Series and Salami's


Bigger Slapper Than Al MacInnis
Up here in the hinterland, there are more pressing summertime pursuits than capping baseball.

Patio beers, scattering dimpled balls all over the course, being mesmerized by a sashaying sundress that makes a man of my vintage long for the sunny slopes of long ago....

Anyhow, I'll throw a few series and salami wagers in here when time permits and hopefully turn a slight profit that I can dust off during the playoffs.
Starting off with a little early week AL East action:

3-team series parlay +335

Yanks -155
Jays -120
Red Sox -225
Bean counting:

Jays and the swingin' A's let down the first 2 series parlays.

From the gambling dictionary:
Parlay -- noun. French for "lost by one"



First 3 games of a 4 game set

3-team series parlay +1040

Astros +125
Orioles +195
Padres -140
3-team series parlay +650

Marlins +135
Brewers +103
D'Backs -175

4-team series parlay +697

Red Sox +115
Braves -105
Cards -270
Giants -260
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3-team series parlay +650

Marlins +135
Brewers +103
D'Backs -175

4-team series parlay +697

Red Sox +115
Braves -105
Cards -270
Giants -260
Like the way to juice down the Cards and SFG, naturally as has been discussed in another thread the Red Sox need tonight's game. Braves are interesting because I *think* they'll be dogged in all three games. Another one they need to win tonight at +115 or so to win the series imo.
Sunday Salami

Away Runs +200
...liking quite a few road dogs today

I agree there some tasty road doggies today but is +200 enough considering how many huge home favs there are today? Just curious as I’ve never really played any kind of salami bets. Gl today.
I agree there some tasty road doggies today but is +200 enough considering how many huge home favs there are today? Just curious as I’ve never really played any kind of salami bets. Gl today.
Either have I. But Watching...Yankees scoring 3 in bottom of 10 and Rangers 3 in Bottom of the 9th can make these kinda bets nail bitters!
Either have I. But Watching...Yankees scoring 3 in bottom of 10 and Rangers 3 in Bottom of the 9th can make these kinda bets nail bitters!

Can’t be any more so than my pitcher props where I’m either 1 strike out or out away from cashing and I gotta sit and wait to see if the pussy manager will let guy come back out for next inning when he around 85-90 pitches! Shit drives me crazy waiting to see who comes out to pitch 5th and 6th innings these days.
Last night I just needed Gilbert to get one more out to have 5-0 day, he had fanned like 4 in a row, gave up a hit to 8 hitter who was a pain all game getting on base 3x against him, then laa brought up a .160 hitting scrub to pitch hit for 9 hole bum, gets him in a 2 strike hole and you could see the guy wasn’t close to catching up with his heat, waste 1 too high then he fuckinb hangs a lollipop slider for a base hit. Dude had to go other way with a hanging slide piece right down middle so yoi know there no chance he could have caught up to the heat even if he threw it right down the fucking middle!! Dunno who made the decision to throw the slider but it was a awful one! that was his 100th pitch so of course manager yanks him cause god forbid he throw more than 100 pitches cause the manual says 100 pitches is the magical number where it safe! 101 and his arm blows out!! Lol. 1 stinking strike from cashing against a .160 hitter! Yea, I’d say the pitcher props can be stressful!
Either have I. But Watching...Yankees scoring 3 in bottom of 10 and Rangers 3 in Bottom of the 9th can make these kinda bets nail bitters!

I know one thing I always hated bout the salami bets is if one game gets rained out the bet is pushed for the day. For total runs anyways, I assume it the same for this “away runs” he played today?
Home Leading 48-41 With 4 Games In Progress. Reds Up 10-3 Helping The Away Side. Other 3 Games Tied Or 1 Run Lead...
Dodgers At Atlanta Will Close The Evening
Like You @2daBank I Saw Quite A Few Big Homes Favs, That Kinda Scared Me Off.
I Will Be Looking More Into The Salami In The Future...
Home Leading 48-41 With 4 Games In Progress. Reds Up 10-3 Helping The Away Side. Other 3 Games Tied Or 1 Run Lead...
Dodgers At Atlanta Will Close The Evening
Like You @2daBank I Saw Quite A Few Big Homes Favs, That Kinda Scared Me Off.
I Will Be Looking More Into The Salami In The Future...

I think lad wins tonight, gonna be very close! Yea, I didn’t necessarily think all those big favs meant he shouldn’t play, just made me think +200 might not have been a fair price, but seeing how I never look at these I’m not sure what a fair price is if it bit me in the Ass! Lol. And capping baseball all bout understanding and being able to price these bets!!
Now that we to this point and it this freaking close I’d say he did well getting +200. Anytime I play a dog in that range and it tied up late it a good bet whether they end up winning or not!!
Still looks like it be within striking range going into tonight, assuming nothing else crazy happens.
I was just thinking before snakes went off it coulda been a interesting hedge or middle opportunity! With the way Sunday’s are formatted it be only day but I could see situations where ya could get creative and win the salami and a bet on the Sunday night game! Of course ya have to get to that game and it really close!! How often that happen? Probably not real often.
Freaking strider Is just coming right at them throwing one triple digit heater after another. He has gotten away with several right down the middle.
Roberts tried to give game away pulling Gonsilin, managing like always, never sticks w his starter even when he yelling at him he wants to stay in the game. Not on Roberts watch! He will be damned if he lets his young pitchers learn to pitch deep into games! That why the only ring he has came in the bs covid year where it didn’t really count! Only ring he will ever get!
So all that excitement and the road vs home ends up tying w exactly same amount of runs?! Lol. Wonder how often that happens?
Start o' the week Series wagers

2-team series parlay +574

Pirates +140
Red Sox +181

Open 3-team parlay

Swinging A's +329

3-team series parlay +1147
Marlins +125
Royals +110
Orioles +164
That a crazy price on Red Sox series, I never play those and I considered them also. I know they have a big pitching mismatch not in their favor tonight as they starting a minor leaguer but I think they gonna get to Gausman so don’t think jays a lock to take game 1, and the other 2 are much more equal pitching matchups.
I agree there some tasty road doggies today but is +200 enough considering how many huge home favs there are today? Just curious as I’ve never really played any kind of salami bets. Gl today.
I don't believe there's any way to price this market correctly; the makers are just letting the computer run calculations on the implied probabilities of team totals and hanging the number it spits out.
I know one thing I always hated bout the salami bets is if one game gets rained out the bet is pushed for the day. For total runs anyways, I assume it the same for this “away runs” he played today?
Yep, rainouts scuttle the home/away salami wagers as well as the total runs.
I was just thinking before snakes went off it coulda been a interesting hedge or middle opportunity! With the way Sunday’s are formatted it be only day but I could see situations where ya could get creative and win the salami and a bet on the Sunday night game! Of course ya have to get to that game and it really close!! How often that happen? Probably not real often.
I'm not much for hedging on the salami's just a unit or two. Besides on most Sunday nights, the brain cells I have left functioning aren't into 1+1+maths.
Start of the week Series Wagers

Rockies +155
..the Friars are my senior league squad and they seem to have trouble in Denver--sea level to mile high must have something to do with it

A's +189
...this is just the sort of series that the Rangers manage to lose
Havnt looked at the pitching matchups for the games beyond tonight but really like those prices on the 3 you played.