Rockies at Cubs Preview Article

yep, just one jackass has talked shit to us for the last x years. you guys couldn't go 5 posts without saying scrubbies for fucks sake. the holier than thou shit ain't going to fly, sorry.

To us? Why are you watching games with Cards broadcasters? They‘re literally talking to us not you
Eh i think a demeaning nickname doesn‘t compare to heavy verbal abuse in person do you?
i'm not butthurt at all. the big bad cub fans are really in your heads tho. off to watch the playoffs.
I certainly don’t care about ppl talking shit about a team whether it be mine or any others, who cares what anyone says about those overpaid pussies? Some ppl take it personal and get personal over the doubest stuff. I don’t find talking junk about a team or your own team rude whatsoever. I def find it obnoxious when you over the top feeling a team tho, but I’ve never got all that wrapped up in fandom, I bet against my teams as much as on them, I like when they do well but ultimately it not all that important to me.
Cubs line up is the one I wanted to see with Heyward and Schwarbs out with Bote and Almora in. Schwarbs seems like a much better weapon off the bench and I can't stand to look at Heyward at the plate anymore. Look at this guys post seasons statistics:

I'd prefer jhey over Murphy. Murphy against LHP is brutal this year. Then you can PH Murphy in a big spot against hopefully a RH reliever. Then again, Murphy in the postseason has murdered us for years so maybe he murders someone else for a change.
I'm a red sox fan obviously and I was always proud of our fan base until we won in '04. We were educated and respectful. Then we got this big load of band wagon jumpers that all wanted to be fans and fenway went from being a baseball game with knowledgable fans to an event that looked more like a party than an athletic contest. I suppose that is part of winning. Sigh.. St. Louis in my opinion has the best fans in America and I believe it's the best baseball town in America. The fans are intelligent, welcoming and respectful. They even played Sweet Caroline for us in their ballpark when we were in the process of sweeping them in the world series. The community as a whole welcomed us with open arms and you could rap bases with them and they knew what they were talking about. My hat is off to them. My 2 cents
Not sure what the hate is. Talk about a fan base that was oppressed for 100 years with constant futility. I think any fan base in their right mind would react and behave the same after finally winning. It's human nature. As for Cubs fans being everywhere, hate on WGN who broadcasted the Cubs nationally for a very long time, it created nationwide awareness and exposure. Not really something you can hold against the fan base at large.

Freeland on 3 days rest. In his only other career start with 3 days of rest, he allowed a 1.015 OPS, and 178 tOPS+ in 3 innings in a loss. His 4.35 SIERA also suggests he's been a pretty lucky pitcher this year.

I am not on any side. Just offering my opinion.
I get it it but they act disrespectful in our parks, and it’s the little things. When I travel I tend to not be a dick