Quick Derby recap

Two Utes

Manual Toothbrushes FTW
It was about as good as it gets. We had a great day out at Buffalo Trace Distillery on Friday as we decided to skip the Oaks. A friend of mine from dental school had a big Derby Eve party and I ran into two classmates that I haven't seen since '99. One of them is a horse guy and was giving us reasons why we should like Firing Line.

We were winning a few and losing a few and just having fun most of the day. Nobody was betting anything too heavily. There were 4 of us and we were in a box with 2 guys that have been friends since college, the one guy has been to 46 straight and he was very helpful that day as he'd been doing research for a few months like some of you here.

My buddy hit a good win with Finegan's Wake considering he was stumbling out of the gate. We had talked about a few different tri bets for the Derby and lines were getting long so I went with Dortmund, Firing Line, Frosted and Upstart. I had been thinking about AP but really just talked myself into trying to go outside the box and I wish I hadn't as it cost me a decent day. I would have won close to $1000 had I not changed my mind on AP but it is what it is.

My friend had put his bet in and I was pretty sure he was on Dort, FL and AP and I figured he'd maybe bet $10 and box it. He was really uptight before the race and we'd be drinking most of the day. He was shitting his pants as they were coming down the stretch and I was quite calm just hoping it would be Dort, FL and Frosted. Well.......he hit his tri(boxed) and to my surprise he put $600 on it. He was calm for a few minutes and the 46 year veteran was pissed as he lost $400 on his Dortmund ticket. I told the guy to take a look at my friend's ticket and he almost shit his pants. His exact words were, "In 46 years of doing this I've never seen anyone make such a stupid bet!" and then he congratulated him. Just a shade over $10K.......I couldn't fucking believe it.

My friend is almost 44 and dealing with some health issues and he and his wife have been living large. I really think that's why he went so big on that last race as he just said "fuck it". It was so fun to be a part of that, I don't know what the future holds but I know me, my wife and our friends will cherish these memories for the rest of our days. By far the most fun I've had at the Derby! Sorry for the rambling paragraphs, I'm still a little amped and can't get my thoughts through the keyboard.

The group.
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The race.
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The 4th turn.
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Our new friend Ed shitting his pants.
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Just unreal. No matter how much you won or lost. It will never be worth as much as just being there and the experience. Great read and thanks for posting Utes!