Saturday Pucks


Pretty much a regular
Nice 3-1 night last night which is a good way to get back the previous 2 days. Sitting at home studying today, which is no good. . I apologize for the lack of a writeup today, with the exam and my birthday it's going to be a long dayviolin Enough about me... onto today

Sides 5-4 +1.09 unit
Totals 11-11 +0 unit
YTD 16-15 +1.09 unit

Ottawa / Montreal over 6 +105

Boston -105

Nashville / Phoenix over 6

Chicago +104

COlorado / Edmonton under 6

GL Everyone:cheers:

Good luck Santa. I am going to step lightly for a couple of days... had a horrible losing streak since Wednesday...
eames - one for the road:stitch:

Charvik - understandable... too good not to turn it around bro. GL tonight:cheers:
SMH - if thats the only game I lose, then you can have it.:smiley_acbe: Gl tonight all the same man.:cheers:
Just back from work...will psot plays in a few...I do lioke the CHI pick...GL! Thanks again for the FLA UNDER...think it has a shot tonight?
Liquid - glad we could get that total man. Secret or not:smiley_acbe: GL tonight. Lets get the Hawks:drinking:
MIke - got rocked on that total...:hairout:

man alive... what a night... .
wont be making any plays on tomorrows game... :smiley_acbe: