Saturday Discussion Thread

Lynch is getting blown up. Dunno wtf going on there, he close to being dead in the water if he don’t get his act together fast!
Well fuck, now he bout to be run from game in 1st, what a shit show. 1st royal I backed all year and might be last! Lol. Fick
Medina a problem. He has let solar off twice with 2 strike counts, needed one of those then ump stole another. He should have 3 but he still stuck on 1 and his pitch count thru the roof
Medina got his 2nd, against a guy I wouldn’t have expected he get 1 against, man, had he just got solar one of those 2 strike counts, or had that fucjing ump called strike 3 against Cruz we be in there. Still a chance tho.
Damn, I leaned brewers too, they were cheap and thought they could hit Ashcraft, you don’t want to pitch to contact against milw
Oh come on Eury, 0-2 hole and you throw 4 straight balls? That shoulda been number 5, guess he super young gotta take the bad with good
Great job gore, pissed I didn’t go get the +.5 wjen it was -125, that ok tho, we gonna steal this bitch in bottom 5th
And there goes Medina. Jfc his fewest innings against the fucjing fish light hitting lineup? I guess they all partying in Miami
Im a little worried cause he might not go past 5 with his pitch count and none the 3 guys up next inning are high k guys
Man, Javier getting that dp on ohtani when he had him 0-2 might fucj me, just need 1 more from him and I’ll prob cash that SGPx! I dunno if they gonna bring him out for 6th? 87 pitches it tough to say, could go either way. I’d think since they going with the 6 man rotation they outta let them get to 100, hasn’t been much stress.
Fucking shit man. I knew that was gonna happen this inning. I dunno if he comes out for 6th? He should but who knows
Fuck guys, allem and prrrz toyed w their last k and never hit it, it was huge for me smyly went over his outs, sorrry today kinda sucked