So, what have we learned? - NFL Week 2

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
Nothing amazes me more than the ability for a bettor (in this case me, and by "me" I mean "BAR"), to have bet football for years and yet to make the same mistake again and again. It's kind of amazing.

Yesterday I'm walking through a sports book, I look up at the board and say to myself outloud, "Heh, it looks like they're begging for Indy money." And of course what do I do? Sweet Jesus. Some days I'm amazed I can pay a hooker to tie my shoes for me. Or something like that.

But it wasn't just the Indy line. There were a number of those -6ish lines that smelled from a mile away. Hello, Chicago. That Birds line wasn't a six, but for a team that was a big road dog to start the season to jump to -7 in a week? Fishy.

Which isn't to call you an idiot if you bet any of those games, hell I bet the Colts so it shows you how much I know.

But since I brought up the Birds, let's start with them.

I love the LMU Paul Wesphal offense. It speeds up the game and makes the game far more interesting to watch—at least for me. But today we saw the biggest flaw in it and it's not about the offense. It's that when you run 364 offensive plays a game, you're going to allow the other team to run 288. And if you give a decent QB with decent weapons all those chances, they're going to find holes in your defense.

And that's if your defense is good—and I don't think anybody's jumping to that conclusion about the Birds' defense—you're going to be fucked.

San Diego had so many turnovers in the red zone today that they could have—and maybe should have—won that game by two TDs.

To paraphrase someone from the in-game, how the hell do you bet an under in Birds games if that's going to happen?

But if you have any of the Eagles' skill players on your fantasy team. Congrats.

For San Diego, they say Malcolm Floyd is OK and that he flew back with the team. And thank God he's not dead. However, he has to be concussed. So there you lose a weapon. You also have a running back who apparently doesn't enjoy hanging onto the football. Maybe you back them against bad teams? I mean they seem like they know how to move the football. But it's hard to really say they inspire confidence as far as a team that could threaten the top tier of the NFL.

And since I bring up the top tier, let's talk about the Green Bay Packers. Correct me if I'm wrong, because all I really did with that game is check in on the highlights, but they did what you'd expect a top tier team to do against a lesser opponent today. They beat them like AG watching Oliva Munn on The Newsroom.

Because her dialogue is so shit-tastic that's all you can really do with her when she's on screen in that show, that's why. For the love of God, man, give me back the tits.

Sorry. Here's my larger question, what the hell are we to do about the Skins. Two weeks, two teams shredding them defensively?

Thoughts, suggestions, answers?

Also speaking of good teams, the Cleveland Football Browns.

All right, fine, they suck, but let's get them out of the way.

This team has no legit #1 WR. Their coaching, for whatever reason seems to think that Richardson running well early is the perfect excuse to spend the second half using your offense to exclusively to shitty WRs.

Here's the problem, when you stop running Trent Richardson, your offense sucks balls. So unless your goal is to produce TV programming that consists entirely of professional football players tea-bagging each other for hours on end, the only person you're making happy is Steed. And that's not good enough.

I don't really know how much to take from that game if you're looking at Baltimore, though. First, that 10 day thing. Seriously I feel like I rarely see teams play well off that. (He says as Denver puts up 54 points on the Giants on the road.) Second, though, there's the SB hangover which I think is a real thing, the changeover in talent, Flacco's wife having a baby the morning of the game, etc.

Bottom line on the Ravens, they beat a team they should beat. So long as Ray Rice's hip is OK, I think the read on them is right. Good team that's rebuilding. Play them against teams like Cleveland or Buffalo or Oakland, etc. Pick spots against them when they play top tier teams.

All right, let's talk about Indy.

Actually, let's not, let's talk about Miami.

So I played the Colts because I like their talent more and their coaching more—that plus the fact that they were at home made this play a no-brainer to me. Well, that and the fact that I watched both Indy and Miami last week. Here's why I was wrong on Indy today.

I saw an Indy team last week that scored pretty well and, for me, played well enough on offense that if they improved even a little I'd consider them a solid offensive team. I also saw a Miami team that really didn't impress me vs. Cleveland until the second half. But that I chalked mostly up to the fact that I think the Browns have a horrible secondary and that Miami figured out if they'd just pass protect they could move down the field in chunks on Cleveland pretty much at will.

Here's what I selectively ignored: Last week Oakland moved the ball on Indy, in Indy, just fine. And that's OAKLAND. So whether Miami's first half last week was an aberration or not, whatever they figured out in the second half last week they could apply just fine vs. Indy this week if they wanted to. Sure enough they did just that.

Hartline didn't have another 26 catches today, he only had five, but he averaged 13+ a catch and Mike Wallace who complained about touches gets 9 for 115. So basically I saw what I wanted to see, not the whole picture.

Which is why this whole thread started off with the sentence it did.

The smart play here wasn't the side, it was the total. They pushed the final number, covered the early number, and left points on the field.

I like Indy for overs.

Speaking of that, the only reason I didn't play Buffalo over today based on last week's thread here was because they were playing Carolina. Sure enough, they had like 13 points at half combined and got that total in the second half. I wish they wouldn't have as I'd like to look at Buffalo overs and to go against them the rest of the month. But the win today helps out the side plays.

Carolina ... what a mess.

I didn't watch KC/Dallas, but it played out about as I think we all expected. I suppose my questions from this game would be all in the trenches. Did KC's DL play well again this week? Really, how did both OL/DLs look? Because I feel like we have reads on those teams otherwise.

I mean, I'm still a little squishy on Alex Smith, but for the most part I think we have an idea of them as a pretty middling team.

The Bears. Man, I'm so happy I stayed off this game. I wanted to play the over, but I was scared the Vikings might not show up. I wanted to play the Bears, but I was afraid if the Vikings did show up that meant AP and he might just keep it to a 3 point game. all by himself.

Because there's no way I saw Minny letting Ponder win or lose that game, not against the highlights the Bears put up last week on defense in the passing game.

Here's what I like here, I think this Bears team can score points and they look like a team that knows how to win a close game. And maybe that is because Culter doesn't really seem to care where the ball goes when he throws it, but I don't care. I like something about this Bears team.

I also feel like this may be a high point for the Vikings. Huge emotional division loss here. Tough to immediately bounce back from that especially when you're now 0-2 and 0-2 in the division. Really tough. Next week screams let-down spot for them in my book. Funny thing is, they come home for Cleveland and may well use the opportunity to stomp the shit out of the Browns.

But even if they go to 1-2 or 2-2 (Pittsburgh goes to Minny in Week 4), I think it might be false hope.

Some quick hits:
I said it last week and I'll say it again, Arizona's offense is going to score some points this year.

Has anyone checked on all those people jumping off the Lions' bandwagon? There have to be some sprained ankles there.

Great win by the Saints, but man, the amount of moosecockage Tampa backers have taken in two weeks is enough to build an entire episode of Sons of Anarchy around.

Worse 2-0 team, New England or New Orleans?

If you saw Schiano meltdown on the sidelines on his own players today, maybe like me you thought of the Deadspin article from earlier about how much of a nightmare that organization is right now.

Denver's good. The Giants will probably end up around .500, but I feel like there are holes all over that roster. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Atlanta at home is a recipe for betting a team total. Yes, I forgot to do just that.

The Rams score 24, but really, was the game that close? Related: I think the Rams suck.

Thursday night games are useless. I have it on good information that the NFL knows this but they don't care. Because all they care about is the money. Bad product on one night a week is less important to them than the value of reminding people about the brand heading into the weekend. Because Americans are vapid morons with zero long term memory that you absolutely have to spell things out for. Or hadn't you seen the Cadillac ad where the car literally blows the doors off other cars—GET IT? Ugh.

Sorry, where was I?

Teams I want to find ways to play on:
  • GB
  • SF
  • Atlanta at home
  • Denver at home
  • Chicago at home

Teams whose totals I want to look at:
  • Detroit
  • Indy
  • Philly
  • Atlanta at home
  • Green Bay

I'm sure there's more, there's always more. But for now it's your turn. Last week this thread was really awesome. MCG talked Titans who I never even covered here. Capaholic got in on the Chiefs, multiple people talked Cowboys. Jump rubbed one out in the corner. Seriously, other than that last part it was really great.

So get on in here and tell us things to help us make money.
great stuff joe, as usual..

I learned that the Browns are really bad and I was totally wrong about them.

Vikings are a very lucky team.

Texans had back to back tough games, I feel a letdown spot coming for them.

Washington is bad, I knew that though..
The NFC East defense is terrible.

The giants offense is lacking precision and timing.

Denver should be able to score 30+ every game.
Philly defense is atrocious....bad bad

Saints stuff:

-Mark Ingram sucks. BAD. I thought it was a decent pick at the time. No, wrong. Complete pussy and extremely stupid to waste so much on a 1st rd pick. And on that note, don't take RBs in the 1st. AP, Trent Rich, sure...I get those. RBS are free. The best one on the Saints wasn't even drafted. Ot is like gthe Saints want to prove he wasn't a bad pick. He was. Get over it. Cut him. He fucking blows.

-I like this defense. 2 weeks in a row now. They aint Baltimore from back in the day, but they play hard and have bailed out this offense 2 weeks in a row. 2 turnovers and hold the home team offense to 7, and that was due to some positioning. TB has really good receivers and a good RB, no denying.

-Saints offense....stagnant. Team is having problems in RZ. I believe they will get better, hopefully. No one wants to hear it, but I have been saying since last year. Drew is on the decline. Obviously still a top 10 QB and he is smart, but the INTs are piling up and to me he had another C game. Bad bad pick and he consistently is under throwing the deep everytime. The receivers are beating the coverage and having to come back for the ball all the time.

Tampa is in turmoil. Freeman will be somewhere else next year. Clayborn is a beast and they have a very good defense that will give them a chance every week. That said this is a dirty ass team. Hit on Graham by black was awful. The clipped the kicker on the Saints as well. After Black hit Graham he got up and was chirping too, Their coach is dirty too. Fuck that guy and that team.

My pop came over and watched the game with me. He is a RZ subscriber. He caught the last bit of the 12pm games and couldnt believe I didnt have RZ.

Question. Does anyone still like watching full games for a team you don't root for?
Question. Does anyone still like watching full games for a team you don't root for?

What do you mean root for?

Would I watch a game for a team I'm not a fan of, have a wager on, or have any one on my fantasy team? Probably not... But RZ is great for the simple fact that you could watch and learn instead of just looking at box scores and reading recaps...
Do you have Redzone?

I should have said it better nba

When 8 games are going, would you watch RZ or one game?

Ive heard some say they hate RZ(minority from my experience), but some have told me they like to watch a whole game.....get a feel for it
I am probably the only one who doesn't like redzone. I watch full games; as many as possible.
How crazy is it you cannot order RZ on a Sunday LOL

I mean you should be able to push a button and have it added to the bill.....Cox is closed on Sun, so I have to think about it on Mon-Fri
Saints offense....stagnant.

This worries me. But it puts into a single word what I think a lot of us have feared for what, two-plus seasons now. Nobody wants to admit it, Twink, you're right. But they lack something and a lot of it seems to be cohesion. It was easy to write it off last year for obvious reasons, but I feel like the problem started before that.

What I do like, though, is that defense. They play with that Bears-like aggression for the football.
Also to answer the question:

Question. Does anyone still like watching full games for a team you don't root for?

No. Honestly, if I don't have money on the game it's tough for me to watch a full game any more. I don't know if that's the game or me getting older or what. But I don't love the NFL for the sake of football like I used to.

I do think the game has changed a bit. It's brutal to watch teams move down the field thanks to flags. But I also think some of it is TV. Just today I was thinking how if I'm being totally honest, right now I see top level international soccer as better than the NFL. Mostly because there's no stoppage of play. I can't fucking deal with how many commercials the NFL fits into a single game any more. They go to commercial, I change the channel. On Sunday's that's fine because I just go to another game. But Thursday or MNF? I only come back if I bet the game.
It's definitely hard to watch full games with no action as I get older...for me I have one TV set to the Game Mix channel, showing all 8, and the other tvs acting as a RZ channel with whatever is most interesting at the time. Definitely gives the option of seeing the most interesting action and never miss any big plays, though sometimes miss the little stuff.

This Arizona team is good and getting better. They were super undervalued the first two weeks and not sure where they will be going further. Detroit, on the other hand, has been super overvalued the first two weeks. Barring some absurdly bad calls late and some lucky plays, they would be 0-2 ATS and maybe SU.
One tv on RZ and another flipping from game to game....don't know how people betting could do it another way

that's what I do, I couldn't stand RZ only

don't know how people do that, get no flow of the game, might as well watch SportsCenter

but one channel rotating through the ST channels and one TV on RZ for updates is by far the best set up
might as well watch SportsCenter

Not to totally derail my own thread, but seriously, I haven't watched SportsCenter in years. It's such shit. What makes it even worse, is now that they have the rundown on the side of the screen, they never fucking stick to it. You sit there and watch five minutes of bullshit—not even news, by the way, some nonsense about how Tom Brady's nuts glisten in the late afternoon sun and how that's the hallmark of a true champion—and then they go to commercial. But that's OK, you think, because the one single thing you want to see is up next—the ticker told you so.

Then they come back, they're not talking about what they were supposed to talk about next, and your story has moved like three things back in the ticker. What the hell is the point of having it there if the fucking thing is always inaccurate?

It makes you want to jump through the TV, punch Stewart Scott to the ground and then skull-fuck him in his good eye just to make a point.
Tom Brady's nuts do glisten in the late afternoon sun though.
I've never been able to watch a game at a time .. RZ is cool but I actually just watch the game mix channel .. All the games at once and you don't miss anything ..

As for the topic

I think Tennessee will be a good cover team as a dog .. Miami will beat NE at least once .. The AFC is Denver and everyone else .. Teams with big leads at halftime almost never cover the 2h line .. Red skin overs might be good since they play literally no defense .. Jacksonville might set a record for points scored.
[TABLE="class: mod-data, width: 100%"]
<thead style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-size: 11px; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial;">[TR="class: team-color-strip, bgcolor: transparent"]
[TH="colspan: 7"]
Detroit Drive Summaries[/TH]
[TR="bgcolor: transparent"]
[TH="bgcolor: #CCCCCC, align: right"]START[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #CCCCCC, align: right"]QTR[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #CCCCCC, align: right"]POSS.[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #CCCCCC, align: right"]YARD[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #CCCCCC, align: right"]PLAYS[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #CCCCCC, align: right"]YARDS[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #CCCCCC"]RESULT[/TH]
</thead><tbody style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-size: 11px; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial;">[TR="class: even, bgcolor: transparent"]
[TD="align: right"]15:00[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]02:19[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]DET 20[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]3[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]8[/TD]
[TR="class: odd, bgcolor: transparent"]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]10:29[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]1[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]07:01[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]DET 6[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]13[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]65[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1"]Missed FG[/TD]
[TR="class: even, bgcolor: transparent"]
[TD="align: right"]00:38[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]01:14[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]DET 7[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]3[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]-2[/TD]
[TR="class: odd, bgcolor: transparent"]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]11:44[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]2[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]01:24[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]DET 20[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]3[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]80[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1"]Touchdown[/TD]
[TR="class: even, bgcolor: transparent"]
[TD="align: right"]07:32[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]2[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]05:37[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]DET 8[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]10[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]92[/TD]
[TR="class: odd, bgcolor: transparent"]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]00:53[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]2[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]00:53[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]DET 21[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]2[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]-1[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1"]End of Half[/TD]
[TR="class: even, bgcolor: transparent"]
[TD="align: right"]12:43[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]3[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]00:49[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]DET 6[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]2[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]1[/TD]
[TR="class: odd, bgcolor: transparent"]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]10:32[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]3[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]00:14[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]DET 20[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]3[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]0[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1"]Punt[/TD]
[TR="class: even, bgcolor: transparent"]
[TD="align: right"]04:13[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]3[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]01:27[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]DET 20[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]3[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]6[/TD]
[TR="class: odd, bgcolor: transparent"]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]14:17[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]4[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]05:34[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]DET 20[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]9[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]51[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1"]Blocked FG[/TD]
[TR="class: even, bgcolor: transparent"]
[TD="align: right"]05:32[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]4[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]00:53[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]DET 8[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]3[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]0[/TD]
[TR="class: odd, bgcolor: transparent"]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]01:59[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]4[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]00:50[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]DET 20[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]5[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1, align: right"]26[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F1F1F1"]Downs[/TD]
Bush got hurt on that 10 for 92 drive...after a big play...

I was really digging the offense the last 5+ qtrs with him then some power with Bell. Once he was out and the fact the defense was out there a lot in 2nd due to the pick 6 etc...not confident in this team...still saying 8-8...that is 3 injuries for Bush in 5+ qtrs this year.

EDIT: I missed they put brace on and that is how that FG happened to open 2nd half...

And so was Bush, who never returned to the game. He attributed the fumble directly to his injury.
"I was able to go back in the game, but I wasn't myself and I probably shouldn't have gone back in," he said. "I was reaching for the ball. It was 100 percent my fault. Like I said, I probably shouldn't have been in there.
Don't forget about the Bears when you talk about shit teams that are 2-0. They got outplayed in each of the first 2 games and pulled off comeback wins that definitely shouldn't have happened (and won't happen against good teams)
Joe, that week 4 tilt between Minny and PIT is actually in London, so who knows how the vikes will play next Sunday. They could easily be looking ahead here.
NFC East couldn't let the AFC North dominate the early season suckitude, so they threw up their own 0-4 week. The horse player in me looks to see whether teams had an excuse for a bad game, or whether its a sign that they simply stink.

I'll give Dallas a pass. They caught an energized KC team in their home opener with a coach who's the all-time win leader against them and played them basically down to the wire. Romo was apparently bothered by his rib injury from last week, on the radio broadcast ex-QB Babe Laufenberg noted that on throws to the left side of the field Romo was stepping to the side and opening his hips instead of striding into his throws, which would explain the inaccuracy. It doesn't explain why they through pre-dominantly to the left in the 4th quarter.

But the defense put in a really nice effort despite not generating any turnovers. KC started drives at the Dallas 31, 35 and 48 and the KC 45 and only came out of those with 3 points. KC's defense also looks very good. Dallas needs to find a running attack in a hurry though.

I'll give the Giants and Redskins a partial pass for playing teams with a higher class level, although the end results were still ugly.

The Eagles really have no excuse. Favored in their home opener against an average west coast team playing at 10:00 am their time coming in off a short week.
Thanks for the shout out JP. Few things to add after re-watching KC-Dallas. Gandolf made some good points and just wanted to add a few

-This team is very talented on defense. KC gave them a lot of different looks on offense and the D adjusted well to all. Look to either play Dallas or the under in games where the opposing OL is weak. They get tons of pressure up front. On offense, the run game struggled big time (not sure who to blame, or whether the KC front 7 is that good). Dez Bryant is a monster. Brandon Flowers is a Pro Bowl DB and Bryant abused him until the Chiefs changed the coverage scheme.

- This is a top 5 to 10 defense. The front 7 is excellent. Same deal when facing any team with OL issues. NT Poe either gets pressure up the middle or he gets enough attention that allows LBs to get pressure off the edge. Will be interested to see how they deal with Philly this week. I don't see Philly putting up two strong halves. KC will adjust. Offense? KC fans want to see more run, but it's not going to happen. Alex Smith has been as advertised. He will not make a mistake to hurt the team. Ran for almost 60 yards as well as he will not force anything. OL got beat up a little bit by Dallas' D but considering it's a very young line it will come with the territory.

Overall I think Dallas is the best team in the NFC East, which currently is not a huge deal. Offensive playcalling is an issue. Not a Callahan fan. Dallas will be in it all season though. KC is not going to wow anyone, but they are efficient. They are a playoff team but could be better if they can start stretching the field in the passing game. Hope some of this helps.
Eli turns the ball over way too much. A lot aren't his fault, but he still makes a lot of costly mistakes. The Giants have zero at running back and their defense is below average, to be kind.
Recipe when playing Minn - stack 8 in the box and force someone other than AP to beat you. They need to open the offense a bit more for Ponder - he made some nice throws (I cannot believe I just wrote that) in the 2nd half, the one to Jennings late in the game comes to mind. The guy has some speed when out of the box - he put a nice hit on briggs near the sideline yesterday on one of his scrambles. Rudolph can get open and catch but they don't seem to target him enough (maybe they take playcalling lessons from Clev with their utilization of Trent).

Bears defense played better yesterday - 14 of Minn pts came via special teams/fumble recovery and they held AP in check most of the afternoon (although he did get 100yds rushing) but once Minn allowed Ponder to throw the ball down the field it opened up scoring opportunities which still plays into Overs moving fwd.

Bears offense still work in process but you can see they have serious weapons on the offensive side of the ball - yesterday it was TE Bennet and Marshall doing work. Forte has yet to go off and they haven't needed it yet but he still ran well yesterday. Cutler had nice protection and is showing when he has time there isn't a throw on the field he cannot make. Trestman knows QB position and Cutler is going to reap the benefits of that. I still like the overs in their games again they are a work in process so when they are a lined as a big favorite one needs to take a serious look at the dog.

Other games

Dal/KC both defenses looked good, why Dal doesn't throw to Bryant every down is a good question - the guy cannot be covered. Neither run game looked good but that was more of a testament to the defenses.

Phil/SD - put the brakes on Chip redefining offense in the NFL. Eagles fans hated Reid for his clock management - Chip mismanaged the final mins of that game in one of the worst ways and it cost them. They might have to start setting o/u's in the 60s for eags games.

TB/NO - Its been alluded to in this thread but something does seem off with Saints offense and it could be Brees, Tampa has absolutely no discipline on the field. They remind of the old Raiders teams 90s, dumb penalties, terrible QB and bad coaching. I think Schiano is in over his head and the organization is a mess in general. Both defenses impressed a little.

Seattle - anytime that team lays less than double digits at home they should be automatic play on. They crushed a good SF team last night if they get HFA good luck to the rest of the NFC - its another world up there.
Regarding the Rams sucking, this is what I see. They have 1 guy affecting everyone. Sam Bradford is keeping this team down. He hasnt been sacked in 4 games so the excuse of getting him more time and having no weapons is just that, an excuse.
I see a much improved defense that is always on the field because Bradford cant move the chains. they have a good run D. Dline is pretty stout. Olgetree is etting better and better. There's better athletes who are big hitters at safety. At DB there seems to be something wrong with Finnegan. He's off to a terrible start. Janoris Jenkins is playing pretty good.
Offensively they have enough weapons. Im not sure why Brian Quick isnt playing more. If he gets it together they'll be tough to stop. They have a great kicker/punter combination.
The only thing keeping this team down is Sam Bradford. I've seen enough now that he just doesn't have the IQ or courage needed to take the next step. I don't think Sam Bradford will ever play in a postseason game.
I see the Cows completely different.
They made Alex Smith look like Johnny Unitas. Like he was a great gametime leader.
Dallas' offense is still the same. Penalties at all the wrong times.
Romo unable to sense backside pressure. Holding the ball until a "quick flick" is all he can get out there.
Bryant makes amazing catches, only to drop the easys at the worst time.
3rd and 10/12. Romo tries to flick a pass to Whitten, who's 4 yds passed the LOS.
He had gone to Whitten 2 previous times. Whitten is no longer the guy running down field without a helmet.
He goes down if you hit him on his feet.
The offense has no answer for a blitz and cannot open running lanes.

The defense was interested in stripping more than tackling.
Mo was screwed on the PI call.
They are susceptible to running Qb's and screens/dumpoff passes.

Some ridiculous offensive play calls. Nothing new there.
Last week in this thread someone (correctly) said that you can't put too much stock in impressions after just one week. With that in mind I am saying after this week 2 and after each and every week the Cleveland Browns suck. Last week with some sarcasm I said I don't think they will win more than 3 games this year. Forget the sarcasm. This team won't win more than 3 games this year.

Also a raspberry shout out to the morons that run the NFL Network. I am watching the paint dry in Cleveland so I am checking back and forth with the NFL Network scoreboard which is really cool. Scores, where the ball is, the whole nine. Then when the games are in their last few minutes at 4 pm these idiots change over to a scoreboard show where talking heads talk endlessly about the same game and they stop putting up scores except in the bottom where, to satisfy the Fantasy folks, each score takes about 10 minutes while they give every boring detail of who caught what for how many yards. NFL Network goes from the best score show ever for 3 hours to the worst at the exact time you need the scores the most. Nice going assholes. GL
I learned William Moore is a great form tackler:

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a couple more tough injuries for the Falcons:

Starters Kroy Biermann and Bradie Ewing are out for the year.

Biermann's loss is huge, he makes a lot of plays in that system and will not be replaced with the next man up. Looks like Snelling will be the fullback again unless they pick up a veteran or something.....Bad news all around.
Basically take the 3 ugliest/oddest looking dogs each week and you've got a higher chance of going 3-0 than 0-3...
I was away from the tv most of the day yesterday. As bad as Washington looks right now, let's remember they have played two pretty good teams so far. They look awfully cheap to me at -1 with a dome team who does NOT do well as a fave/small dog playing on real grass. For the sake of argument, we'll consider FedEx grass rather than a rice paddie with loose chunks of sod on top.

Has there ever been a season where teams traveling three time zones East playing at 1 pm have gone 3-0 ATS (Oak, Sea last week, and SD yesterday)?
Jax was my favorite bet of the weekend, but I lost the giants too so it's not like I saw things perfectly.

didnt see a single minute as I was heading back from Dallas to the big apple, but a 19-9 loss saw two drives extended by penalties on 3rd and long. This put six more points on the board for Oakland and even still Henne was leading them for a backdoor late to only run out of time.

Pryor looked good in the play-by-play, but I made the play thinking OAK was just a bad team who couldn't lay so many and I'm not sure i was wrong. Jax may be by far the worst, especially if Mjd is hurt (todman had a lot of touches)
I also got sucked into taking the Jags yesterday.

Oh - and Seattle just gets it done at home. Betting against these guys at home is just suicide. Defense is just so solid, well coached (despite my distaste for Petie), and a home crowd that makes all other venues look like Yag pride parades.
agreed seattle at home shouldn't be bet against.
also, i'm sure i will have a lot of disagreement judging by all the love for the faggy-whiners and everyone being on crapernick's nuts, but seattle has been the best team in that division since mid-last season. the whiners offense has done nothing for the last 12 quarters against that defense. i've never cared for seattle, but they have been gaining my respect for their dominance over a team i believe to be overrated, even though most people think otherwise.