Saturday Discussion Thread

festa needs to go ahead and chill out now. I been finding these sneaky guys I doubt lot of ppl know yet but these fuckers can’t just barely cash they keep showing out and next thing ya know their numbers get jacked up!
Don’t think I posted it but I played cws ff tt un1.5, super juicy, brown gave up a run right out the gates so I had to sweat 4 innings hoping nobody pulled one over that short porch, lol. Got it tho.
Well I guess twins manager will help the cause. No clue why they yanked Festa after 5? Oh man I’d been pissed if he hadn’t hit yet! lol. I really think he makes terrible desicions on when he leaves guys in or pullls them. I been cussing bout that dude for couple years now!
Don’t wanna sound greedy but it sure be cool if Witt jr hit a bomb! Not sure why I thought he go 3 straight? Lol
festa needs to go ahead and chill out now. I been finding these sneaky guys I doubt lot of ppl know yet but these fuckers can’t just barely cash they keep showing out and next thing ya know their numbers get jacked up!
Schwellenbach was one of those guys too, but already figured out now.

MLB rolled out the dead ball today it seems. Pirates Mariners goes over, and KC, that's it?
Well I guess twins manager will help the cause. No clue why they yanked Festa after 5? Oh man I’d been pissed if he hadn’t hit yet! lol. I really think he makes terrible desicions on when he leaves guys in or pullls them. I been cussing bout that dude for couple years now!
I don't think his arm has length yet, maybe saving for playoff run idk
There’s about 1,000 in attendance at the Angels game. Does anyone even care about that team anymore?
There’s about 1,000 in attendance at the Angels game. Does anyone even care about that team anymore?

Would you? The shame of it is the owner didn’t have a problem spending, he just put idiots in charge of spending the money! I remember being so happy they gave Pujols that huge contract cause I was dreading him signing the 2 year shorter deal cards were offering him, you can’t give guys who already had HOF careers 10 year monster deals. Not sure they even got 2 years or what he was in stl before he started falling apart Then after it was up we got him back for a year of some the best ball he played the last 5 seasons! Lol.
Hope everyone made some coin today. Sorry I didn't get involved today like I said I would earlier. Couldn't turn down a golf round with a few buddies so I didn't have anything to do with today's action.