Saturday bases

Just figured I would put up a summary of what I have tonight. Don't know why, guess just so they are all down here together.

Milwaukee -112 at Pittsburgh

Atlanta -124 at Mets

Phils at Colorado over 10.5

Arizona at LAD -1.5

SF -124 at Pads

Yanks at Tampa under 7.5

Chi Sox +112 at Texas

Those are all to win 1000, just a quick recap since they are all scattered about in the thread.

Yeah Kj, maybe I should add that on as well. They have 4 -120 on the LA over for runs. The -120 kind of blows though. Fuck I may have enough already going tonight. This is a shitload of bets, but I liked em so what the hell.
My sister and her husband came over for a bit here. So we were watching the hockey since he's Canadian. He says the Blackhawks are a great bet in the next game. He may be right there going home down 2-0, suppose they will win at home. Wonder what that line will be though, may be a lot of juice on that one. Probably shouldn't get into betting hockey. I'm doing fine with my MLB, don't need to get crazy, lol. Guess I am getting crazy tonight with all this action.
Woooo, game time baby. 3 games starting now. Then have 4 starting a bit later. Guess I better leave the hockey on one tv for my brother in law, but it isn't getting the big screen, can go on one of the smaller ones. Well have 4 tvs, so it can be left on for now. In an hour though hockey gets no play in here, all baseball then. Damn, I don't have enough tvs for all those games. Need 7 tvs, ha.
Yeah ut, think we're gonna get it here. Brewers looking good so far up 3-1. Yanks at Tampa that under looks good I think, tough to tell yet. Nova gave up a bomb, but just a solo, he looks okay though 1-0 Tampa going to the 3rd. Atlanta I'm not sure about they are down 1-0 going to the 3rd. Gonna need Colon's back to start acting up, cuz he looks good so far.
Fuck, one loser in Tampa. Well I guess I gotta hope for a bomb there, ha, a bunch of people die, and numerous injured, but then my bet gets cancelled, that would be nice, lol. Or part of the stadium collapses. Wouldn't go nine innings then. No chance of a rain out there indoors. Gotta come up with some scenarios where my bet gets cancelled now, ha.

Anyway, nothing is looking great right now. Atlanta looks good. That is about it. Just gotta hope I finish somewhere around even I guess at this point.
Can't fucking say I wouldn't be celebrating here if that happened in Tampa, lol, I am a real piece of shit, ha.
No if there was some terrorist bombing that would suck, cuz then baseball would be called off for a while, ha, but the money coming back would be nice.
Just fucking around there on those last few posts, not serious.

Shit it does look terrible for me at this point though. Really am not winning anything besides Atlanta, and that isn't even over yet.

Damn, I shouldn't have bet all those games. Oh well, if I get smacked, then so be it. Will come back with maybe 2 games tomorrow or 3, try and get back on track.
Shit at this point if I were to get 3 of these late games to come in I would be okay with it. These were some terrible bets here. Guess I could get a rally and get 3 to win. Then would be 5-5 on the day. Got a little reckless today. Probably need to watch it on wildly throwing cash at shit like that. Well especially with a bunch of road teams, I know that isn't a good idea.
Damn it, this is some shit here. I am down in every game except Atlanta. Guess at least a lot of em are still early, there doesn't appear to be much hope in quite a few. White Sox are done. Over in Colorado ain't happening. Can hope Grilli blows it in Pittsburgh I guess. Dodgers and Giants are my two big hopes, then need Atlanta to close this shit out.
Shit, get Carpenter out of the game, man, he is fucking up. Need that Atlanta win, Dodgers looking good now, other than those 2 I got nothing.
Woooo a couple of good developments, Atlanta got out of the jam, got Tejada out. And the beast homered for San Fran Morse tied that shit up. It is a Tuck rally night, here we go, time to rally to a winning day, ha, probably not. If I can just get to even okay, things have gone bad here in the night games.
Oooh, got the big boys coming up for the Brew crew in the 9th vs Grilli, could be a rally here, Grilli is not reliable at all. Gomez, Segura, Braun. That could spell trouble for Grilli if there is a guy on when Braun comes up. Braun may win this shit for me here in the 9th.
Shit here we go, Braun coming up with a guy on 1 out. Look out now, fucking hammer one Braun, boom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There it is I fucking called it, hahahahhaha, homer Braun the Brew crew leads.
Ha ha that is pretty funny I fucking called it, before it happened, lol, well I knew he could hammer one off Grilli.
Yeah Upton with a bomb, put that shit away, 3 run blast, yeah baby. 7-3 Braves, so I'm gonna get out of this mess looks like. Fuck for a while I was thinking I may get my ass kicked.
Shit lets don't start sucking each others dicks quite yet. Still gotta get by K rod in the bottom of the ninth.
Woooo K rod locked it down. Brewers are a winner. Get nervous with that guy, he isn't what he once was, but still pretty good I guess.
I am gonna go to Pittsburgh tonight to suck off Braun, lol. I am really posting a lot here, well I'm that drunk, can't help it. My sister and her husband left so nobody to talk to.
Fuck Kimbrel what the hell are you doing. He is usually pretty good, one of the best closers. I'll be damned, this is an unexpected development here in New York.
What the hell, Kimbrel sucked ass. Don't know who the hell the Braves are bringing in now. Changing pitchers here in the 9th. Hopefully whoever it is can get an out, and get out of this jam. Posting to myself here, ha.
It is rocket fire, 97 mph with Walden. Yes!!!!!! Winner winner, Braves hold off the Mets barely 7-5, man that was crazy in the 9th. Braves had a 7-3 lead and about blew it.
Ha Sigo, I am not gonna get paid today, unless there is a rally here by the Giants. Well will be around even if the Giants or Chi Sox don't come back.

That picture there on your avatar, haha, I like that a Mouse riding a dog, looks like, unless I'm so drunk I'm not seeing it right. I always put that in the suggestion box at the dog track in Council Bluffs, Mouse jockeys, ha, they had a thing where you could comment and make a suggestion about how to make the dog races better.
Fuck dumb ass Wilson is blowing my dodger win, that isn't safe at all now. Get that big bitch outta the game, shit, he is sucking ass. It was looking good until he came in.
Wilson's retarded ass got out of that jam at least. Blew my lead down to nothing however. Gonna have to add on, get some bats going now. Come on Dodgers fire up the sticks niggaz.
Fuck I better get going if I wanna blow Braun tonight, better get a flight now. Am pretty hard thinking about it, lol.
Come on Giants, let's go niggaz, there we go, right as I type, base hit. Time to die Pads, we're taking this shit, and get a winning day.
Dodgers won for me there, kind of made it close, but we did it. Now going for a solid winning day, with the Giants. Gonna be tough, well this bottom of the 8th have to get out of this mess. Then we will get Huston Street in the 9th, fuck I think he can be had, not sure, but he hasn't had a whole lot of chances for saves with the Pads. Think the Giants could light up Street in the 9th, hope we can get there with a 1 run deficit. Not sure right now about that.
Oh it's Benoit for the Pads, was thinking Street, ha, well I can't keep all these relievers straight in my head. Will have to see how he is doing, ha.
You know Benoit is not very good at closing out games. Guess Street is getting the night off or something. Benoit, damn this is nice!!!! Wooooo, Giants gonna come back on that ass right here.
Finished 5-5, and down 502 for the day, guess it could have been worse. Really had some crap picks today. Well still up 711 for the week, ha, great, better than being down. Gonna look at some games for tomorrow. Maybe I can do better than breaking even. That is it for this week. Been mediocre like Garza, man he is over paid that bum. Maybe I can hammer it out here, and get some winners while I'm drunk as shit. Ha, this could go well maybe, not sure, fuck it I'm gonna give it a go. Will make a new post with my drunken winners.