
Brian Windhorst
Was tonight's game as 1 sided reffed as it looked to me?

I am huge basketball guy....I still play and coach basketball and have seen many games...

I mean Lebron got fouled 3 times on the last play! I was at the B.A.R. so I did not get to hear CB or any commentators. Were they hating on the refs? Local media has been all over them.

Not for the last play, in particular, but for the whole game. That travel they called on Verejo was terrible. That would not be a travel if one of my high schoolers did it... LET ALONE THE FUCKING NBA

The NBA officiating is such a joke(In all games). It is pretty much irrelavent(sp) if a team gets in the bonus early in the quarter- 29 times out of 30 the refs will even it out by the end of the quarter. Can we just let the players decide the game...

On a lighter note there was deffinately just a riot at this B.A.R. I was at...dude got jumped got back up and then someone else came and knocked him the fuck out... Then some other fight broke out behind me and some dude was beating the fuck out of this girl(she was a big bitch though- might as well been a dude). Then some POS starting macing people. Dude pulled a gun and shit got crazy. Here is me trying to protect these 3 girls (pictures later) and not get shot in the process. This place was a pretty nice place too. It happened on this big ass patio so there was no where to go and there was so many people out there the cops could not get through....





all i know is bron bron got fouled at end of game.....bullshit. and apparently sheed's pushoff wasnt a foul...

been a physical series tho, can't depend on getting bailed out in last play of game
Game was BS but I didnt expect to win that anyway..Already planned on coming back to cleveland down 2-0....Now we have 3 outta the next4 at home..If we can take these 2, we know we can win game 5 in Detroit...and finish em off in 6 at home...

as for the fights..Ive said it all along...With that new smoking law..All the drunks are gonna be outside in a crowd. Fights are bound to happen,People that usually avoid each other inside the bar,forced to stand by them to smoke..
I didn't see a second of the game last night, but I'm certainly not surprised that someone is complaining about the officiating. The officiating was so bad in the GSW/UTA series that both teams felt like they were getting screwed over. Usually one team can play the part as getting rolled by the refs, but the refs were actually bad enough that as a viewer I couldn't tell who was getting screwed.

I'm with Cuban on this subject. They can obviously use some type of technology to improve the job the refs are doing. I'm 100% sick of the "star" player call. It's alot of the reason that I don't even watch the NBA anymore.
In all honesty your seeing this with a homers view.

Its the EC a game where NEITHER team got any calls...and you expect LeBron to get a foul call on that last drive with that slop shot he put up. Hamilton played good defense, had position and where his arms were allowed the shooter room to shoot. James could have been called for an offensive foul with the offhand. Thats not a call 95 percent of the time either way. Not in the playoffs for sure.

With 2 minutes left team fouls were Det 4 Cle 2 in one of the most physical 4th quarters I have seen in some time.

Anderson traveled like a mofo. First he picked up his pivot foot. Then he picked up the other. Even NBA refs had to call that.

Rasheeds game winner...Anderson had ahold of his jersey..Rasheed pushed him..'a bit'...Anderson prolly gets the call but he 'overflopped'. No way anyone gets hat call when they go flailing 6-8 feet away from the defender. He looked like he got shot out of a cannon.

This game was about as fairly officiated as a DET fan can ask for going againstLeBron Stern. Bron pushed Tay in first qtr on Maxiell putback but it would have been his 2nd so they let it go. We know thats coming.

I watched game again last night and neiher team can complain after the game. Even most of the media pundits agree there was no foul late.

Don;t worry CLE know Lebron Stern is gonna get his calls soon started happening in Game 3 last year..expect a repeat performance.

I'll preface this by saying I'm a Cleveland sports fan, but i really really dislike the NBA, so much that I'm secretly hoping the Cavs DONT win the Finals this year, so my beloved Indians have a chance this fall to get it done first. :smiley_acbe:

That being said, both sides of this argument are sounding "homerish". What pisses me off about the officiating is the inconsistency with what is foul, not which teams it's being called on. On a team-vs-team basis, I think it's been pretty fair in both games. But I'm seeing what constitutes as rape in 37 states not being called a foul, and then late whistles being called when a player comes down from a jumpshot and literally fouls with no contact from the defender.

Not sure who it was last night (either Doug Collins or Steve Kerr), but at one point in the 3rd quarter, they said, quote "This is like football." and THAT'S what bothers me most about the NBA.
There was bad refereeing in the game? Im shocked!

The NBAs such a joke

But if I was a Pistons fan, Id be worried about the makeup calls coming their way in game 3 and need to even play em, just come back to detroit in 3 weeks time with the series tied at 2
who the fuck cares anymore the nba is horseshit. just get it off my tv asap is what im worried about.
the qualifying for the 2008 olympics this summer is gonna be 1000000000000000 times better than this
Verejo DID NOT TRAVEL.... I dont care about the Sheed play- who cares about a pushoff in crunch time.

Rip played good defense on that last set BAR? Are you serious? He fouled him 3 times....he grabbed him right away and then fouled him before the shot and after the shot! The Cavs got screwed- plain in simple......not if Hughes' pussy ass could make a wide open 7' shot, it would all be good...besides Bron probably would not have made both foul shots anyways(if either).

And yes, I do understand it was a very physical game BUT I am tired of Detroit players whining about every call. It is the most annoying thing to watch when Sheed tries to talk shit about everything...He is a beast but also a POS(on the court and probably off). Rip can shoot the hell out of the ball, Chauncy will soon be a Cav, and Prince is the ugliest man alive
Not a big poster and not a particular fan of either team (as BAR is in this case), but you have to close both eyes not to see extremely hard contact on the LeBron drive that would normally qualify as a defensive foul (especially for one of the elite players). I'm sure there may be instances in the other direction as well, but it wasn't at the defining moment of the game. It made no difference to me either way since my bet covered. As for the announcers, I don't put a lot of credence into what that particular crew comments on since they are too busy fighting for airtime to actually watch the game they are commenting on. Have a good day.
somebody trying to tell me hamilton could d up lebron on iso in a gw situation w/o fouling him is nuts
i go csi on your ass and show you his fingerprints all over his arm/hand/jersey/head.
I thought the officiating was terrible but I felt it was terrible all game long and for both sides...I did think Lebron got fouled on the last play RIP hit him on the arm by and as soon as he did he threw his arms up so it would look as if he was straight up either way I dont think Lebron could have sank both ft's anyway...The refs let them play all game long and at least they were consistent because they let them play on that last play too

Also Larry Hughes needs to take his broken jump shot elsewhere Im sick of watching him shoot the basketball...Everytime he pulls up for a jumper I just cringe because i know where that thing is gonna end up and its not the bottom of the net...I dont even want him to drive because like Lebron if he gets fouled you have to hope for 1 of 2:down:

These Conference Finals Series are terrible:spank:
I thought the officiating was terrible but I felt it was terrible all game long and for both sides...I did think Lebron got fouled on the last play RIP hit him on the arm by and as soon as he did he threw his arms up so it would look as if he was straight up either way I dont think Lebron could have sank both ft's anyway...The refs let them play all game long and at least they were consistent because they let them play on that last play too

Also Larry Hughes needs to take his broken jump shot elsewhere Im sick of watching him shoot the basketball...Everytime he pulls up for a jumper I just cringe because i know where that thing is gonna end up and its not the bottom of the net...I dont even want him to drive because like Lebron if he gets fouled you have to hope for 1 of 2:down:

These Conference Finals Series are terrible:spank:

good thoughts....I agree it was consistent.
It was bad both ways, I agreee

]3 Calls in crunch time gave the game to the Pistons(and I am not even going to say anything about Sheeds push off because I was fine with that)

all in the last 3:30 or so...

1) Verejo scores and everyone thinks it is an and 1...Refs wave it off with a travel call that would not be called anywhere, let alone in the NBA.

2) Ups and Down call on Sasha. He went up and then kinda lost the ball- he NEVER came down with the was essentially a pass...Cavs were up 2 then....well DET gets the call and Sheed hits a 3 to put them up 1!

3) Bron getting crushed at the end of the game

THE NBA gave DET game 2

If Cavs can get energy to come out in game 3 I think they will take this series
And yes, I do understand it was a very physical game BUT I am tired of Detroit players whining about every call. It is the most annoying thing to watch when Sheed tries to talk shit about everything...He is a beast but also a POS(on the court and probably off). Rip can shoot the hell out of the ball, Chauncy will soon be a Cav, and Prince is the ugliest man alive

One of the funniest things I've read in a long ass time.
Anyone know why Eric Snow is getting no time this series??...I know hes not the best scorer but its not like either team is lighting up the scoreboard and hes a damn good defender...I thought Lebron was on the ball too much yesterday which lead to alot of turnovers...I do think Gibson played pretty well but I think Snow might be that veteran point who has been there before that could help them in crunch time that might be able to take some of the pressure off Lebron
I am not being homer as far as calls..I expect to get dicked over 7 games...

Yessir...that IS NOT A FOUL in last minute of a game..let alone during any playoff game...

Lebtron slopped some shit up..Hmailton has actually played great defense against LeBron in the 10 percent of the time he has guarded him...

Seriously...DET got raped in 4th..I aint bitchin...from the 12th minute till 2nd minute they could have called a good 10 fouls on Cavs..they didn't

Stop apologizing for Lebron./.he has been clutch 10 percent of his career...thats it. He didn;t make the plays in crucnh time.
Also..Sideshow didn;t make the shot on the travel..and Yes thats a HAVE NO FUCKIN CLUE ABOUT THE RULES OF BASKETBALL. YOU PICK UP YOUR PIVOT FOOT...its a travel. HE DID IT TWICE.

You guys wanna talk about it guys are soudning like Bron and Brown after the game..whiners....jesus...

Rasheed had his jersey held by he shoved him..a foul..YES...but sideshow is such a lame act he went "spiraling" 6-8 the refs said fuck him..which they should.

Brewer..please stop watching the games if you don;t like them...believe it or not some of us true NBA fans like the litle small things that happen in an intense playoff game between two good teams...they play defesne..they play hard..and make it hard for each other.... more lame arguments..if you don;t know how playoffs are called..or don;t underatnd what a travel is..please don't post INFACTUAL information that the viewers of the site will see...
Verejo DID NOT TRAVEL.... I dont care about the Sheed play- who cares about a pushoff in crunch time.

Rip played good defense on that last set BAR? Are you serious? He fouled him 3 times....he grabbed him right away and then fouled him before the shot and after the shot! The Cavs got screwed- plain in simple......not if Hughes' pussy ass could make a wide open 7' shot, it would all be good...besides Bron probably would not have made both foul shots anyways(if either).

And yes, I do understand it was a very physical game BUT I am tired of Detroit players whining about every call. It is the most annoying thing to watch when Sheed tries to talk shit about everything...He is a beast but also a POS(on the court and probably off). Rip can shoot the hell out of the ball, Chauncy will soon be a Cav, and Prince is the ugliest man alive

Where did that come from??
I still cannot believe yesir is whining about DET whining..I'll admit they do..but seriously..look at the Cavs last two games..and the games were called much more even than I expeceted(or we'll see in Cle next few days)
Wow BAR,,just now read your posts...I see your side of it..I really do..But I dont think you understand the pain of Cleveland sports...This is as close as we been for how long? The fans just want a call or two to go our way.. beat the Tigs tonight..good enough guys are gonna enjoy glory...even this year perhaps..series is far from over...I said Cavs too finals b4 playoffs started...just like last year I expect a 7 game series..cavs are solid team and the "" will come..

I am looking at each game objectively....I regfuse to get into "homerism" when I own this site..not gonna have it..I watched the game twice last night...watched several plays 3-4 times..and I just have to quaetion guys out at bars all fucked up taking such a stance on plays..

If you cannot identify a travel..don;t bet on hoops...don;t watch...

ignorant statement
Ive stated yesterday..Game 2 meant nothing for me..I told you after game one that we would lose game 2....with that being said,I dont think we are out of it...I think we take the next 2 rather easily at home,I really do...Ive said from the beginning game 5 is the crucial game in the series..The cavs know they can win in Detroit...Im rambling on cause Im a bit tipsy but I expected to lose game 2,only I thought we would get blown out.
Wow BAR,,just now read your posts...I see your side of it..I really do..But I dont think you understand the pain of Cleveland sports...This is as close as we been for how long? The fans just want a call or two to go our way.. know they will..its the NBA...Remember those 7-8 phantom calls in Game 7 last year..where not a SINGLE PERSON touched lebron yet he drew a foul..

I wouldn;t worry about it..enjoy the climb..its me..

I saw it from 87-90 here..and again 2002-present

Its fun watching teams/players evolve.

I don;t bash Bron BTW..I see him as one of the strongest/multi-dimensional players ever...stuck in a bad system...

his killer instinct will come:shake:
infactual is not a word. also, sideshow is my nickname for anderson please find your own. also, why are so angry? your winning. your up 2-0. lebron and mike brown can discuss this convo but yessir and i cant?

whatever goes tho.
jim...I won't be suprised if Cavs win both..I also wouldn;t be suprisec if its 3-1 DET...DET is so much more focused on road this year...

CLE defesne is really fuckin good....I would put them with us, SA as top 3 in league....they do some great stuff
check that infactual is a word. i guess my microsoft word is not uptodate.

the nickname tho that is mine. =)
infactual is not a word. also, sideshow is my nickname for anderson please find your own. also, why are so angry? your winning. your up 2-0. lebron and mike brown can discuss this convo but yessir and i cant?

whatever goes tho.

I am not angry...Imma tearing up NBA playoffs...watching some "interesting" games..

I hae a tough time tolerating people that don;t understand the basics of basketball...

It gets too me after a while...

Yessir is the ultimate homer..and I like the guy a lot..but his comments are so off its sick...he played ball..still does..I believe..and doesn;t understand how changing pivot feet twice is a travel:down:
One thing Ive always respected about you BAR,is no matter what is going on,you tell it like it is,no homerism...and believe it or not,Im the sameway..Yessir willtell I was hatin on the Cavs after the Jersey game.I love em to death but they really have problems..anyways i think you already know I hate Mike Brown,always have...And us passing on Bibby was the biggest mistake we could of made..and its showing we need a pg to get Lebron off the ball...Wahtever though..GL..Its bedtime for me

I agve up bitching about refs after last year..I just accept I will after what should be a spectacle at the "Q" this week....

Its the NBA..I have seen thee BS for 20 years happens..

I am still in shock at how fairly games 1/2 were called...neither team could complain about bias
I am not angry...Imma tearing up NBA playoffs...watching some "interesting" games..

I hae a tough time tolerating people that don;t understand the basics of basketball...

It gets too me after a while...

Yessir is the ultimate homer..and I like the guy a lot..but his comments are so off its sick...he played ball..still does..I believe..and doesn;t understand how changing pivot feet twice is a travel:down:

you have the play so i can watch it?
One thing Ive always respected about you BAR,is no matter what is going on,you tell it like it is,no homerism...i thinl you already know I hate Mike Brown,always have...And us passing on Bibby was the biggest mistake we could of made..and its showing we need a pg to get Lebron off the ball...Wahtever though..GL..Its bedtime for me

great post...a lot of us said about midseason Mike had to go...him and his complex offense...

You guys are gonna be fine...the draft was perfect for yas and Gilbert will spend...

Build around Bron..Shannon Brown...Gibson..Anderson...Sasha and fill in better players from will happen...:shake:
Sheed Wallace got called for maybe the most suspect offensive foul I've seen all playoffs. He got his arm tangled with James. It was near the end of the game. I'm pretty sure the Cavs failed to convert off the turnover, though.

Cleveland should be more concerned with generating some offense rather than complain for fouls. Game 2 should not even have come down to the final play.

Cavs should have closed the deal in that game.
you have the play so i can watch it?

not offhand...Anderson had foot was pivot..changed it...then changed it again..went up for shot..Sheed was beat and hacked him...they had blown whistle though and called the obvious travel..shot never went in:shake:
Sheed Wallace got called for maybe the most suspect offensive foul I've seen all playoffs. He got his arm tangled with James. It was near the end of the game. I'm pretty sure the Cavs failed to convert off the turnover, though.

Cleveland should be more concerned with generating some offense rather than complain for fouls. Game 2 should not even have come down to the final play.

Cavs should have closed the deal in that game.

Exactly...that call was horrid...but its sheed..he gets a few of those a game on with it.and deal with it..


when thinking of words to describe mike brown i like to think of dumbass more than eltist.

learn how to sub your team.
Right on fellas...i actually thought theymay change midseason before they made that run