RGIII cleared to start week 1, should he though?


Pretty much a regular
Huge Skins fan here and I'd love nothing more than for this to be good news. I just can't help but to think its a mistake to put him on the field just yet even though he's been cleared medically. It's one thing for a doctor to say his knee is good to go and a whole other thing to say he's ready to play football at the highest level.

I have other thoughts I'll drop in a little but but I'm curious if I'm in the minority here thinking he shouldn't play just yet.

What's the CTG consensus?
You're not in the minority, of course he shouldn't come back and play yet, w/o being 100% sure he's ready and has practiced enough for everyone to know that easily. Did the 'Skins seriously not learn from the playoff game that may have put him/them in this position in the first place? He's a young kid who was stubborn and wanted to play hero in that game, and it cost them not only the game, but required him having a major knee surgery. I surely hope that the Redskins aren't leaving any of this decision up to RGIII, as his opinion will always be that he's ready and okay to play.
Not ready, too risky, wouldn't start him yet...if I was Shanahan (or Snyder) I'd go with Cousins at least the first 3 or 4 weeks to give RG3 time to get where he needs to be. I'd also make it publicly known that is the plan in place to take the pressure off.
If he's healthy, he should play. None of us know how healthy he is, but the Skins organization does.

People recover at different paces; see Adrian Peterson.

I don't think it's office till Dr. Andrews clears him though, which could come tomorrow.
But, if he's cleared to play and is healthy, what is the purpose of sitting him out?

There is no purpose, I never said there was. All I said is when he is 100% and it's pretty easy to see that he's 100%, not when he's telling them he is 100% because he will lie about it. He hasn't been able to practice full bore yet, so one would assume the team wants to see him do that before allowing him to start. He has been medically cleared to play, yes.

I agree with you completely.
You're not in the minority, of course he shouldn't come back and play yet, w/o being 100% sure he's ready and has practiced enough for everyone to know that easily. Did the 'Skins seriously not learn from the playoff game that may have put him/them in this position in the first place? He's a young kid who was stubborn and wanted to play hero in that game, and it cost them not only the game, but required him having a major knee surgery. I surely hope that the Redskins aren't leaving any of this decision up to RGIII, as his opinion will always be that he's ready and okay to play.

I blame Shanny for the while thing anyways. Of course he's going to say he's can play like jump said he's a football player that gets paid to play football and he wanted to play hero. It's coaches call who sits and who plays. They should've shut him down after the Balty injury IMO.
Not ready, too risky, wouldn't start him yet...if I was Shanahan (or Snyder) I'd go with Cousins at least the first 3 or 4 weeks to give RG3 time to get where he needs to be. I'd also make it publicly known that is the plan in place to take the pressure off.

Couldn't agree more
Coaches don't win football games now they are fired within a year or two. They don't have the luxury of sitting players that are telling them they can go.
If he's healthy, he should play. None of us know how healthy he is, but the Skins organization does.

People recover at different paces; see Adrian Peterson.

I don't think it's office till Dr. Andrews clears him though, which could come tomorrow.

But, if he's cleared to play and is healthy, what is the purpose of sitting him out?

Here's my take....

Anyone could see that he wasn't even close to healthy. IMO he was hurt worse than what he was leading everyone to believe in the Balty game but didn't want to admit it or the Skins covered it up. He was able to somehow manage his way through wins against Philly and Dallas but had his 2 of his lowest passing outputs of the season in those games but get the W's that was needed. He was clearly hobbling around and was really exposed to further injury. But let's give them the benefit of the doubt and say he hadn't tore his ACL yet. And now you're in the wild card playoff game. He tweaked his knee again on the 2nd TD drive on the scramble to the right when in the red zone and tried to throw back across his body. He was limping back to the huddle but managed to throw a TD on the next play.

So at that point they're up 14-0 in the first playoff game in years with a more than capable backup in Cousins who brought them back against Balty and put 38 on the Bengals the following week in the regular season. He should've been pulled there but wasn't. Half time comes and I tell my wife they need to take him out and let Cousins manage the rest of the game and feed Morris to melt the clock and if they didn't that RG3 was going to get hurt worse. I'm not sure if anyone remembers but they called a designed run to the left out of halftime and the field was wiiiiide open. I'm 100% sure I could've gained more yards than he did on that run cause he was visibly limping while trying to run. That element of his game was gone and not coming back so the Hawks D could pin back their ears cause they knew he couldn't get away. The rest is history and ultimately blew his knee the rest of the way at the end of the game which was all but over at that point anyways.

The reason to sit him was and is simple in my eyes. Think of how much they gave up to draft him. They sold the farm on this kid. They put the franchise at risk last season because if he were to have a career ending injury you've just set the organization back 10 years with what you gave up to get him. You have all your eggs in the RG3 basket and that bitch should be wrapped in bubble wrap. Err on the side of caution because you need him healthy to take the organization where you drafted him to take it. It doesn't do any good for him to hobble around and win a playoff game or two and sacrifice a career. Like it or not it's not his call. The doctors, Snyder, and Shanny should've taken control and shut him down.

Shanny had absolutely no reason to have him on that field. He gets paid to make those tough decisions. He's the coach and what he says goes. RG3 would've been pissed maybe but it could've possibly prevented a second ACL tear. But your franchise QB is healthy and ready for another year. They weren't winning the SB last year anyways.
Coaches don't win football games now they are fired within a year or two. They don't have the luxury of sitting players that are telling them they can go.

I can't argue with the first sentence or the fact that they have any luxury of sitting players. But the eyeball test was easy to see that he wasn't able to go. They allowed emotion to get involved in a business decision. Face of the franchise, home playoff game, fan base revitalized, etc, etc, etc. But he wasn't the same and it was clear as day. Cousins gave them just as good a shot at winning that game as RG3 did (with the injury) IMO. You gotta protect your investment.
You are moving the goalposts. This question is about should he go now, not should he have come back in the playoff game.
I blame Shanny for the while thing anyways. Of course he's going to say he's can play like jump said he's a football player that gets paid to play football and he wanted to play hero. It's coaches call who sits and who plays. They should've shut him down after the Balty injury IMO.

Of course. Who, as an NFL coach, in their right mind, lets a rookie make the decision on whether or not they should be in there?
You are moving the goalposts. This question is about should he go now, not should he have come back in the playoff game.

Was just tryin to point out that IF his ACL wasn't torn in that playoff game this question could've been prevented in the first place. And how careless they were and probably will be with him again unfortunately.

Of course he shouldn't come back now. He has yet to practice or take hits. He needs those reps and if they're truly taking it slow with operation patience then he shouldn't be on the field yet. AP is more the exception than the rule and shouldn't be compared with. Plus he already had this happen once. I just don't get why he HAS to be on the field against the Eagles from the organizations standpoint. I know he's going to say he's ready but Shanny shouldn't listen.
You are moving the goalposts. This question is about should he go now, not should he have come back in the playoff game.

It's kinda related though if he isn't 100% ready to go. They say he's been medically cleared though, so maybe he is 100% ready to go. But then it said that Dr. Andrews hasn't seen him yet, so who cleared him medically?
If he's ready, play him. They pay the worlds best docs. I'm a fan & personally would rather start him against a non divisional opponent. But if he's truly ready to go & will not in anyway present more than normal potential for further damage and the coaches feel he gives the best shit at winning. Put him in
If he's ready, play him. They pay the worlds best docs. I'm a fan & personally would rather start him against a non divisional opponent. But if he's truly ready to go & will not in anyway present more than normal potential for further damage and the coaches feel he gives the best shit at winning. Put him in

I guess that's the discussion though...is he really ready? And, are we simply talking being medically ready, or football ready? Let's just say his knee is 100%, and there is no concern for further damage or another injury....he hasn't practiced a lick this off season, hasn't even taken a hit yet...you still want him behind center in Week 1, or feel that he would give them the best chance to win knowing he hasn't practiced at all? I'm not so sure about that, especially since Cousins has seemed more than capable in the spots he's been thrust into games.

They also paid Dr. Andrews to let him get talked into letting RGIII back into the game last year (maybe more than once), when it was pretty clear to everyone w/o a medical license that he shouldn't have been playing. Sometimes those doctors do what you tell them, since you're paying them so much money.
It's kinda related though if he isn't 100% ready to go. They say he's been medically cleared though, so maybe he is 100% ready to go. But then it said that Dr. Andrews hasn't seen him yet, so who cleared him medically?
Albert Breer@AlbertBreer<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">42m</small>
On Griffin -- The Skins QB has been taking first-team reps all week, and the original plan remains in place as he works to that 9/9 target.


Albert Breer@AlbertBreer<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">41m</small>
At camp's start, RG3 got clearance from Andrews with coaches/trainers recommended to bring him along slow. Final rec comes after Tampa game.
Just to clear up some things:

-RG3 has been practicing for weeks. He has been doing 7 on 7's all camp until a couple weeks ago when he was cleared for 11 on 11. I don't think the "not practicing" thing if valid, bc he has indeed been practicing.

-I don't buy the hasn't been hit thing. He sat out almost all of the preseason games last year and QBs aren't touched in practice as it is. Week 1, there are going to be a lot of QBs hit for the first time. And what does that even mean? Any hit in any game could injure any player, whats the significance of not getting hit in preseason when it relates to getting hit week 1? Lack of hits taken going to make him more prone to injury?

-Cousins, in no shape or form, gives the Redskins a similar shot of winning as RG3 does. That is just absurd. THis is directly related to playing well vs. Balty and Cleveland and has him vastly over rated by people.

-Andrews is employed by the Redskins. He has been monitoring his progress and saw him before the 2nd preseason game. He is going to evaluate him again tomorrow. Just FYI, Andrews did not clear RG3 to go back into the playoff game, he didn't even have a chance to evaluate him.

Certainly if RG3 is not 100% and has an increased chance of re injury, you sit him. But, people are assuming this is the case without knowing the particulars of RG3 case.If he's healthy and cleared by Doctors, he can and should play. This the football, he could be put into retirement in week 3 and then sitting him out vs. Philly was pointless.
Just to clear up some things:

-RG3 has been practicing for weeks. He has been doing 7 on 7's all camp until a couple weeks ago when he was cleared for 11 on 11. I don't think the "not practicing" thing if valid, bc he has indeed been practicing.

-I don't buy the hasn't been hit thing. He sat out almost all of the preseason games last year and QBs aren't touched in practice as it is. Week 1, there are going to be a lot of QBs hit for the first time. And what does that even mean? Any hit in any game could injure any player, whats the significance of not getting hit in preseason when it relates to getting hit week 1? Lack of hits taken going to make him more prone to injury?

-Cousins, in no shape or form, gives the Redskins a similar shot of winning as RG3 does. That is just absurd. THis is directly related to playing well vs. Balty and Cleveland and has him vastly over rated by people.

-Andrews is employed by the Redskins. He has been monitoring his progress and saw him before the 2nd preseason game. He is going to evaluate him again tomorrow. Just FYI, Andrews did not clear RG3 to go back into the playoff game, he didn't even have a chance to evaluate him.

Certainly if RG3 is not 100% and has an increased chance of re injury, you sit him. But, people are assuming this is the case without knowing the particulars of RG3 case.If he's healthy and cleared by Doctors, he can and should play. This the football, he could be put into retirement in week 3 and then sitting him out vs. Philly was pointless.

Thanks for clearing all of it up.

Andrews cleared him the week before the playoff game though right? I know there was one of those weeks that he let him back into the game, which in hindsight, wasn't the best thing to do.

Now I remember that whole playoff fiasco as well, and would say that it's even worse that Andrews didn't look at (and clear) RGIII after the injury in that game. Why pay a doctor if you're not going to leave injury decisions up to him, or at the very least, let him examine the player before allowing the player to decide if he's okay to play?
Albert Breer@AlbertBreer<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">42m</small>
On Griffin -- The Skins QB has been taking first-team reps all week, and the original plan remains in place as he works to that 9/9 target.


Albert Breer@AlbertBreer<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">41m</small>
At camp's start, RG3 got clearance from Andrews with coaches/trainers recommended to bring him along slow. Final rec comes after Tampa game.

Thanks. Had some bad info I guess that he wasn't practicing.

So, again though, he hasn't been cleared by Andrews (except for the pre training camp go ahead to bring him along slow), unless I'm reading that tweet wrong.
Thanks for clearing all of it up.

Andrews cleared him the week before the playoff game though right? I know there was one of those weeks that he let him back into the game, which in hindsight, wasn't the best thing to do.

Now I remember that whole playoff fiasco as well, and would say that it's even worse that Andrews didn't look at (and clear) RGIII after the injury in that game. Why pay a doctor if you're not going to leave injury decisions up to him, or at the very least, let him examine the player before allowing the player to decide if he's okay to play?

As far as I know he was cleared before Seattle game. But, remember tweeked his knee about the 2nd quarter on a td pass (or right before). He was examined then and said he was fine.
Albert Breer@AlbertBreer<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">42m</small>
On Griffin -- The Skins QB has been taking first-team reps all week, and the original plan remains in place as he works to that 9/9 target.


Albert Breer@AlbertBreer<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">41m</small>
At camp's start, RG3 got clearance from Andrews with coaches/trainers recommended to bring him along slow. Final rec comes after Tampa game.

So as of today we're 13 days from their Monday night game. So give him 6 or so days of reps with the first team plus the next 13 would give him around 20 days of reps.Assuming there is no worry with his knee can he be ready to start with that little bit of practice time?

Two sides of him being ready are his knee and him "in the flow" for lack of better terms. 20 days of practice doesn't seem like a whole lot of time.
How long is training camp? 2 months or less, right? RG3 spent the first 2 weeks of camp doing 7 on 7 instead of 11 v 11. I don't really think that is going to make a big deal.
As far as I know he was cleared before Seattle game. But, remember tweeked his knee about the 2nd quarter on a td pass (or right before). He was examined then and said he was fine.

He was cleared to "bring him along slowly" according to the tweet that Jump posted. He will be cleared for the season, after the final preseason game.

Albert Breer@AlbertBreer<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">41m</small>
At camp's start, RG3 got clearance from Andrews with coaches/trainers recommended to bring him along slow. Final rec comes after Tampa game.

Shannahan's comments during a recent interview...

“I did talk with Dr. Andrews before the game. He feels great about Robert’s progress. He really feels the same way as he did before camp. At practice, he feels good about him practicing. He didn’t feel like we should put him in any games. He’s going to re-evaluate him after the Tampa game [on Aug. 29], and then he’ll make a decision—at least from his perspective, where he’s at. But like I said, he feels very good where he’s at at this time. If there’s no setbacks, he thinks we’ll be ready. But that’s assuming there is no setback here over the next couple weeks. So that’s a good sign.”

He's been in full 11 v 11 practice for at least a week, maybe 2. No QB is ever going to be hit in practice.
I don't debate whether or not you want your QB hit in practice or the preseason because clearly you don't.

It's the dr's responsibility to asses the health of his knee and report if it is healthy enough for him to play football. Also to give his professional advice concerning the Injury and what might be best from a medical standpoint.

It's the coaches job to asses the players ability and readiness to play football. Just because the doc says he's ok from a medical standpoint it doesn't mean he's ready to play football in a regular season game. It sounds like they're just waiting on doc to say ok and he's good to go.

Just because his knee may be healed doesn't mean he has shown he's ready to start a regular season NFL game? Is he prepared? Is he in "sync"? All I'm sayin is there I no need to rush him back at this point only 8 or so months after a second major knee surgery. A few more weeks of practice would show a lot. Setting a week 3 or 4 timeline wouldn't be the worst thing they could do.

Or consider bringing him back in week 6. They have Philly at home, @ GB, Detroit at home, and @ Oakland before their bye week. Cousins is more than capable of guiding them to 2-2 with that schedule with Alfred and getting a couple of players back on D. Their secondary sucks ass and will prolly get lit up by Rogers and Stafford. They could beat Philly and Oakland and now you've bought yourself 5 more weeks to make sure he's good to go. Even with RG3 I definitely don't see them 4-0 and 3-1 is unlikely so you're likely looking at 2-2 anyways going into the bye. Then you bring him back for the Thursday nighter in Dallas. Hype city.
How much more ready does he need to be? It's not like he's been sitting down and not preparing. He went through all the 7 on 7s. He's been a full practice member for maybe 2 weeks and has another almost 2 weeks.

Who said anything was rushed?

They could easily be 1-3 or 0-4 with that schedule and Cousins at QB