September In-Game

Game of the day, so early. At least the ncaa games suck so can nap a bit later

Tough game to figure here, City off the awful loss, both teams with huge games on the road in a few days. Hope for some goals.
Yeah, no Yaya makes this a no play for me. I think goals may be tough to come by. Sanchez has looked shit so far and Welbeck is shit.
Probably will end 4-3 since I'm on the under.
Lineups kinda say low scoring, probably 0-0. Draw certainly wouldn't be a surprise
Too bad no one's watching, this will be better than any of the shit on the tele the rest of the day

1st 30 minutes all Arsenal then City stole one on the counter, figured Arse would self destruct

Very entertaining 2nd half
can't believe United couldn't get Kagawa to work - dude is fucking great at BvB totally set that goal up