September 2015 Discussion


Don't know if Gladbach gets a point in groups but City will try to gift them some I'm sure
BS offsides call kills my PSG tt
This really killed me. I had a 3-teamer, a trixie and a 5 teamer killed by not getting a 3rd goal in this one. Wish I hadn't known
today was a bad day for me....hoping tomorrow will be better :hang: Had something like 55 bets in play.......and lost quite a few of them.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="pt" dir="ltr"><a href="">#RSL</a> XI: Attinella; Beltran Vasquez Glad Mansally; Stertzer Mulholland Gil; Garcia Sandoval Saucedo… <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Real Salt Lake (@RealSaltLake) <a href="">September 16, 2015</a></blockquote>
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taking o1.5 Munich/Olympiacos....I feel if I can get a goal within the the 60-70 mark we could see a frantic finish. Worse case is this goes 0-0 till 80
Seems like Greece is just a great fade in all things life right now...although Greeks are great people
Leverkusen total yes

I did not, however, fade the gyro for lunch a couple days ago