***SNF & MNF in-game***

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god colorado st was easiest play ever .. i htought for sure people would get fucked in that one was an obvious hammer bet
Evander Kane scores an Shootout winner in New York

wont even undress before he hits the club

no chance he makes the team flight tomorrow either
I got my chance with the crush of my life and hit it once. My old babysitter who was like 6 years older than me. Was perfect haha
my mom used to find the hottest babysitters when I was younger for me and my siblings. My brother and I always convinced them to take us to the local pool so we could see them in bathing suits. Literally 2-3x a week for the whole summer...
my mom used to find the hottest babysitters when i was younger for me and my siblings. My brother and i always convinced them to take us to the local pool so we could see them in bathing suits. Literally 2-3x a week for the whole summer...
sounds like you had a babysitter at 13
:rofl: nope. Im guessing you have

Yeah, I had a high school friend come down for a weekend for a Minnesota/Wisconsin game. She brought three friends with her. Had fun with one of her friends on Friday night, kept drinking, but earlier she was all about not having sex the day we met, but wanted to after more drinks. I felt she was a bit drunk and I was trying to be an actual nice guy.

Saturday she was all about it. I didn't want her to be more sober than me so I wanted to make sure I was hammered. I passed out and woke up on her three different times. Needless to say I never saw her again.
:rofl: Yea this chick was a friend of a friend and we were all drinking and I was pretty blitzed and my dick wanted nothing to do with it that night. I still remember what she said that night. "Whats the matter? Why isn't it working?" My buddies still razz me on it today
Also my 2nd super embarassing story

I am a grower not a shower.

We were in Vegas about 3 years ago for the Giants/Saints MNF game Thanksgiving weekend. Well that same weekend was Grambling State/Southern U Bayou Classic. So needless to say, we were definitely the minority there. Well we found a cool bar on Bourbon called Cats Meow, Karoake Bar. 2 SMOKING HOT chicks and a couple other chicks were there. Well we start chatting them, and were just drinking having fun, I start dancing with 1 and then her friend comes up. they put their hands down my pants and grabbed my dick. They looked at each other and me and said, "Not Big Enough". I then got blacked out drunk and lost my phone. Was not a good night
Also my 2nd super embarassing story

I am a grower not a shower.

We were in Vegas about 3 years ago for the Giants/Saints MNF game Thanksgiving weekend. Well that same weekend was Grambling State/Southern U Bayou Classic. So needless to say, we were definitely the minority there. Well we found a cool bar on Bourbon called Cats Meow, Karoake Bar. 2 SMOKING HOT chicks and a couple other chicks were there. Well we start chatting them, and were just drinking having fun, I start dancing with 1 and then her friend comes up. they put their hands down my pants and grabbed my dick. They looked at each other and me and said, "Not Big Enough". I then got blacked out drunk and lost my phone. Was not a good night

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