Riley Cooper

Really think its being over played by the media. Was it dumb/stupid? Of course. But I guarantee every one of us has had used the word before. He was dumb/unlucky enough to do it right in front of someone filming it
Really think its being over played by the media. Was it dumb/stupid? Of course. But I guarantee every one of us has had used the word before. He was dumb/unlucky enough to do it right in front of someone filming it

i guarantee you everyone in here hasnt used that word before.
I've used it, yes in rapping, but my point it is just a word. No one is arguing it was dumb but I think calling him a racist is over reacting.

Maybe I'm alone thinking this way. I just don't see it as that big of a deal.
Just easier to never use the word. Not sure why people can't learn this. And everyone may not have used the word or even thought of using it ... but all people have had a racist thought at some point even if they didn't realize they were. I will say this about Cooper's apology: We have seen a ton of apologies from celebrities and athletes over the years ... this one seems more sincere than about any I have seen. Of course, I thought OJ was a nice guy too....
He would have been in less trouble and gotten less attention had he gotten a DUI or beaten up his girlfriend. Kinda crazy isn't it?
Despite several team leaders speaking out in support of Riley Cooper on Wednesday, there are many Eagles—the majority of them African American—that are having a difficult time accepting the wide receiver’s apology for using a racial slur, according to team sources.
And there was one prominent Eagle that questioned the punishment—Cooper was fined— handed down by owner Jeffrey Lurie and new coach Chip Kelly.
“I’ll tell you one thing, if it was Andy Reid, he would have gotten more than a fine,” the player said on the condition of anonymity.
Another veteran Eagles player said that he could not get past Cooper using the n-word and that he didn’t think he would ever speak to him again.
“The coaches are saying we should think team first, but this is just crazy,” the player said. “Was he thinking about the team when he said that?”
He would have been in less trouble and gotten less attention had he gotten a DUI or beaten up his girlfriend. Kinda crazy isn't it?

Not really. Because the majority of his peers are african-american... he lost the respect of many of those peers... and thats not going to make life any easier on the football field
Really think its being over played by the media. Was it dumb/stupid? Of course. But I guarantee every one of us has had used the word before. He was dumb/unlucky enough to do it right in front of someone filming it

imo its the way he uses the word that is the problem
nah...should be do this in any other job and it's put on video and you're fired
Nah pro sports is different. Players say stupid stuff all the time and get away with it. Kobe Bryant uses anti-Yag slurs and gets a slap on wrist. Players in the NFL have been responsible for people's deaths and are back in the league.
If he eventually gets fired/cut from the eagles does another team pick him up - where does he go from this if that happens? Looking over nfl rosters i dont see many all white teams.........
Nah pro sports is different. Players say stupid stuff all the time and get away with it. Kobe Bryant uses anti-Yag slurs and gets a slap on wrist. Players in the NFL have been responsible for people's deaths and are back in the league.
yea Chris Culliver agrees
he was sent home today situation might only get worse from here - divided locker room, chipster can't be happy about this.
yep gotta cut him, certainly not worth losing the team over. like it or not, the CEO of the team has to act in their best interest before it costs them the season

if chip can somehow keep cooper on the team and keep the team together, he's a ton better coach than i already give him credit for and i like chip alot
but this is a team issue, NFL has no business stepping in with a suspension or anything like that

just can't see cooper's pros outweighing the cons at this point for the eagles
Bunch of damn hypocrites on the Eagles if Cooper ends up being cut bc the locker room is divided. That's BS and everyone knows it. Lord knows how many times EVERYONE on that team has said something racist to another or intimidated somebody or beat a girl. I love a Glass House. Lol.
I don't like the word, I find it completely vulgar and try my hardest to never say it even when reciting rap lyrics. That being said, I find it completely ridiculous that black people can throw it around left and right. I can throw on just about any rap CD and hear it five times in each song. I can turn on just about any black comedian and hear it 20 times in his act. If I say it once and it's overheard by the wrong ears, even if I'm reciting some lyrics or repeating a comedians rant, and its taken out of context I can lose my job and maybe even worse lose my life over it. I don't want the right to say the word, I don't say it anyway and I don't care to say it. My problem is that I don't think ANYONE should say it. Even black people. And don't give me this shit about changing the last letters to A instead of ER. The word is the same.

I bet the word is said in the Eagles locker room 100 times a day. Riley says it once and he is the devil. He has no business saying the word and deserves to pay some sort of a price for it but this is out of hand.
He would have been in less trouble and gotten less attention had he gotten a DUI or beaten up his girlfriend. Kinda crazy isn't it?
He should have just killed someone then lead his team to a SB Championship!
Well if Riley Cooper was Ray Lewis or someone good, you can get away with it in most cases....he ain't...they don't have the incentive to keep him
Chance Chip Kelly buckles here and releases him. Then Billicheck in all of his political correctness, scoops him up. Brady makes another ho-hum WR into something, and dropping the N-Bomb becomes the best move of Coopers career.Patriots go on to win the AFC, and we have a Goddamn Kenny Chesney concert to thank for it.
Chance Chip Kelly buckles here and releases him. Then Billicheck in all of his political correctness, scoops him up. Brady makes another ho-hum WR into something, and dropping the N-Bomb becomes the best move of Coopers career.Patriots go on to win the AFC, and we have a Goddamn Kenny Chesney concert to thank for it.

:eyes:Fucking post of the year!
Yawn. Who cares what shady thinks of Riley, he should be the last person to judge...

Or his brother who was fucking 14 year olds when at VaTech...shit cracks me up..

Wrong dude. Shady is McCoy, not Vick. Unless McCoy also had a brother who was fucking 14 yr olds....could be.

I was wondering what Shady did that crawdads said he should be the last person to judge.
I did find this about Shady McCoy...maybe it's what crawdads was referring to? Or maybe he also thought that Shady was Vick and not McCoy?

In January 2013, McCoy became involved in a public dispute with the estranged mother of his son on Twitter. After the incident, McCoy initially claimed that his Twitter account had been hacked, but later stated, "My Twitter account was not hacked. I take full responsibility and I apologize for trying to make it seem like it was not me. Due to my bad judgment and frustration, I allowed a very personal matter to be played out on a social network, of all things. It was immature and unprofessional for me to do so and to encourage others to join in.