RooooooooouuuutineI have LA +14.5 as the last leg of a teaser for 1* and adding the game total O47.5 for 1* as well.
Nice work eggNFL 62-52-3 +5.75*
Seattle/Cleveland 1*
Bears8.5/O41 1*
KC/NO O53.5 1*
NFL 78-78-3 (4*)
Buf/KC O53.5 1.1/1*
O54.5 2.2/2*
Bills13/Buf-KCo44.5 1.2/1*
Bills9/O48.5 2.2/2*
Bills ttO26.5 2.25/2*
Josh Allen O308.5 0.54/0.5*
Josh Allen O2.5 TD 0.4/0.6*
Bills3/O54.5 0.6/1.52*