RedSux fans only thread

had to take "yankee" outta the thread title. :cheers:

tigers fucked up. shoulda been up 3-0, worst case 2-1, but not to be.
the ugly, unprofessional, bearded bitches are goin' to the series unfortunately.

but back to the RedSux circle jerk. have fun, boys...keep complaining about peralta/etc, while ignoring papi...keep running Rays girlfriends & family outta that dump of a park, while acting indignant...and most of all, keep representing boston like the insufferable pricks you've always been. sooner or later, the karma police gonna pay you another visit...billy buck-style.

(no offense to the few of you i interact with regarding football games. hopefully you can compartmentalize sufficiently.) ;)
had to take "yankee" outta the thread title. :cheers:

tigers fucked up. shoulda been up 3-0, worst case 2-1, but not to be.
the ugly, unprofessional, bearded bitches are goin' to the series unfortunately.

but back to the RedSux circle jerk. have fun, boys...keep complaining about peralta/etc, while ignoring papi...keep running Rays girlfriends & family outta that dump of a park, while acting indignant...and most of all, keep representing boston like the insufferable pricks you've always been. sooner or later, the karma police gonna pay you another visit...billy buck-style.

(no offense to the few of you i interact with regarding football games. hopefully you can compartmentalize sufficiently.) ;)

Why unprofessional?
pehralta. Caught, admitted,suspended.. Papi... None of that.
agreed no need to get after family members they show all learn from Yankee fans just beat them up before they can get in the game.
Insufferable? Your just a bitter person who can change thread titles..
karma- ha! Look at your team over the last 10 years... That's karma!!!
Why unprofessional?
pehralta. Caught, admitted,suspended.. Papi... None of that.
agreed no need to get after family members they show all learn from Yankee fans just beat them up before they can get in the game.
Insufferable? Your just a bitter person who can change thread titles..
karma- ha! Look at your team over the last 10 years... That's karma!!!

ignorance, on all topics, bud. you represent well. :hello:
Why no answers?

lol. first of all, good choice deleting that other post. my wanna play internet tough guy, i'm gonna send ya back to covers asap...where you could play with redsoxlose and webba for all i care.

had to take off to the kid's baseball practice though, so wasn't around. that said, since they lost tonight, i'll leave most of my vitriol towards YOU for another day...after a win.

the title was changed to "yankee" fans only, or i woulda left it alone. instead, i decided to have some fun at redsux fan's expense. not bitter at all, and usually don't participate in this kinda shit...but you redsux fans love to do it so often, Betcrimes included every year your team's not involved, that i figured some turnabout was fair play. so since the title brought me here, i'm gonna play your d-bag game a bit. (and by your, i mean the majority of bosux fans. you just happened to be the one to take my bait, sort of speaking.)

but that's one of the ways you're (the bosux fan is) insufferable, btw...playing victim, when you're used to being the dbag the other 90% + of the time.
anyways, like i said, following a loss i'll leave that kinda shit for another day. but to answer those other questions quickly...

unprofessional...yep, in how they look and how they act. the looks have gotten worse this season, but the acts/behaviors have gotten better this year...i'll give you that. (the two prior years were very poor though...terry's last, and of course bobby's only year.)

peralta never failed a test...papi did. peralta was 'caught' by circumstantial evidence, by chance, and basically copped a plea...doing his time, like all others involved, short of gayrod. ortiz was nothing to write home about as a twinkie, and all of a sudden pulled a barry bonds-lite to his career. but because of chance/circumstance, his failed test from 2003 can't be punished...and he hasn't been caught since then, unlike manny.
that's a whole different debate though...way beyond redsux/yankee. the trend is showing that the overwhelming majority of players that come thru the DR have cheated to some extent.
anyhow, back on topic, there's as much proof that's something is in peralta's system this season (or right now) as there is in papi's system this season (or right now)...whenever it was put there. but bottom line, of the two, only papi's actually failed a test. it's hypocritical to choose who gets a pass vs who you all bitch about still playing.

also, fwiw, i've got no problem with the last 10 years. i'll take that over '83 to '93 any day of the week. kinda like the pats, huh? lots of similarities between the two teams. at least brady knows which ball cap to wear. ;)
lol. first of all, good choice deleting that other post. my wanna play internet tough guy, i'm gonna send ya back to covers asap...where you could play with redsoxlose and webba for all i care.
Yup your site, going to take your ball and go home because i asked you a question or even called you a name? who's the internet tough guy now?
I wanted you to explain yourself, the same way i ask anyone on this site when they make any kind of accusation, no more no less, i am a boston sports fan however I appreciate other peoples opinions as long as their is something to support it. A good discussion, not an argument, big difference.

had to take off to the kid's baseball practice though, so wasn't around. that said, since they lost tonight, i'll leave most of my vitriol towards YOU for another day...after a win.
Why some much bitterness towards me? your the one who changed the title, no one did anything personal to you and while i did react quickly, i did delete what i wrote immediately after..
the title was changed to "yankee" fans only, or i woulda left it alone. instead, i decided to have some fun at redsux fan's expense. not bitter at all, and usually don't participate in this kinda shit...but you redsux fans love to do it so often, Betcrimes included every year your team's not involved, that i figured some turnabout was fair play. so since the title brought me here, i'm gonna play your d-bag game a bit. (and by your, i mean the majority of bosux fans. you just happened to be the one to take my bait, sort of speaking.) again your saying the majority of the sox fans,, the ones that hand out on this site?

but that's one of the ways you're (the bosux fan is) insufferable, btw...playing victim, when you're used to being the dbag the other 90% + of the time.
anyways, like i said, following a loss i'll leave that kinda shit for another day. but to answer those other questions quickly...don't know what you mean by playing victim, i certainly was not....

unprofessional...yep, in how they look and how they act. the looks have gotten worse this season, but the acts/behaviors have gotten better this year...i'll give you that. (the two prior years were very poor though...terry's last, and of course bobby's only year.)This is just a silly statement, because the all have you must not like the hockey playoffs either, when every team grows a beard.....
agree with you on the years before, no excuses and btw, from my POV, the best move to curb the other B.S.that has gone on the last few years is not letting Larry Lucchino speak publicly before getting approval.
peralta never failed a test...papi did. peralta was 'caught' by circumstantial evidence, by chance, and basically copped a plea...doing his time, like all others involved, short of gayrod. (how about Andy Petite, he admitted to using and never did any time?) ortiz was nothing to write home about as a twinkie, and all of a sudden pulled a barry bonds-lite to his career. but because of chance/circumstance, his failed test from 2003 can't be punished...and he hasn't been caught since then, unlike manny. - Manny was caught when he was NOT with the red sox, stick with the facts please.
that's a whole different debate though...way beyond redsux/yankee. the trend is showing that the overwhelming majority of players that come thru the DR have cheated to some extent. Yes, whole different debate
anyhow, back on topic, there's as much proof that's something is in peralta's system this season (or right now) as there is in papi's system this season (or right now)...whenever it was put there. but bottom line, of the two, only papi's actually failed a test. it's hypocritical to choose who gets a pass vs who you all bitch about still playing they are bitching about this year because it happened this year and the "stuff" is probably still in his system" not saying right or wrong, but this is what they are saying..

also, fwiw, i've got no problem with the last 10 years. i'll take that over '83 to '93 any day of the week. kinda like the pats, huh? absolutely, very bad time for the Pats and their fans kinds like the knicks and jets - lots of similarities between the two teams. at least brady knows which ball cap to wear. ;)
doesnt bother me , what hat he wears, its all for show and money for him.... (big fan of Brady, glad he is our QB, would choose Peyton everytime)
"Good" line for Boston. Would have thought this would have opened higher. As expected, folks jumping on DET at the low number. Like Boston here tonight and to end it in 6.
Feels like must win, they will win tonight. No way Sanchez shuts them down twice. Lester will be fine. Look forward to round three of benoit vs. papi. probably game 7 and I imagine the big guy wins again. Just missed it last night.
doesnt bother me , what hat he wears, its all for show and money for him.... (big fan of Brady, glad he is our QB, would choose Peyton everytime)

you must be younger than i thought. it hasn't been a bad time for your Pats by any means. the late 80s, early 90s...including a 1-15 those were bad times.

anyhow, football stuff is more important today...too many topics to correct you on...and by responding in my quote, you've made that more difficult.

will say that i am a hockey fan, played some growing up...and appreciate a good playoff beard. but that's playoff hockey. baseball players aren't nearly that tough. besides, this crap in boston is duck dynasty meets deliverance.

Is there a gayer song to sing than Sweet Caroline? Nauseating.

guess they coulda picked something from the barry manilow collection, lol.

"Good" line for Boston. Would have thought this would have opened higher. As expected, folks jumping on DET at the low number. Like Boston here tonight and to end it in 6.

it is...
yankees fuckin suck and u know it..

:rofl: boston fans...

that's like some 38 yr old dude, living in his mom's basement while he "works on the next big advancement in software," saying that Bill Gates or Steve Jobs fuckin sucks...when what he's really working on is just an app to help remind him to wash his hands after wiping his ass, before he goes back to flipping burgers for minimum wage.

or better's Iran telling the United States of America that we're evil, we fuckin suck, and that we know it.

sure thing, buddy. :patting:
im talking right now suckbag..are u even from new york? because half the Yankee fans I see are not even from New York that's the funny thing .. so you're also a Lakers fan too then?lol
im talking right now suckbag..are u even from new york? because half the Yankee fans I see are not even from New York that's the funny thing .. so you're also a Lakers fan too then?lol

i'm noticing how hostile you d-bags quickly get. sensitive little guys...

and yes, i'm from new york...but left with my family to california as a young kid. been back many times, work included, throughout life.
no i'm not a laker's fan or a cowboy's fan lol. i do like the dodgers, angels, and kings though. in fact, other than the Yankees...the only other pro team i'm truly a fan of are the LA Kings. and that comes from watching the triple crown line while growing up, pre-gretzky era. oppo of the NYY, i never believed i'd see a Cup in LA...especially after Marty's illegal stick against the Habs. (kind of a Kings buckner-like moment.)

anyhow, you either don't get around much...or you don't pay attention. people move. watch a bosox game at angel stadium, and tell me how many boston fans you see in the stands. or ask an angel fan about it. you'll see it's not that different. there may be more NY or Chicago, but that's only cuz they're bigger more to move around/spread out.
and i'm ok sucking for a bit. that's what it took to build the last dynasty, 98-00...but really '96 thru '03...the couple years prior to the '94 strike season.
it's the only way to get the very top draft picks. and building thru the farm (draft & intl signees) is the only way to really build it in a sustainable manner.
ya real sensitive buddy..dbag lol..ty for the run down..yankees ever go from worst to first?
this was a redsux fan only thread and of course u come in here talking nonsense..good luck
you got me there...not in my lifetime. yanks are rarely below .500 though. even with a search, the closest they came was between '25 & '26 it seems, but boston (go figure) was in last place in '25. ;)

and i will when it happens.
I don't think its gonna be easy, they too have a solid lineup...they could argueably have better SP, not that they have a bad pen by any means...but I like ours...playing @ Busch we will likely have to overcome a big disadvantage...likely either no Napoli or no Papi in those games...maybe righty,lefty platoon? tough having one of those big bats not in starting lineup for 3 games, I say put Victorino in LF, Napoli in RF and Papi @ least 1 of the games @ Busch. This Buchholz inj talk/speculation is not exactly a confidence builder.
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