Rexy's Week 6 College...

northwestern led the majority of the game. at no point during the entire game did northwestern trail by more than 4, so they were covering the whole time--even up until the point the clock ran out completely 00:00 on the fourth quarter clock. even if the ball is fumbled out of the endzone entirely or if some kind-and-big-hearted northwestern player mustered up the gumption and actually recovered the ball in the endzone for a safety, even then!!!, it would have been a 6 point brutus win and a cover. brutal luck. bad or terrible just doesnt do this result justice. rex capped the shit out of it. northwestern provided an excellent gameplan that 2 quarterbacks executed to a tee except 1 play each (the interception and the botched qb sneek on 4th and 1) and the game was firmly on NW+7 side throughout the context-it was always the side to back.. nice capping rex, and today we all move on from one of the greatest moose-job single plays of all time imo, especially since a safety (either by ball bouncing out the back or sides of the endzone OR by a northwestern player recovery) would have still resulted in a 6 point tOSU win and a cover.

ps what the hell kind of pitch was that--dude just rocketed it off the targets shoulderpads like a Gerritt Cole fastball. that was the moment where it all went wrong. I have no problem even with the playcalling even though multiple laterals increase the chance of a defensive TD exponentally - esp. that close to the goalline. But truth is, those Northwestern kids deserved to win. they played their asses off. they executed, and they almost snapped the nation's longest winning streak--almost.
Omg I didn't even notice this until now and missed the very end just assuming it was 34-30 final and switched over to Stanford Gm, just brutal....sorry Rex.
moose job of the year - IMO and I have had some other beauties also. But this one took the cake.
NW +6 1/2 here:puking: :tissue: