans, and Landry Jones led Steelers

Even with a soft schedule, their yards per play for/against is negative, and 20th in the league, around teams like the titans/jags/saints

to add to this, I can see the argument for beating whats in front of you, they haven't done so in a way that makes it look likely they will continue once they get to better teams

@ Raiders
@ Falcons
@ Cardinals
@ Packers
thats not why I said it, you inferred that

dont need Mike Vick in his prime back there back there, need someone who can move the pocket, is a moderate threat on a few zone reads a game is a bonus, but even Kaep is only on pace for like 500 yards this year he doesn't run a low, that's 30 yards a game

Mariota isn't a runner either he's got 10 attempts this year, Chip doesn't want a runner, been proven in the NFL it beats up the QB, he just needs someone mobile enough to move the pocket side to side, offense doesn't work how he ran it in college with a statue back there
Ok dude u think he wants one of those two shitty and who can't start on their own shitty team?
even RG3 outside his 1 really good rookie year had a 7.92 YPA last year

I say those two because they are going to be available in the off season, and ya those two can't start on their current teams, but those two current teams are garbage situations

Eagles wont be in a position to draft someone who they can expect to start, so you rather go ahead with Bradford or Sanchez again?

or the other QB Free agents next year

Henne, Daniel, Fitzpatrick, Whitehurt, Moore, Cassel, Clausen etc.
Again, this sums up Detroit. No words needed...

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Manziel has a better chance of starting for the Birds in 2016 than Krap or RGFlea.

Drew Stanton > Bradford.
Not saying Teed is right, but Ed Werder said kinda the same thing that Kap and an Eagles trade COULD be interesting as it seems he fits Kelly's offense

No one says it will happen, but I do not think Teed is that off

Also I bet is Kelly could have Krap or Bradfraud again to start the year he now takes a shot with Krap
SOS is one of the reasons I jumped on StL with the pts this week. Minny hasn't beat anyone with a pulse yet. They are improving for sure but still a bit away.
The real question is who to fade this week: Gabbert or Atlanta

Actually, I thought Gabbert looked decent in his pre season action. Not sure what the stats say, but I noticed he was much more poised than while with Jacksonville.
The real question is who to fade this week: Gabbert or Atlanta

Actually, I thought Gabbert looked decent in his pre season action. Not sure what the stats say, but I noticed he was much more poised than while with Jacksonville.

funny you say this, i completley agree, he looked real good in preseason. having said that, you can't chalk that up to much. Bradford was MVP this preseason. I can confirm your thoughts though, he looked like a former first round pick in the preseason. ATL/SF is a stay away game if there ever was one
Alright, gotta put a stop to this Kaep to the Eagles nonsense. Kaepernick sucks. Chip Kelly knows he sucks. Any speculation of him coming to the Eagles comes from the (incorrect) assumption that Chip wants a mobile QB. Number one for Chips QBs is accurace. Then tempo. Then, if he can run, that is a huge plus. As bad as Bradford has been, I would rather pray that he magically becomes good than trust CK. RG3 I would trust significantly more than Kaep, but still not ideal.

Kapernick was good in 2012 and has gone downhill ever since. Even under Harbaugh, he was regressing every year up until this point, when it all went to hell. Defenses adjusted to him, and he did not adjust back. And as alluded to earlier, the guy seems to have the football IQ of an ACC ref. Absolutely zero desire to get him on the Eagles, and in the off chance that the organization does consider him intriguing, they can wait and sign him for free, no way in hell they should give up a single asset for him.

It's just a lazy narrative that because he has run a little in the past, that would make him a guy Chip would like. Chip did have Vick, but he inherited him. The only guy he went out and got on his own was Bradford, who has been awful, but hes surely not a mobile QB.

Were stickign with Bradford this year, and probably next year, I just hope that they can get Paxton Lynch or Brandon Doughty in teh draft this year to potentially take over the team down the road
And please don't take offense teed, im not saying that is your lazy narrative. People like Werder who mention it, along with plenty of the rest of the national media, and local media, are likely just doing so for clicks since he is a name.
you guys keep focusing on the runner thing

his career accuracy is the same or better than Bradford's in every season

dont think he regressed under harbaugh either, he had 2 full seasons under him, 2012 was a half year

3200 yards, 21 TD, 8 Int and 3370 yards, 19 TD, 10 Int

and even as defenses have adjusted to him, he is still better than Sam Bradford, not saying anoint him as the future and offer a 4 year deal, he's going to be cheap this offseason

flyer worth taking
Also, one last thing, he seems to be mentally weak & fall apart when things go bad. I would hate to see how he reacts to a stadium full of boos when he has a terrible game. That " ignore everybody and stand there with the headphones on" thing would not fly with philly fans.
Kaepernick is not the answer for a traditional football team. He cannot succeed as a pocket passer. That is pretty evident.
Philly fans in a tizzy

there are just 2 narratives that come up all the time that are just annoying. The first is "Chip Kelly could accept a job offer at _____univeristy" and teh second is "Chip Kelly could be interestd in (minority QB who has run a little bit in the past) should be become available." They are just lazy and overdone so much, especially with the local idiot sports talk callers.
well guys if ed werder also said it.. shit must be legit, who the fuck cares what ed werder says?
thank god teed is not running the eagles organization, hey lets sign X qb even tho he has been benched and hasnt been successful in yrs..
The fact that Chip went out and got Bradford tells you he doesnt need a QB that can run. He need a QB that can move around in the pocket, has a feel for the game. Not a statue. And guess what I dont think Kaep or RG3 have any feel for the game...
what is even more funny is Eagle fans and how they worship Chip fuckin Kelly

wow, I know yall had Andy for a while, but he isn't Christ on Earth
what is even more funny is Eagle fans and how they worship Chip fuckin Kelly

wow, I know yall had Andy for a while, but he isn't Christ on Earth
I don't worship chip
If he can't get it done, move on.
I was all for the hiring him, better than some recycled bozo u see get hired all the time.
I was all about Chip Kelly as recent as this August. I have no idea what has happened to him as a coach though. He basically calls again the same way andy did. What happened to all of these ideas he was going to implement? He was supposed to have balls. It's weird how once you become a coach you kind of fall into the same habits as every other coach
I was all about Chip Kelly as recent as this August. I have no idea what has happened to him as a coach though. He basically calls again the same way andy did. What happened to all of these ideas he was going to implement? He was supposed to have balls. It's weird how once you become a coach you kind of fall into the same habits as every other coach

remember week 1, birds had 4th n less than a yard, kelly kicked the FG, fuck i think he missed the kick too i cant remember but the Chip Kelly I used to remember would not have blinked and went for it
Is that comparison supposed to imply that they are similar? The differences in sacks & tds put them on completely different levels.