Second round pick


Flying Frenchman
This looks to be turning out to be a contrarian play but I got to go with Chicago and I hate going against Luongo. I got admit I thought Chicago would fade late in the season and be roughed up vs Calgary, they earned my respect. Khabibulins record vs Vancouver is worrisome a bit but the 2 big reasons Im going with Chicago is they have a better record home and away within regulation than Vancouver, and Chicago's even strength goal differential is tops in the west. And usually teams with the best even strength goal differential go for a deep run (Pittsburgh and Detroit last year) This year thatd be Boston and Chicago, but nothing is set in stone and anything can happen:cheers: Good luck!

Chicago Blackhawks 2.230
Good to see you cat!

if this is for the series and not G1, good health, was going to add to my nucks series bet and make it a large one, but really hate to be against you so gonna leave it at what it is.

good to see you around and dont be a stranger for these playoffs:cheers:
I second what Santa said. Always good to see you around, you've been missed in these playoffs.

That said, we are against each other in this series. Best of health.
Thanks SC, Cap and Joe for the kind words. Ill be around. I wont have so much to do around the house anymore. Being Mr Mom for a while was a learning experience for sure :cheers:
Alright I'm posting my first playoff game pick. Ive played some games before and chased but anyways... After what I saw last game, I think Chicago is clearly the better team, coach Vigneault admitted to not being able to trade chances with them, all Vancouver did was collapse on Luongo and hope for the best. And since Vancouver is at home, they really cant go with the same brickwall defense so Im taking a chance at this price.

Chicago Blackhawks ML 2.310
Oh and yes Cap, the first post was for the series, tonight Im betting the game also sorry for the lateness :cheers:
Welcome back.

On it with you, though I hope my 0-265 record on Luongo tended games doesn't come back to bite you.
I dont know about 'just wins' Ive stunk up the place a bit this year but thanks guys, its always nice to get a winner, still one more game to go.