So, what have we learned? - NFL Week 10


The Truth Is Out There
Fire away.

Had the Cards as soft, not anymore. That win makes a team.

I suck. My plays have regressed more than the Hags 4th quarter defense.

Cam is giving peeps the middle finger. Dude rolled in a noted flat spot.

WTF happened in Green Bay ?

Just quietly, Jay Cutler is having a nice season. Bears underrated.

Birds looked great for all of 5 minutes, Butt-fumble is back. Help.

Manziel is not an NFL QB, dude should leave football and go snort away his inheritance somewhere.

Steez are still a dangerous team.

Dallas is a cursed franchise. Jerrah got that bad karma, teams gets f$%ked hard at the end of games.

Minny just win.

Pats are so well coached. You also never give Brady a 2nd chance, if you miss your opportunity - you're f'd.

It's now official, the Chicken Parm has expired. It stinks.
JFF passed for 375 and was the teams leading rusher. Had two dropped passes in the end zone that hit the rcvrs in the numbers.
He played well despite what was around him...........and that dumbass coach.
JFF passed for 375 and was the teams leading rusher. Had two dropped passes in the end zone that hit the rcvrs in the numbers.
He played well despite what was around him...........and that dumbass coach.

You are kidding, right? He did not play well, he played like shit. 375 meaningless yards, that's what happens when teams have three-TD leads in the 4th quarter. Can't see over the line, holds the ball too long, doesn't take care of the ball, hands are too small, isn't fast, isn't accurate, isn't smart. He is awful, will soon be out of the league, signing A&M jerseys in Vegas on a metal chair next to Pete Rose.
Rams have a head coach who is incompetent and really should give his gameday paychecks back. He's not an NFL HC coach. I would like to see what kind of teaching takes place vs what the Patriots do.
You are kidding, right? He did not play well, he played like shit. 375 meaningless yards, that's what happens when teams have three-TD leads in the 4th quarter. Can't see over the line, holds the ball too long, doesn't take care of the ball, hands are too small, isn't fast, isn't accurate, isn't smart. He is awful, will soon be out of the league, signing A&M jerseys in Vegas on a metal chair next to Pete Rose.

He was the best player on the field for your team.
Your team had negative yds rushing at the few points I was able to watch.
Fine, choose not to see what the kid can do for more than a sporadic start here or there.
Cleveland has such a stellar history of knowing what a starting quarterback looks like.
They can criticize at this point? laughable
He was the best player on the field for your team.
Your team had negative yds rushing at the few points I was able to watch.
Fine, choose not to see what the kid can do for more than a sporadic start here or there.
Cleveland has such a stellar history of knowing what a starting quarterback looks like.
They can criticize at this point? laughable

I'm an expert by now at knowing a shitty one when I see one, and he's certainly that. Shitty human being too.
Steelers had no running game either, QB played on one leg. Points > yards, Manziel doesn't score any.
Yeah, you know Johnny personally.

Don't have to know him personally, lol. What kind of guy you think Greg Hardy is? My beef with the little punk is he isn't a pro. Self-entitled, immature little prick with no apparent redeeming qualities on or off the field, no ability to lead, no ability to do anything but drugs.
Steelers had no running game either, QB played on one leg. Points > yards, Manziel doesn't score any.

The rapist didn't shrug off two defenders and do everything he could to get to the endzone for his team. Just to watch the Brownies get a holding call, an offside and give up a sack for a loss of about 26 yds.

I'm not saying JFF is going to be great. I would prefer a taller, stay in the pocket QB myself. But the league is filled with retreads that have never won and they will not groom or give a chance to younger talent.
Look at the idiot Cowboys. Keep hanging on to a closer to 40 qb and see where it's got them.

With the shitty Oline in Cleveland, you need someone that has at least some chance to escape.
Don't have to know him personally, lol. What kind of guy you think Greg Hardy is? My beef with the little punk is he isn't a pro. Self-entitled, immature little prick with no apparent redeeming qualities on or off the field, no ability to lead, no ability to do anything but drugs.

Oh yeah, I forgot. Liberal compassion doesn't work for people you just don't like. Or have an internet view of, cause we know the internet is full of truths.
The last thing I want is for Johnny to be an embarrassment to the great university. He's taken plenty of criticism from his own.

BTW, that damn McCown just keeps getting hurt behind those 5 wads of silly putty in front of him. He must really suck.
Liberal compassion? What in the hell are you talking about? I'm just talking about a terrible NFL quarterback. Is there something I'm supposed to feel bad about? Did a tweet hurt his feelings? Did he buy some bad blow?
Liberal compassion? What in the hell are you talking about? I'm just talking about a terrible NFL quarterback. Is there something I'm supposed to feel bad about? Did a tweet hurt his feelings? Did he buy some bad blow?

"Self-entitled, immature little prick with no apparent redeeming qualities on or off the field, no ability to lead, no ability to do anything but drugs."

From your fingers through the ethernet(the techies will get that).
That statement has nothing to do with his ability to play quarterback.

I would just as soon never see Johnny's name in the press , in a negative fashion, but at this point he can't take a crap without people criticizing him for the way he pulls his pants down.

He threw some very nice fades, one of which was actually caught. Other throws were very much online. He did a good job for being too sshort, small hands, no blocking, receivers with stone hands etc..

"Self-entitled, immature little prick with no apparent redeeming qualities on or off the field, no ability to lead, no ability to do anything but drugs."

From your fingers through the ethernet(the techies will get that).
That statement has nothing to do with his ability to play quarterback.

I would just as soon never see Johnny's name in the press , in a negative fashion, but at this point he can't take a crap without people criticizing him for the way he pulls his pants down.

He threw some very nice fades, one of which was actually caught. Other throws were very much online. He did a good job for being too sshort, small hands, no blocking, receivers with stone hands etc..

I think carrying yourself like a pro, not making public excuses for yourself (for on and off the field failure), and not living your public life like a world class deuchebag are all essential to success as an NFL quarterback.
And here I thought you were getting at his addiction problems and recovery when you pulled the compassion card. I'll take that seriously when he does.
I didn't learn anything new, but confirmed that Peyton Manning is one selfish SOB. guy can barely walk last week yet didn't feel it was his duty to tell the trainers that he probably shouldn't have played yesterday. Just retire already.
I didn't learn anything new, but confirmed that Peyton Manning is one selfish SOB. guy can barely walk last week yet didn't feel it was his duty to tell the trainers that he probably shouldn't have played yesterday. Just retire already.

AMEN. It's really fucking sad.
Agreed on Peyton. Also, clearly it was a horrible situation, but at first glance, Osweiler didn't pass the eye test. I said the saem thing about Aaron Rodgers the few times he came on in relief before taking over, so obviously it means nothing. But there is absolutely a chance that Denver is going to start to slide and be bad for awhile.

Eagles are trash. Chip is trash.

Tip, you are welcome to your feelings on JFF, and you are a fan of the team so you are probably better versed than we are, but it definitely seems like your thoughts on him as a person are imacting what you see on the field. I Thought he played his heart out. He may just not have the talent to ever be great in the NFL, but he played very well yesterday and deserved a better fate. Would love to see a team iwth an innovative OC or HC pick him up, give him weapons, and play to his style and not against it. Again, not saying hes a star. Just not saying hes not.
the old saying is if you have a good D and can run the ball, you will alwyas be in the game. thats how this team is. nothing special or flashy, but they get the job done.

They are doing the things well that you need to do come playoff time. They stop the run, they run the ball well, they are great on special teams. Defense is ranked #2 I think and they bottled up OAK pretty good yesterday. They get consistent pressure with the front 4, and you look back at teams that won SB's like Tampa and NYG, they were able to bring pressure with their front 4 and play lights out D. What Zimmer has done, taking arguably one of, if not the, worst defenses in football 3 years ago to being a top 3 defense now is amazing. If he's not coach of the year right now I don't know who is. Just win baby.
They are doing the things well that you need to do come playoff time. They stop the run, they run the ball well, they are great on special teams. Defense is ranked #2 I think and they bottled up OAK pretty good yesterday. They get consistent pressure with the front 4, and you look back at teams that won SB's like Tampa and NYG, they were able to bring pressure with their front 4 and play lights out D. What Zimmer has done, taking arguably one of, if not the, worst defenses in football 3 years ago to being a top 3 defense now is amazing. If he's not coach of the year right now I don't know who is. Just win baby.

I'd vote for Zimmer or Riverboat Ron right now, can even throw in, gulp, Marvin Lewis...
Confirmed that there is a flag on every kick-off or punt return.

Confirmed that refs have the power to extend or kill a drive with a bullshit flag.

Teams win or lose because of the flag.

The flag holds all of the power in this league right now.

I also don't think I've ever seen so many safeties through the first 10 weeks of a season ever.

what coulda been Giant fans....

The Brady fuck you tour continues 9-0 ...albeit a lil tougher with Julian sidelined until the playoffs
Is something seriously wrong in GB or are they just going through a bad patch of games?

Unders will likely be golden in Denver games.
I think it's more of a bad patch for GB. OL is a bit of a mess, but they are definitely suffering from the injury bug on the offensive side of the ball. Also, I think we're starting to see some dissatisfaction in the playcalling on offense. Seems they are very out of rhythm. you could even tell by looking at McCarthy's face during the game that he was frustrated (plus they weren't executing the plays and Rodgers missed a few throws badly). DET was able to get a fair amount of pressure. Will be interesting to see how they handle the pass rush this weekend. Rodgers usually kills the vikes though.
I think the Packers are in trouble. No run game and the passing game is being exposed without Jordy. Cobb nor Adams have stepped up and become a playmaker the way they hoped. THeyre a playoff team no doubt, but they are going to be ver vulerable
Gb struggled weeks back vs the rams at home, next week I bet them against sd and they continued to look bad. And it's been like at now for 5 wks.
I think the Packers are in trouble. No run game and the passing game is being exposed without Jordy. Cobb nor Adams have stepped up and become a playmaker the way they hoped. THeyre a playoff team no doubt, but they are going to be ver vulerable
Wasn't fat boy lacy a top 5 fantasy pick this yr?
I have no idea what constitutes a "catch" anymore.....neither do the refs. Speaking of which, I'm putting more weight on the "penalties" metric. In a league, where the team that makes the least mistakes wins, it just makes sense.
The NYG could be 7-3 if they knew how to manage the clock. Coughlin has absolutely killed them in the NO and NE games.
Manziel played a solid game vs. Pitt ...Kinda game a young guy should be able to build on , but the Browns will start McCown again down the line ..

Johnny got his head ripped 180 degress on facemask and he bounced back up and didnt bitch or cry just got back to the huddle ...That right there gave me hope for the youngman.

Went 3-1 in early games ...Had AZ as late play ...then went Seattle ...I dont trust my numbers or me !
I think a lot of people lost huge money on Bengals ML yesterday.

If ppl are laying over -500 on a ML that is on them. I def think a ton of teasers and parlays were killed though. my teaser was already killed by Green Bay so I didn't even have to deal with teh agony
This season is now wide open with the Manning collapse and the Patriots losing Edelman. Need to give more credit to Carolina and their wins over Seattle, Philly and Green Bay. Not quite murderer's row but not a bad trio.
Russell Wilson can't win you games. He's great at not losing games when the D and running game are firing, but if they're not, he is just an average game manager.

The Redskins look the best they have in years. They have talent at the skill positions and a solid front 7. They only have a couple really tough games left on their schedule and I won't be shocked to see them go 8-8.

The Bungles are going to win 3 more games this season and lose the first playoff game they play in. They have peaked and it will be downhill from here on out.

The Iggles have gone from being flush with playmakers to having no one who can make a play in this offense outside of Ryan Mathews. I'm at the point where I hope they lose to get Chip fired and a better draft pick. It's a shame too because the defense is finally top tier, but Agholor was a terrible pick at the spot they took him and the OL isn't what it was during the Nick Foles fluke season. They have taken 2 steps backwards on that side of the ball.

Happy for the Johnny Football Show to start. This league is so damn boring with all the flags and commercials, I'm actually looking forward to watching this guy make terrible decisions on the field the rest of the season.

This won't be a popular opinion but I think the Donks will be better with Osweiler under center if that winds up being the case from here on out. That team has all the pieces, Peyton has been the weak point outside of the GB game.
Galt, overall I agree with what you said about the Eagles but it is way too early to say Agholor is trash
He looked great during camp and in the preseason and since then it's been a combination of getting used to the NFL and being hurt. I still think he is going to be a quality player. Maclin was not very good at the start of his career
Russell Wilson can't win you games. He's great at not losing games when the D and running game are firing, but if they're not, he is just an average game manager.

The Redskins look the best they have in years. They have talent at the skill positions and a solid front 7. They only have a couple really tough games left on their schedule and I won't be shocked to see them go 8-8.

The Bungles are going to win 3 more games this season and lose the first playoff game they play in. They have peaked and it will be downhill from here on out.

The Iggles have gone from being flush with playmakers to having no one who can make a play in this offense outside of Ryan Mathews. I'm at the point where I hope they lose to get Chip fired and a better draft pick. It's a shame too because the defense is finally top tier, but Agholor was a terrible pick at the spot they took him and the OL isn't what it was during the Nick Foles fluke season. They have taken 2 steps backwards on that side of the ball.

Happy for the Johnny Football Show to start. This league is so damn boring with all the flags and commercials, I'm actually looking forward to watching this guy make terrible decisions on the field the rest of the season.

This won't be a popular opinion but I think the Donks will be better with Osweiler under center if that winds up being the case from here on out. That team has all the pieces, Peyton has been the weak point outside of the GB game.
I think you're spot on with this point. Peyton has pretty much been the worst QB in the league thus far. Look out for the Broncos with some consistent QB play. The defense is there. Playmakers are there. They just need a QB.
Russell Wilson can't win you games. He's great at not losing games when the D and running game are firing, but if they're not, he is just an average game manager.

The Redskins look the best they have in years. They have talent at the skill positions and a solid front 7. They only have a couple really tough games left on their schedule and I won't be shocked to see them go 8-8.

The Bungles are going to win 3 more games this season and lose the first playoff game they play in. They have peaked and it will be downhill from here on out.

The Iggles have gone from being flush with playmakers to having no one who can make a play in this offense outside of Ryan Mathews. I'm at the point where I hope they lose to get Chip fired and a better draft pick. It's a shame too because the defense is finally top tier, but Agholor was a terrible pick at the spot they took him and the OL isn't what it was during the Nick Foles fluke season. They have taken 2 steps backwards on that side of the ball.

Happy for the Johnny Football Show to start. This league is so damn boring with all the flags and commercials, I'm actually looking forward to watching this guy make terrible decisions on the field the rest of the season.

This won't be a popular opinion but I think the Donks will be better with Osweiler under center if that winds up being the case from here on out. That team has all the pieces, Peyton has been the weak point outside of the GB game.


so true. Even with the Saints being terrible aside, I have never been more disinterested with the NFL.