Sam BadFraud


Pretty much a regular
Sum BadFraud

Did I spell that right? How many times do we need to watch the #1 Overall 2010 draft bust dump off a 1 yard pass NO MATTER what the down and distance is? Low IQ at reading defenses. No pocket presence. No courage to step up in the pocket and once again, no TDs. Some might see him do the right things but its very seldom. Some might say he's a mobile QB but its seldom that he scrambles. He might throw a TD pass which is seldom and he might win a game but that's seldom as well.
He's still a bottom 10 QB in this league who needs to be faded as often as possible.

Fisher has done a really good job bringing in talent but they still need a QB. Until they replace this bumb, they will waste these picks they attained for RG3
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Typical Little XII QB. Can't run a circus offense in college and expect to be ready to play in the NFL with the big boys, it never works.
SB8 can't read defenses and will rarely throw into tight coverage. They rarely get pass interference calls because he just won't throw it. It's funny, when he's successful he's throwing the ball down the field and he's mixing in some scrambling. He hasn't figured it out. He reverts to sliding backwards in the pocket which immediately takes him out of a play instead of sliding into the pocket to buy time.
It really is amazing to watch how raw he continues to be. Fisher has to be thinking whether he's got his guy behind center. Good QBs are hard to come by so unless there's someone worth trading both 1st round picks for, they're stuck with him. I dont see them trading picks for a QB as much as I see Fisher trying to install more weapons to hide Bradford's inefficiencies.
Typical Little XII QB. Can't run a circus offense in college and expect to be ready to play in the NFL with the big boys, it never works.

He is 6'4 225.

Betting against Bradford is a net loser as you would juice out at 22-22-1.

Agree he hasn't progressed since his rookie year but several times today the announcers where complimenting Bradford on his toughness as he took several hard shots. Perhaps Bradford would have fared better if the Rams hadn't wasted the #2 pick overall on Jason Smith the draft before.

If your going to point out Rams bust first round draft picks, the conversation starts and ends with Smith.
He is 6'4 225.

Betting against Bradford is a net loser as you would juice out at 22-22-1.

Agree he hasn't progressed since his rookie year but several times today the announcers where complimenting Bradford on his toughness as he took several hard shots. Perhaps Bradford would have fared better if the Rams hadn't wasted the #2 pick overall on Jason Smith the draft before.

If your going to point out Rams bust first round draft picks, the conversation starts and ends with Smith.

Are you serious? Smith hasnt been on the team in 2 seasons. Jason Smith has been replaced with Pro Bowler Jake Long. You see any progression?

Let me say this about Moose Johnson, he's as clueless as they come. How does this guy continue to say how strong the front line has been for the Rams first of all. He never even mentions the the line didn't have starting RT Saffold. He was replace by a basically a street guy. They have a complete unknown at guard opposite Dahl. If Moose Johnson can have a job with Fox who on numerous occasions has shown how unprepared he is, then I should have a job doing color. Please please please, pay attention to how bad he is. He's awful.
As far as Bradford showing courage? He's Jim Everette. He was buckling before ever getting touched today. People continue to make excuses for this bumb. No weapons, different OC's every year. Well let me tell you something, they have weapons now. They have the same OC from last year. WAKE THE F UP WHEN IT COMES TO THIS BUMB.
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Let me add one more thing on SB8. He has a very low football IQ level. He has no idea how to fool defenses. He shows early who he's interested in throwing to. He rarely decoys and sets up a play. What's crazy is, when he does set up a defense on occasion, it works. Problem is, it's 5% of what he does. So I repeat, fading Badfraud is a money maker. Figure it out now or be like him...never figure it out.
What does he have to work with, the worst running back unit in the NFL and a bottom 5 receiving core? Not to mention all of them are extremely young, Cook the only experienced guy he has to work with.
Zonakid, I give you credit for standing up for him but when does he start making others better around him? He has Jared Cook who is a beast. He has Tavon Austin who will be better than Welker and Amendola. He has a deep threat with Chris Givens. He wasn't sacked for 4 straight games. He's been saying how comfortable he's been with the offense. In 3 games he's stunk up the joint. He doesn't have pocket presence. He didn't scramble 1 time today. He never once bought time in the pocket. Every QB is being pressured. It's what you do in the pocket that makes the difference. Bradford is in the bottom 5 of this league as a starter. His record shows it. His stats from the 1st quarter thru the 3rd quarter show it. No 1st downs today until when? He's not an NFL QB. Hes too dumb.
Zonakid, I give you credit for standing up for him but when does he start making others better around him? He has Jared Cook who is a beast. He has Tavon Austin who will be better than Welker and Amendola. He has a deep threat with Chris Givens. He wasn't sacked for 4 straight games. He's been saying how comfortable he's been with the offense. In 3 games he's stunk up the joint. He doesn't have pocket presence. He didn't scramble 1 time today. He never once bought time in the pocket. Every QB is being pressured. It's what you do in the pocket that makes the difference. Bradford is in the bottom 5 of this league as a starter. His record shows it. His stats from the 1st quarter thru the 3rd quarter show it. No 1st downs today until when? He's not an NFL QB. Hes too dumb.

He is 6'4 225.

Betting against Bradford is a net loser as you would juice out at 22-22-1.

Agree he hasn't progressed since his rookie year but several times today the announcers where complimenting Bradford on his toughness as he took several hard shots. Perhaps Bradford would have fared better if the Rams hadn't wasted the #2 pick overall on Jason Smith the draft before.

If your going to point out Rams bust first round draft picks, the conversation starts and ends with Smith.

bro, all announcers kiss the ass of the players they are announcing on. About the worse thing one of them will say is said player is having a bad day, but even that is rare.
No doubt Carolina. I'm friends with Tim Ryan's wife. Tim is with Fox. I've told them numerous times, Moose is unprepared as well as a kiss butt. I think Moose keep his job because of his 3 man crew. In all honesty, Goose is terrible too.
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In opening a 24-0 lead in the third quarter the Cowboys had a 310 to 43 edge in yards and a 16-1 advantage in first downs.
At one point in the first half the Cowboys had 80 yards to the Rams’ 2.
The Rams finished the first half with 18 yards

Schottenheimer has displayed no acumen in finding ways to get the cat-quick Austin out in space to create Madden-game excitement.
Schottenheimer continues calling the same plays for Austin: a predictable teeny-weeny pass in the flat, or a wide receiver screen that’s unique in that it features no blocking.
Seeing that opposing-team coaches study video, they already know when these plays are coming. That probably explains why it seems like 37 tacklers are waiting to bury Austin every time. But the Schottyball Rams keep going back to these worthless plays, inexplicably believing that they’re onto something magical here
Also, when you watch the Rams you know when they're running and you know when they're passing. They rarely throw twice ia row and they rarely run twice in a row. If they run for 5 plus yards, they'll run again. They do nothing based on intelligent reads. It's all predetermined.
ive said it before and I'll say it again, the Rams will never make the playoffs with Bradford at QB UNLESS he somehow has an epiphany. I don't see it happening.
Fooled me too egg. I watched Aaron Rodgers get the same amount off pressure thrown at him. How many points did they score? Packers went down 14-0 immediately and Rodgers has the lead back by halftime. Rodgers knows what a defense is trying to do to him before he takes the snap. Bradford only knows this after the snap when it's too late. Most of the time he never knows what's happening because you see how anemic their offense has been throughout his career.
My man Wise hates him some Bradford. Lol I agree tho I wasn't fooled into thinking this years performance would be better. Thing that bothers me most tho is he has zero leadership skills. QB has to be a leader. BUT you want your real scapegoat, check the film again and zero in on jake long. He had the best Alex Barron impersonation act I have ever seen. Absolutely used the entire game and many plays in embarrassing fashion. Keep the faith wise. Hope you are well
Thanks tee and good to hear from you. I can't find one player other than TJ McDonald and McLeod who showed up yesterday. You're right about his lack of leadership. He has a look of a guy who has no confidence. I've seen it often. He looks like someone who knows he's not any good. It's hard to believe we finally had a chance to draft a franchise QB and it becomes a bust. I know Jake Long got hurt last week so I'm not sure if he was gutting it out yesterday. Very disappointing performance from every aspect of this team. Tavon returns a punt for a TD and once again there's a flag. But this time we had 2 penalties on the return just in case the officials missed the first one.
Kurt Warner was on WFAN and explained Badfraud best. He has the weapons now to go downfield but won't take the shots neede to change field position. Instead, he'll settle for the checkdown dumpoff.
Watch him on 3rd downs. He rarely throws the distance it takes to convert. Even if its 3rd and 15 (which is often) he'll dump it off. Warner says he lacks confidence, while I say he's a wimp. Ya see, Badfrauds mentality has been to not get hurt 1st and win 2nd. Opposite a guy like Rothlesberger who is less mobile, gets just as much pressure and will take the pounding to try and win.
Ladies and gentleman, tonight you will see the reason why this guy continues to underachieve. I keep waiting for him to display why we took him 1st overall in the 2010 draft. He's in his 4th season, he's only shown he's good at padding his stats while his team is down 24-3 late 3rd quarter.
Im headed to the game tonight with a group of about 30 colleagues....pretty excited to watch SF inside the sterile Ram Dome. I like Under 42 for a small play.
Have a great time aplous. I had considered going to this game all summer until I watched last Sunday. I'm not wasting a penny to watch this garbage team. GL
It's possible that the Rams could get the #1 and 2 picks in the draft the way their season is going and how the Skins are going.
Give me Clowney and Johhnie Football and ill take my chances from there. Bridgewater reminds me of Bradford. He can hit WR who are open by 10 yards. Give me J football who beat Bama and gave them a good run for their money this year.
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I agree. I just wanted to dream a little. I saw a shot of Les Snead right after Badfraud completed another dump off. It didn't look encouraging for SB8. I'm embarrassed to be a fan if this team. Until they find the right QB, they will not have a winning record.
Does Sammy throw the check down more than mark Sanchez used to is the question
It's hard to justify plays like this not resulting in TD's.......

Jump - that throw was terrible and set the stage for the rest of the night imo
agree...not a great route by Pettis but not many WR run perfect have to lay that ball out there...and yes, did set the tone...despite the final, SF came out legs wobbly...a couple of solid shots and could have been a very different result
I think this type of performance on prime time is devastating for Bradford. He was weak minded as it was. We have a Jim Everette type of scenario playing out, except Sam never had any type of success.
Two things must happen but they won't unless Fisher and Les Snead have the nuts to do it. Next season they need to replace the OC and QB. They can't keep 1 and replace the other. It has to be both.
It's hard to justify plays like this not resulting in TD's.......


Trust me, even if Bradford does what he's supposed to on this play, he would have played the same way he did the entire game. 1 play was not going to change him. Think about it. Even though he missed this play, we're saying he could not recover? Naw, it was the 1st quarter in a 0-0 game. Did you see the stat where the Rams offense hadn't scored a point in the 1st quarter in the last 9 games?. Yea, we have a lemon for a QB.
"Wait a fucking minute, I'm the one who got benched?" Josh freeman while watching the rams game.
It's safe to say the Rams will bring in someone to compete with Bradford next season because Kellen Clemons isn't the answer as backup anyway. So why not fill in some depth at QB and see what happens.
It's safe to say the Rams will bring in someone to compete with Bradford next season because Kellen Clemons isn't the answer as backup anyway. So why not fill in some depth at QB and see what happens.

Rams will likely have two very high first round picks
Rams will likely have two very high first round picks

Im hoping 2 top 10 picks. Rams will have a top 5 pick unless they stay healthy and every team they play becomes depleted by injury. Fisher has to bring in a QB out of next years draft for Cap reasons also. They have to keep leverage against Bradford with his contract coming up. Fisher and Snead can't be blind to this. Although they came in endorsing Bradford and thought they could get him right, they see the lemon they have. They'll want to get their own guy after watching 13 more games of his garbage.
It's safe to say the Rams will bring in someone to compete with Bradford next season because Kellen Clemons isn't the answer as backup anyway. So why not fill in some depth at QB and see what happens.

Unfortunately, no NFL GM thinks this way.
They want retreads/washouts for backups because they have "experience". Yep, experienced losers.
The Cows sign Romo to long term deal and have Kyle fkng Orton as the backup.
Meanwhile , cut the 3rd stringer or put him on practice squad which you can only do for 2/3 yrs?
Yep, some of these kids suck. But if not for a guy almost dying, you might not have ever seen Brady.
Press, I think you're right in most cases. Sum Badfraud has a contract that is expiring. Playing the role of GM here, I'm bringing in a quality QB for a few reasons.
1. I think SB8 stinks. I've seen 4 years of this QB with no brains and no courage in the pocket.
2. If Badfraud sees there isn't another option for this organization, you can be sure he's going to leverage this in his 2nd contract.
3. Usually competition brings the best out of competitors. Let's see him face in house competition for the 1st time.
A recent Sum BadFraud quote:
“I was very frustrated,” Bradford said Wednesday, nearly a week later. “Last week was definitely one of the tougher games that I’ve had, just knowing how good this offense can be and the way that we can play. To perform the way that we did, it was very frustrating.”
You mean to perform the way you have for the 4th season. Get this guy out of here already.