Rockets Fire Kevin McHale

taking from the KG calling villanueva somethimg cancer (i forget the exact words) ay how...

i thought he had that killer instinct when he came back from injury last year,, all that other stuff was with kobe -- he did it just to get under kobes worked...

If he had a killer instinct, or just the motivation to actually win, he'd develop a low post game and learn to shoot FTs. His low post game may be better than it was earlier in his career, but he should be dominant night in and night out.

He may be 'tough' for coming back from the injury, but he still misses games ALL THE TIME with little nagging injuries.
So is cousins a cancer for what he does to his teams??

What has cousins done to teams? Have you seen the Kings record when he doesn't play?

He's misunderstood by many fans IMO. He was really upset with the firing of Malone and everyone knew he would be. Nobody knows what was said behind closed doors but cousins has been a professional IMO. He gives max effort whenever he plays and MOST IMPORTANTLY continues to improve his game in the offseason. Dwight Howard has been in this league for 11 seasons and he barely has any post moves. Too busy impregnanting different women. It took him 10 years to want to improve his game. He's a clown. Comparing Howard to cousins is a joke.
so lawson, harden and howard suck -- these are the many - then they have a great supporting cast??? so which is it? many that suck and a great supporting cast..

Time to move om with the Howard is a cancer stuff... one it just isnt a nice thing to say... 2, has played well since being on the Rox -- no b.s. just playing hard...

I think that Beverly, Brewer, Jones and Ariza are great role players. Kapela is a solid back up Center for team of Rockets style of play. McDaniels should be getting minutes I believe as well. Terry is old, but got some hustle left in him. There is a solid bunch of role players in Houston in my opinion.
Replace Harden, Dwight and Lawson with CP3, Blake and Jordan and this is a team that will battle for WC Finals place.

As for Dwight being cancer, I don't think he is a cancer, but I think that he doesn't bring championship attitude - at all that is. I also think, that he think he is the same player as he was in Orlando and he just isn't.
What has cousins done to teams? Have you seen the Kings record when he doesn't play?

He's misunderstood by many fans IMO. He was really upset with the firing of Malone and everyone knew he would be. Nobody knows what was said behind closed doors but cousins has been a professional IMO. He gives max effort whenever he plays and MOST IMPORTANTLY continues to improve his game in the offseason. Dwight Howard has been in this league for 11 seasons and he barely has any post moves. Too busy impregnanting different women. It took him 10 years to want to improve his game. He's a clown. Comparing Howard to cousins is a joke.

I would really like Cousins to be on the Lakers, but he is a huge head case. He can check himself out of the game, by the smallest thing. Start to argue with refs, lose focus, fight with players and so on.
You can't have your star player, cussing at HC.

But, maybe he just needs to get out from Sacramento. When you have Divac, in players meeting, asking, if they think he should fire the coach........ That alone means that this franchise is really really really off....
What has cousins done to teams? Have you seen the Kings record when he doesn't play?

He's misunderstood by many fans IMO. He was really upset with the firing of Malone and everyone knew he would be. Nobody knows what was said behind closed doors but cousins has been a professional IMO. He gives max effort whenever he plays and MOST IMPORTANTLY continues to improve his game in the offseason. Dwight Howard has been in this league for 11 seasons and he barely has any post moves. Too busy impregnanting different women. It took him 10 years to want to improve his game. He's a clown. Comparing Howard to cousins is a joke.

lol. come on nbafan. I haven't really heard anyone ever discuss Cousins without bringing up all of the baggage that comes with him. He's clearly not good for a locker room. You seemed to be able to separate Howard on the court and his performance from the fact he's a douche bag....why can't you do the same with Cousins? Who cares what their record is w/o one is saying he isn't a good/great player. Seems you're a fan of his in a way (nothing wrong with that)....take the fandom out of it and be objective...or why ever discuss anything at all?

Cousins has acted like a professional? Is this serious? Are we talking about the same there another Cousins in the league I don't know about?
Because Cousins is not a cancer. Howard is. The point that was made was that Cousins somehow thwarts his team's production on the court. That is completely false. He has continued to evolve and improve his game every offseason. I cannot say that for Dwight.

Neither one of us know what was said behind the scenes in Sacramento. From the looks of it, Cousins wasn't happy that the coach was fired and he felt Karl wouldn't utilize him to his strengths like Malone did. We don't know. So we could all assume whatever we want. What we do know is that Dwight setback the Lakers for a few years with his childish antics. Sure the injury could be the reason why he wasn't dominant for a year or so but even in Orlando he went years without developing an offensive game in the post.

Cousins was a hot head coming out of college and his first few years in the league and he has matured. I'd much rather have his fiery personality on my team than

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Because Cousins is not a cancer. Howard is. The point that was made was that Cousins somehow thwarts his team's production on the court. That is completely false. He has continued to evolve and improve his game every offseason. I cannot say that for Dwight.

Neither one of us know what was said behind the scenes in Sacramento. From the looks of it, Cousins wasn't happy that the coach was fired and he felt Karl wouldn't utilize him to his strengths like Malone did. We don't know. So we could all assume whatever we want. What we do know is that Dwight setback the Lakers for a few years with his childish antics. Sure the injury could be the reason why he wasn't dominant for a year or so but even in Orlando he went years without developing an offensive game in the post.

Cousins was a hot head coming out of college and his first few years in the league and he has matured. I'd much rather have his fiery personality on my team than

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Cousins problems go much deeper than just his time in Sacramento. Again, I've never heard any NBA analyst, or anyone really, talk about Cousins without bringing up his baggage and talking about how his off court issues are a problem. How has Cousins matured though? He still does the same BS he always has. Of course he's a great player and helps the team on the floor...but he also has impacted games with his childish actually has happened nbafan.

Him being upset about a coach being fired is not an excuse for the behavior he has exhibited this year (which proves he hasn't matured at all). He had the same issues when that coach, the he evidently loved so much, was why is it any different now that he's gone? I just can't believe someone is being an apologist for Boogie Cousins.

I don't disagree about Dwight...I've said as much in this thread a few times (and for years and years).
Grantland's Zach Lowe...this speaks to the impact his antics/laziness actually have on the team during games...

A lot of talent evaluators with access say Boogie has morphed into a plus on defense this season, and one publicly available advanced plus/minus system agrees.
I'm not sold. Cousins still goes through bouts of lurching laziness, and his endless whining is a self-inflicted gunshot wound on Sacramento's transition defense. Teams shoot better in the restricted area when Cousins is on the floor, and they've hit 54 percent of their close shots when Cousins is near the rim, per SportVU — a poor number. He's still a below-average defender overall.

That might not seem like an especially damning analysis, but a high-usage, high-minute big man who doesn't defend the rim is just about the biggest deterrent to success as there is in the NBA. As proof of that theory, just look at the Sacramento Kings' status as cellar dwellers in the West. That's a position they've occupied for most of Cousins' career.
Those who don't believe Cousins is a very good player—despite his individual numbers—aren't crazy for pointing to his defensive indifference, lingering immaturity and terrible body language as troubling signs for a guy who's supposed to be a franchise cornerstone.
And his unwillingness to acknowledge the problems with his attitude in the past is also a red flag. It's true that Cousins has reduced his outbursts this year, but because he's been so consistent in downplaying his mistakes, he isn't inspiring much confidence in his ability to avoid repeating them.
We've all read about the locker-room explosions and seen the low blows on the court. Pretending they were no big deal, or worse, that the league is singling him out, is a little ridiculous.
Grantland's Zach Lowe...this speaks to the impact his antics/laziness actually have on the team during games...

A lot of talent evaluators with access say Boogie has morphed into a plus on defense this season, and one publicly available advanced plus/minus system agrees.
I'm not sold. Cousins still goes through bouts of lurching laziness, and his endless whining is a self-inflicted gunshot wound on Sacramento's transition defense. Teams shoot better in the restricted area when Cousins is on the floor, and they've hit 54 percent of their close shots when Cousins is near the rim, per SportVU — a poor number. He's still a below-average defender overall.

That might not seem like an especially damning analysis, but a high-usage, high-minute big man who doesn't defend the rim is just about the biggest deterrent to success as there is in the NBA. As proof of that theory, just look at the Sacramento Kings' status as cellar dwellers in the West. That's a position they've occupied for most of Cousins' career.
Those who don't believe Cousins is a very good player—despite his individual numbers—aren't crazy for pointing to his defensive indifference, lingering immaturity and terrible body language as troubling signs for a guy who's supposed to be a franchise cornerstone.
And his unwillingness to acknowledge the problems with his attitude in the past is also a red flag. It's true that Cousins has reduced his outbursts this year, but because he's been so consistent in downplaying his mistakes, he isn't inspiring much confidence in his ability to avoid repeating them.
We've all read about the locker-room explosions and seen the low blows on the court. Pretending they were no big deal, or worse, that the league is singling him out, is a little ridiculous.

I don't disagree with what Zach has written nor about his maturity issues. I would like to see how he would act with a with a winning organization. From ownership/gm/coach, players. Look at the kings as a whole from when Cousins was drafted. At best - complete horseshit - at worst - people were asking if Duke/Kentucky could beat the team.
Very easy to take plays off (I don't advocate) when the organization around you is complete horseshit and has done nothing to help you:

His coaches:

Paul Westphal
keith Smart
Mike Malone (fired while boogie was sick with (meningitis)
Tyrone Corbin
George Karl

Draft picks:
Willie Cauley-Stein University of Kentucky -- could be good
2014 NBA 1 8 Nik Stauskas University of Michigan --- Gone
2013 NBA 1 7 Ben McLemore University of Kansas ------- going no where
2013 NBA 2 36 Ray McCallum, Jr. University of Detroit Mercy ------ gone
2012 NBA 1 5 Thomas Robinson University of Kansas ------ Gone
2012 NBA 2 36 Orlando Johnson University of California, Santa Barbara---- -gone
2011 NBA 1 7 Bismack Biyombo - LOL
2011 NBA 2 35 Tyler Honeycutt University of California, Los Angeles - who?
2011 NBA 2 60 Isaiah Thomas ----- Gone

and 3 gm's ...

Big fan of a change of scenery trade and Cousins needs it -
What has cousins done to teams? Have you seen the Kings record when he doesn't play?

He's misunderstood by many fans IMO. He was really upset with the firing of Malone and everyone knew he would be. Nobody knows what was said behind closed doors but cousins has been a professional IMO. He gives max effort whenever he plays and MOST IMPORTANTLY continues to improve his game in the offseason. Dwight Howard has been in this league for 11 seasons and he barely has any post moves. Too busy impregnanting different women. It took him 10 years to want to improve his game. He's a clown. Comparing Howard to cousins is a joke.

Watching Denver play this season I agree 100% that malone should not have been fired. He is doing an outstanding job in Denver with what I consider a weak talent base. Very impressed by him.

Cousins has improved his game but he still whines to damn much and loses focus too often.
2011 NBA 2 35 Tyler Honeycutt University of California, Los Angeles - who?

Honeycutt is a very nice player. Played in Nes Ziona in Israeil two seasons ago and was one of the best players on the team. Great defender, can shoot the ball - the whole package. No wonder he left Nes Ziona (small club in Israel) and joined Khimky Moscow. Just helped them beat Real Madrid, in Madrid, on Wednesday and Madrid are Euroleague champs...