Rams to Move to LA

Oh, okay. Why so fucking negative in here then? You tried one reason it would fail, were told you were probably wrong, so you moved onto another black cloud question (probably also wrong). Why not just enjoy it if your team just came back to you city? Your reaction is very, very, very odd.

I guess I'll have to realize in the future that the tone of your posts is actually the opposite of your feelings and "wake up." Using that logic, you're secretly a huge Jeff Fisher fan and have a man crush on him....amirite?

Lar, sounds like you're just trying to be a dick. Like I said, wake up brah
Why this opinion? Makes no sense. Tons of money in L.A. TONS!

Well I guess I can see a team in LA, but TWO?

Also, why in the fuck did it take the NFL so long to get back to LA? Look, SOMETHING was the matter here. Shit they coulda just created a fucking team if it was such a slam dunk. Teams have moved in and out in LA like a john in a highway whore house......I am happy for people like you that are happy to have a squad.

It is just an odd dynamic.......0-100 real quick
what's up with Mark Davis and his dumb and dumber haircut?

I think he is a dickhead but the only shot San Antonio has at getting a team is if the Raiders move here. Kroenke going full force into LA prevents the Chargers/Raiders venture imo and Davis is feed up w/ Oakland. San Antonio city leaders are discussing what they can to to make SA a destination for an MLB or MLS team and imo both those leagues will fail here. An NFL franchise would work with it only being 8 home games plus 2 preseason games...people here will buy season tickets for that. It's a football market, in fact San Antonio residents are Cowboy fans by a bigger % than even Dallas residents. We supported the hell out of the Saints for those 3 games and they were just awful that season.

jerrah ain't gonna let that happen.
Lar, you can say I was right with my Rams under 8 season win total. It won't hurt too bad junior

Yep, you were. Great job. Not sure I disagreed and said they would win more than 8 games, but you were right.

Blind squirrel, nut, and all that jazz...

I also give people credit when they're right, and admit when I'm wrong all the time (probably more than most anyone on here, in fact). Maybe you should actually read entire threads instead of just listening to some peeps popping off about me (or others for that matter). Or, as you said...wake up brah.
Yep, you were. Great job. Not sure I disagreed and said they would win more than 8 games, but you were right.

Blind squirrel, nut, and all that jazz...

I also give people credit when they're right, and admit when I'm wrong all the time (probably more than most anyone on here, in fact). Maybe you should actually read entire threads instead of just listening to some peeps popping off about me (or others for that matter). Or, as you said...wake up brah.

Lar, you always seem to feel the need to say this
Why did football in LA fail the last few times? Why won't history repeat itself?

No one cares to watch.

Fair weather fans,

Look at The Forum between Magic/Shaq-Kobe era....dead...and you will see that at Staples now for a bit...
Well I guess I can see a team in LA, but TWO?

Also, why in the fuck did it take the NFL so long to get back to LA? Look, SOMETHING was the matter here. Shit they coulda just created a fucking team if it was such a slam dunk. Teams have moved in and out in LA like a john in a highway whore house......I am happy for people like you that are happy to have a squad.

It is just an odd dynamic.......0-100 real quick

Right on Twink...:shake:
If somehow Oakland stays in Oakland...and San Diego stays in San Diego...all of this is awesome. I'm sure St Louis doesn't deserve this, but the Rams are coming back to where they belong...and the LA/OC market has a football team again.
No one cares to watch.

Fair weather fans,

Look at The Forum between Magic/Shaq-Kobe era....dead...and you will see that at Staples now for a bit...

not true...or at least the way it's portrayed nationally. whatever the sport...if you put a shit product out there, no, the fans here won't come (generally speaking). conversely, if you do put out a good product, the fans here fully support. there may be some exceptions around the country, like the Knicks, but i'd bet it's pretty much the same anywhere. just as an example...look how things changed in toronto during the last baseball season, as the product dramatically changed mid-season.

i grew up with 5 to 7K a night at the forum for the LA Kings, while the Lakers sold out in the Kareem/Magic era. then came The Great One...

anyhow, i get the idea of the narrative...so much to do, etc. just saying that i don't see LA as being unique in that regard. imo, it's the rarity for a team to pull solid attendance while sucking...or putting a shit product on the field/court/ice/etc. yeah, there are a couple exceptions...but in the end, most of us are the same...and we're not going to pay a small fortune to support crap. we will pay for something good though.
last thing...i don't think it's accurate to say that football failed in LA...anymore than it's accurate to say it failed in baltimore, st louis, etc. sometimes the grass is greener on the other side...and with all the money involved, if a local govt or something won't play ball, maybe the easiest thing to do (or the financially sound thing to do) is to simply take the more lucrative offer.
Well I guess I can see a team in LA, but TWO?

Also, why in the fuck did it take the NFL so long to get back to LA? Look, SOMETHING was the matter here. Shit they coulda just created a fucking team if it was such a slam dunk. Teams have moved in and out in LA like a john in a highway whore house......I am happy for people like you that are happy to have a squad.

It is just an odd dynamic.......0-100 real quick
I'm not sure what the mystery's all about. The LA market brings in mega ratings for the NFL. Put two crap teams in there and potentially block out the national telecast on Sundays (or, worse yet, end up with blackouts), and all of a sudden no one's watching. Things finally came to a head with not just one, but three different teams looking to move, and concrete steps towards building a new stadium.
Just my opinion, chirp me if you wish. But if you see STL move, Oak move, SD move, and possibly a team in Europe. Ratings will go down. I say this knowing it's an uphill battle to a bunch of gambling wise guys. However, I think if you shake this whole thing up too much there maybe just maybe finally a little pushback.

Although the NFL has overcome drugs, child abuse, domestic abuse, and murder so it wouldn't surprise me if I am dead wrong.
Just my opinion, chirp me if you wish. But if you see STL move, Oak move, SD move, and possibly a team in Europe. Ratings will go down. I say this knowing it's an uphill battle to a bunch of gambling wise guys. However, I think if you shake this whole thing up too much there maybe just maybe finally a little pushback.

Although the NFL has overcome drugs, child abuse, domestic abuse, and murder so it wouldn't surprise me if I am dead wrong.
Eh, I know what you mean, but hard to envision anything stopping the NFL juggernaut. About the only thing I could see is if maybe a new league sprang up like the USFL back in the 80's but, well, we all know how that turned out, so...