Say goodbye to Mike Leach at Texas Tech

Leach's Agents (IMG) & Leach are miles away in terms of negotiations with Tech. Although Leach is under contract for 2 more years, don't be surprised if you see Leach out at Texas Tech.

Our best recruiter and position coach, Seth Littrell, jumped ship to Arizona this evening. Can't blame the guy as he is looking out for the best interests of his family, but this is the first Jenga piece falling from the Jenga tower (with more to come soon).
Through all this he still pulls in a top 30 recruiting class. Wisconsin gives Bielema a extension through 2012 after a 7-6 season yet his recruiting class ranks in the 50-60's.
Well, that was odd.

Leach signed a 5 year deal today as of 3:45 pm. I'm sure you'll see it on ESPN tonight.


IMO, the best move (by far) for TT.

I'm thinking the negative PUB generated by the ESPN story (and some well financed boosters?) "forced" the ADs hand.

Now, keep upsetting Tejas or OU every year and y'all will always be one of Mully's favorite CFB teams..................................:shake: