So, what have we learned? - NFL Week 1

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
I wish I could say that I was really prepared for this season, but the truth is I totally was not. I've been busy with nonsense for weeks at work and when I started to look at lines last night I thought to myself, "Holy mother of God, I don't even know who's starting at QB for all these teams."

Now, why I knew Blaine Gabbert was under center, I'll never understand, but that's another story.

Anyway, I can't claim to be as well versed in all things NFL as I've been heading into Week 1s in the past. And yet, there have been times when a ton of research did me no good at all, so we'll see what this season nets.

Being that the NFL now stretches out opening weekend into like seven days, let's start on Thursday.

What my thimble-full of knowledge told me about the Broncos was their offense had every opportunity to pick up where it left off and that thanks to steroids or coke or whatever, I may only be to name one starter on their defense.

But Baltimore lost quite a bit, the Super Bowl hangover and revenge for that horrible beat explained the line.

What I took from that game, and especially within the context of the Sunday games as well, is that I think it's hard to make the argument for true parity in the league.

I do think the NFL provides the opportunity for any franchise to succeed, but it's just like if you put 30 companies in the same building, some are just going to be run better than others. And because it's such a QB driven league, I feel like it's easier than ever to put the teams in to tiers.

The NFL wants points, they want to end games with Peyton Manning, Aaron Rogers, Tom Brady, etc. doing interviews.

This is why I think it might be easy to over-react to Week 1 (as everyone always does) and easy to lose some things based on matchups.

They wanted Brees vs. Ryan, Romo vs. Manning, Flacco vs. Manning, Rogers vs. Kap ...

And when you have good teams & QBs up against like competition in Week One, I think it can be hard to pull a ton out of those games.

In Denver, great QB beats really good QB. But mostly because he throws for 7 TDs and Baltimore's defense—at least up against a guy who put points all over them last year too.

So, is Denver's offense good? Yes. Did Baltimore lose pieces? Yes. But this matchup was one that produced a ton of points last year too, and really the Broncos handled Baltimore in every game.

Which isn't to say this was an easy bet. It's instead to say, how much do you really take from that game other than the Broncos' offense is starting the season on the same page and Baltimore still needs to work out some kinks?

Does that mean Balty sucks? No. They still have Ray Rice, they still have the ability to stretch the field. But yes, they miss Pitta and Boldin. What I'm more interested in with them, though, is what their defense looks like in Week 2. I think their offense, especially against marginal defenses, will be fine.

The Donks on the other hand may be tough to get any value on. Peyton makes them a really public team.

From a matchup standpoint, I think you saw something similar in New Orleans.

Now, I didn't watch the whole of this game, so I'll be interested to hear from those who did, but I think it's a similar situation. Two good QBs, defenses that gave up points—but they did so to good QBs.

My questions from this one since I didn't see enough of it:
  • How did Atlanta's look on the whole, balanced? It should be, no?
  • Brees had 357, was it legit, how did Atlanta's secondary look?

Really for me that's about all I need because I trust Brees to get some points week in and week out, and I trust Atlanta to score as well—especially at home which is where I'm going to look to play them anyway. But where Jackson had 70+ yards, 50 of them came on one play and he didn't look particularly fast, at least to me.

Same scenario in San Fran. Aaron Rogers vs. a system that makes Kap extremely formidable. Which is to say that you can't put Rogers and Kap on the same level, but you can put their offenses and what their offensive production should be on the same tier.

This, to me, is one of those games you just don't bet seriously. For fun, or props or the total, sure, but the offenses are good enough that it's kind of a coin flip. The wrong turnover flips that result.

Actually a large part of the reason I didn't watch a ton of this game was because early on you could see both offenses are there and ready to go. I just hope there's value to be had with them.

All right, enough of that larger point ridiculousness, let's talk about the team you all really care about.

No, not the Birds, they don't play until tomorrow night—in primetime, where they should be.

Let's talk about the Cleveland Football Browns.

Good God this team sucks.

Fine, it's a bit of an overreaction, but not much.

There were a couple of teams I saw touted as under the radar teams that may be much better than people think this year—and the Browns were one of them. Someone on ESPN had them as their survivor play today.

Do these idiots even look at the roster of these teams?

This Browns' secondary is awful (sorry, Joe Haden, but you're the extent of the talent back there). The Browns DL played really well against the run, but who cares in a passing league where you're just going to get torched for 12 yards a pass? Ryan Tannehill cut up the Browns today. Please tell me how it gets better for that defense.

I can't see it.

What I can see is teams giving the Browns their O-face as they put one on Cleveland's eyebrow.

I can also see Trent Richardson being a man. And him hating life all season as the Browns go 5-11 this year.

And since we've talked about good teams that look ready to roll (GB, SF, Denver, etc.), let's talk about how we can already start to fill out the bottom of this league.

Hello, Jacksonville.

Another one of the very few things I heard about before this season is that the Jags are going to run with one of the youngest secondaries in the league. Really? With an offense run by Blaine Gabbert? This team has trainwreck written all over it.

It also may have Los Angeles written all over it, because the NFL doesn't care about you, Jacksonville. They never have.

Oakland and the Jets were also mentioned as awful, but Oakland, to their credit, traveled east well in the AM and held their own against a markedly better team.

And the Jets won.

Now, the Jets have to come back and play in one of those miserable Thursday night games this week, so you know, buttfumble pending. But they are 1-0.

Sadly, it's tough to see a lot of value coming on NE this week. One, they're a hugely public team. Two, the perception is the Jets are going to suck.

Also, in watching parts of that game a couple of things really jumped out. First, the fumbles. That's not going to happen with the Pats every week. Second, when they needed to get it down, they still got it done. Now, Danny Amendola may not catch six consecutive balls thrown his way in clutch time or whatever it was, but the point is, NE still has the schemes and the talent to get guys open and Brady can still put the ball where it needs to be.

That won't win every game, but it should consistently put points on the board. Were this Thursday night game on Sunday, you'd have to figure NE for 24+ this week. And yet, it's a Thursday nighter and those tend to start slow because they're a flawed idea.

I didn't watch Bears/Cincy until the end. And it was nice to see Cincy's lack of discipline never changes. And that AJ Green is just going to eat the Browns secondary alive. He's just going to kill them.

What I don't know here is anything of substance about the Bears.


AG proclaimed the Steez season over in the in-game thread, which is one way you know we're in Week 1. But losing Pouncy and Foote for the season with injuries can't help.

There are enough Steeler fans here to get in on this. What did you see in this game? Was this just Pitt declaring it's time for a rebuilding year, was Tenny legitimately the better team? What did you see from Tenny that can help 'cap this team going forward?

I think what Seattle did today is really going to get lost today. Forget the score, just realize that they flew across the country for an early game and took care of business. I don't think anybody is going to talk about it, but I think this is a good win. Especially since Carolina was about to score to take the lead when the Hawks' defense made a play.

What was interesting to me about Carolina is that the talent seems to be there. $cam makes a play here, Steve Smith makes one there, Williams makes another. Yet they can't really get on the board. This may be an example of the Seahags' defense really being something to watch this year.

Either that or Carolina's offense may need to drop some Cialis in the hopes of ending up with a four hour erection.

Likewise, I expect people to look past Detroit's win as well. Because they were favored, because Minny seems like a one-man show to the general public (and because AP did nothing to discourage that read today). I just don't see Detroit getting much credit.

So, do they deserve much credit?

What did Minny do today that will work well for them going forward and what type of team can the Vikings beat?

As you can see, there are a lot of questions. This thing needs to be crowdsourced. Not just because I wasn't able to do a ton of research pre-season, but because certain posters are going to pick up on specifics that none of us could pick up on for every single team.

Tell me about Kansas City? Sure, Jax blows, but how did Alex Smith look for the whole game? Was their offense balanced, or pass-heavy?

I did watch St. Louis/Arizona and can tell you Carson Palmer looks like a decent QB when you let him throw to Larry Fitzgerald and don't put pressure on him.

On the other side of that, this hype about how the Rams' really re-tooled their passing game to give Bradford these great weapons is horseshit. Their TE Cook had a really strong game, but other than that you're looking at a team that lost Amendola and Brandon Gibson. They got those on the cheap (cough, from the Eagles) and you have Austin from WVU, that's fair. But unless that guy's going to be great out of the box I'm not sold on the passing game.

And I'm not sold on it in part because I don't know what the hell St. Louis is going to do for a running game. Richardson didn't look like a feature back to me at all.

What I liked so far this season, in no particular order
  • Peyton to Welker to Thomas etc. to the endzone
  • Carson Palmer to Larry Fiz making the Cardinals look like they might score more than 10 a game for the first time in two years
  • SF being ready to roll
  • GB being ready to get it as well
  • Rams TE Jared Cook
  • Browns TE Jordan Cameron & RB Trent Richardson
  • Andrew Luck looking ready to go & Ahmad (sp?) Bradshaw looking like he still has something in the tank
  • Reggie Bush looking like he can help balance the Lions' offense
  • The Bears taking the ball away all day
  • Fish WR Brian Hartline

Things I didn't like, also in no particular order:
  • Blaine Gabbert
  • The Rams' passing game
  • The Browns' secondary
  • The Steez being flat in a home opener and losing players to injury
  • Miami's new dolphin that looks like an airplane which wouldn't be so bad were they not rivals with the Jets
  • The Bengals annual lack of discipline
  • Every Oakland Raider not named Terrelle Pryor

But these lists are no where near complete. They are just some of what I saw. Help make this thread better, pick a team or a game and tell us what you saw, what you liked, and what you think opens up some value going forward.
Joe loves to be loved. Good to see you, Twink. Good job by the Saints not just to shake off the early deficit, but also to make the stand at the end to hold on.

Thanks, NBA.

Saints had every reason to be up for that game after last season's debacle, would like to see that D on the road before I buy that they're better.

And yes, Emkee loves him some Joe also...
Lets not slight TJ Ward. Him and Joe are working with an entirely different crew from a year ago. Outside of those two, OK...
Bengals gave it away today but I like that team a lot moving forward.

Titans- Tough to get too excited even though I should be as road wins in Pittsburgh aren't too common. Locker looked bad. Good QB play and the Titans would have named the score today. O-Line looked much, much better though which is certainly encouraging because there will face much weaker defenses in the future.

Very surprised with the defense. Steelers couldn't run the ball today. Whether that's a function of the Titans being much improved on defense or the Steelers having their standard terrible line is yet to be determined.

I would like to thank everyone here for talking me off the Steelers over bet for the season. Money saved is money earned.
The giants were just out of sorts from kickoff and somehow still had a chance to win. Mr. Salsa was awesome. But the giants d line was atrocious. Peyton is going to go ham next week if this is what he's up against.
Good to see you back JP.

* The Steelers offense has NO weapons. You lost your big play guy in Mike Wallace and now you have nobody that scares the defense.
* Russell Wilson is just a winner. No matter what the score is, how much they're down, the weather, whatever, I have the utmost confidence in the guy to get it done.
* Bonehead plays: Ray Mauluga(sp?), wtf. You cost your team a chance to try and tie the game. The Bucs linebacker who hit the guy late to set up the Jets fg. It was a close call that could've been a no call but at that point in time, you gotta let up. Don't chance it.
Thought Bengals played well and were certainly the better team for the first 3 quarters. Offense only had the ball for just under 3 mins in the 4th quarter so that didnt help things one bit. Couple things I noticed, Oline protected Dalton pretty well and when he stood in the pocket and hit the open receiver he was spot on. When he got in trouble he was basically throwing on pre snap read or already knew where he was going to throw the ball which gets him in trouble quite a bit. Tight ends both looked great, AJ was dominant and made quite a few great catches. One of Daltons picks came when AJ was doing his best Chad Johnson stone hands imitation and ball deflected off for a pick. Quite concerning the bengals dline didnt lay a hand on cutler. Not sure how they come away with no sacks and Cutler never looked uncomfortable in the pocket. Give him that much time he's going to find brandon marshall every time, like he did.

Coaching was still the same ol Marvin Lewis gameplan. Look great at times then at times look like its week 1 of preseason and burning all your timeouts with 8mins left in the 4th quarter. Definitely wastes timeouts at the worst possible time. This team will still likely win 10+ games this season but should be the same song and dance come postseason. QB play and coaching will prevent this team from being a legit superbowl contender. Look for Cinci to come back with a very strong effort next week on MNF.
Learned? here>

Buffal could have a .500 season
Fade the entire AFC North. They're all 0-1
Miami is better than they look.
Fade the Patriots until they show they can play defense. C-MON Man. they almost got beat by a rookie.
The Steelers finish tied for last in the division
Bengals will be back
Colts won't surprise teams like they did a year ago.
SF defense isn't as good as last year. Road covers will be hard
Tennesse is in first the moment.
Teams that can't hold a 2pt lead suck
How about them Cowboys. They needed 6 turnovers from the Giants to win.
Giants will be back.
Can GB ever get a game called fairly? Replay of 3rd down for SF was incorrect. West coast trips are unlucky.
High scoring Carolina offense played it safe with a lead instead of opening it up and lost because of it.
Seahawks are still well coached. Found a way to win.
Who is this years surprise team? Pittsburgh
Joe, "Browns suck"? Wow are you being nice to them. And tell me watching Weeden yesterday he didn't remind you of Bernie Kosar just before he retired. A bucket would have more mobility.

Finally 5-11? You sir are a true die hard Browns fan because there is no way this team even wins more than 3 games and I think they have Avon Lake and Cleveland Heights on their schedule. GL
I can almost promise you Browns wins more than three games they do suck tho
Rob Ryan can kiss my ass. I understand there are holes in Tampa Two (mostly right down the middle unfortunately), but the turnover mentality that Monte Kiffin is instilling is already in full effect. I think because its a simpler D to understand its easier for the players to focus on making plays rather than trying to remember the nuances of their assignments.

I think once Waters gets into the mix the Dallas O-line will be pretty decent. Murray had 4.3 ypc and Romo was not hit often until the final quarter.

Was impressed with the poise shown by the new QBs, Geno, Manuel and Pryor. Combined 65% completions, 6.6 ypa, 4 TD, 3 INT, and 182 yards rushing. Not bad as debuts go. And all 3 teams, despite being undermanned, were in their games until the end.

Last years phenom's (Kap, Wilson, Luck) showed no sign of slowing down: 74% completions, 9.6 ypa, 6 TD, 0 interceptions.

Right now the only team I see that can derail the Super Bowl matchup we should've had last year (San Fran-Denver) is Seattle.
[h=1]Week 1 injury roundup: Pittsburgh Steelers take hits[/h]

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  • By Gregg Rosenthal
  • Around The League Editor
  • Published: <abbr id="article-time" class="value" title="2013-09-08T20:50:00-0400" style="border: 0px;">Sept. 8, 2013 at 08:50 p.m.</abbr>
  • Updated: <abbr id="article-updatedtime" class="value" title="2013-09-09T10:25:47-0400" style="border: 0px;">Sept. 9, 2013 at 10:25 a.m.</abbr>

The Pittsburgh Steelers spent the offseason talking tough after an uncharacteristic 2012 campaign. Their new season could not have started any worse.
The Steelers were stomped at home 16-9 by the Tennessee Titans, with a garbage-time touchdown making the game look closer than it really was. The bigger news: Three Pittsburgh starters appear to be out for the season.
[TABLE="align: right"]

Steelers coach Mike Tomlin confirmed after the game thatPro Bowl center Maurkice Pouncey is expected to miss the season with a torn ACL. Inside linebacker Larry Footesuffered a ruptured biceps and also is expected to miss the year. NFL Media Insider Ian Rapoport also reported that backup running back LaRod Stephens-Howling will miss the season with a torn ACL. That leaves Pittsburgh's very thin backfield looking thinner than ever. Throw in an awful performance by the team's offense, and it was a worst-case scenario opener for the Steelers.
Here were the other notable Sunday injuries that we'll be tracking throughout the week:
1. Blaine Gabbert cut his right (throwing) hand late in the Jacksonville Jaguars' depressing loss to theKansas City Chiefs. NFL Media's Steve Wyche reported Gabbert will remain the Jaguars' starting quarterback if healthy. The gash required 15 stitches.
2. Tennessee Titans running back Shonn Greene exited the contest with a right knee injury. He said after the game that he doesn't expect to miss time. (But players always say that.)

3. Chiefs running back Jamaal Charles(quadriceps) left the victory over theJaguars in the second half but was able to return. It doesn't sound serious.
4. New Orleans Saints defensive tackleBrodrick Bunkley left with a lower leg injury and never returned. Larry Holder of The Times-Picayune reported that Bunkley was in a walking boot and on crutches after the 23-17 victory over the Atlanta Falcons. CornerbackPatrick Robinson also was in a walking boot.
5. Falcons wide receiver Roddy White clearly was limited by his ankle injury. Harry Douglas started ahead of him, and White's snaps were limited.
6. Buffalo Bills wide receiver Marquise Goodwin left the 23-21 loss to the New England Patriots with a hand injury and did not return.
7. Patriots wide receiver Danny Amendola left with a groin injury, but he was able to return in the second half. He made a number of sensational catches late in the game.
[TABLE="align: right"]

8. Detroit Lions running back Reggie Bush dislocated his thumb and suffered a pulled groin, but he was able to finishthe 34-24 victory over the Minnesota Vikings. Bush's injuries shouldn't be a huge long-term concern.
9. Carolina Panthers guard Garry Williams was carted off with a knee injury. He wasn't able to return, and his Panthers lost 12-7 to the Seattle Seahawks.
10. New York Giants cornerback Prince Amukamara suffered a concussion after being hit in the head by a teammate during Sunday night's 36-31 loss to the Dallas Cowboys.

Re: Kansas City

- The defense was as good as it seems. Yes, Blaine Gabbert is who he is. But the front 7 was absolutely dominant yesterday. MJD was useless as well. Jags didn't get to midfield until late in the 4th.
- The offense moved the ball very well in the first half. Alex Smith looked like what the Chiefs were hoping for. Second half, the game plan became very vanilla. They were playing for field position and didn't show any of the varied looks they showed in the first half.
- Barring injury this team is a playoff contender. I see some -1 vs. Dallas popping up. Leaning KC


- Detroit is getting no love. Their win vs Minny was not as close as the score indicates.
- Arizona will give some teams fits with Palmer under center. Neither they nor the Rams looked like anything special.

Watching the rest of the games today, hope to add more
Thanks for returning my call JP....

Joe's a dick. He's sorry. He owes you a drink, most definitely.

Honestly, I was so busy that week I didn't even hear the message until two days later. Yak.
The honeybadger punching the ball out of cooks hand to prevent a td was an amazing play. And probably costed me the cover.

How can you force 6 turnovers (dallas) and still give the opponent a chance to strike in the 4th, weird game for sure. But, and already stated, Romo had time in that pocket, and they moved the ball consistently for a little over 2 quarters. I want to see what we have out of wash/philly game, but dallas is my pick to win that division at the moment, as well as before the season started (easy to say I guess)

Pryor is leading the league in rushing yards.... and only 1 rb topped 100 and he wasn't technically the starter going into it (vereen), crazy.
  • Jay Glazer@JayGlazer<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px; right: 15px;">1m</small>
    Vereen played entire game with injury but experienced numbness afterwards as bone sits on nerve

  • Jay Glazer@JayGlazer<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px; right: 15px;">2m</small>
    Big hit for patriots, RB Shane Vereen broke a small bone in his wrist on 1st play yesterday, scheduled for surgery today. Out few weeks
dallas is still dallas, managed to almost eff up last night...3rd and 6 and call a 3 yard pass pattern...

giants o-line with those injuries are going to make life difficult for eli and until then I may fade them.. they also have no threat at RB
  • Jay Glazer@JayGlazer<small style="right: 15px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); font-size: 12px; margin-top: 1px; float: right; position: relative;" class="time">1m</small>
    Vereen played entire game with injury but experienced numbness afterwards as bone sits on nerve

  • Jay Glazer@JayGlazer<small style="right: 15px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); font-size: 12px; margin-top: 1px; float: right; position: relative;" class="time">2m</small>
    Big hit for patriots, RB Shane Vereen broke a small bone in his wrist on 1st play yesterday, scheduled for surgery today. Out few weeks
And yes, Emkee loves him some Joe also...

Bam. #winning

Really like to see the thoughts from MCG on the Titans. Especially the point about the OL. That's a great note. Man, the jury stays out on Locker, though.

The turnover mentality that Monte Kiffin is instilling is already in full effect.

This was one of my first thoughts on that game, too. Right about the second quarter they flashed on Kiffin in the booth and it clicked for me. That's going to be a big deal all year. Easily worth two wins. I'd also like to see Dallas realize that Homo is better as a complement, not a focus. Bottom line, it's not a lifestyle choice, that's just who he is.

If you have the OL to run the ball, you have the back in Murray. Be a team that runs well and Homo is definitely good enough to make you pay on play-action because of the weapons they have in the passing game. But if you force that offense to live and die on that guy's shoulders, it's gonna die.

Also, Joe missed Capaholic and not just because he's a Friar fan.

Arizona will give some teams fits with Palmer under center. Neither they nor the Rams looked like anything special. - Totally agree with this.

The defense was as good as it seems. Yes, Blaine Gabbert is who he is. But the front 7 was absolutely dominant yesterday. MJD was useless as well.

I found this to be helpful on both KC & Jax. For two reasons.

One, it's good to know the KC DL may finally (after how many years now?) be retooled and worth paying attention to.

Two, I have a lot of trouble seeing MJD do much this year. First there's the question of whether KC's DL looked so good yesterday is because they are or because Jax's OL is dogshit. If it's as much the latter as the former, it kind of doesn't matter if he's in great shape or whatever because the holes just won't be there.

Second, it's impossible to respect their passing game. And if their defense is going to give up 20+ a game, MJD is going to be the focal point for a defense early, then a non-factor as the game goes on and other teams get up by 10 points.
How can you force 6 turnovers (dallas) and still give the opponent a chance to strike in the 4th

I turned it off at half, but when I saw the final my first thought was the same as gsro's, 'There goes Dallas being Dallas.'

Good point here, too:
giants o-line with those injuries are going to make life difficult for eli and until then I may fade them.. they also have no threat at RB
RE: dallas and creating 6 turnovers..

for me it becomes that offense not sustaining long/clock killing drives when it's necessary..yesterday before the pick 6 to seal the game...they called a 4 yard pass patter on 3rd and 6, that to me makes no sense....the offensive play calling has gotten Dallas in trouble more than their D has and I think their D gets shit on more than they should for what their offense lacks....i'm not sure what it is, but Dallas is still dallas to me for now
oh and Victor Cruz is worth every pennny they didn't want to pay him
crystal palace is shit

Tell that to Sunderland.

In fairness, ManU is going to put three on them this week. May be worth a wager.
someone posted this before but thought this would be fitting for this week

for me it becomes that offense not sustaining long/clock killing drives when it's necessary.

Because their scheme is flawed from the front office. Because Jerry Jones thinks you can replace Troy Aikman and fundamentally misunderstands that Emmitt was the key to those offenses, not Troy.

It's like Al Davis forcing speed WRs down that franchise's draft hole every year. Until Jerry gets out of the way or has a coach that can push back to say Romo is not Tom Brady or Joe Montana or Troy Fucking Aikman—it's tough to see that changing, even though they might have the personnel to be a pretty damn good run first team.

Also, this kills a defense long term. Because you're on the field too much and over the course of the season you wear down.

Lather, rinse, repeat.
I've never seen that Real American thing.

How do I scrub that song from my brain? Is this why God created Meth?

for me it becomes that offense not sustaining long/clock killing drives when it's necessary.

Because their scheme is flawed from the front office. Because Jerry Jones thinks you can replace Troy Aikman and fundamentally misunderstands that Emmitt was the key to those offenses, not Troy.

It's like Al Davis forcing speed WRs down that franchise's draft hole every year. Until Jerry gets out of the way or has a coach that can push back to say Romo is not Tom Brady or Joe Montana or Troy Fucking Aikman—it's tough to see that changing, even though they might have the personnel to be a pretty damn good run first team.

Also, this kills a defense long term. Because you're on the field too much and over the course of the season you wear down.

Lather, rinse, repeat.
I hear yea,

but 3 and 6...4 yard passs FFS, i could call a better game than that and i'm Asian
Coaches dont improve. They simply dont. Jason Garret is not a good coach. I dont think Schiano is either. Harbaugh on the other hand is borderline legend material. I agree with the comments about Russell Wilson they guy is such a terrific, calm leader.
Coaches dont improve. They simply dont. Jason Garret is not a good coach. I dont think Schiano is either. Harbaugh on the other hand is borderline legend material. I agree with the comments about Russell Wilson they guy is such a terrific, calm leader.

remember last year when they screwed everyone on the cover by taking the safety and kicking the ball back with a few ticks left?
remember last year when they screwed everyone on the cover by taking the safety and kicking the ball back with a few ticks left?

Yeah, he could give a crap about the degenerates. Its all about winning, 49ers backers yesterday were probably suffering similarly yesterday until they werent. I also think drinking gasoline, even if its watered down a bit is better for your gut than than playing an NFL total. Truth is the NFL feels borderline unbettable unless you get cute with parlays or play the long game with being on the vegas side as often as possible.

Even though its college, I rememeber seeing a closeup of Brian Kelly face at the end ot Temple game grinning when asst definitely told him a score would be a cover and he was all above it. Give me a break. BTW, that interference was bullshit on that late int in Ann Arbor, ref was shading LOL
The browns receiving corp when Gordon is not in is absolute garbage!!! Little still cant catch the ball and the O Line played like trash yesterday giving Weeden absolutely no time to even make his reads. Not saying Weeden is good by any means but the INT's were mostly the receivers fault dropping balls and deflecting them to the defenders. Jordan Cameron is about the only bright spot of the day besides the front 7 shutting the running game down. And they will win more than 3 games this year but not more than 6.
I hear yea,

but 3 and 6...4 yard passs FFS, i could call a better game than that and i'm Asian

I'm pretty sure Witten was a safety valve and not the #1 option on that play. That said there is no reason why he shouldn't run his route to the sticks. Just like there was no reason why Dez couldn't float his route forward to the sticks instead of turning around 2 yards shy on that 3rd and 4 right before the final Manning pick.

But I disagree with any idea that they're not trying to control the clock. They were very methodical on O last night, with 37 minutes of possession, 21 in the 1st half. They're trying, not well perhaps, but they're trying.
The Steelers are replacing Pouncey with Fernando Velasco who played for Tenny last year. I'm sure this ends well.