Saturday NBA..Feb the 10th

Funny how many people think Vegas had a fix on...

Vegas...(whoever that is)..called Chauncey up..."Hey, if you have th epotential to cover the 6.5/7 pt line make sure you miss at least 1 of those FT's....

I don't think it was a fix. I just think it's beyond common sense not to foul. Had they fouled, and Detroit missed 2 free throws, fine. I'm not whining because of the loss, but because of the 15 seconds wasted for nothing.

Could've gone either way, that's for sure.
Had -7 in the second half for half my original bet so that eases the pain somewhat, but I should have bought the hook in the first place.

On to the next game.
Yeah, this isn't really a moose. Those who had the AFC -4 got moosed tonight.

This was just a s**tty beat.

Thanks for the recap, Santa. These things happen, but whenever it happens it hurts.
I was hoping Toronto would foul and the Stons would make 1 free throw and miss one, so we'd both win...but ah...can't have everything you wish for
Just wanna say that I really enjoy these abcs-BAR arguments about what's lucky and what's not lucky and what's a moose and what's not a moose. LMAO.
if Detriot -6.5 was a moose i guess everytime you lose a bet its a :moose:
let the win streak start tomorrow bar! what are u looking at..?
i recovered some loss from last 2 days with a good denver 2H play..

but tomorrow im leaning on lakers again ..
This game wasn't a moose.

It was like the Phx-SA game last week where the team that covered may have not been covering for 90 percent of the game.

The Raps not fouling late was weird. That is sooo rare in NBA

Either way I am not upset about it. Like I said, these things even out. Its been a great 35 daysd or so..I can't/won't complain.
0:29 92-97 Chauncey Billups misses free throw 1 of 2
0:29 92-97 Detroit offensive rebound
0:29 92-98 Chauncey Billups makes free throw 2 of 2
0:17 92-98 Chris Bosh misses 23-foot three point jumper
0:15 92-98 Carlos Delfino defensive rebound
0:00 End of the 4th Quarter
0:00 End Game

LAST 15 SECs , and NO FOUL TOR ??? You must be kidding me really Vegas!

Stons were little better, but Raps still managed to stay close so respect to them. Grr, no luck - but really no luck ?

This was more toronto ineptitude than it was Detroit doing anything special. Delfino lobbed it over the wall of Raptors to Chauncey, and he dribbled it out before they could catch up to him...then with about 10 secs left they just stopped.

Seriously...there was no reason to foul down 6 with 10 secs to go...they were below 32% from 3pt land on the night, and all that fouling would do is extend their pain. That was a the second of a B2B, and I'm sure they wanted to get the fuck home instead of play Stop & Go for another 5 or to minutes for no reason.

Sucks for us, but that's what happens sometimes when you lay chalk. It's not shady, Billups didn't miss intentionally (8 of 9 FT on the night...can't complain)...

Would it make you guys feel better if they fouled, Chauncey hit both, and then the raptors made a last-second 3pter?

I would still make this bet again. This is simply why you can't bet your whole account on one wager.
