Scam !


The Truth Is Out There
Dude getting killed right now. Death by media.

Actually agree with most of it.

Those gold MVP cleats, lol.

Mental fucking midget / spoiled brat / no class.
Oh, it'll pass. Nothing else going on. He hasn't done himself any favors since the game ended though. Pouting punk.
But the question on whether or not he is a douchebag was answered. Most of CTG claimed he wasn't and that everyone else had to just be racist. Ha hahahahaha.
After watching the game rather closely, along with some CTG brethren, I'm going to credit the Denver D and Bum's kid more than I'll discredit Cam. Played like a pack of rabid wolves. He had a million chances, in theory, because Denver wasn't scoring either, but Denver controlled the game.
After watching the game rather closely, along with some CTG brethren, I'm going to credit the Denver D and Bum's kid more than I'll discredit Cam. Played like a pack of rabid wolves. He had a million chances, in theory, because Denver wasn't scoring either, but Denver controlled the game.

No one is discrediting Cam for what happened on the field as far as his actual play is concerned. He simply confirmed that he has NOT changed at all. Winning a ton of games this year gave the illusion that he was different. He is not. He's a front runner, a sore loser, a pouter.
No one is discrediting Cam for what happened on the field as far as his actual play is concerned. He simply confirmed that he has NOT changed at all. Winning a ton of games this year gave the illusion that we was different. He is not.

what are you talking about larry
I'd trade that #2 Browns pick for him, that's for sure. Douche or not.
I'd trade that #2 Browns pick for him, that's for sure. Douche or not.

Of course. Who wouldn't?

Literally who in the NFL wouldn't do that? Not just someone in the Browns situation, in ANY situation? There can't be more than 3 teams who wouldn't make that trade for Cam.
People don't like Cam because he's black.


i know

I actually stopped out at a bar instead of the lame house party, it was quite funny. I has a a few guys laughing when i said well i can tell who the racists are in this place. You had a hand full of guys yelling at the top of their lungs with pure anger at anything Cam did or wanting him to get his head ripped off. Lol and no they were not fans of the Broncos
i know

I actually stopped out at a bar instead of the lame house party, it was quite funny. I has a a few guys laughing when i said well i can tell who the racists are in this place. You had a hand full of guys yelling at the top of their lungs with pure anger at anything Cam did or wanting him to get his head ripped off. Lol and no they were not fans of the Broncos

There's an opposite phenomenon here in Alabama. Go to any sports bar this past season on a Sunday, and you wouldn't see a single Panthers jersey, but dozens of Auburn ones. And the guys cheering really hard for their opponents (actually just against Cam) it's more because he spent 6 months in Auburn one year than because he's black. Cam and the Panthers don't bother me, but the unwavering loyalty and idolatry Auburn fans have for Cam is annoying as hell
There's an opposite phenomenon here in Alabama. Go to any sports bar this past season on a Sunday, and you wouldn't see a single Panthers jersey, but dozens of Auburn ones. And the guys cheering really hard for their opponents (actually just against Cam) it's more because he spent 6 months in Auburn one year than because he's black. Cam and the Panthers don't bother me, but the unwavering loyalty and idolatry Auburn fans have for Cam is annoying as hell

Zero percent it tops Tennessee and Peyton
Zero percent it tops Tennessee and Peyton

I'm sure it's not that close, but at least Peyton was there for 4 years. Cam was a one semester rental and they've made him the face of the program. His one semester there, he legit couldn't go to class because he was so disruptive. Not disruptive in that he was acting out, but that students, faculty, hangers on would mob him wherever he went. Alabama football has an unhealthy importance placed on it by most of our fanbase, but I've never seen anything close to the hero worship from the AU folks and Cam. My facebook news feed was littered with AU fans making apologies for Cam, blaming the refs, and the NFL making sure Peyton won.
What's the saying? "Adversity doesn't build character, it reveals it?"

Good article, I like the comparison of how people hate any spoiled, entitled athlete. I can barely remember, but when I was a kid, I recall how my Dad and his friends all hated on Joe Namath, especially his cockiness before SB lll.

I just remember seeing a suave guy in a lawn chair, with a cocktail and pretty girls all around, and thinking, "why do you hate him?"
I don't know what it says about me, but the more villainous a player on my team is, the more I love him. My favorite Indian was Al Belle. And then, once villains on other teams are done, I start to like those guys. I went from hate to love on Pedro once he retired.
No room in this heart for retired Yankees though. Fuck those guys.
Lar was right. Cam is a douche bag. I felt embarrassed for Cam last night in that interview. He looked like a 7 year old kid not getting a cookie. I remember Peyton stand up there like a man after the 43-8 beat down, and answer questions about the game like a man. Right now cam is still an immature little kid who hasn't found out how to handle losses.
Cam failed at taking a loss like a pro. And he has had lots of douchey behavior. But let's remember the Mannings have been groomed for NFL press conferences since Archie started fucking his wife. I've seen worse out of Bron in a presser, back in the day. Hell, guy still can't shut up about himself at 30.
Cam failed at taking a loss like a pro. And he has had lots of douchey behavior. But let's remember the Mannings have been groomed for NFL press conferences since Archie started fucking his wife. I've seen worse out of Bron in a presser, back in the day. Hell, guy still can't shut up about himself at 30.

not sure how I would act right after losing the super bowl with a mic shoved in my face and some dork reporters asking me questions. I probably would be an asshole
how would most of the CTG world act after a loss in the super bowl in the same situation?
I don't know what it says about me, but the more villainous a player on my team is, the more I love him. My favorite Indian was Al Belle. And then, once villains on other teams are done, I start to like those guys. I went from hate to love on Pedro once he retired.
It says that you're actually normal. Everyone should love the asshole on THEIR team. If I always hated AJ Pierzynski from the Sox. As a Cub fan he was the worst. But I would have loved him on my squad. That is the way it works. I hate Kobe & LeBron because they are the good guys on the OTHER team. This Cam thing is as much about his being the loud, outspoken awesome player NOT on my own team than anything else. I liked him at Auburn because Purdue sucks at football. As a Panther I hate him because I want him on my team. I would have so much damn Superman gear if Cam was a Bear it would be sick. Just like I would rock LeBron everything, roll Jeter gear of those guys were on my team. The louder/better a player is the more likely he is to be hated. Black has nothing to do with this shit. Well maybe in some less sophisticated environments but do people actually care about black and white anymore? Seems so 1953.
The superhero that was supposedly Superman turned out in fact to be the Incredible Sulk:rofl:

(not my line, but I love it.)
The biggest problem, for Cam, is that he basically took two-ish years of good will, whipped out his dick, and pissed all over it on live TV.

The biggest knock on him right after his semi-pro stint at Auburn was that he was coddled and spoiled, and that's why he struggled to adjust his first couple of years in the league. But, finally, just as of this year, pretty much everybody was ready to let that go and just chalk it up to him being young at the time. And then he went in to some broom closet, or wherever the fuck they held that presser and just fucked it all up. For the rest of the world it doesn't really matter, but for him it sets him back years in terms of becoming a Tom Brady/Aaron Rogers type player who's as big or bigger than the shield.

On a related note, it makes total sense that the NFL would hold their post game press conference in the auxiliary water main valve room or wherever they did it. If that building were new surely it wouldn't have been a problem, but that stadium is like a year old now, no way you can expect it to have all the amenities of a state of the art facility. They should float a $500 million bond measure today to force taxpayers to upgrade that place or threaten to move the team.

Oh, and having your league MVP take questions about the biggest game of his life while sitting next to a speaker where a member of the opposing team is loudly and repeatedly shitting all over him? Fucking genius. Surely nothing could go wrong with that plan, no chance.
I don't know what it says about me, but the more villainous a player on my team is, the more I love him. My favorite Indian was Al Belle. And then, once villains on other teams are done, I start to like those guys. I went from hate to love on Pedro once he retired.

I guess Johnathan Fuckin Football doesn't qualify as a villain for you?
Wait, what? Manziel isn't a villain, he's a bust. Guy's gotta be good to fit the "he's a villain but he's our villain" profile.

Examples. Dennis Rodman, Lyle Alzado, Jack Lambert, Bryce Harper, Bill Romanowski, Conrad Dobler, Ty Cobb, Reggie Jackson, Reggie Miller, Bill Lambeer.

Manziel's more in the Ryan Leaf, Braylon Edwards, Greg Oden chapter of this tale.
Wait, what? Manziel isn't a villain, he's a bust. Guy's gotta be good to fit the "he's a villain but he's our villain" profile.

Examples. Dennis Rodman, Lyle Alzado, Jack Lambert, Bryce Harper, Bill Romanowski, Conrad Dobler, Ty Cobb, Reggie Jackson, Reggie Miller, Bill Lambeer.

Manziel's more in the Ryan Leaf, Braylon Edwards, Greg Oden chapter of this tale.

Not bad tip
I still think this is kinda stupid. What did he really do?

People praise Marshawn Lynch for saying "Ya" 100 times for any question, but Cam was awful?

It is just a matter of if you like him or not.

But this is SB fodder. You wanna talk douche? What about what the Mannings did to SD when Eli came out?

And that family is royalty in my city...
He was set up for failure as soon as the shenanigans started with the media and those comments. Disaster.

The children got beat by the adults. That's how I look at it. Cam will be back.
If he keeps improving, he will most likely be back. I said the same thing about Marino, though.

He couldn't handle a press conference that lasts about as long as his TD celebration. I have no problem with being a sore loser ... show me a good loser and I will show you a loser.,.... but you are getting paid millions of dollars and some of that money is public relations related (not just football related). He had a responsibility to the league and the guy writing his pay checks to stand under the fire and answer the questions. The questions were not particularly harsh either. They could have berated his play pretty badly and attempted to humiliate him further but these questions were cake. He needs to grow up.

What was with the gangsta hoodie?
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Lar was right. Cam is a douche bag. I felt embarrassed for Cam last night in that interview. He looked like a 7 year old kid not getting a cookie. I remember Peyton stand up there like a man after the 43-8 beat down, and answer questions about the game like a man. Right now cam is still an immature little kid who hasn't found out how to handle losses.
there was also that time Peyton didn't shake hands with Brees after their loss to NOLA....$cam has some growing up to do though
Look guys...I'm not even a fan of Cam but that said, how do you expect this guy to feel. He just lost the Super Bowl, something that maybe comes once in a lifetime to some people. Who feels like sitting there and answering moronic questions from the stupid media? Not only are they asinine questions like " how do you feel right now?" but right next to him there was another interview taking place and he could hear them talking about him too. Hell yes, I would walk away too. Fuck'em all.
Look guys...I'm not even a fan of Cam but that said, how do you expect this guy to feel. He just lost the Super Bowl, something that maybe comes once in a lifetime to some people. Who feels like sitting there and answering moronic questions from the stupid media? Not only are they asinine questions like " how do you feel right now?" but right next to him there was another interview taking place and he could hear them talking about him too. Hell yes, I would walk away too. Fuck'em all.
heard that video; he even shook his head when he heard the responses by the broncos..poor guy
The media has gotten to be way too much. It's over the top. Would you rather he be fake and/or blow up in anger in front of the cameras or walk away?
The media has gotten to be way too much. It's over the top. Would you rather he be fake and/or blow up in anger in front of the cameras or walk away?
my problem is, is that it's a two way street...he loved the attention he was getting all season and now when it gets a little hot he acts the way he did, sure he lost the superbowl but c'mon man you can act a little better than that.
I have no issues with it all. Rather have him do this than sit up there and give fake ass canned responses like all the so called "stand up guys" do
No issues with him leaving the press conference after I heard it with the audio of Chris harris basically saying he was trash

Only real issue is with his play and not diving for the fumble