Ray Rice

Do you think Ray Rice deserves a 2nd chance?

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For Tippy:

Browns coach Mike Pettine says the team has discussed signing free agent Ray Rice.

"We’ve talked about it, but I don’t think we’re there at this point," Pettine said. It's an indictment of Isaiah Crowell, Duke Johnson and Terrance West, though it could just be a motivational ploy from a coach looking to shake up a young running back corps. Signing Rice would endanger West's roster spot. The 2014 pariah seems to be inching toward a second chance.
3.1 ypc his last yr in the league
That's all u need to know.
Wife beater or a great guy that nba fan sat next in class? Whatever ur take on him its the 3.1 ypc and that's why he is not getting any damn looks!
3.1 ypc his last yr in the league
That's all u need to know.
Wife beater or a great guy that nba fan sat next in class? Whatever ur take on him its the 3.1 ypc and that's why he is not getting any damn looks!

I guess Ben Tate & Alfred Blue should be driving for Domino's too

If T-Rich can still be in the NFL....

Rice will get another job eventually and he's going to be a bright spot when it comes to leadership in the locker room
I think he finally sees the impact of his decision. I don't see why he shouldn't get a second chance, but I don't want him with the Cowboys.

He won't be a solid starter anymore. Past his prime and missed significant reps.
So he is a wife beater?

Did she marry him instead of leaving him after the incident because she was forced to in order to repair his image or because she enjoys being beaten?

Rice has never been caught doing drugs, etc... he gives back to his community in NY ever since he got drafted...

the dominos jokes are so funny :tiphat:

he beat the woman he married so yes he is, girlfriend beater if you want to get technical

society is littered with women who stay with abusive boyfriends/husbands, that's literally 1 article on the subject that was on googles first page and actually about Ray Rice

a quick google will show you thousands of articles and or academic papers on the subject


“People come to accept subtler forms of physical abuse at first, and very often it’s both people in the relationship who are doing that sort of thing,” he says. “So they tell themselves, ‘Okay I did sort of push him or her, so it’s kind of my fault that they knocked me out.’ It’s of course both partner’s responsibility to establish a sense of emotional and physical safety int he relationship. But the responsibility of a person who lashes out in such a violent manner as Ray Rice did in the video, that falls entirely to that person.”

Sometimes abusers will use the victims’ rationalizations to their advantage. Studies have also shown that domestic abuse and emotional abuse go hand-in-hand. According to the NCADV, psychological terrorism can keep victims from leaving: tactics include withholding food, water or medicine; sleep depravation; total isolation; extortion or blackmail; murder of pets; physical violence; and rape. Studies show that abused women often experience a kind of Stockholm Syndrome in which a victim comes to identify with and become attached to a captor.
Yeah anybody who hits a woman ISN'T a good dude. He's a coward. And who here thinks that was his first time hitting his girlfriend, now his wife? First time caught on camera maybe.

But, I do feel he has been punished enough and should get a chance to play. But nobody is going to want to put up with the firestorm that comes with signing him. Not to mention he sucks now.
Your thoughts on AP?

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All of those guys can still play. Two of them are are all pro's/pro bowlers, currently in their primes. One of them is third favorite by Vegas to win the MVP. Cannot compare to Ray Rice.
He is by all accounts a great dude. He had one bad, bad, moment and has clearly paid for it. It was violent looking but the end result was nothing permanent, etc. She had a black eye and now is happily married to her husband. He's done more for domestic violence in the world in my opinion, than EVERYONE else combined. Similar to Vick for PETA. Both used their situations to benefit society and appeared truly sorry. When you can do more for a cause than thousands of people before you and tens of millions of dollars before you, WOW.
In my opinion he is a superior dude to a scumbag like AP who did this over and over and has the IQ of a pea.