Riley Cooper

I was referencing Shady Mccoy. Hes been involved in multiple incidents.

I figured you were, I just hadn't heard of any incidents involving him, except for the one I posted that I dug up today.
Watched the vid...not at all what I expected...I expected wosre. It's out of context but still wrong. Best thing that could happen is the dude steps away for awhile.
yeah the apologies sound sincere, just can't have it ripping apart a team with a new coach. the way he said it matters.

the 2 minute video of him later just makes him look like he has an anger management/alcohol management issue, and this was all because he was denied backstage access to the concert. and he said it to a black security guy, who was just doing his job
Wrong dude. Shady is McCoy, not Vick. Unless McCoy also had a brother who was fucking 14 yr olds....could be.

I was wondering what Shady did that crawdads said he should be the last person to judge.

I quoted wrong...was laughing at Marcus Vick making tweets about it...big ass scumbag...
yeah the apologies sound sincere, just can't have it ripping apart a team with a new coach. the way he said it matters.

the 2 minute video of him later just makes him look like he has an anger management/alcohol management issue, and this was all because he was denied backstage access to the concert. and he said it to a black security guy, who was just doing his job
Only saw a 30 sec vid..if what you say is true I now can imaging the uproar and all the more reason for him to step away.
CAP posted it in the eagles thread and it looks like it was just at some other point just obviously drunk starting shit, don't even know if it was the same day now that i look at it
Wonder what his BAC was that night? Moot point wrt to what he said but out of curiosity.
just scary how words sometimes are more deadly than actions to people.

wasnt always that way

was always a lil nursery rhyme about that shit....different day now

I don't condone racism. I find it weird that dude played in football his whole life and this never happened. guess he couldnt get the homies to go to the Kenny concert hahaha

But seriously
Just a dumb move by a dude using the wrong word in the 'digital age of sensitivity' we're all living in right now. Don't think he was specifically targeting blacks, a poor generalization - trying to be 'gangsta/tough/street' in front of his 'cracker' friends. It was a Kenny Chesney concert after all, probably a 98% - 2% white/black ratio.

Who knows ?
Its all about the context of how he used it and that is what makes it so disgusting.

The eagles won't cut him though because since the vick thing the Reid family issues etc they see themselves as an organization that gives second chances and helps rehabilitate.

If you watch that video, the setting, everything about it is just disgusting...apparently he said it to a black security guard.
He did. I think he never sees a down in an eagle uniform. Might have to suit up for Gonzaga and be PF.
Just a dumb move by a dude using the wrong word in the 'digital age of sensitivity' we're all living in right now. Don't think he was specifically targeting blacks, a poor generalization - trying to be 'gangsta/tough/street' in front of his 'cracker' friends. It was a Kenny Chesney concert after all, probably a 98% - 2% white/black ratio.

Who knows ?

this is exactly my thought as well as I finally watched the video yesterday. His word usage was extremely general and simply meant "anyone b/tn him and back stage." Doesn't make it right at all, but that's how I see it. He was trying to act tough while drunk in front of his friends. It really is as simple as that. But, you can't use that word. Rock and a hard place.
Its all about the context of how he used it and that is what makes it so disgusting.

The eagles won't cut him though because since the vick thing the Reid family issues etc they see themselves as an organization that gives second chances and helps rehabilitate.

If you watch that video, the setting, everything about it is just disgusting...apparently he said it to a black security guard.

what was disgusting about the setting?
I meant the tone more then the setting....he is drunk surrounded by all white friends at a country concert and he go into a confrontation with a security guard....I would he more apt to dismiss it if is was a "playful" joking gesture amongst teammates while rapping or something like that. Something about it just doesn't sit right with me.
By the way I was at the chesney concert in philly the last few years and there ain't nothing disgusting about the setting.. drunk hot broads as far as the eyes can see. I don't like the music but they sure can party.
We can sit around the table and talk about whether someone is a racist for using the word, or speculate whether the ease with which it is said or the context matters, or whether an apology is sincere etc etc ... And I realize that the music that is popular these days has a bunch of it in there making it hard to remove the word for those that enjoy that music but the bottom line is that if you are a white dude, you can't use it without consequences. Fair? Probably not but life isn't fair. Don't use it. Dare I say, Just say "no". My take on it is a little different ..... when people are drunk and angry they will use whatever word they think hurts the person they are arguing with the most. They just want to hurt that person in that moment. It doesn't mean he is a racist, it just means he is an idiot. He made his bed here, imo..... now he has to lay in it.
just the damn media. period.

I just question that when AA's use the N word towards other AA's, why is that ok? Dont give me the whole "er" and "a" BS. That can mean we can all go around sayin it with "a" then!
How many times do you think that word has been used just in the EAGLES LOCKER ROOM??! Never...yea fukn right!

Just a bunch of hypocrites IMO.
just the damn media. period.

I just question that when AA's use the N word towards other AA's, why is that ok? Dont give me the whole "er" and "a" BS. That can mean we can all go around sayin it with "a" then!
How many times do you think that word has been used just in the EAGLES LOCKER ROOM??! Never...yea fukn right!

Just a bunch of hypocrites IMO.

Just have to accept that is the way it is. White people using the word is extremely offensive to black people, so as good people, those of us who are white should not use it. That is really where it should end. Is there some hypocrisy? sure. But not using the N word ( I hate the phrase N word now too ) is not exactly a sacrifice. Cooper acted like a jackass and is paying a price for acting like a jackass. I doubt he is racist. In fact, I highly doubt it. But there are consequences to what we say and do and a grown man should know better. He deserves to be let go.
I do think that any time we treat people different ( better or worse ) in society based on race that we are strengthening the concept of racism to a degree though. All people should be treated the same and be allowed to do/say the same things regardless of race and when we accept that whites cannot say a word and blacks can ( or the other way around ) we are saying that it is ok to treat people different based on race. It is usually better to eliminate any policy that differentiates in this manner. With that said ,,,, we live in a world where if you are white and say that word, you accomplish nothing but either hurting someone else or hurting yourself and any grown adult of his age should know it by now.
Just have to accept that is the way it is. White people using the word is extremely offensive to black people, so as good people, those of us who are white should not use it. That is really where it should end. Is there some hypocrisy? sure. But not using the N word ( I hate the phrase N word now too ) is not exactly a sacrifice. Cooper acted like a jackass and is paying a price for acting like a jackass. I doubt he is racist. In fact, I highly doubt it. But there are consequences to what we say and do and a grown man should know better. He deserves to be let go.
You were doing so well up until that last sentence VK; yeah, he might be let go because of locker room issues and the fact he may not be worth it talent wise. But within the context of committing egregious acts within the NFL way this guy DESERVES to be let go; guys commit vehicular manslaughter in the NFL and manage to hang on to their careers...DUI's all the time...domestic violence...if Cooper deserves to be let go, than so does anyone committing these crimes as well and that precedent was set long ago.
I'm not sure why some of you think it is a double standard or hypocrisy when black folk can say N, but white people can't? Doesn't make sense to me nor does it hold water.

The double standard and hypocrisy comes when other races make racist comments (specifically about white people) and nothing at all happens to them.

You had Sterling or Shannon Sharpe (only one of them) at Carolina Panther training camp talking about "Us and Them." Whatever. I just hope everyone realizes the widening divide this causes b/tn whites and blacks. Bc it does. Ultimately you make 100% non racist people choose and talk and we know what happens when people talk.

I'm just so tired of it, believe it or not. Wish it would all go away and never return.
I'm not sure why some of you think it is a double standard or hypocrisy when black folk can say N, but white people can't? Doesn't make sense to me nor does it hold water.

The double standard and hypocrisy comes when other races make racist comments (specifically about white people) and nothing at all happens to them.

You had Sterling or Shannon Sharpe (only one of them) at Carolina Panther training camp talking about "Us and Them." Whatever. I just hope everyone realizes the widening divide this causes b/tn whites and blacks. Bc it does. Ultimately you make 100% non racist people choose and talk and we know what happens when people talk.

I'm just so tired of it, believe it or not. Wish it would all go away and never return.

trying to find it, but Lazy Eye Scott even said something along the lines of....." he sure can run fast for a white guy". I mean WTF, thats racist right there but its not cause its talking about a white guy. Same here, I'm just sick of this shit and the AA community thinks they deserve a fukn throne for some thing their ancestors went through. Where are the Onthespot, where at all the people from Africa, Congo that still deal with worse human conditions! Exactly.
You were doing so well up until that last sentence VK; yeah, he might be let go because of locker room issues and the fact he may not be worth it talent wise. But within the context of committing egregious acts within the NFL way this guy DESERVES to be let go; guys commit vehicular manslaughter in the NFL and manage to hang on to their careers...DUI's all the time...domestic violence...if Cooper deserves to be let go, than so does anyone committing these crimes as well and that precedent was set long ago.
they deserve to be let go too.
when people are drunk and angry they will use whatever word they think hurts the person they are arguing with the most. They just want to hurt that person in that moment. It doesn't mean he is a racist

^Its this

Im sick and fucking tired of hearing this racist bullshit.Media blowing it way out of proportion the boring bastards.I now refuse to read or listen to anymore of these "stories" for the rest of my life.
Guns,Drink driving,Gangbangers,Rapists,Animal cruelty....Murderers.......white dude gets drunk and says *****,America in uproar,get the fuck over it.

Black dude calls black dude *****.... no offence taken
White dude,Asian dude,Orange dude calls black dude ***** falls in
Who are the real racists here ?

Its pathetic.

Im off to my little corner
People on the TV and on the radio have no choice but to give Riley Cooper pure hell. If they fall short of it just a weenzy bit, they'll be labeled a racist. I'd a imagine if you were close friends with one of these personalities, you'd find that out.
^Its this

Im sick and fucking tired of hearing this racist bullshit.Media blowing it way out of proportion the boring bastards.I now refuse to read or listen to anymore of these "stories" for the rest of my life.
Guns,Drink driving,Gangbangers,Rapists,Animal cruelty....Murderers.......white dude gets drunk and says *****,America in uproar,get the fuck over it.

Black dude calls black dude *****.... no offence taken
White dude,Asian dude,Orange dude calls black dude ***** falls in
Who are the real racists here ?

Its pathetic.

Im off to my little corner

You Nailed it, completely agree